#zoro is a fucking sap actually
beanghostprincess · 11 months
zoro giving luffy and sanji 2 of his earrings. that's like- marriage for him at that point
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SO first I'm gonna talk about what I didn't like so I can end with the good stuff, cause I do think it was really good! And I actually do hope for more! Also these are subject to change as I just watched all the eps and once with friends and we excitedly talked over quite a bit of it plus it was a bit of a blur
OKAY first problem I had was there didn't feel like there was a really good stand up moment for us usopp in syrup village arc, in the original he had that moment where he was getting torn to shreds literally brought to the brink of death, and he still kept standing up to defend Kaya and the village, and it didn't feel like he got that moment at all really, which was both strange and sad to me, plus with no Jango he didn't get to save the day at all (also mini add on, I agree with moon paws post, with merry dead it felt really weird to just leave Kaya on her own, especially since we didn't meet anyone else in the village like the kids)
The next thing is, well, while I actually liked a lot of the changes they made from the source material (especially in syrup village, despite my major complaint with it) a LOT of the changes made to Arlong Park I really didn't like. The village not knowing her secret, showing her fight with belimeir before literally any other part of their relationship, some of the Fishman stuff, and a few others I can't think of rn, idk I feel like this arc hurt the most from not getting enough time yknow? Like I really didn't feel the emotional impact I felt from originally reading and watching this arc (aqlso another mini add on is no hatchi which was surprising)
One neutral thing before we get into the good is tho there was a lot of fun and silliness, at times this felt like a gritty reboot with the gore and killing and cutting of comic relief characters, part of that I liked and part I didn't, and I know it comes from not having enough time and not having as much suspension of disbelief to play with with it being live action
OKAY NOW TO GUSH ABOUT THE GOOD!!! First is the AMAZING fucking sets and costumes and casting!!! All of the places felt unique and true to their source, the world felt amazing and colorful, with the only thing I can compare it to being speed racer live action movie (tho it wasn't quite that colorful), the costumes were all so fun to see the characters in, and all the actors did so well! I think just about every character we all had a moment where we went "wow [insert characters actor here] is SOO good!" All their interactions were so perfect too! Ugh! Amazing!
And this is rare but most of the changes to the source material I actually really enjoyed! All the added stuff with garp and koby and helmepo was really really good character work, and good showing of the navy system and values and the worldview of the individuals within it. The changes to sanjis character I actually really liked, where he's a bit warmer, and not a sex pest but just more a sap I thought was done really well, along with all the zoro sanji interaction. I thought a lot of the syrup village changes were really well done, as much as I like Jango the cat brothers actually worked really well, and I ADORED the interactions with the crew and Kaya and I fucking ate up the scene where they're getting chased around by Kuro. I'm sad the kreig pirates got phased out but I did enjoy their fight with Hawkeye a lot, and I understand why they did what they did. All the changes to the characters also felt natural and they still felt like themselves yknow? OH ALSO all the buggy stuff was so good!!! Having his head along was so perfect and fun! It was just amazing, amazing show everyone involved should be proud!!
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