#zy summary is not liable for inaccuracies ^^
zylian · 1 year
Zy summary of that scramble on bacons stream
Leo got slain by Mapicc
Leo blew up on his own
Minute dies to Bacon
Parrot, Mapicc and Leo blow up but Bacon got Parrots heart
Bacon died falling
Minute blows up by Zam
Heart gain/loss:
Leo lost 3
Minute lost 2
Mapicc neutral (gained 1/ lost 1)
Parrot lost 1
Zam gained 1
Bacon gained 1 (gained 2/ lost 1)
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zylian · 1 year
Vitalasys afk adventure ! (Zy summary)
(Within the hour so 32:40 is considered the 33rd hr btw):
(33rd hr) Jumper bodyguard duty & got him an achievement
Mid & 4C showed up and helped Jumper
4C decided to kidnap him, boating loops in the river
Minute killed him, than gave the heart back to prove that he cannot be at spawn but than Jumper said anyone could stream snipe regardless. 5 hearts
Minute & Jumper are moving him out of spawn with rails & minecarts
Stream chat told them to use Camels and now nether travel is easier
Got threatened in vc by Spoke that Vitalasy will be farmed for hearts later but Planet said Vitalasy wasn’t listening since he’s afk so they left
((There are many players who are heart hungry since the recipe hasn’t changed yet))
Jumper & Minute set his spawn and temporarily stopped at jumpers old base, until they need to move him again
Minute lies to Spoke (as he joins vc again to ask how Vi got on the Camel) that Vitalasy has already cheated and there’s no point of him logging on
Minute and Jumper struggle a lot and realize they only need a pumpkin to limit his vision (no curse of binding)
(32nd hr) Minute & Jumper tried to make him tnt jump not thinking the TNT would kill him but the fall, they were wrong. Heart and all his stuff got destroyed. 5 -> 4
(29th hr) Bacon & Ashswag tried a drowning experiment with a resistance and regeneration beacon on Vitalasy. It failed and Vitalasy is down another heart. 4 -> 3
(28th hr) Ash sold him on the market place, Speptical bought him and his kidney for 5 diamonds. Speptical now has him (new teammate) and is making him his fishing buddy.
(26th hr) Speptical and Vitalasy die to an unexpected skeleton and named their team arrow. 3 -> 2
Subz shows up to hang with Spep, gave Vitalasy a new heart to put him back on 3, but Speptical says he's his teammate and he wants to give him a heart so Subz gave Spep a heart (whos at 4 hearts btw) to give to Vi. 2 -> 3
(25th hr) Speptical takes him to space, on the side of woogie's ice planet in the sky with a bubble column. His camel named arrow dies trying to get up as well.
Speptical makes him fish, write a nice sign, than leaves. Subz makes Vitalasy ring a bell, Pangi is also there. Pangi & Subz write signs that promote their channels.
(24th hr) Subz leaves Vi with the pain of the bell, he is not actually saved by Pangi who replaces it with note blocks which Vitalasy cries about.
(23rd hr) Vitalasy is saved by Woogie. No more note blocks. He is taken on a camel trip away from spawn. Woogie is giving a base tour.
Parrot, Ashswag & Spoke show up. Ash has morals and they all try to make him blow up the Mapicc statue. Spoke makes him hit a note block with a dragon head and they give him a goat horn.
(22nd hr) Pangi, Ash & Parrot transport him into the sky on a dirt patch. He is left with Parrot on this sanctuary island & builds him a house
(20th hr) Jumper fell to death in front of Parrot off the island. Parrot returned stuff and heart.
While waiting for Branzy to log on, Jumper and Parrot get a little silly. Parrot takes Vitalasy on a date and plays songs down the mic to Vitalasy, tries to rizz him up multiple time.
Branzy shows up, the trap fails and than Jumper plays angel, Parrot plays the devil as they convince branzy to take Vitalasy's heart. They play hit roulette and Branzy steals the heart. 3 -> 2
(19th hr) Branzy accidentally dies, Parrot gets the heart and gives it back to Vitalasy. Multiple trap attempts on Branzy, Parrot nudges Branzy to take Vi's heart, he does, Parrot pushes him off the ledge again to take the heart back again. 2 -> 3
Branzy pushes both Jumper & Parrot off, kills Vitalasy twice and holds him hostage on 1 heart. 3 -> 1 Parrot gets back up and pushes Branzy off the ledge, Jumper then kills Branzy again to get the heart back. 1 -> 3
Branzy steals and dies again, the heart is gone. Parrot leaves, Branzy donates one of his 5 hearts to Vitalasy. Ashswag shows up, Branzy & Jumper blame each other for killing at spawn to him. Pangi shows up, Branzy takes his heart back and runs. 3 -> 2
Pangi gives 4 diamond blocks to Jumper so she can craft a heart for Vitalasy 2 -> 3
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zylian · 1 year
Zy summary of the ls assassins spin-off session 2
(There was so much going on so I just wrote stuff down)
Spoke (!)
Spoke got spawn kill on ivory after she died, getting his target immediately
Spoke killed Zam for loot (Zam said betrayal)
Spoke doing that didn’t allow Ashswag to assassinate Zam who was following him (Spoke unintentionally helping or intentionally???)
Spoke tries to bargain w/ ppl and gets hunted (escapes tho)
Eventually gets stuck on nether roof
He tried to help Pangi get help with the Wemmbu kill
Fanst & Reddoons + ivory team (Ruthless)
Fanst lied to Minute about his target being Zam (it was Minute) but this time minute realized before the betrayal (he got hunted down/eliminated)
Redd & ivory got eliminated so they went on a vile t rampage
Wemmbu & Minutetech (Loyal?)
Teamed with Parrots cause of the “deal” (Parrot kill for Mapicc killing Jaron)
Made an honest attempt at trying to get Jaron
Parrot let Wemmbu get the kill since there was no time to look for Jaron
Minute lost to fanst (hunted)
Zam, Delilah, Ro & Jaron team (Got hunted at the start)
(Leo was not at this session)
Zam got his Reddoons target, next target was Ro so he just went into hiding
Whole team sky based and got hunted for so long (Ro was mining at this time)
Jaron survived, changed skin and somehow killed 4c
Delilah couldn’t kill Fanst, it was too late when she tried to run and got assassinated by Subz
Jarons next target became Subz but there was 2 min so they didn’t go after him (Subz announced his coords in chat he got bored)
Zams teams now hates Subz for next session cause she was the only one on the team that wanted to stay alive
Ro assassinated Allrich & later killed Fanst to get the diamond gear off of him
Mapicc, Parrot, Vortex (want to kill everyone for gear)
Vortex who killed Rose (1st target) got Ash (2nd target) and murdered him.
Vortex got Zam (3rd target) off of Ash but he chose not to kill him since he’s already killed 2 targets
Vortex said Subz was a better target than Jaron since Mapicc could at least fight him
Parrots target was Vortex and chooses to use the revive next
Mapicc is angry & wants to go an a murder spree (don’t know if he will be revived next round)
Also here’s proper standings after everything from a Zam tweet:
Tumblr media
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zylian · 1 year
Watching Zam continuously fumble wtf is going on
He let someone see the eggs
Is really obvious
Can not hide who he is for the life of him
Got his strength shulker stolen
Doesn’t realize he was boosted w effects
Immediately forgot being a hit was a distraction
Asked for a fair fight(??????)
Went back to glow squids after realizing wtf he was doing
Calmed down and is back to trolling
Died to Parrot using a Hyperion
Subz in chat asking wtf is happening after he died and Zam got skill diffed
Spoke moving up the plans
Spoke playing both sides
Zam still focusing on fighting rather than spawning eggs
Silly and confusing
Where is Mapicc
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zylian · 10 months
I was so right about the endermite being for the enderman farm and how they all want it back LMAO
I can’t believe the honorary poopies endermite is the only replacement option- there is no way they’re gonna successfully get the little guy in the farm literally no way so that farms either dead or someone has to spawn it in
Also I’m like 90% sure that little guy died or was hidden away, tho I think Subz used multiple endermite’s cause they kept on dying to the enderman so…
There’s no hope lmao
Anyways can’t believe Planet suggested lala & gg merging and can’t believe the deal breaker was Ash- like what happened for ash to allegedly tp to Mapicc and both getting mad but somehow turned mediator Spoke can’t do anything if not told or shown what happened (so much with so little to go off of) and what’s up with Planet not being full send mean to offer a team up, was that meant to be a 4 person team since parrot, ro and ash kinda MIA
Then there’s no surprise to Zams gear being everywhere but the parallel of the gear this time being ethical in a sense like when they see “Prince” on armour it isn’t a negative connotation from the get go and him being accused
s5 is so much more breathable and I’m glad zams efforts have been fully acknowledged, I wonder what’s going to happen to specifically zam and his ally ship hmmm
Also apparently zam and mape 2v1ed planet and won- literally so much that’s been put under the rug like wth
Anyways love the insanity
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zylian · 11 months
I'm not watching but I am keeping up with Ls so how the hell did wemmbu snitch on parrot to spoke after parrot gave wemmbu 4 hearts to keep quiet for hacking-
The absolute parallel is INSANE
Like compared to s4, back then they all were close enough to keep their mouth shuts especially if the one breaking rules was Spoke, when Leo broke rules it was a big sigh and most just told him off, for Ash it was bound to happen and he was easily murdered to get him to knock it off
Now in s5 even though it's Parrots goal; for Parrot to barter with Wemmbu who knows that if he were to hack everyone would be disappointed as he has a track record. Spokes tactic last season was easily dragging people with him and talking his way out of it yet Parrot tried to buy his way out and accept Wembus offer.
Parrots trying to make a point against Spoke (whos apparently among the council admins for Ls?!?) because of s4 but the rules are different and the way people trust is also different. Parrot is playing to spite him though I think the interaction with Wemmbu went the worst way possible
To me, even if the roles are reversed, it feels like a completely different dynamic
THOUGH Parrot did guilt trip using the "wrap up the recording" to get himself back on the server (Mape said) so who knows how far he could get
Also it does look like Parrots plan is working but I'm more worried for the effects it will have on gg since it already seems to be out of his control. I don't like thinking about the consequences after it escalates further ._.
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zylian · 2 years
So Bacons stream: zy summary !
Bacon interviewed Spoke, Vitalasy, Mapicc & Zam, got information and said his points really well
Jaron is with Ashswag but his teammates convinced him they are not for exploiting and Jaron advised them to move their spawn points
Planet regrets telling Zam to go with the Prison cause he’s realizing how stupid the bedrock is
Vitalasy kept dodging questions saying it’s for the server but bacon & Planet think if push comes to shove Vitalasy is NOT compromising with the server
Subz is middle ground/ could not care and it seems like he is the only thing Zam doesn’t want to leave eclipse for
Mapicc has chosen to make Vitalasy his enemy saying his prison is bad (as Mapicc is a prison expert) but he also now is very scared of Vitalasy after seeing he has access to “stuff” too
Mapicc recruited Bacon & Planet in the future to be against exploits as he says his teammates are unreliable but Mapicc still works with Spoke cause he doesn’t want to be on his bad side (which Bacon & Planet realized Mapicc isn’t really against all exploits than)
Spoke made Zam look bad in Mapiccs eyes saying Zam for months of being against exploits yet he’s on a exploit team helping them rn (Bacon & Planet didn’t believe him)
Bacon brought up changed allies for similar views and Zam said it was a deal breaker to be on anti exploiters if he has to work with Mapicc again (I’m very sad he said this)
Zam has a limited time to make a goddamn decision and got one of the best talks from 3ht yet he doesn’t want to leave Subz (who is neutral btw)
Spoke plays all sides which is kinda insane how he’s allowed to know about anti exploits group thingy about going against Vitalasy
(In a prev zam stream vitalasy had messaged zam previously that if needed Spoke would go against leviathan which Zam doesn’t believe at all)
Bacon said Mapicc & Zam are really similar in how they voice their opinions but Mapiccs the only one who ever does something about it
Bacon & Planet had a trust item with Vitalasy that they have burned with Jaron there too since their no longer keeping quiet about his exploits
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zylian · 1 year
Minute impersonating Subz as Bacon asks Subz to join vc
Subz seeing the hell that spawn is
Minute telling Subz not to worry about spawn since Clutch has been dealt with
Planet and Subz saying they copied each other’s armour
Subz and Minute agreeing to protect Planet when he was first to try the not so obvious trap
Mapicc and Bacon choosing to not trap Subz and just go along with the bit
They’re so silly and goofy and than Leowook joined and all traps start failing while getting incredibly more suspicious
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zylian · 1 year
Zy summary thoughts of bacon stream I guess
Jumper is now dragged into Bacon & Mapiccs trap mess when it would have been Minute or Vitalasy and since it was only for testing (failed in a different sense) they’re gonna get more test subjects
hopefully it works out later since they all need hearts now lmao
Also Spoke wasn’t talking until it happened and than when people died dude starts asking about the trap and what it is
Than there’s Ro who is iffy on teams, probably just going to hang with both Lala and Gucci
I wonder if Jumper is going to involve her teammates or keep this as personal stuff
It would be funnier if she just didn’t tell her teammates
I hope Outlaws & Gucci non aggression pack doesn’t break cause of this (that would be dumb if jumper is getting a set out of this)
Though Gucci doesn’t mind hating on anyone so it would be up in the air (they probably asked Jumper to “betray” just to get Woogie and I don’t blame them)
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zylian · 1 year
My brains 1st s5 day thoughts:
Half mesa, half plains :0
Sleep deprived Subz oh no
Spoke not having teammates omg (yay planet)
Mapicc & bacon awkwardly waiting to fight Vitalasy & jumper
Yikes it’s not a good day for Vitalasy
Omg Clown & Leo!?!?!?!?!!!
Clown has good ideas I approve yes yes
I’m supposed to be a designated Clown & Roshambo apologist, I totally forgot
Roshambo being Ashswags crony yippee
Planet bloodlust oh
Speptical the funniest kill and run lmao
No end fight :0 (technically)
Mapicc jumping from the corner at Zam O
Warden warden warden ! ! !
Spawn market money castle wall?
Lala legion! KFC! Pirate Empire! Gucci gang!
Shambles, just everyone in shambles
Subz getting abandoned by his team again whoops
Kills based on team affiliation SUCK
If lala legion goes crazy will other mini teams alliance too
YIKES still not a good day for Vitalasy
Lifesteal day 1 loser is either Vitalasy or Spepticle
Subz paranoia has peaked bro can’t keep his eyes open
“Mape up” so true Mapicc
Nice Planet lord is dead I’m so sad
Netherite blocks ooooooo
Clown, Leo, Minute team so cool and scary and fun
Planet being skeptical of Spoke always and forever
So many povs need break
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