hkshirayuki · 2 years
Num Num Cat TikTok Chain
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hkshirayuki · 3 years
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crying nonstop because of this
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hkshirayuki · 3 years
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new gen, same agenda.
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hkshirayuki · 3 years
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MONKEY D. LUFFY 1000 episode commemoration: We are! GIF set. 
Down bad for the future Pirate King. Send help.
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hkshirayuki · 3 years
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4K notes · View notes
hkshirayuki · 3 years
I couldn’t help, But to tear up a bit just thinking about how long the journey we begin with our beloved Straw hat pirates, One piece is the bestest anime ever, that could make us laugh a lot, cry a lot and learn a good moral lesson. I’m so happy we reach 1000 episode since 100 episode isn’t enough for me, Whenever the episode is going to end, I always look forward for the next episode. 
I’m rewatching ONE PIECE from the beginning, I’m currently at the Amazon lily going to Impel down, 
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Celebrating 1000 Episodes of One Piece!!!!
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hkshirayuki · 3 years
I just need two more like Mitsuya and Naoto Kyaa😍😍😍😳
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hkshirayuki · 3 years
This man still hold half of my heart. Since Sabo have the other one XD hahaha
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GIF REQUEST MEME - anonymous  - one piece + most attractive
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hkshirayuki · 3 years
Not one of your Victim (Gojou Satoru x Reader)
Ch.4 It's your fault
After being carried by Gojou Satoru like the lion king.
Y/n finally snapped out of her trance and tell Gojou to put her down. Which he obediently follow.
Nanami just pity her. Y/n just looked extremely exhausted from dealing with Gojou.
Gojou put both of his hand to his pocket and whistle.
"What was that for? Gojou" y/n sternly asked yet Gojou didn't met her gaze.
"Nothing" Gojou replied as he can feel the prickly glare that y/n send in his direction. If glare could kill he have already died many times.
Y/n just sighed at his childish attitude.
"Shoko, let's talk next time, I am exhausted, so I'll be returning back to my room first, Please excuse me" y/n said. She only bow at nanami as her greeting.
Clearly she was upset on what Gojou did. "He just treat me like a kid, because his tall isn't that insulting" she thought.
Gojou just smile at her but y/n just look away and didn't even say goodbye to him.
"Looks like y/n-san is upset" Nanami said.
"Oh no, Gojou you upset y/n-chan" Shoko said.
Gojou just breath in and wait for y/n to leave shoko's office.
"I'll apologise later" Gojou said to himself.
When y/n finally out of the sight. Gojou smiling face were replaced by a annoyed expression.
"It's your fault Shoko that she got upset!" Gojou point out at Shoko.
"Blaming others about your own faults is really distasteful" Shoko said.
"Gojou-san,I do have faith and trust in you, but I don't respect you, Because this is one of the reason"
"Huh!?" Gojou irritated said.
"Now, now is it alright for you to stay here longer? " Shoko said.
"Crap" Gojou lastly said and teleport directly to your room.
"For someone older than me, he haven't change at all" Nanami unamused said.
"Tell me about it, back then, he was a trash yet, he is still a trash" Shoko said before taking a sip from her mug of coffee.
Meanwhile back to where Gojou Satoru whereabouts he just teleport to your room. Sitting on your chair.
He clearly invited himself in as he know that even he knocked on your door. You will ignore it. In that case in order to disperse your foul mood towards him he need to use his trump card. If words won't work.
"Looks like I have arrived earlier" Gojou said as the room is still empty.
Soon after you have arrived to your room. Y/n just removed her shoes and set it aside neatly. She soon loosened up her necktie as she is wearing a tuxedo as her uniform. Removing  her jacket and unbuttoning her clothes.
Of course the sight of y/n stripping make Gojou flustered but he couldn't looked away. Y/n stopped and just throw a dagger holder it doesn't have blade on it so it passed by the Infinite but soon it was fused by y/n's curse which cut Gojou's cheek.
"Get out" Y/n intimidating said to Gojo who pale by sudden attack.
"Wait, wait, wait! Let me apologise"
"I don't care, get out"
"Eh, at least give me a chance"
"I said out"
"Crap, she's totally pissed off, y/n-chan is scary when she's upset, Time to used my trump card"
Gojou just removed his blindfold as he stare at y/n with puppy eyes.
"I'm sowwie, I didn't mean to upset you, I wasn't mocking you or something" Gojo said. He was sincere about his apologise. But a serious sincere apology doesn't work on you so he do this being a cutie pie to you.
One of y/n's weakness is Gojou's eyes and his handsome face. And Gojo knows it. Y/n just tried her best not to give in to his puppy eyes.
She want to stay upset at him. So she focus on remembering all of the upset things that Gojou Satoru.
"He always appearing out of nowhere, threatening people that is innocent for no reason, Tease me" y/n thought as she opened her eyes and thought of her counterattack.
"Is it working? Is she not upset with me anymore?" Gojo thought.
Not knowing that y/n were preparing. She just smack his forehead playfully painful.
Gojo just wince in pain. And tear up for real as he feel the impact.
"Oww" Gojo said while he rub his forehead where he get smack.
"That's for using dirty tricks on me" Y/n said while crossing her arms. She just put her sunglasses on Gojo.
"This is for my own sake, his face is a deadly weapon"  she thought to herself as she can feel her heart is beating fast.
For y/n, Gojou Satoru is a younger brother to her. So when Gojou just whine why did she hit him.
The crying face of Gojou is the deadliest. Y/n give in quickly and failed to stay upset and much more she console him.
"I get it, I get it, don't cry anymore, I'm not mad" y/n said.
"Really? You won't chop my head again?" Gojo said with a pitiful look.
"What's with that, that was adorable" she thought but shakes her head.
"Yes, I won't do the chop thing"
"Then y/n-chan, Hug me"
"Okay—what no!"
Gojo just internally clicked his tongue as he got caught. He just tried to bewitched her again. But y/n isn't that easy to seduce that's why he have a hard time.
Gojou just start to sound pitiful again. To win y/n's sympathy.
"But I missed you—mmph" Gojo were interrupted by y/n shoving a cookie inside his mouth.
Gojou admit defeat.
"The Cookie was delicious, This is handmade cookies of y/n" Gojou thought as he chew it.
"I remember I made some cookies, I was about to give Principal too as he requested it" y/n said.
"Damn, this is unfair" Gojo said out loud before eating another one.
Y/n just thought "I won" One of Gojou Satoru's weaknesses, y/n's handmade pastries.
Just like Gojou who know her weakness. She also know his weakness.
Shoko and there other classmate thought that Gojou and Y/n is stupidly compatible with each other.
One who hates to be righteous and the other one who is righteous.
First ch. https://hkshirayuki.tumblr.com/post/646001079363010560/not-one-of-your-victim-gojou-satoru-x-reader
Previous ch. link here: https://hkshirayuki.tumblr.com/post/646167844978114560/not-one-of-your-victim-gojou-satoru-x
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hkshirayuki · 3 years
Thanks for the tag ^^ Dachi-chan
My boring fact: I always brought 2L of water with me. Especially when I’m outside. (People I know always thought I go hiking because of it XD hahaha) 
@nf-arts​ Kuro-chan!!!n
✨💫I am starting a tag game💫✨
Tell me a very boring fact about yourself and tag 3 more people
My boring fact:"When i eat cereal I put cereal in first then the milk"
Tagging @sunalma @koutarousangel @tsumue
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hkshirayuki · 3 years
It's my birthday
After y/n's back from a mission. Y/n were greeted by Gojou Satoru inside her room.
'Like a huge dog waiting for it's owner' Shoko said when you told them you liked Gojou Satoru.
"Y/n-chan Welcome back!" Gojou said as he hugged you as soon he saw you.
Y/n returned the hug as she gently pat his back.
"I'm back" y/n replied with a smile in her face. Gojou just stare at it before he asked for a kiss.
"Okay, wait a second" y/n calmly respond as she asked him to wait. Making Gojou Satoru flustered, he just close his eyes waiting for you. When he felt you held his hand and put something on it.
"Why are you closing your eyes for?" y/n asked. After giving Gojou Satoru a chocolate hershey's kiss.
Gojou were merely speechless and embarrassed at himself. As he really thought that he will get kiss by y/n.
"Nothing" Gojou said as he unwrapped the chocolate and eat it.
"If you want more, Just get it to my cabinet" Y/n said as she went to her room to change, Leaving him alone in the living room. He just made his way to the kitchen to see a cabinet named Gojou Satoru's sweet stash.
Gojou just blushed and thought "I'll forgive her, for now" he mutter under his breath. As he was upset that she misunderstood kiss as Hershey's chocolate.
Gojou just comfort himself by eating sweets when he notice the calendar. It was November 30, means it will be his birthday after six days.
He just came up with a plan that his birthday gift will be a kiss. But he was worried you forgot his birthday. As it wasn't marked in your calendar.
"That settled then I need to remind her" Gojou said.
The next day
Both were busy with there mission exterminating harmful cursed spirits.
When y/n received a message from Gojou Satoru asking if she's done. She just replied to his message that she was done.
Later on he called her phone. Y/n just answered it.
"Hello y/n-chan, right now, I'm going to pick you up"
"What?!" As soon the words left in her mouth, Gojou appeared beside her giving her a back hug. Which startle her.
"Hey, hey y/n-chan, do you know"
"What is it?"
"It's my birthday after six days"
"I see...what would you like for your birthday?"
Gojou were about to say 'Kiss' when your phone suddenly ring. Y/n just excuse herself and answered the phone. He just cling at her while she's taking a phone call.
After the phone call, y/n just return the hug as his been clinging on her.
Gojou just happily snuggle with her. People who see the two of you. Just give you an odd look. While the two of just ignore it, not caring about it, you both continue to hug each other.
Because of the embrace that he received, Gojou Satoru forget to tell what gift he wanted for his upcoming birthday.
On the second day
Gojou and y/n have a separate mission to handle too impatient to tell her what he want. He just finished his job for seconds.
While Y/n just have a bit of trouble but soon overcome it. She just sighed at herself as she think herself lacking.
After successfully exorcising a special grade curse spirit, y/n just decide to train more in order to become strong.
While Y/n is occupied with her self training, Gojou wait for her to finish her mission not knowing that she was done and is currently training.
Gojou just sighed as he is annoyed at how busy you are. You work so hard. You take it too seriously, he is afraid you passed out from overworking yourself.
Gojou just teleport in front of you.
The mere sight of y/n sweaty and breathed like a ragged beast were too sexy for Gojou Satoru.
Gojou Satoru just looked away as he is afraid, he might pounce at you. Y/n just greet him the usual as she asked him if he could spar with her.
Gojou speak while not meeting her gaze. He tried to keep his rationality intact as he want to stay as a decent man.
"Well, I am a man, I can't help it, But I don't want her to think I was only after her body, I want her whole existence in my life, That's why, I'll wait for the day, When we both took our vow with each other to stay together for eternity"
Y/n just waved her hand infront of his as he is occupied with his thoughts.
Leaving an y/n confused, as she stare at the goofy smile that Gojou have while daydreaming about you and him.
       Y/n just scratch her cheeks as she think of a way to bring him back to reality. Y/n just thought of whispering his name close to his ear.
"Satoru" y/n said, Startling the tall man as his face turned red while covering the ear you whisper his name.
"What are you doing! Y/n...that's dangerous(For my heart and will)"
"...I was calling out to you, but you didn't respond"
Gojou just covered his face as he thought he really turn weak when his in front of the woman he love. His odd behavior make y/n worried. "What's wrong!?  are you hurt or something? I'll go bring shoko to heal you, Wait for me" Y/n said before she could leave Gojou just block her way out, telling her that he is fine.
"Are you sure? Don't push yourself"
Gojou just sighed, He doesn't know if he should be upset cause your clueless. but his happy your worried about his well being.
Gojou just wrapped his arms around your shoulder. Y/n just told him not to as she is drenched by sweat.
*Insert kuroo Oya XD*
"Oya? Are you embarrassed y/n" Gojou asked while she just look away.
"Of course, I am, Now let go"  She admitted it, But it's rare to see her embarrassed and self conscious to herself. He just find it adorable.
"No, I don't want to"
"Stop it! Don't nuzzle your face to my neck"
"It's fine"
"Not it's not!"
"It's fine, it's my birthday" Gojou said while nuzzling his face to your neck. That is soak by sweat. Y/n just pushed his face away.
Gojou just insist it as he enjoyed the embarrassed look you have. Too distracted by your expression, and so another have passed he forgot his real goal.
The next day
Gojou Satoru just mess his hair as he can't go where you currently are. Y/n just told him, she was assigned to overseas for two days. Gojou pout and curse there superior for overworking you.
"Maybe, I should have just killed them" Gojou muttered under his breath as he just watch his students who is currently sparring with each other.
"Gojou-sensei, if y/n-san heard that, She will smack you" Megumi said while blocking and dodging Itadori's attack.
"Aren't you too cocky, Fushiguro, not paying attention and having a conversation with Gojou-sensei while were sparring"
"Your just simple weak" Sukuna said joining there conversation, Itadori just slapped where sukuna mouth appear.
"You shut up"
"That's right, Cocky Megumi, Go Yuji! beat him up"  Gojou cheered for Itadori to win. Fushiguro were merely irritated at the childish display that his teacher show. Fushiguro just caught Itadori's fist and kick his feet to off balance him. After Itadori lost his balance he was pin to the ground by Fushiguro. The sudden move reminds him of you.
"See...so weak"Sukuna said to Itadori who just keep on slapping where the mouth appear. Itadori just play a whack a mouth in his body.
While Gojou just clapped his hand. "Just now, That move did y/n perhaps teach you that?" Fushiguro just glare at Gojou.
Fushiguro just choose to shut his mouth "Is Megumi-chan perhaps sulking cause I didn't cheer him?"
"I'm not, Y/n-san just taught me that, Unlike somebody who love to push his work to his students and slack" Fushiguro said.
Gojou just pout since when did you spend time with Megumi. Gojou just send you an message to call him when you safely arrived to Africa. Y/n were asked to checked on Okkotsu Yuta.
Gojou just send her a voicemail that she shouldn't forget that it will be his birthday after two more days. That she definitely go back soon. Every voicemail he send he mentioned his birthday and that he missed her. Every five minutes y/n phone will ring.
She received 5,000 voicemail from Gojou whining she also heard from the other line the voice of her and his students telling him to do his job as a teacher. Gojou just neglect his work causing for Principal Yaga to message y/n to tell him to fulfill his duties. Even Ijichi reported Gojou's childish behavior as he neglect his duties and bully his juniors.
Megumi just message y/n that Gojou is planning to kill his superiors for overworking you. The two days y/n were in Africa, Okkotsu just asked y/n, how she is, Y/n just answered him with an tired look as she heard another problem Gojou did.
Okkotsu just pat her back as sign of sympathy. Y/n just thanked him and return to Japan as soon she have arrived to the airport, She just glare at the Familiar blindfolded white hair tall guy who happily holding a sign with a heart.
       "Y/n!!! I missed you!" Gojou Satoru run and hugged her as soon he saw her. Many people just gossip about the public display of affection. Y/n just pinch his side as she dragged him to a place that is secluded as she need to scold the fuss he did while she is away.
Y/n just nagged about his behavior the past two days. Gojou just reason out his birthday again. Y/n couldn't resist as she smack his head. Just one more day and it's going to be his birthday.
Today Y/n request for Principal Yaga for an Two days off and put a curtain around her room that is Anti-Gojou Satoru who apologies for the inconvenience he caused to you.
Shoko and Principal Yaga just told Gojou Satoru to give it up and let you rest. Fushiguro just stepped in and talked some sense on Gojou that if he insist continuing this, "Gojou-sensei, Y/n-san will sure ignore you, For real, If you don't behave today"
"But-but..." Gojou turn pale when Fushiguro show your message if Gojou Satoru neglect and cause trouble while she's resting in her room. Expect her ignoring him for a long time.
Fushiguro just typed an reply telling you that Gojou is not working and trying to enter your room.
"Megumi, wait! Don't send that!" Gojou said.
Fushiguro just threaten Gojou that, if he doesn't leave, he will send a message and y/n will ignore him.
"That's so evil, Megumi"
"It can't be helped, Y/n-san's order" Fushiguro said with unyielding tone. Gojou just sighed and raised his hand as he admitted defeat.
"Okay, okay" Gojou said as he did the duty he neglected. Later that Evening Gojou were still doing his work.
The Annoyance she had finally disappear. Y/n just send Gojou an message  "Finished your work and let's eat dinner together" if she just said let's eat together he will set it aside his unfinished work and teleport immediately at her room.
She waited for his response when she didn't receive a reply after five minutes. He probably haven't read it, Maybe let's go check on him. Y/n just went to his room where he have fell asleep on the table.
"It seems he have fallen asleep while doing his work" Y/n thought as she gently move him for her to carried him to his bed. Even she have a small physique, y/n can carry him. She just tuck her lover to his bed.
Y/n just tidy up his room and fix the scattered paper. Before leaving the room she just kiss his forehead and wish him a pleasant dreams.
The long awaited day that Gojou looking forward to. Gojou just woke up confused on how did he end up sleeping in his bed. Gojou just looked around to find his room that were a mess last night. We're tidied up and his scattered paper were arranged neatly.
"Did I tidy up this before?" Gojou thought to himself. When he checked his phone and read your message last night. That's when he realized that you visit his room and clean it for him.
Gojou just sulk at himself as he missed the chance to spend sometime with you yesterday. But today he decide to spend his whole birthday with you.
Gojou just fixed himself up. Afterwards he teleport to your room expecting your still asleep. When he knocked no one respond. So he just teleport inside your room, But it was empty.
Gojou just think where did you go? He just look around to find you, When he didn't find you nor your shadow, Gojou have came up with a conclusion that the Elders have tasked you to an Mission on his birthday.
Gojou just start to curse under his breath and thought of killing them.
"How dare they overwork y/n, this is unforgivable much more at such a important day" he was muttering while walking when he walked in to the kitchen.
"Good morning, Satoru" A familiar voice said and the foul mood that Gojou have melted as soon he saw y/n wearing an apron and holding a whisk.
"Too Cute, My heart" Gojou thought as he mentally have an heart attack.
Gojou just bring out his phone and start to took a lot of pictures of you.
       Y/n couldn't help but blush at how he react. She just tried to calm her flustered face.
"Satoru, stop that" Y/n said while Gojou keep on taking a photo.
"Wait, Y/n called me by my first name" Gojou realized to himself. As he start to film y/n.
"Come on y/n call me again" Gojou said while grinning ear to ear.
"What are you doing?"
"Filming you"
"What no!"
"Eh come on, call me again, Satoru~ like that"
Y/n were about to refused when Gojou just mentioned it's his birthday.
"It's my birthday"
"That's very unfair of you, Satoru"
"Say it again"
Y/n just sighed in defeat while she face the camera and call him Satoru.
Her face were flushed red as she couldn't help to feel embarrassed. Gojou was satisfied by the video.
Gojou just took a seat at the table and grin at her.
"What are you going to cook? Y/n-chan"
Gojou just gasped as he tear up "You remember my birthday"
Y/n just frowned as she remembered the fuss he did these past six days.
"How could I forget about it, you keep telling me it's going to be your birthday after six days"
Gojou just said " Teehee, Did I went overboard?" Y/n just sighed as she can't get mad at the birthday boy.
"Crap, Almost forgot" y/n said remembering something. She just stopped whisking the cake batter.
Gojou just follow her movements as she show up a piled pancakes and a hot cocoa which she settle down in front of him.
"Your breakfast"
"Thank you for the food" Gojou dig in as he happily eat the food you cooked.
He just slice and feed you while your cooking. "I cook that for you"
"Come on, it's unfair, if I'm the only one eating, Ahh"
Y/n just eat it, trying her best to fulfill his birthday wishes. Gojou again try to feed her.
"Ahh" But it didn't come, Gojou eat it. Falling for his childish prank.
He just laughed at your reaction.
       Y/n have an undescribable expression. She just decide to focus on the cake. After an hour of baking and decorating the cake.
Gojou just wear a sash saying it's his birthday.
Y/n just chuckled at how idiotic and goofy he is. When Gojou saw his cake. He just hugged y/n and thanked her for a delicious birthday cake.
Principal Yaga, Shoko and Nanami along with Fushiguro, Itadori, Inumaki, Panda, Maki and Nobara just wished him a happy birthday.
"I wish your not that annoying that much" Shoko said.
"I wish you, You won't come late" principal Yaga said and y/n just chuckled at there best wishes for Gojou Satoru.
"Happy birthday, Gojou-sensei" Itadori happily greet him.
"I wish you, you stopped slacking and Happy birthday"   Fushiguro said.
"Happy happy birthday" Kugisaki said.
"Happy birthday"
"Shake, Tsuna mayo"
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY" Panda said.
"That's not even best wishes!" Gojou said.
Time sure flies when you're with the people you love. Awhile ago it was morning, they both engrossed celebrating his birthday that they didn't notice it's already night.
The students just offered that they tidy up the mess and y/n to spend her time with the birthday boy.
"Happy?" Y/n said.
"Very" Gojou said while snuggling with you.
They both just snuggle when Gojou just asked why she didn't give him a gift.
"What, The cake is my gift" y/n said. Gojou just pout as he just pucker his lips at her.
"What's with the face?"
"The gift I want from you"
Gojou just frown "I want a kiss from you" As soon she heard his request her face turned beet red.
When it comes to intimacy, The serious, calm composed y/n become an bashful, nervous wreck.
Gojou just chuckled at his girlfriend reaction. "Close your eyes" y/n requested.
Gojou just close his eyes, y/n just slowly lean in when he open one of his eyes. Y/n just stopped and told him not to peek.
"Your making me nervous"
Gojou just stifle his laughter as he enjoying it. Only him can see this side of you.  Y/n just kiss his cheek.
Gojou just opened his eyes and point at his lips "My lips is over here" He said yet his heart beating faster than usual.
Y/n just kissed his forehead this time. "Thank you very much for the kiss of doting but my lips is over here"
Y/n just kissed his other cheek " Yeah, A kiss of I like you, Y/n... This one is getting Lonely" Gojou said and keep on talking.
When y/n finally kiss him in the lips. Every time her lips touch his skin it sends an electrified to Gojou. So he didn't expect y/n to use an kiss to shut him up.
"You talk too much" y/n said.
Gojou face were ablaze and his heart beat faster than before.
"Feel free to use kisses to shut me up" Gojou said.
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hkshirayuki · 3 years
This touch my heart
This is for the slow writers out there. Those who take weeks to write one chapter. Those who take years to finish one manuscript. Those who regularly write only 100-300 words in several hours. Those who take months to put out a new chapter. Those who haven’t touched their stories in years but it’s still a WIP because they can’t stop thinking about/taking notes for scenes/etc.
I see you. You’re valid. Keep up the good work!
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hkshirayuki · 3 years
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Wasting time.
Aka. I just wanted to draw kitty cat.
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hkshirayuki · 3 years
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It’s Cavendish appreciation hours bitch
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hkshirayuki · 3 years
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hkshirayuki · 3 years
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Like and reblog
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hkshirayuki · 3 years
Not one of your Victim (Gojou Satoru x Reader)
Ch.3 Reunion
After eating with, Fushiguro, Nobara and Itadori just thanked y/n for the food.
"I'm the one who pay for the meal" Gojo said.
"Yeah, your saying your gratitude to the wrong person, It was Gojo who payed for the meal"
They just glance at there Teacher and back to you.
"Oi!" Gojo irritated said at his students.
Y/n sighed at his reaction " this is why I told you to not to mess with your students"
The three just thought to mess with there teacher if you were with them.
Gojo just cross his arm as he still won't admit that his at fault for teasing them.
The quiet atmosphere were cut off by y/n's phone ringing.
Y/n just excuse herself and answered the call.
"Well then shall we head back?"
"I agree"
"I agree too"
Fushiguro just nod his head.
Gojo just walk towards you when he hear the person's name you currently talking to.
"What's this y/n, your with the trash?"
"I hate to admit it, but yeah"
"That's so cruel of you two"
"Good timing, I have something to discuss with the two of you, Come"
Y/n just make a face that she doesn't want to. While Gojo smile ear to ear.
"Stop grinning ear to ear, Your giving me goosebumps"
"That's a lie, After all I know y/n-chan love my handsome face"
"I really wonder where you get this shameless behavior of yours"
"I'm just stating a fact"
"Ugh..." Y/n hate to admit it but he was right.
"Where did your students go?"
"They already head back first, I just want to stay longer with you"
Y/n just ignore it. He really is a smooth talker even before. Y/n just suggest that they teleport back to shoko's office when Gojo decline it.
"Nope, I don't want to, I prefer walking with you so we could have some time alone"
"Sato, you really spout sweet poison, I'm not falling for it" y/n said with a unfazed expression.
"That's no good, Notice me more, y/n" Gojo said with his carefree tone.
"I bet you say that to every girl you met" y/n replied with a hint of displeasure.
"Come on, y/n-chan, just what do you think of me?"
"The Strongest jujutsu sorcerer and a person who is egocentric, childish handsomely annoying like a huge mosquito"
Each words she speak stab directly hit to his heart.
"I really wonder, why are we still friends" Gojo said.
"I asked the same thing to you"
They were both busy arguing that they didn't notice they both have arrived at Shoko's office.
"Just how long are you both going to chat infront of my office door" Shoko said at the same time opening the door.
"Yahoo, I'm also here"
Shoko just have an displeased face. She just smile and engulfed y/n for a embrace.
"Your attitude change so fast!" Gojo said.
"What's this I hear the Trash talking?"
"Shoko isn't that a bit harsh"
"Oh is it? My bad, my bad"
"At least call him, The Strongest Trash" y/n said with a deadpanned expression.
"Isn't that the same thing!?" Gojo replied to her comment.
Shoko just smirk towards Gojo who is still hugging you. That kinda piss him off.
"Then, What do you want to discuss with us?" Gojo asked as he wanted to leave with y/n as soon as possible.
Shoko turn into a different person when she's with you. For Gojo and Shoko, y/n is a very important person to them. Y/n consider principal and her fellow subordinates are like a family to her.
Although she didn't notice that Gojo Satoru indeed favors her a lot. She's kind a oblivious about his real motives with his flirty retorts. Y/n thought that Gojo Satoru is messing with her. As his the strongest and he love to bully the weak. According to Utahime who get recently bully by Gojo.
Y/n misunderstood his gesture of affection towards her as a narcissist, egoistic comment about himself.
But the People around her notice that Gojo Satoru is clearly infatuated with y/n.
When they realized it, They can't help but gross out on how peculiar he act around you. No one can mess with him so seeing Gojo Satoru in despair from y/n's blunt straightforward words about him.
They kinda enjoy it. That was the only time they see him like that.
Gojo Satoru just grit his teeth as he was jealous of Shoko. Being this so close with you who is oblivious of her real attention.
"Can't you see she's touching you inappropriate" Gojo thought to himself.
"What does Shoko want to discuss with us?"
Shoko just nuzzle her face at your neck. To avoid answering her question and to tease Gojo.
"That tickles Shoko"
Shoko just send another sly smirk at Gojo who is holding back.
Gojo just smile while he asked for the second time. "So what was the Main reason you call us here?"
"I just thought that we have a class reunion since you've been away for long y/n" Shoko replied to his question.
"Calm down, Gojo Satoru, She just call us to annoy me"
"This is so fun, Never gets old" Shoko thought as she savor the annoyed expression of Gojo Satoru.
She just stick out her tongue at Gojo. Who is barely holding back. He had enough of this that he suddenly lift you up away from Shoko. He lift you like how the monkey lift Simba.
"What are you doing!?" Shoko annoyed said.
Y/n were speechless of the sudden turn of events. His currently bullying and mocking her. She thought while she's being lift.
Nanami just entered Shoko's office when he saw there childish bantered.
It's hard to believe they were older than him. And he pity you getting always caught in the middle.
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