#zoowee mama the spiderman au. jesus christ
jack-kellys · 3 years
3, 4, 18 !!
im a writer! ask me these!
3. What is that one scene that you’ve always wanted to write but can’t be arsed to write all of the set-up and context it would need? (consider this permission to write it and/or share it anyway)
one SCENE?? not au?? alright. well the entire reason i haven't started my super au i've been outlining is because of a few scenes:
jack's identity is found out
some crazy illegal testing akin to that scene in deadpool where they're trying to activate his meta-gene
davey discovers the whole blackmailing plot, and who's at the dead center of it.
but a scene i've always wanted to write is probably a javid breakup, because i'm horrible. it'd start with some small action, then leads to a tone of voice that rubs one of them wrong, and both of their defensive, stubborn tendencies lead them into a screaming match where all the ugly truths bubble over. it'd just be so hard to write all those subtleties in perfect sequence... god
4. Share a sentence or paragraph from your writing that you’re really proud of (explain why, if you like)
oh BABY this is from something you guys might never get to see (very sad bc it's.. some of my best work) bc it isn't my au. but here u go:
“You’re speaking differently than how you used to,” Davey commented, smiling slightly. Observant as ever, he still was. “It suits you.”
Jack had hardly noticed, actually, his proper dialect simply slipping away as if it’d always been meant to.
“Thanks,” he said, rolling his eyes. “I’m sure my more middle-of-the-road accent’s real entertaining for you.”
“That it is,” Davey teased. “Though, what’s more entertaining is you in my library, at… one in the morning.”
Jack tensed, just barely, wondering if Davey could feel it. There were a few truths bouncing around his head at once in terms of how he wanted to answer the other boy. According the mission, he was in the library to take pictures of expansion notes.
According to the mission, Jack had been supposed to leave more than a few minutes ago. Which was where the other truth came in.
“I wanted to see you,” Jack admitted. A small, hopeful smile pricked his expression, despite the silence hanging in the air around his words. “I really wanted to see you again, Davey.”
i just REALLY like whatever i had going on with my pacing?? narration got to control the dialogue in this fic, since both davey and jack in it are extremely analytical and trained in different manipulation tactics, so jack has to think of every sentence before he says them. and this is the moment where he doesn't. UGH>
18. Do any of your stories have alternative versions? (plotlines that you abandoned, AUs of your own work, different characterizations?) Tell us about them.
uhhh uh uh. well, i did talk about almost giving thank u next an epilogue. i had a spider-man ralbert au (now THAT'S from the rizz archives. check that mf date) where i planned to make albert into a winter soldier type character?? and there was going to be an avengers-esque team coming into play? but lord that would've taken me years.
besties pls send me more of these!!! thank u jac :)
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