tainted-spiritss · 5 years
Roleplay with me?
I’m excited/hopeful to find a roleplay partner who has just as much muse as I do!  Before I get any further into the ad though, I should introduce myself.  So, without further adieu: I’m Tulsa, I’m twenty-one years old, and am a girl (and prefer to play as such).  Now, onto the fun stuff…. Kind of.  
FORMAT;; Since these are characters that we’re playing, I’d prefer us both to use third person POV.  I get very invested in my characters, but find it a bit uncomfortable when I, or my partner, is using ‘I’, it makes it too personal for me.  As for doubling, that’s something I don’t do, and I know that’s usually a turn-off.  I just feel it’s easier, and more fun to focus on one story/couple.  Not to mention, usually when someone wants to double they want me to play a male character, which I simply can’t do…. Literally.  
LENGTH;;  As I tend to write stories in my free time, I do prefer longer replies.  My starters will usually be anywhere from 3-5 paragraphs, and my replies at least 2, usually more depending on the scene and how much my partner is giving me.  I’m not too strict about this, but I do like details, so if you’re a one-line roleplayer, we are not a good fit.  
LIMITS;;  Considering I am twenty-one, I do like my fair share of smut.  With that being said though, I prefer my plots to be about 70/30 when it comes to story/smut.  Limits and things of that nature can be discussed in private if need be!
PLOTTING;;  As long as we’re both putting forth effort into the plot, I’m down.  It’s just hard to come up with a plot by yourself, especially because you don’t know if the other person will like it.  Also, if we start a plot and you find yourself bored and/or would like to try something else, don’t hesitate to ask!  This whole ad makes me sound so serious, but I swear I’m just a smol girl.  
REPLY RATE;;  Since I am a college student, my replies may be a bit scattered.  Right now I’m on Summer Break so I’ll be more active than usual!  I will always do my best to send out a reply at least once a day though, but on weekends you can expect quick replies throughout the day.  
These will get added to and/or changed rather frequently, depending on what I’m in the mood for, so if something isn’t here that you want either check back later, or just ask me about it!  
*****Kol Mikaelson & OC… BIO: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kZthnbN1uGMLaGh_MVjBV2Sgmy_qtY9xYuPU0Q7BUaA/edit?usp=sharing 
Klaus Mikaelson & Caroline Forbes
*****Loki Laufeyson & OC… BIO: https://docs.google.com/document/d/102xmk63dnwe5RMbJegfi-cy4AZtev2IZVafhaejuCvw/edit?usp=sharing 
Charles Xavier & Raven Darkholme
***Erik Lensherr & Raven Darkholme
Stranger Things::
*******Billy Hargrove & OC… BIO: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1X_Xz7SOiHZpjlLyrqvzRpP-Kt-sy0zRDBDPxpMDBS2w/edit?usp=sharing 
Jonathan Byers & Nancy Wheeler
Stiles Stilinski & Lydia Martin
****Derek Hale & Paige Krasikeva… BIO: https://docs.google.com/document/d/10KtrZRng-j9k4TJ1gZmSJRdqAcqdE2iIM5sfgEe3MLs/edit?usp=sharing 
Ayato Sakamaki & Yui Komori (Diabolik Lovers)
Tomoe & Nanami Momozono (Kamisama Kiss)
Zero Kiryu & Yuki Cross (Vampire Knight)
Senri Shiki & Rima Toya (Vampire Knight)
Inuyasha & Kagome Higurashi (Inuyasha)
Zack & Rachel (Angels of Death)
Kazuya Kujo & Victorique de Blois (Gosick)
Raishin Akabane & Yaya (Unbreakable Machine Doll)
Soul eater based plot with original characters
The Mad Hatter & Alice Kingsley (Alice in Wonderland)
*****Kevin Wendell Crumb & Casey Cooke (Split/Glass)
Something Pokemon related but its our own original characters that we can
explore as we please. 
Detective Partners (I’m on a big ‘Bones’ kick right now, so something along those lines maybe!)
Finnick Odair & Annie Cresta (Hunger Games)
*******Jack Frost & Elsa (ROTG/Frozen)
Something fantasy/supernatural-esque?  Like vampires or fairies or demons…. Something like that 
Hemlock Grove related plots; I watched season one but didn’t enjoy season two so stopped relatively early.  If anyone was interested in doing something from season one or just based on it lemme know
At the moment, these are all of the ships/characters I can think of!  Of course, I’m always down to come up with some original ideas if you’re looking for something like that.  If you’d like to see samples of my writing though, feel free to check those out here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZRxKbX59YvNCXJejHsUHrfP0mlo_KHt9ivZRUwyrdWI/edit?usp=sharing 
If at all interested in talking and/or plotting, don’t hesitate to message me either on here or discord ( gldenskies#5545 ) or emailing me [email protected].  Thanks beautiful people :)
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