#zyna hel
tyciblog · 8 years
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Rebecca Moore interviews self-proclaimed "disco witch" Zyna Hel.
How would describe your sound for our readers who might not be familiar with your work?
I write magical pop songs for starseeds and strippers. What are the themes within your latest single Catacombs and why did you choose to explore these?
The themes are around mother and daughter relationships and the ways in which we can inherit our parents’ issues and unconsciously play out the same patterns in our lives. I didn’t consciously choose to explore this theme though. I write lyrics in a stream-of-consciousness way: it was only in retrospect when I started reflecting on the lyrics that I realised they were inspired by my relationship with my mother and the myth of Persephone and Demeter, a story I’d been really immersed in at the time I wrote Catacombs.
As a female artist, how do you deal with issues around gender equality and do you draw these experiences into your art?
I deal with gender inequality by immersing myself in the things I love to do. As a musician I'm acutely aware of my gender. Sexism in the music industry is insidious, it's so ingrained you could almost miss it, but it's there more than in other industries I've been part of. I deal with it by keeping going, just doing what I do. I think that really that's the key. Just doing what you love and pushing back against prejudice and not letting it get to you. I don’t know if I consciously draw these experiences into my art, but I suppose it’s inevitable they will show up there in some way.
How do you find freedom and a voice within your music? I really believe that in a world that wants females to fit in to a certain box, just making your own art on your own terms is a radical act, regardless of the subject-matter or content of the work. Just getting to do what I love gives me freedom and a voice. What was it like collaborating with Benjamin John Power of Fuck Buttons?
Ben is an incredible musician and a great friend, it really was a pleasure and privilege to work with him on this song. When Ben heard my original demo of Catacombs he asked if he could have a go at producing it. Ben's production took the song to a place I couldn't have imagined taking it on my own, it was just so perfect. You draw a lot of inspiration for your music from the Occult and Mythical worlds. What is it about this that inspires you?
I guess it’s just a big part of my life so it feeds organically in to my music. I’ve always been drawn to mystical and metaphysical things and I have my own spiritual practice. I don’t consciously bring these themes in to my music, in fact for ages I didn’t even realise they were there until people started commenting on it. There are lots of grounded themes in my work too though like love, sex, motherhood, etc.
Do you think within these realms sits an opportunity for female expression that might not exist otherwise?
This is a really interesting question. I hadn't thought about it before. I think that traditionally the 'inner worlds' have been more accessible to women. However, like in other areas, women’s mystical experiences and ideas are less documented than men's.
I just finished reading Be Here Now by Ram Dass. The first part of the book includes an account of his time spent in an Indian ashram with his guru. This part of the book is full of accounts of incredible mystical experiences, and while I loved reading about it all I couldn't help notice how absent women were from the narrative. Ram Dass speaks at one point about the fact he was 'low on the ladder' at the ashram and had to ride in the back of the guru's land rover 'with the women’. I couldn't take the book's message as seriously after that. I'm sure things have thankfully changed a lot since the 60s though.
So to answer your question, yes. I think there lies a unique expression for women because we need to hear women's voices on this subject like on any other. We live in a time now where lots more women have the freedom to write their own stories, experiences and ideas and get them out in to the world. It's easier than ever now to self-publish and self-release, we don't have to go through the established routes to get our art out in to the world.
Catacombs was released via your own label, Occult Babes. Can you tell us more about the label?
I had a dream just after Prince died where he told me to start my own label to release my single, so I did.
How did you start your own label, and what did you learn in the process?
It was actually really easy to set-up, there are lots of services out there that make digital distribution very easy for small labels. What I learned was that I don't find that aspect very fun, I really just like writing songs and playing them, not so much the rest.
What are your musical inspirations?
I am continually inspired by artists who express themselves fearlessly. Prince, Kate Bush and Anonhi are a few that come to mind. I'm also really inspired by poetry, Edith Sodergran is a favourite of mine. I think the thing with inspiration though is that it can come from anything and anywhere and it's impossible to control, for me at least. I got the chorus lyrics for one of my songs from a brand of facial wipes 'Skin to Skin'. I was in my friend's bathroom and just started singing the chorus after seeing the packet. It was bizarre but it worked perfectly for the song I was writing at the time.
Can you tell us a bit about your creative process when starting a new song?
It starts with a melody, or sometimes a whole song, coming in to my head. I have to keep a recording device with me at all times in case it happens. I then go to the piano and write it. I finish everything as a song first, then the production is the last thing. Sometimes songs come in dreams, one song I wrote came in three consecutive dreams over three nights; verse, chorus, then bridge. I think my subconscious is constantly working away in the background. I have a regular writing practice and write around two - three songs a week, it's one of the things that makes me happiest.
What has your musical journey been up to this point?
Even though I've been writing and performing under this name for a little while, my musical journey really feels like it's just beginning now.
When and where can we see you playing next?
I will be playing shows again in the autumn and they will be announced soon!
[Rebecca Moore]
Catacombs is out now.
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mazzimademe-blog · 12 years
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Music / Zyna Hel
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tyciblog · 10 years
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We'll be collecting for this at our 17 January Stereo event. If you have anything to donate, please do bring it down to the gig!
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