vigilantdesert · 1 year
@zoranzeal liked for a Lady Cobra starter
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"I wouldn't have expected Zora's prince to be so outgoing." Sharp green eyes scanned over Sidon's form, the barest hint of skepticism in her voice. "But then, we need do all the help we can get."
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ammakou · 1 year
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@zoranzeal asked: "You..." Sidon approached in a swaying daze—the air of a man enchanted. "You are a magnificent creature! What are you?"
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Black eyes that faintly glittered with a gentle light stared up at the Zora prince, while the white wolf took small steps closer to him. The space around him was briefly sniffed, as canine ears twitched and hindquarters came down to sit against the ground.
❝ It matters not what I am. Think of me as a mere observer. ❞
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wolfvirago · 1 year
@zoranzeal - yokai s.c. yokai used: nure onna
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"Please, please, somebody!!"
A shrill voice rang out from the river, feminine and full of despair. Despite the sound being urgent, there was no sign of the owner moving around very much. As if they were stuck, unable to run to find the assistance they very clearly needed.
Should someone come to the riverside... They would find a woman, her dark hair soaking wet and clinging to the sides of her face and neck. Her clothes were equally soaked, long dress covering her from head to toe and clinging to her breasts.
However, it was clear her frantic nature was because of the bundle in her arms... Something very small and moving around weakly, wrapped in a sodden thick blanket.
The apparent mother sobbed, tears pouring down her flushed face, as she tried to look for some sort of assistance.
"Somebody... Please, help my baby!"
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12: What is something everyone should know about your muses before interacting?
Multi Memes!
I really need to put this in the info somewhere, but all my Gerudo go by their last name as their common name. Their first name is predominantly religious and is mostly used in ceremony and record-keeping when the person has passed onto the next world.
Beyond that, I'm very flexible with all of them, timeline wise. I'm basically willing to play any of them at various stages in their life, though I don't have older verses for Riju yet. All of my aus for Nabooru stand (I need to get them transferred) and most of them can slide into most Zelda games regardless of their main games.
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gloryseized · 1 year
3: Which muse is the trickiest to get into character for?
Ask Meme: Multimuse Meme!
ohhh another good question! Probably either Mimir or Duck, but that's because I've had the least experience writing the both of them.
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archaictunic · 1 year
He's a 10 but I saw him eat a raw chicken leg he found in a crate by a monster camp
He's a ten, but ... | Open!
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& he's proud of it !
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gerudospiriit · 1 year
Heeeey, I see that you're taking compliments! Let me just say that I really dig your portrayal; sass of my dash, really. I didn't get to play a lot of Ocarina, so your Nabooru is essentially my introduction to her—and to me, that's an awesome thing (that the game will probably not live up to, heh heh). Looking forward to seeing even more!
How's My Portrayal 👉👈 || Open!
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[Omg that actually means a lot? Like it's one thing for people that know her like my portrayal but if I've made an impression on peeople who don't know her??? Amazing. Thank you! <3]
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dutifulsilence · 1 year
Sidon hugs Link. Not a crushing, eager embrace—he even kneels—but it was firm, protective, solidary. Call it a mysterious impulse.
Somehow, with that one simple gesture, Link nearly broke - of all the friends he'd made after waking up displaced and alone, Sidon was the only one he felt understood. They'd both lost sisters in the Calamity, after all.
He leans into the hug, tucking his head down as he hugs back.
"Does it ever stop hurting?"
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flockrest · 1 year
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WHAT'S YOUR PHONE WALLPAPER: just got a new one actually! my most beloved lady commissioned an art piece for us for our anniversary yesterday, and i can't stop looking at it 🎔
LAST SONG YOU LISTENED TO: been obsessed with colgera's theme ever since my first playthrough. when that triumphant rito village leitmotif kicks in, choir and all? heart TREMBLING fellas WHO gave this battle the right to be this good
CURRENTLY READING: totk has, alas, been consuming me. i do not have the time or energy for anything else :')
LAST MOVIE: across the spiderverse! absolute banger of a movie, sad that it's not super accessible because it feels like an experience everyone must go through
LAST SHOW: mystery files! watcher's always so fun
WHAT ARE YOU WEARING RIGHT NOW: standard blue pjs.
HOW TALL ARE YOU? i'm 150cm, which translates to 4'11" for the americanos. literally never encountered anyone my age who's shorter than me online before
PIERCINGS / TATTOOS? i've only got piercings on my earlobes and don't feel a desire to get more. i am perfectly content with all my dangly earrings sdlkfjkld
GLASSES? CONTACTS? glasses only! i tried contacts once and i was so shit at putting them in and taking them out, the experience put me off of them entirely.
LAST THING YOU ATE? it's pretty cold over here right now, so my recent bún riêu was very hearty!
FAVOURITE COLOUR(S): blue! any shade of it, but i am more drawn to lighter ones!
CURRENT OBSESSION: i usually can't juggle more than one fixation at once so would it be cheating for me to say totk? sldkfjls zelda as a whole has always been a background fixation for me, but before i finally had the time to play the newest game, i was big into din djarin and his clan of two!
DO YOU HAVE A CRUSH RIGHT NOW? er. do partners still count as crushes once they're partners? slkdfjdlf
FAVOURITE FICTIONAL CHARACTER: i really can't choose between all the simultaneous #1 Faves i have...but if i had to mention anyone ( not from zelda ), it'd have to be reigen arataka. genuinely can't get enough of that funky guy
LAST PLACE YOU TRAVELLED: gold coast, aus. fun family thing!
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TAGGED BY: @zoranzeal ( you're lovely, thank you lots! ) TAGGING: i am. mostly unsure. of who's done this or been tagged already. but @sageospirit, @ammakou, @cyclebound, @sentinaels, and anybody else who would like to do this!
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zoranzeal · 1 year
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Alright! Here's a Better Pinned Post™! Welcome to Zoranzeal, written by Spottie, 21+. 18+ only, please!
Carrd - Find my rules, information, and Sidon's character profile here!
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valorborn · 1 year
what color character are you?
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Purple characters are strong leaders and fierce people with a strong moral compass. They tend to be lost in the background, occupied by characters with louder personalities, but these characters are dependable and wonderful in their own right.
They are poised and collected and can remain calm under pressure. They are also charismatic and supportive. They aren’t likely to accept half-assed excuses, but they are still compassionate. In addition to leading, they also often take on mentor roles with the people that they lead. People like following them, and while not particularly witty, they have a good sense of humor and an easy nature to them that causes others to enjoy spending time with them.
They can vary between being very uptight and stern, as well as chill and lighthearted. They are affectionate towards the people they care about, but they can come across as intimidating to people who don’t know them. They usually establish themselves as generally friendly, but people know not to seriously upset or cross them.
Although they are great and well-rounded people, they can become unsure of themselves if their leadership fails in any aspect. While they are patient, they can also become quite frustrated by people not understanding their perspective. They aren’t necessarily inflammatory, but often prefer fighting first and conversing later. They can jump to conclusions and stick to decisions that the people around them don’t like following, in order to not be seen as pushovers or indecisive.
Purple characters need people in their life who allow them not to lead and to just join in the fun like everyone else, while also reassuring them that they are an important part of whatever group or organization they have found themselves in.
tagged by: @hiiraethus ♡ tagging: @archaictunic && @zoranzeal
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vigilantdesert · 1 year
I saw you reblog that meme and went, "Oh, yes, I should send something after I cut through a draft or two" but then I got to read the reply you posted for zoragrace and that basically made doing it now impossible to put off. So, you already know everybody thinks your headcanons are awesome. But also, your Urbosa specifically is awesome and every line you give her is pumped full of her cool-headed vibe and emotional intelligence. Like, you don't lose it even when she's evil. A+. Thank you for just... generally being here! Always a delight to see your work.
Beep Beep how's my portrayal
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aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAA!!! Thank you so much! I'm glad that comes across, I really try to play with her charisma because we don't get to see it very often in BoTW proper, but it's so clear in AoC. I love our threads together, so thank you for the feedback <3
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eaglebow · 6 years
💎 { He's so beautiful, Teba, this will be e a s y-- }
Send a “💎”if you really want to know one thing Teba finds physically attractive about your muse.
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He stares up (it certainly wasn’t going to be height. Too tall. He doesn’t like ‘too tall’.)and looks at him long and hard.
Scales-- all moist and... mucous-y with something-- the opposite of feathers. Ugh. No.
Loud. Cheerful-- too cheerful. But--! Thankfully, a blessing is bestowed on him. Teba has an answer. After standing here for approximately forty-three seconds in silence without one, he’ll take it.
“...your teeth look pretty cool.”
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hatenoborne-blog · 6 years
tagged by: @zoranzeal​
tagging: whoever wants to do this!
BOLD the ones that apply to your character:
adaptable | adventurous | affectionate | ambitious | artistic | athletic | assertive | beautiful | brave | charming | clever | compassionate | confident | considerate | cooperative | courteous | creative | curious | decisive | dependable | determined | diplomatic | easy-going | enthusiastic | fair |  fashionable | forgiving | friendly | funny | generous | gentle | hard-working | heroic | honest | hopeful | humble | imaginative | incorruptible | intelligent | intuitive | inventive | jocular | leader | loving | loyal | merciful | musical | observant | open-minded | optimistic | organized | outgoing | passionate | patient | playful | polite | popular | practical | resourceful | self-assured | selfless | sincere | strong | studious | thoughtful | tough | versatile | warm-hearted | well-intentioned | wise | witty
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archaictunic · 1 year
@zoranzeal - Incidentally, Sidon is going to flat-out bear hug him now. Sorry. "Link! An incredible gift to see you again, my friend!"
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the perfect remedy to his problem ! link lets out a surprised & excited yelp, then wraps his arms around sidon in reply. excellent time for his favorite fishy friend to show up. it may have been a surprise, but its a welcome one !
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dutifulsilence · 1 year
what’s your phone wallpaper: Lock screen is the official artwork of Ganondorf, wallpaper is one of the WEBB telescope images of the Pillars of Creation.
last song you listened to: "Mordred's Song" by Blind Guardian
currently reading : re-reading The War of Souls trilogy in the Dragonlance series.
last movie : uuuuuuuh, honestly don't remember.
last show Demon Slayer (on ep 5 now)
what are you wearing right now : shorts and a shirt from the 2017 Epica North American tour.
how tall are you? : 5'7", 5'8" in shoes.
piercings / tattoos?: one piercing in left ear, two in the right. no tattoos yet, have plans to get one real soon.
glasses ? contacts? : Glasses
last thing you ate? : Farm-fresh grape tomatoes with queso blanco dip
favorite color(s): don't let the bright pink hair fool you, my favorite color is purple
current obsession : I mean, obviously Zelda, but also still in my Kingdom Hearts phase.
do you have a crush right now? : Haha, nope, not that I'm letting myself admit to!
favorite fictional character : I am always and forever a slut for Samwise Gamgee. Got to meet Sean Astin last year and cried the whole time.
last place you traveled : Travel-traveled? Orcas Island, WA. I don't consider the beach as traveling when it's like 2 hours away.
tagged by: @zoranzeal tagging: anyone, i'm lazy
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