#zor does need his tech true. but they also need an enforcer
the-valiant-valkyrie · 6 months
I think there's something very terrifyingly charming about Hivemind being very… passionate about obedience. After all, without conformity, unity, deference, a hive would hardly operate in the way it truly needs to. I do think he takes this perspective beyond his hives, though, and into the wider world of Zoraxis and his fellow employees, for better or worse…
Insubordination… frustrates him. Hivemind doesn't believe he could bring himself to hate any of his coworkers, per say, but it gets underneath his skin when they don't just… follow orders as they're given. Unknowingly, others can find him in a rare state of uncharacteristic sternness when anyone disobeys or shrugs off an order from him. Intense staring, ominous looming, his usually chipper voice strained with annoyance.
Are they sure? Mm… It would just be so much nicer if they did this one little favor for him. Hivemind is patient, sure. But not to a fault. There's no room for 'bee' in disobedience.
On the flip side, though, he's more than happy to encourage and enforce the positive behaviors of his coworkers… Treat training and praise are some of his favorite tools, and while some operatives are more susceptible than others, his 'friendly' demeanor earns him a pretty good reputation with the others. It turns into a bit of a feedback loop.
After all, who wouldn't want to do a brief little favor or two in exchange for one of his crowd pleasing honey cupcakes? And he always has just the nicest things to say about your performance each time… You're so smart. Or so strong. So cunning and helpful. What unbeelievably marvelous coworkers he has. 😊.
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