ghostiedoesherbest · 3 months
Did you also get Ace? I was surprised to receive him when I pulled. I didn't think he'd be out until Floyd's run.
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Riddle showed up on literally the second pull but Lilia decided to make me suffer by ignoring me until THE 62ND PULL ON MY LAST 10-SUMMON. I'm literally down to 7 gems omlllll. I spent money today which got me 4 Ten-summons which really was my saving grace that got me to the last 10-summon using Gems I grinded from Vignettes.
Now I'm just praying that Floyd will be nicer to me next Showcase omlll please man I'm begging you to come home with my blue son. This will be my first Floyd SSR and I'm desperate for him. In the meantime, I will be working on Groovifying on my new boys so I can get shirtless surfing Lilia and shirtless playful Riddle :))
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ghostiedoesherbest · 3 months
Lemme take some notes
I need. Twisted Beastmen and the like. To be more animalistic. Not necessarily like, physically, I don't meant that in the furry sense. I mean that in the 'they're part animal and it'd not just for show' sense.
I want beastmen with claw like nails. Where the cat-like ones tend to walk on their toes when not wearing shoes because it feels right. Where their eyes and pupils reflect the animals that they're partly of. With fangs and teeth appropriate for their species.
Ruggie making laughing noises at the active prospect of food. Whooping when in a fight and needing backup. Lowing when excited for a fight.
Leona roaring to get the whole dorm's attention. Chuffing in greeting at people he considers part of his pride. (He'll sometimes grunt at Cheka like a mother would to her cubs but will deny it.)
Jack barking at danger to warn others and howling to try and figure out where his pack is (he forgets they can't howl back, but Ruggie will sometimes low at him and Yuu definitely tries to howl back.)
I want to see Azul with the tips of his limbs in human form retain some of his octopus natural ability to camouflage. I want to see his hands always moving, grabbing something, holding something. Azul who might not have bones in human form with how flexible he is??
The tweels who aren't very active naturally during the day but get really hyperactive at night. Who bare their teeth at people when excited.
Che'nya who lounges in the sun on lazy days. Who's great at stretching and popping everywhere in his body if he needs to, to a concerning degree.
Malleus who snorts smoke when he's angry. Malleus who wear gloves because he got claws. Malleus who has a tail and wings outside of his dragon form sometimes.
Lilia who gets just a bit too excited at the prospect of a fight and spilling blood. Who can recognize a person by the smell of their blood. Who makes inhuman noises when too excited and gives off a very eldritch horror kind of vibe if he lets loose.
Sebek who can be found eating rocks sometimes. Who finds quiet in thunder and lightning. Who can move so smoothly and silently you don't know he's there until he opens his maw. Who has a lot of really sharp teeth for someone with a human mouth.
Just- gimme some animal, like, REALISM. PLEASE.
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ghostiedoesherbest · 5 months
I feel like the only one who remembers Kendrick speaking to Adonis in Meet The Grahams, telling him not to throw stones and hide his hand. As he's instructing the child on how to not be like his daddy. Kendrick knows exactly what this man is about. Its not shocking that Drake is trying to spin the narrative that he sick of the beef and ignore the fact that he started it. He's perpetuating the exact behavior that Kendrick is warning Adonis against, practically proving his point.
Okay so I've been sitting on Drake so called "diss track" and I still declare it as the biggest CONTRADICTING ASS track ever. Like I get die hard Drake fans gone be like he won regardless but he hasn't because he made several deep holes in his argument. Granted you probably don't give a damn and that's fine. Overall, neither do I but some of you got so blinded and hyped by his one-liners and his flow that you ain't peep what he really said did you? Ngl, had me sitting here like a was crazy for a minute. Now correct me if I'm wrong cause I also had to fact check myself, but these are the lines that got me like now wait wait....
You said, "The ones that you're gettin' your stories from, they all clowns" just to say "We plotted for a week and then we fed you the information".... which one is it? Are you calling yourself a clown or the ppl you sent the info. to? I'm perplexed.
"What about the bones we dug up in that excavation? And why isn't Whitney denyin' all of the allegations? Why is she following Dave Free and not Mr. Morale? You haven't seen the kids in six months, the distance is wild Dave leaving heart emojis underneath pics of the child"
First and for most, what is your obsession with this woman? Also are we in high school? Why we worried about someone follow count and/or who following who? She a grown ass woman like she can't have male friends. Plus, if irl she with Kendrick every day, why does she need to? And if Kendrick aint worried about, why are you? You caught up in finding out if that's her real bd but where are your evidence? If Kendrick has to, you do too. Childish.
"This Epstein angle was the shit I expected TikTok videos you collected and dissected Instead of being on some diss-direct shit You rather fucking grab your pen and misdirect shit My mom came over today and I was like, "Mother, I—, mother, I—, mother—" Ah, wait a second, that's that one record where you say you got molested"
"This about to get so depressin' This is trauma from your own confessions This when your father leave you home alone with no protection, so neglected That's why these pedophile raps and shit you so obsessed with, it's so excessive"
"Touch My Body" by Mariah Carey play, you probably start reflectin"
This whole verse was a misinterpretation of Kendrick's song "Mother I Sober" which I had to educate myself with. Long story short, the song is about his mom SA and how she thought he was by his cousin even when he told her "no" and it forms a bigger picture to his overall family trauma as a whole and so on. So not only did you Mr. " You gotta learn to fact check things and be less impatient" if that ain't the biggest pot calling the kettle black idk what is. You got it wrong (Kendrick pretty much explained it) then double down on borderline prob over the line atp disrespecting his mother and all and every victim of SA? We victim shaming now?
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I never been with no one underage, but now I understand why this the angle that you really mess with Just for clarity, I feel disgusted, I'm too respected If I was fucking young girls, I promise I'd have been arrested I'm way too famous for this shit you just suggested
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*Slow claps* Congratulations you played yourself. What in the fuckery? CURRENTLY....DIDDY DOODLE BOB HAS ALLEGATIONS RIGHT NOW AND HE'S MORE FAMOUS THAN U. And don't get me started on the list....umm...you literally just named one (If you still bumping R. Kelly, you could thank the Savior)
"Only fuckin' with Whitneys, not Millie Bobby Browns, I'd never look twice at no teenager" but you'll look once? Also, someone que up the video with him on stage w/ a 17-year-old. He and I quote "Why you look like that?" "You thick. look at all this" Then kiss her all over her face🤔 Sir a kiss on the cheek or forehead would suffice but I digress.
And correct me if I'm wrong, I believe the only reason Kendrick hasn't even the touch the "beating allegations" is because he covers all that in both Mr. Morale and Mother I sober? If I'm correct, then you basically didn't tell us nothing that hasn't been said on him. Plus you also not fact checking. Where's of your proof? I would think someone with the upper hand would have laid down evidence that you mastermind...oh wait...was Kendrick right along? Now you look like the goofy on defense. Like do Kendrick even have to say anything?
Bruh, but the funniest part on it all. You acting like YOU DIDN'T ASK FOR THIS. YOU DROP A DISS first wanting him to response and now you trying to make it seem like you didn't? My guy, if your actions alone here isn't a manipulation master class. Chileeeeee
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ghostiedoesherbest · 11 months
@harunayuuka2060 i think its important that you see this
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inspired by harunayuuka2060's textpost🤭
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ghostiedoesherbest · 1 year
"Are you interested in the coffee or just telling me how great it would be to dedicate my life to you and reap no rewards until I kick the bucket?" I ask from my door. I've fucked around with the fae enough not to let them into my house until I know what they're about. Even then its iffy. God wasn't taken aback because it was God. And yet he still lied to my face.
"The coffee of course," he answered.
I slammed the door in his face just like his face just like those that came before him. Besides, I already have brunch plans with Tanny and Luci. It'd be awkward if he was here.
“God can come have coffee with me if he’s really interested.” You said, shutting the door on some irritating guys with pamphlets. The very next day, God taps lightly on your door, to have a coffee.
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ghostiedoesherbest · 1 year
I love EVERYTHING about this because canonically Miguel's got light sensitivity due to his enhanced sight. He gets frequent migraines because neon usage apparently becomes a must have in 2099. Also I have transition lenses as well and am frequently complimented on my shades when they're, in fact my second set of eyes.
As I can't see shit without em, I never take my glasses off when I'm pissed. However, I do when something ridiculous happens and I just...do not wish to see. Like maybe without the assisted 20/20 vision it'll make more sense. Spoiler: It never does.
Also, since my vision is so fucked, I know that when you buy glasses you have the option to stack features so you never have to have multiple pairs of glasses with different functions. So you can have transition lenses that also have UV and blue light protection, glare resistance, and scratch resistance! Plus, if you're like me, you don't have to worry about coke bottle lenses because they can make the lenses thinner. Most eyewear insurance doesn't cover that but depending on where you go, its not as much out of pocket if you prefer wire frame glasses.
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You know you're in trouble if he takes the glasses off
Here the result of talking with my friend about how cool were the glasses of Miguel in the concept art 😂
So I was trying to justify the decision of not including them, and was like "maybe because he has super sight or something:( he doesn't need them"
And she was "BUT what if they're SUNGLASSES, those that darken with light and are clear indoors?!"
I could only gasp at her big brain 😆😆
She also infected my mind with the prompt of "Imagine him taking his glasses off all pissed off" and I was SCREAMING
So yeah, *coughs*, I'm very normal about this.
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(The first one I was thinking about him being busy and getting interrupted 😂 not too happy about that)
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ghostiedoesherbest · 1 year
— Hobie Brown
the idea that miguel is dominant in any romantic or sexual setting is propaganda that he himself is spreading
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ghostiedoesherbest · 1 year
Vash’s decision
warnings: long post, spoiler Trigun Stampede episodes 3-12, Trigun Maximum chapter 10.
One of the most important differences in Trigun Stampede about Vash is his lack of…something although we still can see his characteristic sensitivity and empathy as in the manga.
Thanks to Sakura-Con 2023, we know that this series set before the city of July was lost, so Stampede Vash is more like a imperfect Vash and it was made more naive on purpose.
Naive? Vash has been always naive, in the manga and ´98 anime. He always thinks the best of humans…
Can he be more naive than that? How?
And that’s when it hit me: He is like an immature Vash. All of him, his emotions, his thoughts…even his hair.
We can see him nostalgic and there is sadness in his eyes.
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It’s like he always goes back to the moment when he released Nai’s true intentions and thinks about that loop where he doesn’t want to do anything again his brother and the other plants being a plant himself…but he can’t go against human life either, which is Rem(his mother)’s teachings.
He is stuck in this for 150 years. Confused, alone, looking for answers while he is escaping from his brother, escaping from that past, escaping from that future that comes full speed to him and he begs it never arrives…
Because he is afraid too.
Afraid of loosing another dear one, afraid of his brother’s plans…and afraid of making a decision.
Even Roberto, Nebraska Father and also Nai asked which side is he on.
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And his doubt is obvious through all the series, even more on episode 3, because he really doesn’t know yet…and it’s clear he doesn’t want to make a decision yet.
But when his hesitation involves Meryl and Roberto, he knows that he can’t delay the confrontation anymore.
BUT instead of choose a side, he tries to convence Nai. Expecting him to change his mind…
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This reminds me Rollo’s death, when Vash is denying Wolfwood’s reasons to kill Rollo, letting us know that he is struggling with something inside him that he can’t explain himself either. In his anger he doesn’t try to understand Wolfwood’s point of view.
Even more, it is like he hasn’t consider the idea of others having a different way of thinking.
As a teenager who still wants everybody to fit in his beliefs.
In a moment, it’s almost like Vash is trying to force Wolfwood to change his beliefs. Instead of explain his ideas calmly as in Trigun Maximum chapter 10 where he at first is mad at Wolfwood killing the samurai but after a few moments he is not angry anymore. He is sad about his decision, but not angry.
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This is similar to Knives, acting with no respect for Vash’s will, like in the manga.
And Stampede Vash doesn’t understand Knives’ reasons either. He doesn’t even try. He just know that they’re different from his own.
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It is until Knives brings Vash back to his childhood, to a place where he doesn’t have to choose a side, that even in that situation a part of him still wonders about humans…
And that’s when he sees the answer deep inside himself, the answer that has been always there since the beginning and he didn’t want to see.
Because it doesn’t just mean he’s running towards his own path…but also running away from Knives too, who begs him to stay by his side.
At first, I thought he was is crying because he listens to Rem’s voice again thanking him to fight for her ideas and I felt this as a farewell
“Thanks for fighting for my beliefs…now, fight for YOURS”
but with that words, without doubts, he finally chooses a path for his own…away from Knives, his dear brother.
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And when he is back, it is new birth to him indeed.
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The change is clearly in ALL OF HIM: his hair, his color palette, his lack of hesitation at shooting his brother.
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Because, as he explains himself: HE HAS MADE A DECISION.
And he is attacking with all he’s got: all his plant powers to stop Knives and all his Love and Peace towards humanity to protect them and being by their side even knowing that they could hunt him after all.
And yes, it can be a contradiction.
But now he accepts that.
He accepts that maybe they’re people who don’t want to be saved.
It really is an awakening.
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He accepts that the world isn’t ideal and it’s not what he thought…and now he knows he can’t force Knives to change his mind. Because Knives chose his path more than 150 years ago just as he has done now and he can’t change that.
He realized Knives is just too different from himself…
Something that Knives still doesn’t want to accept.
And yes, maybe plants and humans can’t live together as Vash wants to.
But even knowing that, he is going to do his best to fight for it.
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Because he is Vash The Stampede.
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ghostiedoesherbest · 2 years
Mermay Day 11 - Carlos Oliveira Part 2
LISTEN! I know I'm late but life decided to grab me by the weave and start swinging but I'm here now and we can get this show on the road! @valkyriim i have you to thank for this bih. Stay horny.
When Carlos returned, he came with an older woman. She looked to be in her mid 40s woth crows feet and smile lines that spoke of a life well lived. She wore a similar coat to Carlos's that was more like a shawl than a coat. Her face lit up when she saw you holding up a sign woth Carlos's name on it. She spoke in rapidfire Portuguese that your crash courses and duolingo sessions did not prepare you for. Her hands were on either side of your face turning you this way and that as she circled you with a discerning eye. When Carlos caught up to her, he gave you a small apologetic smile.
"Sorry," he said, having finally pulled the woman away from you, "my mom's been pretty excited to meet you."
"He speaks much of you," Mrs. Oliveira blurted out in broken English. She tucked your arm in hers and led you through the airport as if she was picking you up. Carlos tried to hide his amused grin from your stern gaze before you were pulled into a conversation by his mother.
Conversation flows naturally between you with the occasional miming on your part or an interpretation on Carlos's. His mother wasn't at all offended that you didn't have a perfect grasp on her language. In fact, she was touched that you were willing to learn for Carlos despite him being a fluent English speaker. By the time you dropped her off at her hotel, you've already agreed to have dinner with her later that week.
"If I didn't know any better, I'd think you were planning to leave me for my mother," Carlos teased as he held the passenger door of your car open for you.
You huff a small laugh, "Don't give me any ideas, loverboy. She seems pretty spry for her age."
"I'm young and spry!"
"I don't know...it seems like Mrs. Oliveira can run circles around you."
"Shelley definitely try and she's determined to have you calling her Mãe by the end of her trip."
His phrasing didn't escape your notice, "Her trip?"
You watched his Adam's apple bob when he nervously swallowed, "I was hoping to stay little while longer and get some things in order. We haven't really talked about where we're going in this relationship? I know I'm serious about you but..."
His eyes darted between you and the road and his shoulders gradually hunch in on themselves as he spoke. Sensing his distress, you gently directed him to pull over. He avoided your gaze as he played with his fingers in his lap. You leaned over the center console, locked your fingers with his, and leaned your head on his shoulder.
"I'm sorry if I wasn't clear with you before. I enjoy our time together and I'd love to see where we go with this. I can't say that I'll agree with everything you want but we can talk it out and go from there."
He looked down at your joined hands, his thumb rubbing circles over the back of your hand as you explained yourself. The tension in his shoulders loosened and he rested his chin atop your head. He heaved a deep sigh of relief, "Good, I'm glad."
With that he started the car and continued the drive back to your apartment. You focused on lighter subjects with many laughs to be had. Carlos's grip on your hand was the only indicator that he was still nervous.
Carlos insisted that you didn't carry any of his luggage but acquiesced because he knew it wouldn't deter you. Instead, he made sure to grab his heaviest bags so you wouldn't strain yourself trying to lift them just to prove your strength. He breathed in the comforting scent of your home when the door closed behind him. He felt warm watching you bring his overnight bag into your bedroom as if it only made sense that they'd go in there. He kicked his shoes off and followed behind you.
His arm snaked around your waste as he pulled your back into his chest, causing you to drop his bag. He caught the question on your lips with his own. You easily surrendered to his embrace, opening your mouth as he slid his tongue along yours. He loosened his hold so you could turn around, throwing your arms over his shoulders as he trailed kisses down your neck. His hands trailed down your back, briefly stopping to kneed at your cheeks before gripping the back of your thighs. You felt his muscles bunch as he easily lifted you into his arms, groaning when you pressed so tightly to his front. His pants were beginnings to feel a bit tight as your legs locked over his hips.
He gently rested your back against the matress of your bed and pressed between your legs. He ground his hips against yours as he pulled you into many kisses, whimpering when you caught his bottom lip between your teeth. Carlos made quick work of your clothes and his, eager to have your skin against his.
You moaned when he ground down again, the sensation more intense now that there were no clothes between you. One hand traveled between your legs while the other curled around your back to provide support as he trailed kisses down your chest. He caught your nipple in his mouth, rolling it around on his tongue while he rubbed down on your clit. His hips were the only thing keeping yours down as you arched your back with a moan of his name.
Your hands found his soft hair and gently tugged at the roots. Continuing his journey south, Carlos released your nippled with a wet pop, leaving wet kisses until he finally met his destination. He ran his fingers through your wet folds before stopping at your entrance. He glanced up to see the lust filled haze in your eyes as you gazed down at him before latching onto your clit. He slid one finger into you, curving it upwards so he could hear that high pitched keen you gave him. You never make much noise during these moments of intimacy. Your gasps and shuddering breaths were his guides through the finer points of your body. The sounds you make are well earned after many nights exploring each other's limits. His lips curved into a smirk when he felt your thighs clench around his head and squeezed while your legs trembled from the heights he'd brought you to.
You were taking deep breaths, trying to come down when Carlos effortlessly flipped you onto your stomach. One hand on your hip, and the other on your shoulder guided you to prop your lower half up while you front was pressed into the pillows. You could feel him twitching against your thigh as he teased you through your first orgasm. You made a soft noise in the back of your throat as he slowly pressed into you, mercifully mindful of the fact that you needed time to adjust to him. His grip on your hip tightened each time you clenched down on him.
"Trying my best to be gentle with you," his voice was strained as the hand on your shoulder slid to trace yiur spine.
You looked over your shoulder at him, "I've got nowhere to be."
Having spoken the magic words, Carlos finally seated himself fully into you with a long groan. He rolled his hips against yours, pressing down firmly between your shoulder blades. He almost didn't want to pull pack until the tip remained but the pleasure when he slammed back in had his hips moving back and forth. He threw his head back and groaned when you clenched around him. The steadying hand on your hip traveled between your legs while he leaned into you. He watched your thighs and ass jiggle with each thrust, almost mesmerized as he picked up the pace. He could tell by the way you rippled around him that you were close and he wasn't far behind you. With a final thrust, Carlos buried himself all the way inside you while he rubbed furiously at your clit. You let out a short cry, fisting the sheets as you felt yourself squirting around him. Carlos pressed his lips to the back of your neck, small sounds escaping his own throat while he twitched inside of you.
He followed you down onto the bed when your legs gave out beneath you, resting his entire weight on your back. He remained inside you when he curled his arms around your waist and rolled over to properly spoon you. The only sound between you were your labored breaths.
"Move in with me," Carlos blurted out without thinking.
"Mm?" you hummed, barely coherent from the way he blew your back out, you could still feel the aftershocks in your legs.
"Move in with me," Carlos repeated himself. "I'll rent out a bigger place with enough room for all your books."
"That sounds nice," you finally said once your brain finally processed what he said. "I still wanna work though."
"I won't stop you," Carlos easily agreed. "Maybe we can alternate holidays with our families? I don't know if you want me to -"
You cut him off with a deep loving kiss, "Of course I want you to meet them. My parents have been dying to meet you and I'd love to meet the rest of yours."
Carlos's arms tightened around you and you could feel the light stubble around his lips against your neck when he allowed himself a smile. "I can't wait."
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ghostiedoesherbest · 2 years
Mermay - Day 6 Carlos Oliveira Part 1
This was inspired by a very heavy thirst session with a friend @valkyriim . I warned your ass. This is why you don't leave a pair of simps unsupervised.
The last year feels like a dream. You didn't go out looking for anything in particular. You just wanted to break the routine of going from work to home every day with the only exception being the shelter on the weekends. So you grabbed some of your cousins and hit the town. Your drunken adventures led you to a well known club in the middle of the Crescent City.
It was a good time with a good crowd of people. You even started to vibe with a man you met at the bar. You were waiting for the DJ to play a song that you could work with when a man took the empty seat beside you. You watched him out the corner of your eye because you'd be blind to miss how fine he was.
He was tall and muscular, choosing to entirely forgo a shirt to show off his chiseled pecks and abs. His equally toned arms were hidden under a nice fur lined coat. His own deep brown eyes were watching you out of the corner of his eyes. He smirked when your eyes met before he bashfully ducked his head.
You were distracted by the bartender sliding you the shot of whiskey that you'd ordered. Your head bobbing to the new song that played. A gentle tap on your should brought your attention back to the handsome man with the nice coat. He gave you a small apologetic smile before leaning in to shout over the music.
You gave him another once over just to make him sweat and agreed. His grip on your hand was firm but not so tight to be uncomfortable as he led you to a more open space on the dancefloor. You were pleasantly surprised when he placed his other arm around your back. You were even more surprised when he began to lead you into a fast paced fusion of Kizomba and Dancehall that perfectly matched the song.
You couldn't keep the wide grin from spreading across your face that was matched by the man. It felt like you were the only two in the building as you danced around one another. His touch was fleeting but his presence was strong as he slid his arm down so he could grasp your hips. The heat in his eyes was only matched by yours. You can't remember the last time you were able to dance like this.
The disappointment that filled your chest came as a shock when the song ended. You hadn't even learned this man's name yet you didn't want this time to end. The thunderous applause that accompanied the end of the song jolted you out of your trance. Judging from the shock on the man's face, he was in the same boat. That sheepish smile returned as the man nervously scratched the back of his neck before holding out his hand to shake.
"I'm Carlos," he introduced himself.
You took his hand and gave him your name. He repeated it as if he was feeling for how it tasted on his tongue. You both gravitated towards the bar once more and began to talk. You learned that Carlos was from Venezuela and he was visiting New Orleans for a much needed vacation from his stressful job. You made it your personal duty to give him a rundown of all the sights he should see and places he should visit. You talked all through the night, somtimes taking breaks to go dance if the mood striked.
However, all good things must come to an end. Your cousins quickly found you, stating that it was time to go. You apologized to Carlos but he was very understanding, sliding you his number before you left. Your cousins drunkenly teased you all the way home but you couldn't bring yourself to be embarrassed.
That night you texted Carlos telling him that you had fun and would like to do it again. Carlos was quick to reply with a location and time already set. He freely admitted that he was hoping you'd want to meet again. The rest was history.
You and Carlos went on many dates. Sometimes they were casual dates like the movies, and other times they were more formal like high end restaurants. He was always kind and considerate of your schedule. When his vacation was over, he kept in touch, returning many times throughout the year to see you again. He came and went like the tide but what was always constant was the coat that was always on his person.
When you asked about it, he gave you a small, wistful smile saying that it belonged to his great grandmother before she died. Typically each member of the family gets one when they reach 21 but his great grandmother decided to leave hers to him before she died, so he got his early. You could tell by the way he spoke about her that he loved his great gran very much. Carlos was always careful to take the coat with him everywhere. You've seen him nearly have panic attacks when he thinks he's lost it. You don't know what he could have experienced to make him so anxious about leaving his coat unattended but you never wanted to be another part of his anxiety.
One day, while you were seeing Carlos off at the airport, you felt as though something was off. You couldn't quite put your finger on it until you reached for your purse and felt the smooth fabric of Carlos's prized coat. Your eyes nearly bugged out of your skull as you snatched up the coat and dashed through the terminal calling your boyfriend's name. He hadn't gotten too far. His brows were furrowed in confusion before shooting into his hairline when he saw you running at him with his coat tucked close to your chest.
The combination of the effort and the panic that filled your chest had you gasping for air as he waited for you to catch up to him. You wordlessly pressed the coat to his chest, still trying to control your breathing. Just as you were getting there, the soft, loving smile that he directed at you knocked the air right back out of your lungs. You could only blink in shock when you were swept up into a deep kiss that spoke of love and devotion. You didn't even realize that your feet were off the ground until they touched the ground again.
"I love you," he whispered, giving you a look that set your blood on fire. You clumsily returned the sentiment as you watched Carlos slip the coat back on. "When I come back, I want you to meet someone. Is that okay?"
You wordlessly nodded. You'd probably agree to rob a bank if he asked in this moment. You watched him disappear into the crowd of passengers never noticing the grin that spread across your face.
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ghostiedoesherbest · 4 years
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Hooh, first time drawing Double Trouble; Can’t believe I haven’t done them before, it’s such a amazing design.
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ghostiedoesherbest · 4 years
Maybe it's the middle of the night at the dorms and Bakugou gets up for water or something and ends up seeing his crush in just a shirt and her undies because she thought she'd be able to make a quick trip without anyone seeing her. She doesn't know he saw though.
a/n: Ahhhhhh this is so cute!! I love this!
Pairing: Bakugou x reader
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Bakugou decided to go to the kitchen and get some water
Mans is still half asleep so he literally doesn’t understand what is going on
That is until he sees you in the kitchen
At first, he just wonders what you’re doing up so late
Maybe you also needed to get some water?
Then his eyes shoot wide open when he truly focuses on what you’re wearing
There you were, in all your glory in underwear and a shirt
He stood there dumbfounded not knowing what to do
Bakugou was so glad that the darkness of the night was covering his very red face
He was silent, not daring to let you know he saw you
Deep down, he was very much enjoying this sight
I mean, he has liked you for a while now
And seeing you like this, how no one has seen you made him feel some type of way
He slowly turned around and headed back to his dorm
Bakugou just laid in his bed and couldn’t fall asleep for the rest of the night
He also felt a lot thirstier than before
In the morning when he saw you he was so on edge LMAOO
You were probably so confused
At first, he was flustered, then he ruined his own mood by thinking about how any other guy could have also seen you
Then he was mad LMAOO
Basically, Bakugou was a tomato around you for like a week
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ghostiedoesherbest · 4 years
Hiiii I love reading your blog especially at hours I should be sleeping (whoops). But may I request the male gym leaders + Leon going through the first few months of parenthood? Like how are they running their gym or balancing the task etc? Whoops sent this in earlier but forgot to include Leon. Thanks and much love🥺💗💗
Absolutely! These boys are gonna be a mess let’s be real.
Finds himself falling asleep a lot
Working on the farm? Randomly falls asleep amongst a pile of Wooloo
Working at the gym? Occasionally falls asleep immediately after a battle
Wonders how his parents dealt with him and all his siblings
He’s not always the one who’s up changing nappies and doing nighttime feeds, because a lot of the time he’s absolutely exhausted.
He loves his son, but Arceus, he’ll be impressed if he doesn’t die trying to handle parenthood
Sometimes brings his son to work with him. Wonders if it would be possible to make ‘childrearing’ part of the Gym Challenge. 
Thought he was ready for parenthood. He read all the books. He’s spent time around children.
Isn’t sure how to deal with the fact this little person keeps staring up at him as if he knows everything
Honestly finds that worse than trying to juggle his work.
He can handle the Gym. He’s not sure he can handle this baby thinking he has all the answers.
Is definitely more than capable of doing nighttime feeds and nappy changing, even if he protests that he’s too old for it
Honestly, the worst part is probably when his daughter starts crawling and pulling herself up on things
Nervous. Wreck.
Calls Melony all the time.
“Mum. He won’t stop crying. I’ve checked everyth - cuddles? Why the fuck would a baby cry for cu - shit, kid, please don’t cry more, daddy’s not angry, damn it...”
Swears around his son all the time
This kid is going to be potty mouthed, no doubt about it
Not too bad at juggling the gym, all things considered
Can often be found having intense staring matches with his son, as if they’re sizing each other up
Takes his kid to the Gym with him
Arceus be with the trainer that tries to bring it up
Honestly a pretty good dad, but he has his clueless moments
The most stable of the bunch
He took care of Marnie, he absolutely knows what he’s doing
Sings to his daughter every single night
Heart aches when she grabs onto his fingers
Often rests his head against hers and talks to her in the softest voice
Knows just how to make her giggle
Isn’t a Gym Leader any more, and basically just ends up taking on the role of ‘stay-at-home dad’
Does everything for his little girl
Cries every time she grabs at him
“Don’t know what I did to deserve somethin’ so pure. But you’re my angel, and daddy’ll protect you. Swear.”
Thinks he’s prepared
Is not prepared
Falls asleep during a battle. Like, literally just passed out mid battle
Loves his daughter, but is a bit clueless with her
Every single Gym Leader has had a clueless call from Raihan begging for help
He literally called Allister once, who had to remind him that he’s only, like, twelve
Then called Bede, who had to back up the whole thing about being a literal kid, and also called him ‘weak’
Raihan cries as much as the baby
But he wouldn’t change anything for the world
Since he’s not Champion any more, he’s got a lot more time on his hands
Spends it with his little girl
Can take her to the Battle Tower with him, a lot of the time he’s just doing paperwork
He gets tired, of course, but he’s used to being tired. He didn’t get a lost of rest under Rose.
Seriously just get this boy a fucking lie in
He does still have to call his mum for advice but for the most part, he’s just fine
Loves it when Hop visits
His daughter loves it, too
Very real possibility that Leon’s daughter loves her uncle more than her daddy
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ghostiedoesherbest · 4 years
i love your writing it’s so amazing!! could i request how bakugou / midoriya would react to someone in their class being stronger than them? like maybe during the sports festival the reader places first :)? thank you so much!!
a/n: sure thing love! thank you for requesting it!
Pairing: Bakugou x reader, Midoriya x reader
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OOOOO was this a blow to his pride
He definitely had a rivalry with you at first
The amount of rage that filled his body when he saw you doing better at something than him
He argues with you constantly at first
He’s just a hater, ignore him luv
But then, he notices something
How his chest clenches when you are around
How his heartbeat speeds up
And how his cheeks get super red at your angry face because you look adorable
Takes him a WHILE to realize he likes you
But when he does
After he realizes, he is just A BIT nicer to you
Will still be all prideful and stuff
But once in a while, he’ll smile when you beat him at something
Yes, that's his crush, and they are strong as fuck
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Literally love at first sight
He thinks you are so awesome!
Always hyping you up
You guys always have friendly competitions
I mean, you guys are rivals, but in love with each other, ya know
He still acts like an absolute fool around you but loves that you can rise a fire in him
You guys are a power couple!
And everyone ships you, it just makes sense
Training together? training together!
Overall, you guys make a great match!
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ghostiedoesherbest · 4 years
I was just wondering, how would the boys react to a top mc? Not your usual soft top but 𝕋𝕆ℙ with a capital ‘t’
👀👀👀👀 look I've said it once and I'll say it again, I think that all the boys are switches and can wreck and be wrecked so like. 🙏🙏 bless (though Simeon wouldn't approve)
Oh, you think that you can top him? Go ahead, try and see- he's on his knees before he knows it, really. As much as he tries to act all tough and untouchable, he's just as ready to bottom for you... though you will have to take turns with him, because as willing as he is to be at your mercy, it's definitely not something that will be constant, either.
*chanting* wreck him, wreck him, wrECK HIM- honestly. He will be begging on his knees just for the chance to taste you, and you could deny him all night if it suited you. You'll have to let him have his turn topping every once in a while, but for the most part he is more than happy to be stuck underneath you every night.
Excuse him while he just uHHH. Perishes. He really has to have a few minutes to himself after being exposed to your dom vibes at any given time, because the boy probably gets a boner just from being ordered around. Is it a problem? Maybe. Is that going to stop him in any way, especially if it pleases you? Fuck, absolutely not. He's yours.
Oh, you want to top the Avatar of Wrath? Go ahead. But be warned - it won't always end up that way in bed, once you get going. He's more than willing to be a bottom for you, at least on some nights - other nights you'll have to take your turn. Honestly he's a switch, and while he's happy to be underneath your rule, he also wants a taste of control every once in a while.
Oh~ how exciting. Feel free to use him any way you please. Tie him up, ride him, give him toys to play with, make sure he doesn't touch himself for hours and he'll be such a pretty bottom for you, darling. His mission is to please his partners in bed, and if you need someone to top, he's right there, don't worry~
He's kinda surprised, since like... most people are kinda dwarfed by him. But he's generally pretty bottom-ish already so like... go for it, he's not going to stop you. He's actually pretty happy that you're ready and willing to take on such a position, since again, his size generally puts most people off. If you're wanting, he'll be good for you.
As long as you don't have him doing too much in the bedroom (or outside of it) he kinda couldn't care less. He's fine with letting you take the reins, and he's more than happy with being able to supply you pleasure. If being his top is what does that, then go right ahead. He definitely isn't going to stop you from wrecking him... just know that at some point the tables will turn.
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ghostiedoesherbest · 4 years
Beel: *coming downstairs wearing some baggy shorts ready for this work out*
MC: Oof.
Beel: *small laugh* what?
MC: Them tree trunk legs of yours. *smirks*
Beel: *puts his leg up on the coffee table* You like them do you? *smirks*
MC: lift your shorts up slightly..
Beel: *smirks and shows his thighs*
Beel: You're a little perv MC
MC: Why work out in the gym Beel, when we could go to my room and you could work up a sweat with me *giggles*
Beel: *picks MC up* i'm down for that *smirks*
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ghostiedoesherbest · 4 years
Lucifer: *in a mood*
Diavolo: *furrowed brows* Cheer up.
Lucifer: Don't tell me what to do.
Diavolo: Excuse me? *amused scoff*
Lucifer: I'm just not in good mood ok?!
Diavolo: BARBATOS?!
Barbatos from across the room: Yes my lord?
Diavolo: Be a good sport and go and make Lucifer a bottle of warm milk, seeing as he wants to be baby...
Lucifer: You're not funny Diavolo.
Diavolo: *smirks* I thought it was pretty funny..You little prickly pear *pokes him in the ribs*
Lucifer: *trying not to laugh* Stop it.
Diavolo: Maybe you should go and have a nap, with your little bottle *laughs*
Lucifer: *still trying to hold back a smile* Diavolo, please. You can be rather annoying sometimes you know?
Diavolo: Makes you laugh though. I know you want to *big wide smile*
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