#~and Tira spoils their baby horribly
feraecor · 7 months
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War and Tiratiel's sweet baby dragon, Ruthie! (@godforsakcn)
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icefir-windbreaker · 5 years
Pumpkin, Pumpkin Pinny
A short Halloween story I had written today on Halloween. Enjoy.
In the Utah, U.S.A there was an… Acceptial woman who is an outcast by her school, she is a foreign lady from another country of Paris and she goes by Pumpkin Pinny.
How come she gotten her name? She had grown pumpkins on a lonely farm yet why is outcast was her looking into many and a gillion, million stories and histories of witchcraft once used by the coven of ladies who dealt with the Devil.
She was often the prime target of 7 girls who go to the same school, each of them named Nevy Jeauos, Prida Vanity, Tria Desare, Ira Knufe, Devora Glutton, Almos Midmoon and Greda Richardson as they each of them held the desire and joy tormenting Pumpkin Pinny as they often call her by that nickname and hence it honoring it with no further doubt.
They had often socially isolate her from everyone around her and be hated by everyone by these seven women had often spread lies like these “I don’t let my sister or brother be anywhere near her whenever she’s doing witchcraft,”  “She is in need of blood of your own,” “She will cast a curse that will make you deformed and never loved by man,” “My mother had been cursed by her in a form of fire” and “Do not let her anywhere near you.”
Over the course of five years, the whole town had grown to hate and isolate the poor forien girl who is just like them yet different as it had gotten so bad for her that she had often gone from and straight back from school so she can avoid the death glares and burning hateful comments of those around her.
Then one cold Autumn night, she had heard from one of her classmates that there was an old mansion just 12 miles far from town and had been abandoned since the 1400's, she was interested in it right away after hearing more about its history with one witch who had been burned to death but before placing a curse on seven of her accusers that it will eventually be their time when someone had took her scared keepsake.
She traveled there to see what the witch’s scared keepsake was and sure enough, it was a necklace with a purple crystal with a silver chain attached to it. Without even thinking about it, she snatched the keepsake and ran back home with her win that night as she is feeling too proud of herself to find it.
But when morning came, she had gotten out of bed and went to the mirror to see that in confusion that her hair had gotten a darker shade of black and her eyes are almost mixed with red and brown. But she had thought that she was just seeing things and went to school as usual.
Nvey was the first one to see her and thrown the horrible remarks on her appearance before slapping her while she laughed and then walking away. Pumpkin Pinny was for the first time she got angry and whispered “I hope you rot in a cell.” in a growl. She was surprised that none of the girls didn’t come near her but then again thought that they are maybe not in the mood to bother her today.
The first day and the first time it struck after the two weeks had passed, she had heard the shocking news that Nevy had killed her younger sister in an act of Envious rage after she had gotten the love and praise from her parents as she had no remorse for what she did; she just wanted her parents’ attention to herself and herself alone, no one else and even heard that she was found dead in a prison cell with maggots feasting off of her.
“What a strange coincidence.” She thought and then went to her drawer when she had kept the necklace in secret from her family and realized that the crystal had changed from purple to crimson red.
The second time after the incident, the second one had commenced; it struck that Prida had been horrifically disfigured in an accident after nelgenting a lit candle that took her father’s life but her Pride was striped when her family had disowned her due to this and forced to live a life of a homeless orphan. Again, the crystal had changed its color to yellow this time.
The third time, the third incident started with Devora, she died from a stomach rapure when her father had gotten drunk during a family feast and she had been eating and drinking as she feeling gluttonous until it had proved to be her fatal downfall. Once more, the crystal’s color had changed to to army green.
The fourth time it was Tiras’ turn to pay, she was found in her dead with a knife through her heart and clearly, she was violated and the killer had murdered her to silence her for good, she had often gotten lust from men but she had no grudges against as they didn’t share the same things as her so it was so out of the blue. The crystal had changed its color to light purple after Tiras’ life was claimed.
The fifth incident happened with Almos, she had left alone with a baby brother to raise but he was found dead after being left alone and alienated by his older sister to starve to death as she had just sleep like a sloth, something that her parents can never forgive her for as they had shunned and sent her away to prison as she begged but her pleas had fallen on deaf ears. Pinny had looked at the crystal and watched it changed color from light purple to cornflower blue.
The sixth incident had involved Greda somehow, she had gotten more and more than her heart’s desire but it’s still not enough to satisfy, she begged for more but her parents had cut off all flow of money and gold from her. Only enraged her so that night, she had snuck into her parents sleeping chamber and slit their throats in their sleep in order to get the inheritance, after loving and caring Greda since she is borne but she wanted more as any spoiled brat had often done in an act of Greed. The crystal had changed into orange colored.
These six incidents had claimed and ruined the lives of Pumpkin Pinny’s tormentors after they had made her life miserable and worthless by making lies that got sociality despised her in any possible.
Ira Knufe had confronted her one day and said “I know it was you, you terrible witch foreigner! You are a demon yet as I had no idea what you are doing but this needs to end now! Or so help me, I will kill your family if you don’t! Understand!?” before punching (and scratching her face with her fingernail) and left.
Pumpkin Pinny, left to cry on the dirt road and face bleeding from the open wound, she then cried in anger “I had to endure you and your horrible friends for so long in these five years and you dare threatening my family even though we had done nothing wrong to you all? I wish the wolves will end your life!” as her cry of the curse.
The seventh and final incident occurred just seven hours after the confrontation, Ira Knufe was found by local hunters after a pack of wolves had hunted and killed her in the most tragic feast possible in the sun’s golden light rising from the peak of the mountains.
Pumpkin Pinny knew it had gone too far and must end the curse, one way or another. Feeling remorseful and guilty, she took the necklace, the witch’s most scared keepsake and ran back to the mansion the next night.
She placed the necklace back on the dresser with the mirror where she found it and then gotten out of there right away soon after. Just like that, the curse had come to a fated end and everything had gone back to normal but the damage had been done already to the town.
They sing the song with wrote about Pumpkin Pinny to this day, they wrote the song about the seven girls who wronged her and paid the price for it after Pinny had somehow placed a curse on them and the whole town had NEVER dared to mistreat her again.
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