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etiennekissborlase · 1 year
Elon Musk Effect: Miladys NFT Floor Price Skyrockets Because Of This Tweet
Elon Musk Effect: Miladys NFT Floor Price Skyrockets Because Of This Tweet https://bitcoinist.com/elon-musk-effect-miladys-nft-floor-price-skyrockets/ NFT collection Miladys reigns supreme on OpenSea topping other collections such as the Bored Apes after its floor prices increased by 59%. The price spike was reported on Wednesday afternoon following a Tweet from Elon Musk. As seen below, the entrepreneur and Twitter CEO posted a meme containing one of Miladys NFT avatars. Proving that the “Musk Effect,” which triggers a price increase in things sponsored by Musk, is still alive and in full force. The gif, which was overlaid with the caption “There is no Meme, I Love You,” instantly caught the attention of the NFT community. Immediately, the market saw Miladys floor prices record significant gains. pic.twitter.com/4s6HwnCY74 — Elon Musk (@elonmusk) May 10, 2023 Elon Musk Pushes Miladys Floor Price Elon Musk is famous in the crypto space for significantly impacting the prices of DOGE and other memecoins. When Musk posted the gif in a tweet on Wednesday, Miladys NFT collection started trending on Opensea, and its floor price reached an all-time high of 7.3 ETH ($13,475). The massive spike in floor prices of Miladys brought excitement to holders and boosted the popularity of its NFT collection, which was relatively popular before Elon’s tweet. When writing, trading reports from OpenSea on the Miladys NFT collection show a decline in its floor prices from 7.3 ETH to 5.4ETH. Although its NFT sales are still up by 1,845 (57%), the collection records a +131% trading volume increase. What You Should Know About The Miladys NFT Project The Miladys NFT collection comprises 9,823 unique wide-eyed, childlike faces, which can be purchased/sold and transferred from one collector to another in NFT marketplaces such as OpenSea. The Miladys NFT collection, introduced to the NFT markets in March 2021, was created by Charlotte Fang, who is also behind the Remilia project. Before today’s sudden increase in floor prices for Miladys NFT, the project had been controversial. NFT creator Charlotte Fang doxxed himself in May 2022, revealing that he had been operating a pseudonymous Twitter account. This account had shared abusive and racist tweets, causing public outrage. OK, full disclosure: I was Miya. And its toxic baggage that’s hurting Milady community & poisoning the vibe. I apologize about trying to hide the past account—Miya has nothing to do with Milady Maker & should stay that way so I’ll be stepping down from the team from here. — ♡ Charlotte Fang Crown Prince (@CharlotteFang77) May 21, 2022 Miladys NFT creator Charlotte Fang was reported to have immediately stepped down from the project team in May 2022 after apologizing to the public for the statements posted via the pseudonymous account. via Bitcoinist.com https://bitcoinist.com May 11, 2023 at 01:00AM
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misttimes · 2 years
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RT @nipponichi8: しかし、誰が誰のTweetに対して「いいね」したとか、Retweetしたとか、他人の思想チェックのようなことをしている人たちは他にやることがないのかねえ
posted at 01:29:29
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RT @nipponichi8: 「安倍政権下での憲法改正は議論に応じない」、などと仰っていた方々 安倍さんが退陣しでから2年以上経ち、お亡くなりになっているのですが、いつになったら真面に議論するのですか?
posted at 01:29:00
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RT @KadotaRyusho: 中国の内部文献で2016年に習近平国家主席が尖閣や南シナ海の権益確保は“我々の世代の歴史的重責”と述べていた事が明らかに。南シナ海、台湾、尖閣、日本への侵略シナリオは様々な形で示されてきたが中国の“分断工作”が完成している日本は沈黙。これが滅びゆく国の政治家たち www.msn.com/ja-jp/news/wor…
posted at 01:27:46
昨年のトロプリライブで持って行かなかったスタプリライブのペンライトを今回は持参して大正解。スタプリ曲で使用。キュアミルキーカラーの緑が映えた。 #プリキュアライブ 上:デパプリライブのペンライト 下:スタプリライブのペンライト pic.twitter.com/ECupilKqtb
posted at 01:25:29
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RT @precure_live: 宮本佳那子 「かんぱいパーティ!!」 ⇒ ameblo.jp/kanakomiyamoto… #アメブロ @ameba_officialさんから #プリキュアライブ
posted at 01:14:30
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RT @shokooomori: デリシャスパーティ♡プリキュアLIVE2022 かんぱいParty にお邪魔して参りました🐾今回は初の、プリキュアシンガー公演ということで、歌のシャワーを存分に浴びて参りました☺️✨楽しい歌あり可愛い歌ありかっこいい歌あり…パワーをいっぱいただきました♪どうもありがとう❤️ #プリキュアライブ pic.twitter.com/vpr1XX5d3B
posted at 01:14:24
posted at 01:04:32
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RT @nonko_hidaka531: 皆さーん✨ のびちゃんが3日前からこっそりTwitterを始めたそうです❣️ 私に黙っているとはけしからんっ!!フォローしてあげてね😊 #長谷川のび太 twitter.com/futoshihasegaw…
posted at 00:58:14
こむちゃを毎週聴いていたのは相方が植田佳奈、小清水亜美時代。盗作発覚謹慎回も復帰回もリアルタイムで聴いた。復帰の時は1ヶ月は短すぎると思ったし、ここ数年は聴く頻度減ってはいるものの、部長あってのこむちゃ。1ヶ月以内の復帰を強く望みます。 #comcha
posted at 00:44:12
まさか宮本佳那子さんがHUGプリOPを歌ってくれるとは思わなかった。深読みしすぎでドキプリのまこぴーソングを歌うかもと予想していたが良い意味で裏切られた。バックの映像がマシェアム不在でルールーがクライアス社時代の初期バージョンだったけどそこはそれ。 #プリキュアライブ
posted at 00:40:29
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RT @RisaShimizu: 今日は阪口周平さんと収録一緒でしたー!(お知らせはまた📢) 嬉しすぎて写真をおねだり☺️🙏🏻ブンドルポーズすれば良かったかな!?🅱️✖️💪🏻(ナルシストルーファンはたくさんいる気がする…🫢) 明日はデパプリ34話放送&プリキュアライブ❣️ 東京ドームシティホールでお待ちしています♡🎤💃 #デパプリ pic.twitter.com/krsPt1j9vW
posted at 00:37:02
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RT @comcha_qr: 今夜も「こむちゃ」を お聴き頂きありがとうございました🌟 📻今夜の放送をフルでもう1度聴ける radikoのタイムフリーはコチラ!⇒radiko.jp/share/?sid=QRR… #上坂すみれ #すみぺアンソロ発売 #comcha #agqr #文化放送 #radiko
posted at 00:34:41
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RT @MIKE_Sugiyama: Machicoさんが歌う「若葉のころ」。 コロナ禍など考えもしない頃書いた歌詞。 2番サビの出だし~春夏秋と過ぎたね~が、今の現状にこんなにリンクするなんて… 半年遅れですが、やっと皆さんにお届けできます。 是非、CDの歌詞カードでお確かめください。 #ヒープリ #ミラクルリープ #プリキュア twitter.com/MIKE_Sugiyama/…
posted at 00:19:57
本日は北川理恵さん不在だったから北川さんの歌はカバーで歌われたけど、五條さん、北川さん、Machicoさんの3人で歌う「NO PRIDE, NO LIFE!」は五條さんとMachicoさんの二人で歌われた。五條さんのパワフル過ぎる歌唱力とタメを張れるMachicoさんの歌唱力の凄さに圧倒させられた。 #プリキュアライブ
posted at 00:15:15
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RT @sprite2639: デリシャスパーティ♡プリキュア LIVE 2022 Cheers!Delicious LIVE Party♡ かんぱいParty♡ セットリスト プリキュア セトリ 間違いあったらリプしてください。 #プリキュア pic.twitter.com/Bcs1sWliy0
posted at 00:09:53
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RT @Moeha_Nochimoto: #プリキュアライブ かんぱいParty♥ 🥂.*・゚ 人生初ライブで「ようこそ、お子さま♡ドリーミア」を歌わせていただきました! 会場にお越しいただいた皆さんも配信で楽しんでくださった皆さんも本当にありがとうございました!✨ #precure #デパプリ pic.twitter.com/OomdYaayDp
posted at 00:08:53
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RT @sasakirico: 『デリシャスパーティ♡プリキュア LIVE 2022 Cheers!Delicious LIVE Party♡』 #プリキュアライブ かんぱいParty♡🥂 ありがとうございましたー!! 笑顔と幸せな時間をシェアした思い出は一生の宝物です。。!最高でした!! 素敵な皆さんとのお写真はまた後ほど載せますね☺︎ #デパプリ #precure pic.twitter.com/hwN1ZctWcC
posted at 00:08:46
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RT @chiha_yoshitake: #プリキュアライブ 1日目💖 かんぱいparty🥂♡ありがとうございました!! 歌手公演🎤たくさんの楽曲をお届けできて 幸せいっぱいでした☺︎ プリキュアソングが大好きだーーーー!!!♥️ みんなの笑顔が大好きです🤭✨ 明日は2公演🍽よろしくね🥰🎶 #デパプリ #precure pic.twitter.com/klHgjiZyXx
posted at 00:07:43
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RT @MachicoOfficial: 嬉しいお知らせ❣️ #プリキュア ベスト盤アルバム 『Machico♡プリキュアのうた!』を発売させていただきますーーーー!! 誕生日にはリリイベも🎵 大好きなプリキュアソングやプリキュアへの想いを私なりに表現した作詞曲もあるのでお楽しみに☺️🌈 BY:Machico(・山・)#precure #プリキュアCD twitter.com/precure_marv/s…
posted at 00:07:06
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RT @MachicoOfficial: #プリキュアライブ DAY1ありがとうございました🥂❣️ 初の試みであるシンガー公演に出演できたこと…たくさんのプリキュアソングに囲まれてとても幸せな時間となりました🎵 みんなの笑顔いっぱい届いたよ⭐ 明日はDAY2✨たのしむぞー😋🍴 BY:Machico(・山・)#precure #デパプリ pic.twitter.com/nMJ2L0blhD
posted at 00:07:00
posted at 00:04:35
posted at 00:04:06
from TOJHO(@misttimes) - Twilog https://ift.tt/1PolpMV via https://ift.tt/rmUQAz0
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rz-jocelyn · 7 years
[TRANSLATION] Musical Touken Ranbu Kashuu Kiyomitsu Tanki Shutsujin 2017: Cast and Crew Reactions (Part 01) - Touken Danshi and the Human Team (Twitter)
Here's a compilation of the reactions of the cast and crew from the Musical Touken Ranbu franchise to the "Musical Touken Ranbu Kashuu Kiyomitsu Tanki Shutsujin 2017".
In this part, I've translated and compiled the Tweets from the Touken Danshi and the Human Team xD
Featuring Sato Ryuji as Kashuu Kiyomitsu
Kuroba Mario (Mikazuki Munechika) @vithmic_mario 
Yeah Kashuu Kiyomitsu-san He was really incredible
It makes me want to attach [the honorific] "san" [to his name]. LOL
Grandfather will also do his best
Kitazono Ryo (Kogitsunemaru) @ryyyyo_k 
Today, I had the opportunity to attend the Genepro performance for the "Musical Touken Ranbu Kashuu Kiyomitsu Tanki Shutsujin 2017" It was incredible I take my hat off to him
He really showed us [what he can do] It was stimulating. Truly
Saeki Daichi (Iwatooshi) @AND_swgD 
Our captain
Kashuu Kiyomitsu's solo departure for the front lines. Truly, bravo Sato Ryuji. Also, it's exhausting. Phenomenal. Love you.
#Bravo #Touken Ranbu #Will be zealous/fervent in rehearsals
Ohira Shunya (Imanotsurugi) @trampshunya 
The "Musical Touken Ranbu Kashuu Kiyomitsu Tanki Shutsujin 2017"
I went to watch the Gene [1] with everyone ✨✨ Captain~ Captain was so cool~ (*ฅ´ω`ฅ*)
Please be loved by the many, many masters~ (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧ Babyu~n Captain~ Captain~ Captain~~
Arisawa Shoutarou (Izuminokami Kanesada) @shotaro_arsw 
The "Musical Touken Ranbu Kashuu Kiyomitsu Tanki Shutsujin 2017" I attended the Genepro performance.
I was looking forward to it but It was far beyond my expectations I was enthralled... He was amazing.
The dancers too were really, really cool!
Please run towards the finish line without any injuries!
Imari Yu (Nagasone Kotetsu) @imari_yu 
Today, before my evening performance I attended the "Kashuu Kiyomitsu Tanki Shutsujin 2017"! From the beginning to the end, I had goosebumps,, 🌹🌹 I was truly deeply moved and received courage from it!
Also, it's been a while since I've met everyone; it was kind of like a mini class reunion.
Everyone, please do your best without getting injured ✌️
Yokota Ryugi (Monoyoshi Sadamune) @0909Ryugi 
I went and watched Kashuu-sama's 2017 solo departure to the front lines ✨
He was incredibly cool And so beautiful I've fallen in love with him ☺️‼︎
He was truly magnificent! I have to do my best too 😠‼︎
[BONUS] Torigoe Yuki (Yamatonokami Yasusada) @Torippiyo2 
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☆ Kiyomitsu ☆
Do your best ♡
Tanaka Shigemi (Musashibou Benkei) @shigemi_tanaka 
Kashuu solo departure Appreciation of the Genepro It was incredible~!
Around the 4th song onwards Shigemi was already moved to tears,,,
You can't think about how you would like to keep a close eye and support the solo departure! Just enjoy the live.
You can't think about the harsh struggles of the solo departure and how you would like to support and cheer Kashuu on! Just enjoy the live!
If you don't It's,,, even more overwhelming Grins
Kako Lion (Fujiwara no Yasuhira) @dancing_lion 
The "Musical Touken Ranbu Kashuu Kiyomitsu Tanki Shutsujin 2017" was magnificent.
The man called Sato Ryuji. Kashuu Kiyomitsu-dono. As expected, he was magnificent.
With this, a legend has been created.
Very soon the curtains will rise.
Have a safe departure and return!!!
Araki Kentarou (Minamoto no Yoshitsune) @borntobemild825 
Appreciation of Kashuu's Live Gene! Before and after the live, the staff included, it was like a class reunion LOL Everyone loves Toumyu and Kashuu, don't they. Also, me too. The Live was truly incredible... It showed us the spirit of Kashuu, the dancers and the participating staff members. I was deeply moved. Do your best tomorrow too!!
Takagi Tomoyuki (Hijikata Toshizou) @tomoyukitakagi 
Everyone~~~❗❗ "Kashuu Kiyomitsu" Is seriously incredible~~~~~~ ⤴️⤴️⤴️⤴️⤴️⤴️⤴️⤴️
[1] "Gene". The abbreviation of "Genepro" which refers to the Genepro performance of the "Musical Touken Ranbu Kashuu Kiyomitsu Tanki Shutsujin 2017".
A Genepro performance is an official performance of a stage production before the production is open for public viewing. This is the performance that reporters, journalists and other media staff are invited to for their coverage on the production. Invitations are also extended to other staff involved in the production.
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cozyemily · 6 years
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