#zoro isn't sure how he feels about the news and is really angry at sanji for making it even more difficult for him
frogs-with-tea · 4 months
i have so much deep lore when it comes to my zosan ocs and just older zosan as a whole
i want to make more art and write some fan fics to flesh out the ideas I have but my art block has been pretty awful as of late.
the idea that's in my head rn is about the first baby, Mari, and how there's no way Sanji didn't react badly to the news. I think with his family baggage, the news of "whoospie we didn't use a condom! you're a father now!" would trigger Sanji's worst tendencies. I love soft Papa Sanji but in my heart of hearts, I think it would be something he has to work for.
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bluegalaxygirl · 7 months
Heyyy!!!! i was wondering if you could write a zosan with a reader that speaks a different language and her background is different from them and she’s homesick and she cooks food from home and sanji wants to learn how to cook it so that next time she’s homesick (i’m homesick really bad right now lol)
(more cats for you)🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽
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Thank you so much for the cats they are so cute and i love how each one represents a member of the straw hat crew. Also i love the idea and i'm sorry your homesick so i hope this is good.
Zoro X Sanji X Reader, poly relationship, established relationship, reader is GN.
Warning: Fluff.
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^ You don't often get homesick but sometimes places or things remind you of home and when that happens things can hit hard. Once happy memories now make you cry and of course Zoro and Sanji took notice. They knew your home was important to you and leaving was a big decision, so they understood when you got a little down but this was different.
^ You often use your own language when you get mad about something or to express something but its funny to see some of the crew's reaction to it. Luffy, Chopper and Franky is always confused while Brook and Usopp tend to get more scared than when there scolded by Nami especially if your angry words are directed at them. Nami loves it and if she isn't getting threw to anyone she'll often drag you over and tell you to do your worst, she has no idea what your saying but its effective. Robin and Jinbe know a few words here and their mainly because they have both travailed a lot and like to learn new things.
^ Sanji and Zoro don't understand exactly what your saying, but they know what you mean either by your body language or tone of voice. Zoro has picked up a few words here and there but only knows what they might mean, your surprised at how accurate he is on sometimes. Sanji loves listening to you talk in your language he often gets heart eyes even when your mad about something he can't help but love the way you talk and the strange words that fall from your lips.
^ Sanji and Zoro love to hear about your home and your culture, your home was so different to theirs on so many levels. When you told them you were feeling homesick they both asked what they could do to help but you honestly didn't know, Sanji asked if you could teach him how to cook food from your home while Zoro offered to get put stuff on your shared room that reminded you of home, like a color or figure.
^ You asked your grandmother to send you and copy of her old recipe book so Sanji could use it but you ran into a problem when it arrived, you forgot it was in your language and your Grandmother didn't put too many measurement down since she was the type to do things by eye. You didn't worry too much though, you rewrote the book so Sanji could understand and in a way it made you feel a lot better and remember old times.
^ Sanji watched you cook mainly form memory even though the book was right in front of you and managed to fill in the missing measurement, but he was so impressed, you really knew what you were doing and the smile on your face made his heart flutter. He helped you cook both of you working together to create something that meant so much to you and Sanji made sure to port even more love and care into the food than he normally does.
^ Zoro asked you a lot about your culture and home, form there he picked up a few things that you most likely didn't realize were important to you so kept them in mind. He could see the way your eyes light up when talking about your home and often wants to hear more just to see that look on your face, he'll sit there for hours if you let him just looking at you with so much love.
^ When ever you went out to a village to get stuff he would come with you and tend to spot things that reminded you of home, he'd ask if you wanted it but you'd say no. Zoro knows you to well sometimes and can tell by a simple shift of the eyes if your lying or not. If you are lying he'll keep the places Name in mind, so he can go out with someone else later to get it for you. Zoro wouldn't give you the things that he bought instead he would do one of two things, hide it for another time like when your homesick again, or just put it in your room and just shrug when you ask about it.
^ Getting homesick would come few and far between after everything they've done for you but when it does hit, it hurts and sometimes you can't even look at the food from home Sanji cooks or the little things in your room that Zoro got you. In times like that no one knows what to do not even you, all the boys can do is hold you and give you words of love and reassurance but Luffy ended up giving the boys an idea, it didn't surprise them that their captain wanted to throw a party but what did surprise them was the theme.
------------------ Story
You weren't aloud outside your room for hours, Sanji and Zoro only told you it was a surprise and to wait so you did even though it was a long wait you still did it. When Sanji finally walks in your relived only for the man to make you close your eyes and cover them while he helps you out the room and down onto the grassy deck of the sunny. "You ready?" Sanji asks seeming more excited as his hands go to your waist keeping you still, you feel another set of hands this time around your wrists "I hope you like it" Zoro's voice hits your ears making you smile and nod, finally your hands are pulled away from your face to reveal the grassy deck full of food, drinks and decorations. You couldn't help the smile that forms as the crew cheer "Surprise" Sanji and Zoro smile at you as your face lights up, everything about the deck, the food and drinks are based around your home and culture, it felt like you were home again. Tears of joy well up in your eyes as you pull your boys in for a hug "This is amazing, thank you" You laugh unable to believe what they've done for you. "Your welcome love but it wasn't really our idea" Sanji rubs your back as you pull away and turn hearing Luffy laugh behind you "It was the captain's idea" Zoro looks over at his captain who nods before pointing to Brook "Lets Party".
The music was just like home as well as the energy, Nami and Robin danced together and you could tell that Robin has been teaching the navigator a few of your home town moves. The food was almost everything form your grandmas cook book, all perfectly made by Sanji with a helping hand from Nami and Chopper. It teased perfect, almost like your grandmother had made it herself, you couldn't be more happy with it and you knew your grandmother would be proud and probably fawn over Sanji for making it perfect. The decor was made by Usopp and Franky but Zoro was the one who told them what to make and if things where wrong, you knew he took notice but there were very small details that he got just right even the placement was perfect. Brook asked for help form Jinbe and Robin since they seemed to know more about your language and Music, he wanted to play music, but he also wanted to try and play it in your language, the poor musician struggled a little but you couldn't be prouder, he got a few words wrong but it never affected the song or the meaning behind it. After hearing everything you couldn't help but be thankful to everyone and express that as many times as possible.
As the night went on you danced, sang and had a very good time, your homesickness long forgotten and that heavy feeling gone. You sat with the two boys, Zoro in the middle like always watching the others dance and Brook sing, you sang lightly along with the music in your native language tapping your knee with your finger to the beat. Zoro was transfixed holding his beer mug in his hand but not taking a sip just looking at you calm and happy face and listening to you sing in words he doesn't full understand. You only stop singing when you look up and notice the look on Zoro's face, his light smile and focused eye on yours "Don't stop" His simple words made you smile leaning into him more and placing your head on his shoulder, Sanji reaches his hand over and interlocks your fingers with his "Please love, keep going" You couldn't refuse the two so continued on while the swordsman's hand rubs your hip and the cooks thumb runs over yours. "Its beautiful" Sanji whispers after the songs over and watches as you lift your head off Zoro's shoulder "I can't thank you two enough, this is... beyond amazing" You couldn't help but thank them. Everything about this is perfect, Sanji moves tucks some hair behind your ear before leaning over and place his lips on yours "Anything for you, mi amour" The cook places one last kiss on your lips before sitting back.
Zoro places his still full mug down before looking you over as you turn to look up at him, his hand running up your side as he leans down "There's no need to thank us, the nights not over yet" The swordsman speaks against your lips before placing a kiss on them, a few short kisses turn into longer kisses until Zoro bits your lower lip asking for something more. You gladly provide, opening your mouth for him and letting your tongues meet and roam around, running your hand up his chest to his cheek you rub your thumb over his cheek bone while lightly humming in delight. You only pull away when air is needed but you stay close and whisper loving words to him in your own language making the man smiles and kiss your lips lightly. Zoro turns to Sanji who's looking at the two of you with love and a slight pinkness to his cheeks, "You did a good job" The swordsman leans over places kisses on the cooks lips who gladly kisses back "You did too" The blonde complements before locking lips with Zoro eagerly opening his mouth before the swordsman can get a chance to ask, as the two make out you can't help but smile seeing the two happy and loving each other. Sanji soon pulls away slightly breathless but with a wide smile "You want to dance?" The cook asks taking your hand looking you over before looking at Zoro. The swordsman shakes his head refusing the offer while picking his mug back up drinking some of it.
You nod kissing Zoro's cheek before standing and letting Sanji take your hand walking you over to where the others are. You love dancing with Sanji, you often do it in the kitchen but with the lights, the music and decor it feels special, wrapping your arms around Sanji's neck you lean in closer placing your lips on his as his hands guide your hips as you dance. You two share light kisses throughout only focusing on each other and blocking out the world around you two, as the music picked up so did your dancing, going form slow and intimate to a quicker pace with more energy. Luffy, Chopper and Franky were fascinated by how well you danced using moves from your home while Sanji followed, over the years you've tough each other a lot of dances from your home, so he was very good at it. Zoro watched from afar lightly smiling at how much you seemed to be enjoying yourself, you still sang along to Brooks music in your native language, something about the change of tone or voice when you speak so confidently in that language makes his heart flutter a little. In the end you couldn't be more thankful to the people you have around you, your crew is your family and it may not be home but its like your second home and when needed they can make it more like your old home.
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hkshirayuki · 4 years
Weak against Cute
Trafalgar D. Law x Reader
Genre: Fluff and romance
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Y/n L/n is one of the Straw hat pirates. The day they first met, was the day when the straw hat pirates were defeated and been send to different unknown places. At the island where she landed. Where the Heart pirates flee. They heard a loud sound of crashing hard to the land.
"What's that sound?"
"what sound?"
"What's with the fuss?" Law asked as he came out from the inside.
"Captain! We heard a loud sound coming from that way" Bepo said.
"I see..." Law said. After they check out, who created the loud noise. They were a bit nervous, Knowing they are currently been chased by a Pacifista.
But they can't help to felt relieved. When they saw its someone else, Law just recognize the face as soon as he saw the unconscious person. They found it odd why his here,
Trafalgar Law being a doctor couldn't ignore the injured person, so he asked Bepo to carry y/n to there ship to treat his wounds.
"Aye aye Captain!" Bepo respond and carry you to there ship.
When they arrived, Law just strip y/n like it's nothing, but only to be surprised to see him having a bandage around it's chest and half way on removing it, To his surprised, y/n were address as He not She.
As a doctor it doesn't matter if they saw the patient naked and they should be open minded about it, But for some reason he can't help but feel a bit weird, as Trafalgar Law know to himself he doesn't mind seeing a naked body. He admit to himself as soon he learn your real gender. Y/n L/n is very attractive but also strong.
Law just question himself for reacting and thinking in this way, So he shake his head and sigh to himself, only to asked assistance to ikkaku the only female member he had in his crew.
"yes captain?" She cheerfully said and notice you half naked and she scream.
"Kyaa! Captain, what are you doing!?" She overreacted. Law just grumble to himself and push back his hair.
"Help me treat her wounds" Law said.
"you shouldn't strip a woman like that!?" Ikkaku said and law just glare at her.
"Look, I thought she was He, so I said, I can handle it Alone, But knowing how you girls act, I just let you do it as the fellow same gender as her" Law said and leaving the Treating room.
"Were Captain, just awhile ago being considerate to y/n-san? That's rare for him" Ikkaku thought to herself as she proceed to tend to your wounds and injury. After that she fetch some new clothes for you to wear. As she bring your clothes to laundry to wash it. After half a day, Y/n finally woke up and sit up to find herself to an unknown place.
"where am I? Where is Luffy and the others?" She thought to herself recalling what happened and remembered the memory, They were all defeated and one by one, They disappear and she only tried to stop the Warlord Named Kuma. And everything went black.
Y/n just remove herself in bed and start to rush outside. Only to meet the Heart pirates crew.
"Your awake!" Penguin said as he look at you, There Expression were wide eyes and gawking upon you, that's when you realized your bind at the chest area is missing.
She just ignore the part, she was stripped as she handle that later. More importantly is to know where is she? and why is she with them. Where is her crewmates.
"Where is this? And Why am I with you people, Where's my crewmates?" She asked and the Heart pirates just look at each other, They just thought who will answer your questions. When there Captain step in.
"Oi y/n-ya! What the hell are you doing! Your not supposed to be out of your bed, your still Injured! " Law scolding said. As a doctor he have a habit to act like that. But your current situation just narrowed your eyes towards him.
"Your Trafalgar Law, why am I? In your ship?" She straight forward asked and still looking at him directly in the eyes.
Law just sigh as he met her eyes and said "First, it's us who should be asking you that, Second, You landed to the island were we are and third your were heavily injured and Bepo carried you here so you get your wounds and injuries treated"
Y/n just look surprised that Law helped her? Even though she was sure that not all pirates will give a care to a wounded stranger, she was sure about that, Much more the one who helped her is one of the worst generation.
"what's your motive?" Y/n said. Law just raise one of his eyebrows in question and frown.
"I have no motive, aren't you being rude to the person who helped you" Law said as he cross arms. Y/n can't help but be wary, As she experience a lot of betrayal and only who pass that earn her trust is Luffy and her crewmates, But she didn't mean to be rude to the person that save her.
Y/n just sigh and bow her head to them. "I apologise for being rude, and I am grateful for you to saving me" she said. While they all look happy and cheer. " Your very welcome! Were glad to have a beauty on board with us" Penguin said and y/n just smile at them. That smile were something that is definitely a killer smile as they all thought. Trafalgar law just clear his throat and they all return to there post.
Leaving you and law alone. Y/n just walk beside him. "So... Trafalgar-san?" Y/n said and law just glare at her with a look of disagree. " Trafalgar-san?! " He said. "Trafalgar-kun?" Y/n uncertain said and Law just feel weird that your calling him like that, but he also thought that it's very strange for him to feel weird about you calling him with honorifics. "Trafalgar" he spoke and y/n just give him a question look.
"pardon?" Y/n said.
"Call me Trafalgar" Law said. 'oh' y/n's expression said and nod.
"So Trafalgar, may I asked you something?" Y/n said while there walking side by side, y/n just follow him.
"what is it?" Law replied as he escorting her to the dining room. She haven't met Bepo and Ikkaku.
"who strip me?" Y/n bluntly said and Law just stop walking, as your image half naked (bind around your chest) reappear in his mind. He just stand stiff as he look at y/n. He doesn't know how to react. Y/n just thought, I murder who the guy is.
"I did" Law calmly said and y/n just look shocked to know. "you what!" She shouted said and Law just cover his ear and playing it cool, he doesn't want her to see him, Blushing and embarrassed, Cause for the first time he act so...not like him to react in that way, he saw a lot of people who are naked due to his work as a doctor he shouldn't mind it. But there something about you that he react so unlike of him.
Y/n just cover her chest part and glare at him. That sight of her pouting and glaring " Cute" Law thought but frown at himself for thinking that way. So he click his tongue.
"I'm a doctor, So seeing a naked patient is nothing to me" Law said and y/n just keep her glare and sigh. What he said is true, To a Doctor they save lives, seeing someone naked is nothing to them. But! He should have atleast considerate that there female Doctor that take care the same gender. Not opposite gender taking care, it just sounded wrong.
"that sight is only for my future husband" Y/n mumble said as she believes on Marriage before giving yourself.
Law just look surprised at how she act and he end up chuckling, to think Y/n the Reaper, who hunt a lot of people in her work is pure and innocent. This is interesting.
"what are you laughing about!? " Y/n frowning said. "It's just funny to think, you are pure and innocent" He bluntly said and compose himself to his stoic demeanor.
She just blush at the compliment. She admitted that When Nami and Robin compliment her, She easily feel embarrassed and they just giggle at her cuteness. Y/n just remembered her days with The Straw hat pirates First they thought you are male before Nami and Robin found out and soon everyone also learn about the truth, but they accept you and didn't question. Sanji treated you better after learning your secret. but then before he isn't treating you well.
Y/n remember that Sanji hates her.
"Oi y/n! Tch... Just looking at your face, annoys me" he said to her and y/n learn that Sanji were jealous of her.
Nami always compliment your looks and call you handsome and cute. Even Robin that's why, Sanji hates you.
Equally to his hatred to Zoro. "Hey y/n, if you crossdress, I'm pretty sure it suits you" Ussop said as he was just messing with you.
"It must be nice to have such a pretty handsome face y/n-san" Brook said.
"Oi, oi Ussop if y/n did that he be a pervert like me, but I'm super! more suited to being pervert than him" Franky said.
"Y/n! I'm bored, Let's play!" Luffy said as he cling around you.
"oi Luffy, don't forget about me" Ussop said while pointing himself.
"Me too, let me join too, y/n! Luffy!" Chopper said, while jumping up, so he be notice by you and Luffy.
Y/n is older than Luffy, Ussop and Chopper but she is very playful. Luffy recruit y/n cause of the prank, she did in her town.
The prank that scares Everyone, Nami was so angry at you, but when she saw you. She soon forgive you for giving her a scare while Luffy find it funny and amazing. That's why you are on board.
"Oi y/n, stop spoiling Luffy" Zoro said as he watch you and the others playing.
" Jealous?" Ussop said. Teasing the serious green haired Swordsman.
"yeah, Zoro is jealous" Chopper said as he follow Ussop.
"Huh!? Like hell I am!" Zoro said. As he snap at them.
"Oi! Zoro join us, No need to be jealous!" Luffy said and Zoro came down to chase them.
While being chase Luffy is laughing, Chopper just cling to y/n. Even Ussop did the same "Protect me y/n! Zoro is trying to kill me" Ussop said as he hide behind you.
"Come out from y/n's back, Your a man right! Let me slice you into two" Zoro threatening said to Ussop. Good timing Nami pass by and smack there heads, your always been an exception. She didn't smack your head.
"Stop that!" Nami said. And Zoro just rub his head and yell at her "Ow that hurts!" Another smack. All just apologise and kneel down infront of Nami. Nami just flick your forehead unlike them.
"y/n don't spoil them too much, okay" she said.
"Nami really is soft when it comes to you, y/n" Robin chuckle said as you just blush at her. Your kinda bashful around them. Remembering your crewmates and what happened to them against the overwhelming enemies. Y/n just miss them, she didn't notice that she was spacing out, and her tearing up. Law were only surprised when y/n start to tear up.
"Oi...Your crying" He said and wipe your tears. Y/n didn't say anything about it, she was speechless by the kind gesture of Trafalgar D. Law. After wiping her tears away, Law just realized what he had done and soon withdraw his hand back to his side. He just said "Let's go" but he just walk fast and try his very best to conceal his red face.
Y/n just notice the red tips of his ears as he pull his fluffy hat to hide it. "That's is so cute" y/n thought as she giggled at the sight of Trafalgar law. She didn't say anything as she just follow him to the dining room. And there they meet Bepo, A polar bear that could talk. Bepo only reminded you of Chopper.
Y/n is quite in dilemma inside her mind.
"Captain!" Bepo happily said before engulfing him into a warm hug. Y/n just look at them with a jealous look.
"Trafalgar law is so lucky, I want a hug too, Bepo is so cute, wait! I can't, betray Chopper's cuteness, Chopper is more Cute, but Bepo look so comfy and warm, Chopper also, Ugh... I want to give him a tight embrace and just cling to his fluffy fur, Chopper is also like that" y/n is currently having a debate inside her mind. While Trafalgar law just tell bepo to let him go. The two just look at you with a confuse look.
"Oi y/n-ya, don't tell me your wounds reopen?!" Law scolding said while y/n just look at him and return to argue inside her thoughts.
"Hug bepo or not, which one should I choose, I want to cuddle with him, he look so fluffy, I love being a bigger spoon though, Chopper is a small spoon, Which should I choose, I'm not betraying my love for Chopper cuteness overload, But Bepo is also... "
Law just grab her shoulder "Oi, what's wrong?" He asked and Y/n just snap and look down. "To hell whose the cutest, For me there equally Cute and Adorable!" She thought to herself. Bepo just stare at her and realized that it was her who he carried to there ship.
"Ah! Your the person, Captain ordered me to carry that time" Bepo surprised asked. And y/n just smile at Bepo.
"Thank you for carrying me" y/n said controlling herself not to jump at Bepo fluffy fur and comfy warm.
"How is your wounds? Captain is a great doctor, so you in better condition, As expected to Captain, his amazing" Bepo said with enthusiastic tone to y/n who just giggle at his cute behavior.
Law again just frown at Bepo and y/n. He didn't want to hear anymore praises about him.
"Oi, Bepo, Stop talking about some nonsense" Law said and Bepo being the negative bear.
"I'm sorry" Bepo said with a deject look. Y/n just chuckle at how humourous Bepo is. Y/n just open her arms and asked Bepo for a hug. Law and Bepo is of course surprised.
But Bepo who is very friendly, happily accept the gesture. Seeing the two happily embrace and seeing y/n nuzzle herself to bepo. Law can't deny how cute you two are. He is annoyed that you capture his attention so soon.
It's only half a day, and your already to comfortable with them. Aren't you supposed to be wary around them?
"Enough with that, Bepo... Y/n-ya. Don't go acting friendly with each other" Law said and y/n just smile at him not that beautiful enchanting smile she did infront of his crew. It was a cute goofy smile.
"Jealous?" Y/n teasing said as she just learn that Trafalgar Law had a soft spot towards cute Bepo. She was clueless that Law is also looking at her.
"Captain is jealous?" Bepo confused asked.
"I am not!" Law snapped at the two, while she just gasp and hide behind Bepo acting cute.
"his scary Bepo-chan" y/n cutely said. Law tried his best to look annoyed but he can't he thought it's cute even though you were just kidding and messing with him.
He just keep his glare at you, while you just give up and chuckle softly.
"Okay, okay I stop" y/n said as she still chuckle a bit, her laughter is soft and gentle it was nice to hear, Law said to himself and he just turn his back to hide his face that start to get warmer. Is he having a disease? An unknown disease. He should research about his situation, law thought to himself as he feel his heart beat fast.
Around that time Ikkaku entered the dining room to see y/n is already awake. She just had a friendly talk to her. As she never had a girl talk as they are all males on the board. Y/n stayed there two days, When the third day news coo drop a newspaper only to read Luffy's Big bro, Fire fist ace is going to be executed.
She just asked Trafalgar Law to go at the marineford.
"I want to help my Captain, I'm begging you, you don't have to bring me, I just swim and sneak to the war" y/n plead while Law frown.
"what a small fry like you can do in that war, don't act so reckless" Law said.
"I am very aware of that, but... Luffy our captain need us, I don't know where are the others but I am the closest, I begging you Trafalgar Law, just bring me near, just near by" y/n said. While kneeling down and bow her head at him. Her persistent and stubborn attitude just win him over.
As what she said, the heart pirates go to the Marineford war. Only they were late, Ace died infront of luffy, which shock Luffy to the very core, That he let his guard down which cause Luffy got heavily injured along with Jinbei, who Sacrifice himself to shield him from the blow. Y/n just tear up to see her Captain in that state.
"please help him, please..." Y/n cried and beg Trafalgar to treat her Captain. Law just scowl and wipe your teary eyes.
"Stop crying, of course, I help Mugiwara-ya... I'm a doctor" Law said while wiping the tears in your eyes. "I hate seeing you crying" he thought to himself and y/n just nod at him, while they rush to the Operating room to do the surgery for Luffy and Jinbei.
Y/n just stay outside and hope for the success of the operation. When Law came out to announce that they are out of danger. Y/n just hug him as a thank you. Law just tense up but he didn't dislike it the warmth you offer to him. It be out of character to hug you back so he just pat your back. In response,
After that the ship have resurface from the water to only meet by an odd Snake and the pirate empress Boa Hancock asking Luffy's situation. Y/n were very tired watching over Luffy and crying so she end up sleeping.
The ship have no spare room for y/n. She been sharing room with Bepo as her request. Bepo just carry y/n to his Captain room as he rarely used the bed due to his sleeping problems.
Boa Hancock just suggested that they bring Luffy to the Amazon Lily which is a safe place. Where The Marines won't suspect him hiding there. Law just agree and did what Hancock said.
When they arrived at the Amazon Lily, It still forbid men to entered. So they put a Barricade, Which they can’t cross, The Kuja pirates just probid food for them, Just like what Hancock order them. 
Two weeks have passed and Luffy is still unconscious,  Y/n just watch over her captain,she refuse to eat and sleep, Law have to force her to look after herself. Law hate to admit himself that he is very concern about your well being, He asked bepo to look after you sometime to time even Ikkaku. 
Y/n is currently resting to his room as he was looking after you and luffy. Law just drink a wine while sorting his own thoughts about you, He is sure, he caught an unknown disease for him to act like this way, but what is this disease? 
Y/n is still resting in his room, When a loud noise were heard that woken her up, Only to hear that her Captain Luffy is running around and keep on kicking and punching, Screaming “Ace! Where is Ace!” Y/n just follow the noise and tried to call out to him. 
Only her shout were drowned by Luffy scream of desperation and pain as he keep on getting wild,Jinbei only confronted him, Y/n is only frozen to where she watch her captain struggle, She was really shaken to the core. Jinbei just hold him down and tries to stop him. It’s painful to see luffy in this state. After Jinbei beat some senses to luffy, Luffy start to count with his fingers as he recall all of his crewmates name.  When he scream he wished to meet them soon. Y/n just come running and hug him tight.
“Y/n...why are you here?” Luffy asked as he was surprised while y/n just hug him and crying along with luffy. As she comfort him and he cried and cried.
After that emotional moment, Y/n explain how is her situation. They return where Trafalgar law and his crew waits. Only to met Rayleigh, For some reason y/n know what’s rayleigh main purpose. her hunch were right on the spot. When Rayleigh suggest Luffy to go training with him. Luffy just glance at you, "whatever you wish, Captain" y/n said and she just said her temporary farewell and chase the ship of Trafalgar Law.
"Captain, are you sure leaving y/n there?" Bepo question as Law gaze is still at the direction of where you are.
"Yeah, she probably stay with Mugiwara-ya" Law said but his gaze is still stick to where you are as he sigh to himself. At the same time, Y/n just climb from the deck, As she swim from Calm belt to where his ship is.
"what the... Y/n-ya!? What the hell are you doing here?!" Law surprised asked while the soak y/n just scratch her wet cheeks in a bashful way.
"Mind if I tag along with you guys, Longer?" Y/n said and all who is surprised to see a Slice sea king and to see you. They just cheer and happily welcome you.
"Your always welcome!" They all said and y/n just help herself. Law just shake his head, why he didn't go against to his crew mates decision to make you stay, instead he is happy to see you again.
6 months later
Y/n stay for six months, While she is with them, she spar with Law and his crew mates, Law and her just spar with each other.
Until Law said he be joining the shichibukai, means his crew will disband as it's one of the rules to join the shichibukai.
"Are you sure about that?" Y/n said as he just look at her and said yeah. The others just obey there Captain ordered.
Before Law go to the Marineford.
Y/n just hug him and wish him luck. As she also be leaving there ship. Law just return the hug. When he did that, she chuckle at the kind gesture that he did, it was so unlike of him.
"I am actually not expecting for you to return it" y/n said.
"yeah..." Law said still hugging y/n.
Y/n just look at Bepo who is sad but believe and trust his Captain decision for the future.
"You know, I kinda notice how weak you are against cute things" y/n said after letting go from the hug as she gesture towards Bepo.
"Yeah... Especially the one who is infront of me" Law said smoothly and look at you.
"I see... So you admit it, HaHaHa, your pretty honest today, Really, Trafalgar" y/n said until his words sink into her.
"Eh? Infront? You mean me?! Eh!!!?" Y/n said and Law just look at her.
And he just sigh he know your a playful and sharp person, he didn't expect you to react in this way.
"hey we only been together for six months" y/n said. "That sounded wrong and right" Law thought to himself as it sounds like you two had a thing.
Y/n just blush realizing that she used the wrong words. "I mean you only know me for six months" she bashfully said and Law thought " Stop being cute, damn it! "
"But you already caught my attention since first day" Law said. Y/n just turn redder than before. She didn't hate it Law being honest but it's not good for her heart, It's Beating fast.
"Is this confession?" Y/n uncertain asked and Law thought for awhile before answering.
"Perhaps it is"
"Oi! Don't just say it is then! when your not completely sure" Law just pull y/n to his arm and hold her chin as he only give her a peck on the lips.
"I am completely sure though" He whisper said between there lips. That only shut her up. For a moment, until she fuming said "Don't just sudden kiss me!? Asked for permission First!" Law just smirk and she just feel embarrassed at herself, what does she mean about permission?
"It would be nice if you completely join the Heart pirates, I be assured that I can see you there, when I comeback" Law said and y/n shakes her head in disagreement still her face is still warm from the words and kiss.
She tried not to look affected by him.
"No thanks, I am still one of the Straw hats pirates, I just tag along to train and train until the time for our Promise to reunite as a Crew" y/n said with conviction. Law just sigh as he understands.
"Then, maybe I could form an alliance when the Mugiwara pirates reunite" Law said.
Y/n just chuckle as she speak "Luffy will sure agree to it" Law just stare at her intently. And she stop and stare back at Law. "WH-what?"
"you said I should asked permission first, so... Y/n-ya, can I kiss you?" Law said as he still staring at your lips. The subside blush have return to your face, Once again as you try to utter a response only to ziplock your lips. It's not like you don't like it, I mean him, he always been kind to you in his own way that you admire him, So you just nod and Law just enjoyed your struggle of words as he is assured that his not the only one who act so weird around you. But also you. He just carress your cheek and lean down to meet your lips. Y/n just hold onto his chest as he press his lips to hers. The kiss feels like a thousand spark inside of each other. When Law almost lost his control and go further to kissing to making out. Y/n just gently push him. As her face is so warm and Redder and her eyes is spinning.
"don't... If we go further my heart can't take it anymore" y/n said as her Heart beat is deafening her ears,as she weaken by her knees also. Law just chuckle at the sight, he been waiting to do that and his happy to be able to do that and see you all to flustered around him. Your both heart beat in sync as Law just help you up. As he hug you and whisper to your ear.
"See you again next time" Law said, You just cover your ear with your hand after he just breath whisper to it.
"Oi! I said don't do that!" Y/n flustered and fuming said as Law just can't get enough of your adorableness.
As you both finally separate ways.
"Hope to see you after One and half year passed" y/n mumble to herself.
Law just did what he said to you after two years. Where you reunite with him at the Punk Hazard, He asked Luffy to do Alliance with him to bring down one of the yonko, After making an alliance, The Straw hat Pirates just keep on bullying him. Now he's half a bit regretting his decision. As you and the crew just laugh, when Chopper the super cute and Law the super cool combine. It was so adorable and funny.
"Welcome to our crew" y/n happily said and Law just frown at you.
"You should have warn me, y/n-ya" Law said with a scowl as y/n just chuckle.
"I forgot"
"yeah, sure"
"Oh are you pouting Torao?" Y/n said calling him by what Luffy said.
"Don't call me like that!" Law said.
"Traffy?" Y/n said with an adorable look and Law just look away "Screw you"
Y/n didn't find it offensive as she just chuckle "Okay, Law, I'll stop teasing you" Law surprised hearing you call him by his name.
"Hmm?" Y/n question look at Law expression.
"say it again" law said.
"say what?"
"my name"
"Torao-Not that!" Law interrupt and you can't help to tease him.
"okay, okay... Law, Trafalgar D. Law" Shit, why he is so happy just hearing his name from your lips' Law thought to himself as he hide his face from his coat.
Law just thought he can endure your whole crew and your Captain if your with him. After Dressrosa Literally thought he have to get used to all humiliation they do to him. But Luffy did save him and did a lot of selfish stuffs to him. When he said to you, He want to kill Luffy, you just laugh at him and said "Zoro and all other crew said the same thing. You get used to it"
"Just why did I fall in love with you? No Just why are you in his crew? Not in my crew..." Law said. And y/n blush at what Law said as he haven't say that L word to you and now his using it.
"Love you too and I'm sure, you get used to it" y/n said and kiss his cheek.
Law just touch it " He really love you and half hate your crew for being Reckless and doesn't listen even you, but your too cute and beautiful to get mad at" so he sigh in defeat.
"Great, I'm really Weak against Cute" He said to himself.
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let-sanji-say-fuck · 5 years
Monster Trio with a girlfriend who is a dragon with ability to take on human form, she isn't a DF user.
This ask is pretty interesting, but I’m sorry if it’s not exactly what you were looking for! I’m still pretty happy with how it turned out, so I hope you enjoy it as well!
Before starting with the boys, have some headcanons on the girl’s background, if you don’t mind my take on it!
Since she is originally a dragon who can take the shape of a human, let’s say that it serves as some kind of defense mechanism for the times when she wants to avoid confrontation with humans who dock on the island where she lives, or an easy way to lull human preys into her den.
Pirates who find her half naked in the middle of nothing often intend to take her with them, so she ends up returning to her original body and devouring them.
Has little to no knowledge on human language and basic society rules, given the brief time spent among humans. She only started covering her human body (although scarcely) after she noticed that the people who came onto the island wore clothes, and has only learned some interjections, words and simple body language, just enough to make her act feel more realistic and less like a trap.
In any case, Chopper is going to be of great help when it comes to communicating with her, because dragons are basically reptiles. He plays a very important role in her development as a civilized human being.
Monkey D. Luffy
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We already know how their fist meeting goes. Before Luffy finds out that the dragon can turn into a human person he’s going to want to beat it, then eat it. He’s got both, a powerful enemy and the possibility of tasty meat before his eyes, and added to the fact that, well, he’s Luffy, of course he’s in for delivering a beating!
Is honestly a tiny bit disappointed when the dragon turns into a girl, but the feeling subsides quickly when realization hits him like a brick: a dragon just turned into a girl. How cool is that? A lot for awestruck Luffy, he wants her in his crew. It’s a little complicated to get a positive reaction from her when she can barely understand what he’s saying, though.
The only reason why she lets him drag her onto the ship is because Luffy already defeated her once, and she’s kind of badly hurt. He’s going to feel pretty bad because he actually beat an “innocent” person, and Sanji is going to kick him into apologizing to her.
Given the lack of knowledge on almost anything aside from a lifetime of experiences on how to survive in the wilderness, she’s going to be like a little baby. Luffy taking care of babies tends to not end up going well, so he will need the help of his crew to make sure she ends up becoming a decent human being.
They grew pretty close after this particular time she turned into a dragon and took off… with her Captain perched on her head while she started to fly off to who-knows-where. They came back hours later with a nice Sea King specimen meant to be cooked for dinner, and seemingly closer than before, if Luffy was laughing and patting her head was anything to go by.
Luffy believes in food being the universal language than anyone can speak, so when words don’t work good between both of them, he’s going to invite her to stuff her face in meat with him. He still won’t let her have some of his share, but he’s more than happy when he notices how eager she always is to grab a bite or two or more.
This boy literally can’t go one day without a thrilling flight on her back or head. No matter how often he does it, there’s no way he’s growing sick of it. It’s his favorite kind of “date” with her, and if they end up hunting some tasty big fish to eat that night the experience becomes impossibly better.
He might be a little confused to find out that her ability doesn’t come from having eaten a Devil Fruit, but honestly it just thrills him all the more! Knowing that such a thing as real dragons exists his adventurous curiosity just grows stronger. And of course he’s going to think she’s really powerful and cool! (But he’s still a little upset because he didn’t get the chance to try dragon meat yet).
Roronoa Zoro
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Zoro hasn’t had that much experience with dragons, but that ain’t going to stop him from trying to take one on. How sturdy is the body of a dragon again? Oh, he’s very much about to find out. Pretty merciless on his approach, and is honestly expecting a good fight from a creature known to be so fearsome.
So imagine how puzzled he’s going to be when, after defeating it (pretty easily), there’s a kind of “poof”, mist all around and a naked woman falling on top of him, weakly and monotonously repeating “no more” or “please stop”. Hold Sanji, because he’s going to be so jealous and angry.
When he pushes her off and she tries to run away, he’s probably going to stay on the floor for a couple of seconds processing the information. If it hadn’t been for Chopper demanding he went to carry her to the infirmary (of course he’s going to take responsibility, he cut her) he’d have probably let her escape into the forest where she came from.
He thinks it’s pretty annoying that they have to take care of her. Why appear as a menacing, bloodthirsty dragon in the first place if she will need treatment afterwards? He’s even more annoyed by the fact that everyone is giving him dirty looks for doing that to the poor girl. He’s going to have it rough, the boy…
This is the return of Papa Zoro, because that’s what he’s going to be when this girl can’t talk nor understand what he scolds her about, is naïve and literally just follows him around only to flinch shyly when he turns to tell her to cut it off. Oh god, if he had known that defeating a dragon would give him such an infuriating admirer he would have thought twice before drawing his swords.
He will probably start liking her when she starts acting more like a human being and less like a feral beast. Probably starts to see the potential in her ability around this time as well, and might even look forward to docking in deserted islands where he can happily spar against her strong body if she feels up for the challenge.
Not the hardest fan of flying, so he won’t really go with her when she sets off for her daily flight. Zoro would rather die than admit it, but he grows pretty worried if she doesn’t appear in the horizon after a couple of hours. Everyone knows, though, because he’s the one who greets her first, with a good scolding, whenever she takes too long to return.
Is pretty curious about her species, so he’s going to ask her about them when she has some notions on basic language. He wants to know about all kind of dragons she is aware of, how powerful they are, if they can also turn into little pests that he ends up growing fond of… (he hopes not). Quite enjoys these talks with her, even if her struggling with the language kind of ticks him off.
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He’s the one that’s going to be lulled into her den. Seeing a beautiful young girl scarcely covered running through the forest? Hell, he would have expected her to be a Nymph instead of a dragon, and he’s totally going to try to chase after and find her (once he wakes up from passing out from blood loss).
When he’s on his way he’s going to react a little harshly towards the dragon that just tried to bite his head off though. It’ll totally catch him off guard and he’s going to yelp a little in surprise because he was a little absent, looking for the darling, but he’s definitely going to deliver a good kicking to the dragon for scaring the heck out of him. He doesn’t care that it’s an extremely rare mythical creature, and even wonders if it he can pull a good dish out of its meat. Sanji’s eager to find out.
What he ends up finding out about is that the dragon and the girl are one and the same and he can’t feel more broken inside. His soul is probably going to need to reincarnate through several lives to even come close to consider itself cleansed and worthy of forgiveness after realizing that he kicked a lady. Several times. Unknowingly, but that’s not a valid excuse.
Probably sulks a lot before offering himself to take care of her. He will leave the physical damage treatment part to Chopper (every time he sees the bruises that he caused he wants to curl up in a corner and die), but he’s the one who’s going to spend time with her while she recovers and bring her simple dishes that are easy on the stomach.
The second he finds out that she never had a taste of decent food (raw meat and a couple of berries here and there aren’t decent food) he’s going to be ecstactic and look forward to making her one filling, mouthwatering dish. He wishes he had a camera to capture her delighted expression and excited yelp upon the very first spoonful (that he offered to give her because she doesn’t seem acquainted with these utensils).
He thinks it’s endearing that she depends on him so much when she faces the new world ahead of her, fully as a human. Sanji feels like the prince who helps the sweet little mermaid (dragon) to get used to human society, and the fact that she can’t talk makes him wonder if confessing his love would magically bring a voice of her own. So far he hasn’t had a chance to advance because every time he tries to smooch her, she almost bites his lips off his face (and he’s delighted).
Of course he loves her human body the most, he can just admire it for days on end and won’t ever grow tired of every curve and mole… but he comes to find her original shape absolutely majestic and powerful. He loves that this dragon is the same innocent girl who showed difficulties regarding the use of a knife and a fork and a spoon, but he’s totally going to be at her beck and call whenever she needs him, no matter how many heads she can actually tear off in one bite.
Wants to be by her side when she finally gets a solid hang of the talking thing, like an excited young father. Might even cry a little because when he feels that she’s got better at communication he’s going to start apologizing again for what he did to her, and if the first thing she says to him isn’t that she absolutely forgives him he might as well just throw himself overboard. He’s never letting himself live this one down.
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