tahmores · 2 years
#Ambroserve 2.0
Back again to the segment: watch, observe and review!
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This romance film that was born in 2022 is packaged very lightly and is close to the audience. Rating: 8.5/10!
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tahmores · 2 years
The Door
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(3rd Writer's PoV)
Tidak ada yang tahu akhir cerita ini, termasuk dia, kamu dan mereka. Tidak tahu apakah akhir dari cerita ini akan menyenangkan, menyedihkan, membuatmu kecewa atau lainnya. Berimajinasilah, bagaimana pun alur yang berjalan di kepalamu.
Seseorang mengetuk pintunya. Ia yang sedang merebahkan tubuhnya di atas tempat tidur teralih atensinya terhadap sumber suara. Mengubah posisinya dengan duduk di atas tempat tidur. Waktu itu pukul sebelas malam. Ia bertanya-tanya, siapa yang datang di malam hari seperti ini. Terlebih, Ia tak habis memesan makanan secara online delivery, kebiasaannya.
Seseorang mengetuk pintunya lagi. Dengan rasa malas, Ia turun dari tempat tidurnya. Masih dengan pakaian tidurnya, berbalut kaos berwarna hitam dan celana pendek warna senada, Ia keluar dari kamar tidurnya dan mendatangi sumber suara. Menekan empat digit angka dan membuka pintu.
Tak ada orang di sana.
Ah, mungkin memang Ia salah dengar. Ia kembali menutup pintu dan memilih untuk ke dapur, mengambil segelas air mineral dan duduk di sofa ruang tamu. Tangannya meraih sebuah buku yang berada di meja lalu mulai membacanya. Buku yang sudah lama berada di meja namun jarang sekali disentuhnya.
Bel rumahnya berbunyi kali ini.
Dalam hatinya, siapa yang jahil di malam hari seperti ini. Ia tidak menghiraukannya dan tetap membaca bukunya kembali.
Bel kembali berbunyi.
Ia menaruh buku dan gelas yang digenggamnya di atas meja. Bangkit dari tempat duduknya dan kembali berjalan mengarah ke pintu rumahnya. Ia menghela napas sebelum membuka pintunya.
“Hai!” sapa orang di balik pintu rumahnya. Seorang laki-laki dengan rambut hitam legam yang ditata dengan rapi dan pakaian monokrom bernuansa biru langit. Ia adalah sekretarisnya di kantor. Namanya Adrish. Hampir seluruh isi kantor menyukainya karena sifatnya yang supel.
Jujur saja sebenarnya Ia kaget karena tidak sama sekali menghubungi Adrish, terlebih tidak ada pekerjaan yang mengharuskannya menghubungi laki-laki tersebut. Ia mengangkat sebelah alisnya begitu melihat Adrish. Pakaian laki-laki tersebut cukup rapi dengan gaya rambut yang ditata juga sama rapinya. Hanya saja, wajah laki-laki tersebut sangat merah padam seperti kepiting yang baru saja matang direbus.
“Ada apa jam segini datang?” tanya sang tuan rumah dengan bingung.
“May I come in just for a moment?” tanya Adrish dengan raut wajah yang dapat dikatakan cukup... sedih?
Sang tuan rumah masih punya hati dan tidak mungkin menolak seorang tamu yang sudah jauh-jauh bahkan hampir larut malam datang ke rumahnya dan menyuruhnya pulang. Ia mempersilakan Adrish masuk. Samar-samar, hidungnya mencium bau alkohol dari laki-laki tersebut. Ia menutup pintu yang secara otomatis akan terkunci.
Mempersilakan Adrish untuk duduk di sofa ruang tamu, begitu juga Ia yang duduk berhadapan dengan laki-laki itu sekarang. Adrish menundukkan kepalanya dan tampak gelisah. Sang tuan rumah tidak dapat menebak apa yang dipikirkan oleh sekretaris yang duduk di hadapannya itu.
“So, what happened?” tanyanya.
“Hm...” gumam sang lawan bicara.
“May I stay here tonight?” tanya Adrish dengan mengangkat kepalanya, menatap sang tuan rumah. Tidak, lebih tepatnya itu adalah tatapan memohon.
Sang tuan rumah bingung. Ini pertama kalinya Ia mendengar kalimat tersebut dari kolega kerjanya. Bahkan, Adrish baru pertama kali masuk ke rumahnya. Ia memang pernah mengantarnya pulang namun tidak pernah sampai masuk ke dalam. Mendengar Adrish mengucapkan kalimat tersebut membuatnya bingung. Apalagi, Ia jarang sekali menerima tamu.
Pikirannya sepintas teringat sesuatu. Memang ada kabar burung beredar di kantor bahwa laki-laki di depannya ini memiliki rasa terhadapnya. Namun, hal tersebut ditepisnya karena bagaimana pun juga, Adrish adalah sekretarisnya dan harus profesional dalam pekerjaannya. Sekretarisnya pun tidak jarang melihat kekasih atasannya datang menjemput. Malam ini laki-laki itu datang seorang diri dan meminta izin untuk bermalam di rumahnya.
“First of all, tell me what happened,” pinta sang tuan rumah.
Lelaki itu menceritakan segala sesuatu yang terjadi di malam itu yang akhirnya mengizinkannya bermalam di rumah sang tuan. Dejavu. Sungguh. Itu yang dirasakan oleh sang tuan rumah, entah apa alasannya. Ia seperti pernah mengalami kejadian serupa.
Sang tuan rumah bukanlah orang yang jahat. Ia memberikan pakaian ganti kepada Adrish untuk tidur dan membuatkannya mie instan karena lelaki tersebut belum makan. Harapan lain, agar lelaki itu sadar. Ia pikir Adrish sedikit mabuk karena terdapat bau alkohol dari tubuhnya.
Beruntung saat itu Ia telah merapikan kamar tidur untuk tamu sehingga Adrish dapat menggunakannya. Setelah itu, Ia kembali ke kamarnya sendiri. Menaiki tempat tidur dan merebahkan kembali tubuhnya.
Ia bangun.
Mimpi yang terasa sangat nyata. Namun, nyatanya itu bukanlah mimpi, bukan juga seorang tamu yang datang ke rumahnya.
Jika kamu adalah dia, maukah kamu membukakan pintu?
️️4216 Words.
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tahmores · 2 years
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In the next life, I just want to be Koji.
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tahmores · 2 years
Annaish perfomance (Wed, Oct 22)
Well done! 🔥🔥
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tahmores · 2 years
Finally, #Ambroserve is here!
A segment where I, Ambrose watch, observe, and review a movie or series.
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Mirthway's mission purposes.
The first of unknown episodes of #Ambroserve opened by reviewing a film released this year (2022) entitled Encharted. This movie, Uncharted makes a great impression! Can't wait for the sequel!
Final rating star #Ambroserve for Encharted: 7/10.
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tahmores · 2 years
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Bumped into an acquaintance on my way home from Annaish's performance.
Wednesday, October 12, 2022.
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tahmores · 2 years
The Elevator.
Disclaimer ── This story will tell the story of Ambrose in the past. Writer's POV.
Sunday, like Sundays in general, the man was ready in a white shirt and black trousers with a clutch in his hand. He was ready to go to church──his Sunday morning routine. Ambrose, his name. He had called his sister but she didn't pick up, she certainly hadn't woken up yet.
The distance from his house to the church only took about thirty minutes, not too far but not so close. On the way, his phone rang. Annaish's name was on it. “Good morning, Her Majesty the Queen, how was your sleep?” he teased.
“Splendid as always,” said the one on the other side. "Why didn't you wake me up, Ambrose Biagio Tahmores?” she babbled. His voice sounded clear as if she had just woken up. Maybe even, the drool that was in her mouth was still dripping there.
“Please check your call log. I called you dozen times, Annaish Delilah Tahmores. Bye, I hang up. I just arrived,” He hung up the phone and put the phone back in the seat on the left. He went down and entered the church, listening and following a series of events and sermons inside.
Ambrose arrived quite early but he chose to sit in the middle row at the very end of the seat near the window. He didn't like to sit in the first row because later someone would disturb him because they wanted to go to the toilet or something.
One by one people started arriving. He saw a woman he saw every Sunday in church and uniquely, always sat beside him. Maybe the side of the window is also her favorite spot. She wore a long white floral dress. Her name is Yumiko. It is known that she is of mixed Indonesian-Japanese blood.
Yumiko again came towards him. Sit right next to him. “Hi, nice to see you.” The words that Yumiko used to say every time she met him. Ambrose smiled. “You seem to like sitting by the window, don't you?” he asked. The woman nodded. “Want to switch seats?” he offered. Yumiko shook her head, "No, it's fine."
The whole congregation stood up, a sign the priest was about to enter. Likewise the choir team who have played their song. Worship will begin.
. . .
About an hour and a half, the worship was over. Ambrose stared out the window until someone tapped him on the shoulder. “What are you looking at?” Yumiko asked curiously because from the start of the service to the end, Ambrose occasionally looked out of the window.
He turned. “Nothing──a cat, maybe?”
“Like the outside is more attractive than the inside, huh?”
Ambrose laughed but in his mind wondered what that sentence meant. Ah, maybe about the worship.
“By the way, did you change your perfume?” Yumiko asked.
“Wow, you noticed? Even though, we only met once a week. Interesting.”
“Ya, because this one is nice tho,” she answered.
The two of them kept talking as they walked out of the church. Ambrose had known Yumiko these past few months, only as church friends and nothing more. He still avoids relationships that are more than friends. They only chatted about daily topics and a few small questions.
“Are you free today?” Yumiko asked.
Well, he thought of going to Annaish's house later and messing with his sister. But maybe, Ann will play with Sira today. Maybe it's better to hang out with other people?
“I am. Is there a place you want to go?” he asked. “Yes! Can we go to Central Park? I want to eat ramen down there!” Ambrose nodded and invited Yumiko to quickly get into his car. During the trip, the woman did not stop talking about herself and also asked several questions to the man beside her, trying to get to know him better. On the other hand, the driver only answered questions and idly nodded his head whenever Yumiko spoke.
Ambrose just found out that Yumiko was seven years younger than him. She is still 24 years old. No wonder she is so talk-active. She works at a start-up company in Jakarta as a business analyst. “So, how is it, working with startup companies?” Ambrose asked curiously.
“Well. Kinda nice, but actually not very stable. Sometimes you can't even predict when it will go down or even go bankrupt,” replied Yumiko while shaking her head. “As long as my tummy filled up with foods and have no worries about foods, I'm okay.” Ambrose smiled. A very simple reason for someone to work. Yet he does know is that the salary of a business analyst is quite high.
“Anyway, we arrived,” said Ambrose as he turned his car into the direction of the mall. He parked his car in the basement and after that he got down with his clutch and cell phone. After Yumiko got off, he locked his car. They walked into the mall and entered the elevator. The couple who had previously walked behind them also entered the elevator. Ambrose and Yumiko were busy with their cellphones before suddenly the elevator stopped moving.
“What the...” said Ambrose as he pressed the bell between the number pads. The call goes through, someone asks how things are inside and Ambrose explains calmly how many people are inside and there are no parents or pregnant women. The officer explained that he would immediately provide assistance in about fifteen minutes.
Yumiko stood behind him, looking calm but also worried. On the other hand, couples who previously also got into the same elevator are blaming each other for choosing to go to the destination of the woman's choice over the man's choice. Ambrose and Yumiko looked at each other, Yumiko shook her head. Sometimes, at times like this, people blame people.
Ambrose sat while waiting for the officer, followed by Yumiko who sat beside him. Cell phones can not be used, there is no signal at all. Yumiko reached for the hand of the man beside her, gripping it tightly. She leaned her head on the man's shoulder. Ambrose let it go, he thought Yumiko must be so worried now. “I'm so hungry,” she said.
He looked at his cell phone. It's been fifteen minutes but the officers still haven't arrived. “Wait a little longer. Maybe they're fixing it out there,” he said calming Yumiko. One or two minutes had passed, the condition of the elevator was getting hotter. Ambrose unbuttoned his shirt and used his clutch as a fan. He occasionally fanned the clutch towards Yumiko.
Time passed so slowly in the elevator, five minutes but felt like thirty minutes has been passed. “Should we play something?” asked Yumiko who was tired of waiting. “Rock paper scissors game? The loser gets a flick on the forehead,” Ambrose made a suggestion. Yumiko nodded her head.
The two of them took a stance, raising their hands each preparing to defeat the other. “Rock-paper-scissors!”
“Aha! Come here,” said Ambrose, the winner. He took out the paper as Yumiko took out the stone. Yumiko sat closer and prepared to get a flick on her forehead. Ambrose placed his hand in front of Yumiko's face and pulled his middle finger, flicking the woman's forehead a little tighter. Yumiko was in pain and rubbed her forehead many times. Ambrose laughed. Yumiko retaliated by hitting his shoulder which didn't hurt much.
“How come the loser also hit? Wow, this isn't fair,” he teased and lightly flicked Yumiko's forehead once more. Yumiko pursed her lips tightly, shook her head and prepared to win. So did Ambrose who was ready. “Rock-paper-scissors!”
This time, Yumiko won. She did some stretching as if preparing to nudge him hard. Yumiko withdrew her middle finger and landed it on Ambrose's forehead. It felt nothing, as if Yumiko really just put her middle finger there. “Ah, ah, I miss everything! Again!” Before Yumiko could do it again, Ambrose dodged. Exactly, suddenly the elevator was on. The speaker inside said that everything was back to normal.
“What a relief!” said Yumiko who stood up. Ambrose stood up and again pressed the number pad indicating which level they were going to. After the experience finally, Ambrose and Yumiko also eat the pre-planned ramen. ”My treat.”
6387 Words.
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tahmores · 2 years
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Slight Information.
Known as: Ambrose, Ose.
August 1st, 1991. Manado, North Sulawesi. Indonesian. Leo. ENTJ.
Scroll more for the further profile.
Ambrose Biagio Tahmores is a fictional character that I (#SLOKI) made. I am stating that I am not the real artist and I don't have any relation to the real artist. This account is just solely for roleplayer or parody purpose also, writing purpose. Also, some of the characters I mention in order to support the storyline are fictional.
I am not a reliable writer──just someone who loves to write──there are still many mistakes and errors in my writing. I am very open to criticism and suggestions that can build my story. Also, English is not my first language, therefore there may be grammatical errors. However, I will try my best so that the results of my writing can be enjoyed by readers well.
Warmest Regards,
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tahmores · 2 years
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Ambrose on stage.
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Annaish on stage.
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tahmores · 2 years
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In the northern part of the island of Sulawesi, there is a small family that lives in harmony. A small family of couple Anjali Kamari with Johan Tahmores. They have two children, their first son, Ambrose Biagio Tahmores with his younger sister Annaish Delilah Tahmores.
A glimpse of how the mother and father met in the 1980s──At that time, Anjali attended a local public school. She is an outstanding child and of course the class champion. Anjali comes from a small family and is the only child of her parents.
Like schools in general, Anjali's school played football at that time with other public schools located in the same area. After school, with her friends, Anjali watches the football game and becomes a cheerleader for her school team.
On the other team, Johan Tahmores, the football captain from the opposing school saw Anjali in the stands. Like love at first sight, Johan likes Anjali because of her beautiful face. From there, Johan invites Anjali to meet and from time to time, the two get to know each other until they decide to have a relationship.
Ambrose Biagio Tahmores, the eldest child of the couple Anjali with Johan was born on August 1st, 1991. Since childhood, he loved singing and playing musical instruments. His father taught him to play the guitar. Until high school, Ambrose often donated his talents at school events and outside of school. Pursuing further education, Ambrose majored in business management and joined the band at his college. When there is a certain event, Ambrose and his band often appear to entertain the participants or the audience. From playing music, he can make his own money, little by little to increase his pocket money.
Now, Ambrose works in a multinational company located in the capital city of Indonesia, Jakarta. Playing music is now just a hobby that is run when there is free time. In between his work, Ambrose had time to pursue a master's degree at a private university in Jakarta to get a promotion at his workplace.
On the other hand, Annaish, the younger sister who has the same hobby as her, has succeeded in achieving her dream of becoming a singer. Annaish also has her own band and often performs RnB music at large events.
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tahmores · 2 years
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Name: Ambrose Biagio Tahmores
Nickname: Ambrose, Ose, Gio
DOB: August 1st, 1991
POB: Manado, North Sulawesi, Indonesia
Nationality: Indonesian
Zodiac: Leo
Blood Type: AB
Sexuality: Demisexual
Religion: Christian
Occupancy: Director of Sales & Marketing @ G00GLE
Height: 184cm
Weight: 68kg
Natural Hair Color: Black
Skin Color: Warm White
Iris Color: Dark Brown
Johan Tahmores (Father)
Anjali Kumari (Mother)
Annaish Delilah Tahmores (Sister)
Name: Phakphum Romsaithong ภาคภูมิ ร่มไทรทอง
Nickname: Mile มาย
Chinese Name: 张泽毅
DOB: January 5th, 1992
POB: Kalasin, Thailand
Nationality: Thai
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