#~a spark lit smile~ (robofizz)
Blade was bouncing around Robofiz and looked them over. "So you're a robot??? I'm an edroid! Or well, darling said I'm like an android if that makes more sense. Hi, I'm Blade!" Said the happy man with a gem on his chest and messy white and black hair. He had shark like teeth and bright purple eyes. He was definitely a ball of energy
Robo's eyes widened by the man bouncing around him, behavior he was never on the recieving end of before, then they landed and spoke, Robo crossing his arms smugly "If the LED lights in my everything didn't give it aw-away. Yeah I'm robotic, g-guess you are too. Nice to mee-meet ya Blade. Ya e-eat some sugar or what?"He teased, all that energy was also not something he saw as an outsider.
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monsterlovinghours · 3 years
Okay. You asked for robofizz prompts and I think I have something. Character (reader or OC, totally up to you) works at Loo Loo Land as a maintenance worker for the rides and games. Their day is busy as hell because, let’s be honest, shit breaks down a lot there. But, out of the blue, management makes them robofizz’s new mechanic because he killed the last one. This is the first time they’re meeting the deranged clown and things get pretty, you know, when character tries to fix his sparking wires. 👀👀👀👀👀
oh fuck here we go y’all sluts better buckle up
Ducking behind a row of rigged carnival games, you let your work bag fall to the ground as you took a breather, wiping sweat and what looked like engine oil (but could be anything from burnt sugar to cremation ash) off your forehead. Taking a job as a ride mechanic had seemed like a good idea at the time; get into the park for free, discounts on funnel cake, access to all the shows. All you had to do was tighten a few bolts and make sure nobody got electrocuted too severely. 
But here, like the rest of Hell, imps like you were disposable grunt workers and nobody gave two and a half shits if you were overworked or exhausted. Everything was broken or breaking. You were shocked (metaphorically and literally) your first day when you saw that behind the novelty prizes and shiny veneers, the park was just a rat’s nest of rusted metal, sharp edges, and exposed wiring. Mechanics were routinely crushed or mangled or fried, and within a day another had taken their place. So far, you’d managed to avoid the various death traps and make it a solid month, which made you one of the more senior employees. 
Today was especially busy; there was some important fuck and his daughter at the park today, and orders were to keep the place running as smoothly as possible, though “smooth” was a relative term. It had seen you running like a maniac from one end of the park to the other, your uniform shirt coming untucked from your grease-stained pants as you jogged from one disaster to the next. Predictably, as soon as you had a second to take a breath, your phone went off, the splintering chitter of its message alert drilling into your ears. 
Another mechanic was down, this one working to repair one of the main acts. You groaned, big machines you were fine with, but intricate wiring and robotics? Not your strong suit. And this was the top-billed show, the most loved (or most feared) performer the park had to offer. Fizzarolli himself. You hadn’t seen the show yet, and his ominous circus tent was one of the only places you hadn’t yet been called to to fix something, but since you were currently the most senior mechanic on staff at the moment, and seeing how RoboFizz had just crushed his last mechanic, the job fell unfortuitously to you. 
You sighed and slung your tool bag over your shoulder, walking briskly through the crowds to hastily erected circus tent, which had been cleared of people for the time being. You took a deep breath before ducking inside, blinking a bit as your eyes adjusted from the bright light of midday to the dim green glow that filled the tent. Some benches were knocked over, a few still had blood spatter on them, but you'd straighten that up later. At the moment, your focus was on the shadowed figure bent in unnatural angles slumped on the stage. His eyes and grinning mouth were lit with the same dull green, and they narrowed to slits when they saw you. 
"Its about ti-time you got here, toots!" He laughed, the sound skipping like a damaged record. You resisted the urge to roll your eyes as you knelt behind Fizz to access his mainframe; at least the rides didn't talk. 
"Yeah yeah, its busy work keeping this shithole operating, sue me." A few twists with a screwdriver, and the panel popped free, exposing the tangled wires and hydraulics, and you groaned inwardly. This kind of detailed work was way beyond your level of experience. 
"Ya waiting for a formal invitation ba-ba-back there, tinker? Get moving, I've got an audience waiting!"
"Hell's sake, keep your bells on. I'm not exactly a robotics expert." Clamping a small flashlight in your teeth, you started to poke around inside the hydraulics, looking for any leaks or broken connections. Not seeing anything right away, you probed deeper, focused on finding the problem in the less than adequate lighting. Had you been more experienced in dealing with robots, you would have perhaps remembered to inspect the outer body for any exposed wiring. As it happens, you did not, and your inexperience led you to brush against an exposed set of wires that threw sparks and burned a dark, circular mark on the back of your hand. The pain made you jerk back on instinct, yelping and cursing. It took you a moment to notice that the posture of the clown had changed, straightening from his slumped position with his head cocked sharply to the side. With the soft ratchet of moving machinery, Fizz turned his head 180 degrees to look at you, and you noticed more quickly now that his stare had changed as well. Before, it felt derisive, a touch irritated behind the ever present smile he'd been programmed with. But now there was more intent inside the green, more interest...almost as if he were leering at you.
"Ohhh," he rasped, "so its gonna be that kind of show?"
You were confused, until you noticed a dot of red within the green, a new light in the mainframe, with tiny lettering indicating what new function your little spasm had switched on. 
18+ Mode On
Your eyes widened as the reality of your little mistake finally began to sink in. It was a well known fact that Fizz had an “adult” mode, mainly for private shows where wads of cash exchanged hands behind closed doors. Sometimes, the crowds at night were bigger than the crowds during the day. Sure, on a lonely night or two, you’d wondered just what a sex-capable robot clown could do and if shelling out a small fortune would be worth it. Now, it seemed, you were about to get an accidental freebie.
“That’s the idea, sweetcheeks.” Fizz got to his feet with a whir and a shower of yellowish sparks, his body jerking so that the back panel slammed shut, hiding his exposed mechanics and thwarting any attempt you might have made to switch his mode. From somewhere within the tent, jaunty calliope music began to play, the pitch slow and wavering at first, like playing a record on the wrong speed. “So what’s your ple-pleasure, sweet stuff? Your ol’ pal Fizzarolli can do it all-upstairs, downstairs, butt stuff, you name it.”
“I...uh…” Your entire body felt numb, frozen, unable to do much more than stare as he advanced toward you, looming over you with that malevolent, leering grin still on his fanged mouth. “I’m not...I mean, I don’t…”
Fizz paused, his head once more cocking sharply to the side as he regarded you, then he let out a laugh, the bells on his hat jingling as his head did a complete roll on his shoulders. “Aww, looks like someone’s sh-shy! Don’t worry, tinker,” he growled in a smug, condescending tone, reaching down to pat you on the head. “I’ll take the reins on this one. You just sit back and enjo-jo-joy the show!”
With a sinister chuckle, he lunged for you, wrapping his entire body around you like an electronic boa constrictor, that laugh still buzzing in your ear as he coiled tight, then unwound himself, flinging your body towards the ceiling of the tent. There was barely any time for you to pull breath into your lungs to scream, and then suddenly, you weren’t falling anymore. Something else was wrapped around you, something cold and biting as steel. Around each wrist, each ankle, your waist, and your neck, whiplike appendages were wound, thin and covered in shifting metal plates. You were being held in midair, suspended like a puppet; if the advertisements you’d seen plastered around the park were any clue, you would guess that you were getting a taste of the “real tentacle action” Fizz boasted. Indeed, from within the loose panel on his back was where the appendages seemed to originate. 
As he stalked closer, you gulped, the sickly green glow of his eyes bathing your face and throwing your shadow in harsh relief against the canvas wall. Fizz wasted no time, and with only a deranged giggle as a warning, he shoved his hand beneath the untucked hem of your shirt to slide into your pants, cold hand cupped firmly between your legs. Barely a sound had left you, everything happening so fast you could barely process, let alone react, but a moan left you now, the silk of his glove and the ruffle around his wrist feeling so strange and yet so good as they brushed against your most sensitive parts. Fizz chuckled, or at least, he attempted to, the sound glitching into a series of strange beeps in response to your apparent openness to his touch.
"Boy, hardly touched at all and you're already moaning? You must need it ba-bad, impling." He leaned closer, eyes narrowing, and you shied away from those sharp teeth, so close to your face. Without warning, that hand between your legs began to vibrate, and you yelped, wriggling in your bonds.
"Ohhh...oh fuck…!"
"Like I said," he crooned. "That's the idea-ea-ea." The vibrations cranked up a notch, and you could no longer keep still, your breath coming faster, tail thrashing behind you out of sheer pleasure. Truthfully, it had been a long time; when you were fighting to keep a roof over your head and passing out from near exhaustion the second you returned home at night, there wasn't much time to try and get laid. It was lonely and it sucked, but that's life. Now, touched for the first time in what could have been centuries for all you knew, your toes curled inside your work boots, tears forming in your eyes as your hips bucked against his hand. It was so good, so fucking good, and with every increase in speed, your moans and cries got louder, more desperate, until-
"Ah-ah-ah, tinker, no you don't!" Suddenly that hand was gone, all stimulation withdrawn, and you whimpered. The tentacles around your extremities tightened in response. "You thought I was just gonna let you co-come so soon? Poor, dumb little imp-slut, it ain't gonna be that easy."
You swore, your teeth bared in an impotent snarl, but the clown only laughed, more carnival-striped tentacles unfurling and wrapping around you, the metal cold against your overheated skin. Now fully immobile, you were lifted higher, splayed out, shaking and wanting. The new appendages began to nudge and press around your body, seemingly exploring your form while the clown stepped between your spread legs, hands groping at your trembling thighs. His smirk was near evil, merciless, piercing as a laser as he watched his tentacles divest you of every stitch of clothing, torn and tossed aside without care. The tips of his jester hat brushed along your legs as he leaned closer to your core, mouth opening to graze the tips of his sharp teeth along your inner thighs, chuckling when you writhed, uncertain if you were trying to pull away or get closer. “Please,” you whimpered, not quite knowing what you were begging for, your body reduced to firing synapses and electric pulses of pure need.
Again, that mocking giggle issued from somewhere behind his sharp teeth. “Begging now, slut? You really want it tha-a-at bad, huh?” His open mouth neared your center, and you noticed now that there was heat coming from him, like the brush of warm breath, and saw a faint reddish glow shining from somewhere within his maw. “Want Ol’ Fizz to make you come again and a-again like the greedy little tramp you are?”
“Yes,” you choked out, so far past caring how desperate you sounded. “Yes, please, please, please!”
A soft whir was your only warning before something long, warm, and slippery was sliding between your legs; your body spasmed, jerking against the restraining appendages, your head lifting to see his striped tongue pressing against you, coated in shiny lubricant. He licked experimentally at you, seeing how much pressure you liked and where you were most sensitive, continuing his brutal teasing as the needle-sharp tips of his fingers raked down your thighs, nearly drawing blood. Then that mouth opened impossibly wide, eyes narrowed to knowing slits as that tongue probed at your entrance, nudging against it before shoving inside with no warning. Gasps and choked half-words fell from your lips at the delicious stretch of being suddenly, violently filled, his tongue twisting and pushing, the stripes not just for decoration but denoting a raised, almost ribbed texture. 
When it began to vibrate inside you, you couldn’t help but scream.
He cooed filth up at you, still able to talk despite his mouth being wrapped around you, voice distorted from the vibrations. Yellowish sparks would issue from his limbs as he fought to keep you still, burning against your skin like vicious little kisses. You weren’t coaxed to the edge so much as dragged toward it, your orgasm slamming into you with near physical force. The clench and thrashing of your body didn’t slow him; if anything, the vibrations intensified, more tentacles issuing from him to stroke and tease other erogenous zones, your entire body his to play with, helpless against his ruthless pursuit of your ruin. Time seemed to slow to a crawl as he ripped your pleasure from your body with no care to be gentle, teeth and hands leaving marks in their wake. You were his slut, his eager imp-whore, his pretty little toy; at least, you didn’t deny it when he growled these claims up at you. As long as he didn’t stop, you would be anything he wanted.
But while he couldn’t grow tired or drained, you certainly could, and through a veil of tears you begged him to stop, half afraid that he wouldn’t. Fizz paused, then slowly unwound himself from around your violently shaking form, tentacles disappearing back inside the panel they had come from. He regarded you curiously, still grinning as you collapsed in a boneless, shaking heap, unable to do much except pant for breath. Finally, you looked up at him with hazy eyes, your sweaty hair falling limply in your face.
“Didn’t you have a show to do?”
Fizz threw back his head and laughed, the bells on his hat jingling merrily, a stark contrast to the cold, malicious sound of his glee. “Not the sharpest t-t-tool in the shed, huh, tinker? Look around; you a-are the show.”
To your horror, you could see dozens of yellow eyes pinned to your naked form, imps of all shapes and sizes, eyeing you hungrily. The light of day outside the tent was gone, and the depraved crowds that only came around at night had filtered in while you were...preoccupied. Ruby skin turned a mortified burgundy as you scrambled to cover yourself with any scraps of your clothing you could find, but Fizz wrapped his arms around you and hauled you to your feet, his arm secure around your waist as he bowed to his audience-your audience. They began to applaud, some whistling, others throwing out lewd comments. Fizz pulled you into his side, the hand on your waist slipping just a little lower.
“Seems like we make a pretty good duo, dollface,” he rasped, showing off his pointed teeth in a lascivious grin that at your already weak knees nearly buckling. “Whaddya say we gi-gi-give them an encore?”
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The imp finishes their set and comes offstage heading to their dressing room to get out of their costume. They're mumbling and starting to take off some of their accessories when they hear someone outside. "hello?" they ask quietly. Picking up a microphone stand as an improvised weapon.
Robo was just sneaking around Ozzie's, he did it all the time on his days off, Ozz and Og knew he did so so it was relaxing, just crawling around before he got careless and let an arm bang against a door, it didn't hurt but the voice that followed interested him, he hadn't heard it before so it caught his curiosity, guess he could ask Ozz for forgiveness later if he got in trouble, setting himself up to kick the door open and land with a flip inside the room before his optics widened at the unfamliar face "O-Oh! Your a new face! A pretty one too! Wha-What's your name Mx?!"He asked, trying to be polite by not assuming, before he noticed the microphone stand they were holding
"Oh Gourgeous? That's won't do much if I wanted to fight, but luckily for you, I don't, just being friendly here"He explained, smirking at her, he couldn't help himself.
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Blade was reading a book about detectives and was intently doing it. He didn't notice Robo watching him. But if Robo did a sneak attack, he would most likely trigger Blades' defense mechanism and wind up pinned on the floor
Robo did in fact go that route, just watching Blade for a bit before the robot smirked, jumping at Blade and wrapping his arms and legs around the android as he rested his head on Blade's shoulder "Surprise Blade Boi!!!"Robo exclaimed, he certainly didn't know not to mess around the android yet, not that he wouldn't do this if he did no, he liked to play it risky.
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A North lands in the lap of the Robo Fizz.
The robot almost yelps at the sudden being in his lap, looking down to see the human, with a metal arm and a sword on his back, Robo raising a brow in curiosity "W-Well hello there! Wh-What're you doing in my lap, I doubt you paid for that."The clown teases, discreetly pulling the sword out a bit to check it, blessed, okay, that was interesting. What was this guy's game?
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HB S2 E8 ic comments (Spoilers if you haven't watched it yet!)
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"Huh I didn't expect to feel for Blitz and his shitty blueblood, but this is hitting. Courting mages sucks doesn't it? Also under Ozz's jurisdiction now? That should be interesting, guess I can dig him for that shitty doodle of me he did, least I know I'm on his mind~"
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"HAHAHA-HAHAHAHA!!! I know Ozz will be pissed how much a mess was made in his ring but 'fuck ar-around and find out!' as many say! Hell is for demons, stay out Angels! Or learn why people fear this place! Should be com-common sense but always good to see entitled bastards be-beaten to a pulp! Ozz the Lust ring is great!"
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"Um I am just glad I was not outside at the time of that fight, plus that Ozzie's didn't get messed up, I actually like working there to be honest. But man Moxxie and Millie kicked ass there, I would cheer them on if they'd let me cause dang..."
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"...My ring has a collapsed building now, some likely dead, Fizz operated a fork lift, and now humans have a portal to hell and can send angels through with fucking mech suits... Satan damn it do I need to call an emergency meeting...? I'm half tempted to send Striker up to kill the lot of them but I can't cover this up, Mammon better just shut his trap cause I am not in the mood for his bs..."
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Your Muse As A Martini!
(Couldn't decide which muse to do, so doing all four XP)
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Tagged by @peppy-jester
Tagging: @rodeoblitz @within-the-resort @ask-the-monster-nest @kiboucounseling @prxnce-of-chxos @ambulance-mom @questionablemuses @lovebug-pup @xxx-chazwickthurman-xxx
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What's your energy?
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"What!? I'm not sad, I'm fucking fine! And I sure ain't a whiney bitch, who the fuck PROGRAMMED THIS!?" *punches a wall and hurts his hand* "FUCKING OW! Stupid bullshit..."
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"Wh...What? I'm not sad, and I'm not that dumb. Am I?" *Has a big pout now*
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"G-G-Gee! Like I haven't heard that b-before... That's real or-original. This thing run by Mammon or so-something?"
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*Bursts into laughter* Okay Okay Okay, you got me there I won't lie. I am quite big~ And I think I fit with the modern defintion of bitch when I'm frustrated well enough, good on you generator, on the first one too~"
Tagged by @raven-hellish-imp
Tagging @peppy-jester @rodeoblitz @fun-in-hell @within-the-resort @ask-the-monster-nest @ambulance-mom @emily-the-seraphim @questionablemuses @lovebug-pup @hells-ringleader @kiboucounseling
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// Im aware I haven't done much in the way of canon divergent stuff aside from interacting with OCs and other general rp stuff so I kinda wanted to do a post explaining just general stuff about my versions of these guys. I haven't mentioned any of this in threads but I likely will in the future. It won't be too important. The focus will still be on my and your muse interacting. Just small mentions here and there. Just want yall to be aware. So here we go!
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Oh Satan There's Three Of Them...
Okay so first big thing, These three know each other. I haven't worked as to how, but they do, there more or less friendly with each other, Striker still has his volcano lair, and Robo has a room at Loo Loo Land, and Chaz has an apartment in Pride now (Greed was considered too dangerous) which Robo is there a lot with Striker stopping by and sleeping there like half the time, so they all pitch in as pseudo roommates.
They also eventually form the R.A.T. Rapid Assassination Team, thank my friend @another-generic-moxxie-player for the name btw. After Robo and Chaz find they enjoy helping Striker out on his hits, and while he won't admit it, Striker likes the help. They only operate In Hell, so they aren't direct competitors to I.M.P, but there kinda intended to be a Bizzarro ish I.M.P (Think Legion of Doom to I.M.P's Justice League, even if there both companies that profit off Murder XP)
I want to post some stories expanding how they interact, but for now, they genuinely like each other, even if they get on each other's nerves, as all friends do. There also a queerplatonic Polycule, open though of course :3
Now for the Individual Stuff!
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Striker: Striker is more or less the same, he's still the Royal Hating, Smug Bastard of a Cowboy we all know and love, With a few changes, more just defining canon traits more though. His royal hatred is more just hatred for the spoiled and naive, those who ignore the plights of the less fortunate while they sit in ivory towers and all that. As well as just general bigotry against Imps and other Marginalized Hellbornes. If your muse kinda gives him those vibes off, he's not gonna be to nice, but if they prove themselves, or grows out of it, he'll warm up little by little, but those beliefs and mindsets are kinda a dealbreaker for him, as you'd expect. Strella is a bit odd here but I'd be fine writing with a Stella who tries to be better, just saying. Same with any royal or noble muses.
Another thing, Striker's whole frustration when people make things a sex thing, mine only get's really annoyed in a serious fight, generally with people he doesn't have an interest in. He still is someone who has sex as some... recent threads have shown XP He just prefers sexual stuff in the right context. If people make horny jokes in a fight or while he's threatening them, it makes him think people aren't taking him seriously, which he hates. But that's mostly it, may update this later.
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Robofizz: Robofizz is also pretty much the same. But a bit more developed off of general vibes and my own headcanons. This the Loo Loo Land Robofizz to be clear. For one he is his own person separate from. OG Fizz. While Robo and all his 'twins' were programmed to mimic him, they all vary in their own ways from minor to major. Though their all pretty goofy and silly like the original and most like him. This one in particular actually is good friends with him. Visiting Ozzie's when Mammon allows it. (He smacked Striker in the face after Oops and it wasn't the only reason he did it)
He still works at Loo Loo Land, and has a bed room there, but when he's off he's often at Chaz's place since he likes having someone to talk too, though if he can get the other guys to visit the park he will enjoy that even if it's rare. He's the person Striker get's annoyed at the most by the way XP
Robo also has up to ten tentacles he can sprout from his back, though he often just uses it to mess with people outside of the bedroom. Which of course he's a massive tease and flirt being kinda trained by Mammon to be seductive, he'll cool it sometimes though, he just likes getting on peoples nerves and he is a relentless prankster at times. He's a fun guy and pretty nice if your willing to handle that though.
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Chaz: Chaz is... Well he's Chaz XP Well of course he's alive here, though unless I specify an AU of some sort, Exes and Oohs did happen for the most part, he just booked it afterwards. He's still very horny, unless his small brain is occupied being confused, surprised, or spooked. He'll still makes passes though XP One big thing about my Chaz is that he does care about people, he did genuinely have feelings for Moxxie and Millie, he just has no idea how to show affection outside of Sex or flirtation, and his intense sex drive and lack of courage ruined both of them, and after escaping Crimson, he realizes just how bad he was, and he really doesn't want to hurt someone like that again. He won't say that, he sucks at being open like that, but he'll try alongside trying to bed people XP
He is still horribly open with his desires, and can't read the room when it comes to if he should, or shouldn't flirt with someone unless he's specifically told, he might whine a bit though but he'll respect it. We'll still throw some joke flirts though, and he's overall the nicest of my guys despite his overbearing bravado at points. Not sure what else to say rn except that overall, he's a horny dumbass, but he tries, but give him an inch of interest and he'll get even worse XD He nice if dummy XP
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The song, Red Flags, definitely fits RoboFizz and Jacob Patterson.
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"Wi-Wish you gave me an artist to n-narrow this down, but found a ni-nice jam by this gal named Mimi Webb, hope th-that's right, only qu-question is which one of us do you think is singing it~"
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Compassion: 3/10
Bitterness: 10/10
Happiness: 6/10
Politeness: 5/10
Chivalry: 4/10
Pride: 8/10
Honesty: 3/10
Bravery: 9/10
Recklessness: 9/10
Ambition: 10/10
Loyalty: 7/10
Love: 8/10
Sense Of Family: 6/10
Attractiveness: 10/10
Agilty: 10/10
Sex Drive: 7/10
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Compassion: 4/10
Bitterness: 6/10
Happiness: 7/10
Politeness: 4/10
Chivalry: 5/10
Pride: 6/10
Honesty: 4/10
Bravery: 3/10
Recklessness: 9/10
Ambition: 7/10
Loyalty: 5/10
Love: 6/10
Sense of Family: 3/10
Attractiveness: 10/10
Agilty: 8/10
Sex Drive: 10/10
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Compassion: 5/10
Bitterness: 7/10
Happiness: 7/10
Politeness: 2/10
Chivalry: 4/10
Pride: 5/10
Honesty: 6/10
Bravery: 8/10
Recklessness: 9/10
Ambition: 6/10
Loyalty 8/10
Love: 5/10
Sense of Family: 3/10
Attractiveness: 10/10
Agilty: 10/10
Sex drive: 8/10
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Compassion: 8/10
Bitterness: 5/10
Happiness: 9/10
Politeness: 7/10
Chilvary: 7/10
Pride: 6/10
Honesty: 8/10
Bravery: 9/10
Recklessness: 5/10
Ambition: 6/10
Loyalty: 10/10
Love: 10/10
Sense of Family: 4/10
Attractiveness: 10/10
Agilty: 5/10
Sex Drive: 9/10
Tagged by: @xxx-chazwickthurman-xxx
Tagging: @within-the-resort @razzamachazz @moxxee @ask-the-monster-nest @rodeoblitz @bigdckenergyrp @wrath-rider
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It was time for some presents! For Striker; Fizz had send him two letters. One had card which was shaped like a cowboy hat, on the other side was somewhat heart waming thank you letter for him to kidnap the jester, and still bringing him and Blitz back together. The other letter was bit more thicker. It did contain a gift. If you opened it, it turned out to be a glitter bomb mixed up with itching powder. For Chaz; Fizz had never seen the guy, but had some random gifts at his house he decided to deliver in a random address just for fun. There was a letter that said this was from 'Secret Santa'. There was a box which had a small plastic bag with battery inside and a note that said 'Gift not included'. There were also a water bottle and the etiquette said "Melted Snowman". There were also small box of home made gingerbread hearts in the gift box. Too bad those were made by Fizz so they didn't taste as good as they looked. For Robo Fizz; For his robot counterpart Fizz had bought a custom made jester outfit to wear. Not only the outfit but few new pairs of heart shaped shades and a card that said "Merry Sinsmas, hope your next year will be as epic as this one" For Ozzie; This was a gift he had to give him face to face. Fizz was holding a self wrapped package in his hands, with a wide grin on his face. "Merry Sinsmas Ozzie! Hope you like it, if not I'll throw myself out of this building" he was joking tho.. maybe. The gift included custom made bathrobe that were purpleish-blue colored. Ozzie's name was embroided on the back of the bathrobe. There were also some different sented fizzy bathbombs in there.
The cowboy was quite surprised he got anything from someone who he pointed a gun to last time they saw eachother, and while the cowboy hat shape was a bit on the nose, he supposed it was a thank you either way, which he appreciated despite the odd circumstances of it. With the other letter he felt it over and the powdery contents made him suspicious so the moment he pulled the letter open he covered it with his hat, thankfully saving most of him from the blast, but also covering his favorite hat in glitter and itching powder "SATAN DAMNITT HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO WASH THIS NOW!? THIS ISN'T FUNNY!!!"Everyone around him heavily disagreed.
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Chaz was pleasantly surprised at the random package, chuckling a bit at the battery one, getting the joke and the battery itself came in handy for the TV remote, so he didn't need to stop posing sexily on the couch to change stuff. The water he downed quickly due to his constant need for fluids, not even noticing the label, and same with the Gingerbread cookies, which he quickly regretted not having water right there to wash them down, so he did get up after all.
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The moment he was alone he happily twirled with the outfit held to their chest, giggling, smiling at the letter, quickly trying the outfit to his further pleasure, adjusting them to his likes before putting some of the shades on, doing a selfie with the letter with a grin and posting it with the caption "Right back at you Handsome!" Making sure to at Fizz. Overall a present he really liked., Totally something he will wear a lot.
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"I really do wish you wouldn't joke like that Fizzy, but I'll see it, I'm sure I'll love it anyway". The sin opens the package and unfurls the robe, jaw dropping before he giggles in happiness, slinging it on over his clothes with a smile "Oh this is beautiful Fizzy! You really do spoil me"Ozzie says, spinning around to see how it twirls, chuckling cause he loves it so much, before noticing the Fizzy bath bombs in the package, chuckling before he smirks, tossing one up and grabbing it mid air "Fizzy Bathbombs, cute~ But there's one kind of Fizz I'd want in the bath with me even more, I think you know him~"The sin said, bending down to cup Fizz's face with a warm smile, though with a bit of lewdness to it to. Sin of Lust and all.
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What does my muse fear? (Doing Robo cause I feel like fleshing him out)
In the list below, bold all the fears your muse currently has, italicize all the fears they've worked through or grown out of, answer the questions below, and then pass it on by tagging your favorite muns to participate!
The dark l Small spaces l Suffocation l Water l Thunderstorms l Dogs l Snakes l Spiders l Insects l Clowns l Blood l Dentists l Hospitals l Needles l Germs l Heights l Fire l Insects l Public speaking l Large crowds l Meeting new people l Being alone l Being touched l Failure l Imperfection l Societal rejection l Physical intimacy l Emotional intimacy l Being abandoned l Being forgotten
What other fears do they have?
While he knows it's more or less already true, he's afraid of being seen as nothing but a pale imitation of The Original Fizz, so he pushes himself to be seen, to do something different and memorable, even if they feel wrong, he wants to be someone different, and when people attribute what he does by himself to OG it really hurts him. He doesn't hold it against him, his situation of battling for individuality gets to him sometimes.
Why do they have these fears? Are these fears innate, trauma-based, or generational?
Some are innate from being based on OG Fizz, like Fire and Blood, and others Trauma based due to Mammon pushing and demeaning him so much, threatening he'll scrap him if he messes up or disappointments him enough times, he walks a tightrope everyday but he feels like he supposed to in a way.
Have they ever tried to work through or confront these fears? How did it go?
He's worked through both his fear and discomfort around Fire and Blood, though he kinda was forced to due to his professions, He forced himself to get used to blood since his claws are so sharp and clients sometimes want to be clawed when their paying for him, meanwhile Mammon forced his fear of fire out intentionally, saying he needed to get used to it for performing, and proceeded to set him on fire several times till Robo stopped even feeling it for the most part, so yeah one went mostly fine, the other just traded it for more trauma XP
Tagged by: @raven-hellish-imp
Tagging: @rodeoblitz @within-the-resort (Any muse you like) @moxxee (You can do this on your other blog if wanted) @dark-hybrid-ninja (Any Muse) @bigdckenergyrp @blitzopath @strikers-saloon @thesilent-o @the-delightful-temptation and anyone else who wants to do it. Sorry can't remember you all XP
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Robo and Ozzie, did you see what Blade and Rei look like in their new outfits? They are detectives!
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"Heh cute~ a flattering look I must say"
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"I saw! Nice look Blade Boi, maybe I'll spook you while your b-busy looking down that magnifying glass~!"
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Jacob kisses RoboFizz's head and hugs him with a smile on his face.
Robo blushes before his eyes widen at the hug, turning his head to see who it was and a wide smile growing on his face "Rich b-boi! Well aren't you being affectionate!!"
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Blitz jumps awake as he heard a sudden ruckus - his TV was on, He looked around to see a familiar figure in front of it. He squinted. "Fizz? Or robo jester??"
A bit of a glitchy laugh came from the figure before they turned their head to reveal their glowing green eyes "Heh-Heheh, right on the money their Blitz, cause both technichal-technichally" Robo exclaimed with a grin, spinning his and hands a bit. "So how are you sleepy head~?"Robo teased, hopping over and laying on the top of the couch, looking down at Blitz with his glowing eyes in the darkness.
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