houseofbeesart · 3 months
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This was just supposed to be normal hand drawing practice but I was listening to malevolent while doing it so... you can't have a man bite off his own pinky and expect me to be normal about it.
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houseofbeesart · 1 year
I’m so tired of hot actors with no actual talent or magnetism. we need more ugly little cuntservers giving performances that fuck so hard you leave the theatre with road rash. willem dafoe if you’re out there
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houseofbeesart · 1 year
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All my friends are sick of me talking about the adventures of amina al-sirafi so it's gonna be tumblr's problem now
No but if anyone else has finished the book already and wants to talk about it w someone I desperately want to be that person
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houseofbeesart · 2 years
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Can I use this very shitty wip photo to lure in anyone who's read the adventures of amina al sirafi? I finished it yesterday and I want to talk about it w somebody soooo badly!!
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houseofbeesart · 2 years
Last Chance
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Swooping in in the last hour, here’s one last fic for @adesperadofanblog ‘s Blorbo Bingo Bango Desperado 2022!! This one is for the prompt takeout/stakout, it’s an added scene set in s2 ep 3!
The car was silent as they waited for the yokai to fall asleep. Luckily, the boy was exhausted from the last few days, and it was only a matter of minutes before his breathing evened out in the back seat.
Baron Samedi grinned over at Catrina. “Ready, dear sister?”
“Sleep may be able to wait, but these bodies will need food before all the fun that is about to come,” Catrina said. “Besides, we must wait for the Kalsara to infect the water supply before we make our move.”
The Baron rolled his eyes. “I know how long this body lasts, Catrina, I’ve had her for longer than you’ve had your toy.”
“Just because I wasn’t in control doesn’t mean I didn’t see how you pushed her after the circus, brother. We need to sustain ourselves longer than one night if we’re to awaken the earth.”
He scoffed but started the car without further complaint. Despite the rampage from earlier, the car had survived their trip with minimal damage and started up quietly enough that the Yokai didn’t even stir. There hadn’t been any stops on the ride to the penitentiary, so they headed off in the other direction, and within ten minutes they arrived at an empty Chinese takeout restaurant.
They ordered randomly off the menu, caring less for taste than sustenance, but Catrina put a hand on Samedi's shoulder before he could pay for their meals.
"And an order of teriyaki chicken," she added, "for the boy."
He scoffed, but Catrina just paid for the food with cash she found in the car, and they left with three takeout boxes.
"What's the teriyaki for? We're not babysitting, the kid can feed himself!" the Baron said as they walked back to the car.
"He wouldn't like it, if we let the boy go hungry," Catrina replied quietly.
"Yeah? I'm pretty sure he doesn't like you taking control over his body either, but here you are," Samedi argued back.
Catrina glared over at him. "This is different. I need to do this. Yvelio's lost focus, after S-, and I'm stronger this way anyway. He will understand that I need to do this, but I don't need to make his friend go hungry." Then she got into the car before Samedi could reply.
They drove back to D 9:9 in silence, then parked along the road and began eating.
"Why are you so concerned with what your toy would want?" Samedi finally asked, breaking the silence. There was scorn in his voice but also a hint of, curiosity? Concern? “He’s just a kid. You’ve worshipped much greater warriors before, and you’ve never been concerned with their wishes, especially not war. Why now?”
Catrina took an extra bite of rice to give herself time before answering. "He's my last chance, brother. It’s not the same for you. If Talia gets killed, or somehow fights you off, you have other options. She may be your best choice, but Yvelio is my only one. The Old Man in the Sky took everyone else. I will get my revenge, but I need him to do it. If that means I buy the boy that stupid teriyaki he owes him, fine."
The Baron was quiet, angrily stabbing at his pork with his chopsticks. They sat, listening to the wind for a few minutes before he spoke up again.
"I hear their prayers, their pleas, all the time," Samedi admitted quietly, "and I haven't been able to do anything. I know it's not right, but sometimes I wonder if it would be better, for them to be gone than to be suffering like they are. For the voices to be quiet."
"It's not." Catrina took a deep breath. "The memories of their last breaths just keep echoing in my head, and it's too late to do anything. Your people still have hope, you can still help them, and we will. We will wake the earth, and we will show the Old Man in the Sky what it means to be powerful."
Before the Baron could reply, the wind whistled through the car, whispering of red dust in the penitentiary. Samedi grinned, and it was only because she'd known the Baron for lifetimes that she could see the cracks in his facade, but she didn't push. Instead, she placed the takeout carefully on the center console where the boy could see it when he woke.
"It's time, sister, can I have this dance?"
Catrina smiled back at him. "Of course, brother."
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houseofbeesart · 2 years
Lights Out
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Here's my second work for the @adesperadofanblog Blorbo Bingo Bango Desperado 2022!! This one was for the prompt Lights Out!
[ID: A digital drawing of Elio, Shinji, and Talia from Desperado Podcast, standing side by side in the dark. In the center Shinji, a short Japanese man in a buzzcut, is standing with his arms crossed. Shinji is wearing a dark red tank top and jeans, and has glowing pink wings stretched out behind him. Talia, a tall Haitian woman with long braids, is on Shinji's right side. She is wearing a white crop top, purple bomber jacket, and baggy jeans, and has her elbow resting on Shinji's shoulder. She is holding a long bone spear in one hand and has a glowing purple skeleton drawn over her body. Elio, a Mexican man with short curly hair, is standing to the left of Shinji, cracking his knuckles as if ready for a fight. He is wearing a white shirt, brown jacket, and jeans and red blood gauntlets. He has glowing vein-like tattoos drawn over his body, and a glowing chest tattoo of three roses. All three characters are back-lit by the pink light of Shinji's wings. End ID.]
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houseofbeesart · 2 years
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Here is my first contribution for @adesperadofanblog​ ‘s Desperado Bang! It’s been a fun way to jump back into creating now that my life has slowed down a little! Anyways, this is for the prompt “falling from the sky”:
The wind whipped past him, ripping at his hair, his clothes, his thoughts. Every insecurity, anxiety, and concern was left behind until all that was left was him and the wind. It wasn't peaceful, the roaring wind saw to that, but as he stared into the endless blues and purples darkening the dusk sky, Shinji felt at home. The sky was a safe place for him, even when plummeting toward the ground in a freefall.
Taking a couple of deep breaths, Shinji spun to face the ground, squinting against the onslaught of direct wind against his face. Facing this direction, his world was considerably less endless. He hadn't hit the tree line yet but it was fast approaching. He shifted the angle of his descent slightly, aiming towards a small clearing in the trees that would give him an extra second or two of time before he hit anything. 
Now he could make out individual trees and the layout of the clearing below. He just had to hold his nerve a little longer. Just another second.
Shinji fell below the treeline, making it all the way to about 20 feet above the ground before he spread his wings to slow his descent, angling his fall horizontally until he grazed the grass beneath him, and then arching back into the sky, smiling from the rush of wind now moving with him instead of against. 
"Alright, alright, you've got more of a death wish than me, I'll admit it, very impressive," Asher conceded, laughing slightly from where he was already floating in the air on his glider. "I only made it to the tree line before I broke my fall."
Shinji glanced back down. The tree line was probably twice the height of when Shinji pulled out of his nose dive. 
"Not bad," Shinji said graciously, "I mean, could've been better, but not bad."
"Fuck off" Asher laughed. "I am impressed, though, really. You didn't even watch the ground for most of the fall. If I didn't know any better, I'd think you were trying to impress someone."
Shinji grinned shamelessly. "It's a good thing you know better, then. I’ve made that fall a million times, I might as well do it blindfolded at this point.”
“Uh-huh, that sounds like a reasonable risk, Mr. Boy-of-Brittle-Bones.”
Shinji raised a challenging eyebrow, placed his right hand firmly over his eyes, and simply dropped. He barely heard the beginning of Asher’s protest before it was drowned out by the wind. Smiling as he fell, he kept his back to the ground, so Asher could see that Shinji wasn’t cheating, and focused on the wind. 
On a blind dive, there wasn’t a chance that he could fall as low as he did earlier, but maybe, if he listened carefully enough, there.
The feel of the wind shifted around him as it had to accommodate for the trees Shinji came level with and Shinji let his wings expand again. It was more of an awkward movement with his wings beneath him, but with about forty feet still before the ground, Shinji knew it wouldn't be difficult to keep his balance.
He opened his eyes as his descent slowed to see Asher only five feet above him, eyes wide with shock and moving quickly closer. 
Shinji grunted as Asher collided with him, unable to pull his glider out of a nosedive as quickly as Shinji. Thanks to his training, Shinji was strong enough to not break anything from the impact, but Asher lost his grip on his glider and for one terrible moment, he was the one in freefall. 
In two strokes of his wings, Shinji caught up to Asher, grabbed him, and gently guided them both down to the ground. The glider hit the ground beside them hard, the wood splintering. 
Shinji winced. “You should really take better care of your gliders. I can’t believe I let you fly me on one of those, it’s practically a flying death trap.”
Asher took a shaky breath as his feet touched the ground, though he didn’t let go of Shinji’s shoulders. “Would you believe I’d never broken one before I met you? Maybe if you and your friends needed less saving, my glider could stay in one piece.”
Shinji said nothing, just glanced between Asher and the broken glider.
“Are you really going you mock me for trying to catch you when you were falling with your eyes shut?”
Shinji laughed. “Absolutely, but I’ll at least wait until after you stop shaking,” he conceded. “Let’s head back to camp before the others wonder where we are.” Asher glanced up to the sky, his brow furrowed. “By foot,” Shinji corrected, bending over to pick up the damaged glider and hoisting it onto his shoulder.
Asher smiled sheepishly. “That might be for the best, thanks” 
Shinji knew that there were so many things wrong in their lives: The Old Man in the Sky, Joan and the SCU hunting them, Samar’s death, and the Baron, just to name a few. There were times when Shinji felt like absolutely everything was going horribly wrong, but Asher’s smile reminded him that not everything was bad. Maybe, just maybe, everything was going to turn out okay.
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houseofbeesart · 3 years
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Someone's about to lose another eye...
Just realized I never posted this here, but everyone go listen to The Vanishing Act!! It's probably the funniest podcast I've listened to, I can't recommend it enough!
[Photo ID: A digital drawing of Rudyard, Devorah, and the Vanishing Box from The Vanishing Act. Rudyard is a white man with short blond hair and and eye patch. He is angrily yelling and pointing towards the viewer, gesturing with the book "The Wizard of Versailles." Devorah is a mallard duck and is standing behind him, next to the metal Vanishing box. She is looking at Rudyard with glowing red attack eyes. End ID]
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houseofbeesart · 3 years
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We’ll have Lifetimes
fun fact: I relisten to desperado all the time but I almost always stop after ep 12 or 13 because I cant just casually listen to 14 and 15, I get too invested.
Anyway, I hear a rumor that season 2 is half done, can’t wait for Samar to be waiting on the shore in America for them in episode 1!
[Image 1 ID: A digital drawing of Elio and Samar from Desperado. Samar is a muscular Morrocan woman wearing a gray tank top and her brown hair in a french braid. Elio is a Nahuatl man wearing a red charro with gold rose detailing. They are holding each other tightly surrounded by a red and gold mist, Elio is openly crying while Samar is tearing up but smiling softly. Samar is handing Elio a dagger and fading into the mist.
Image 2 ID: A close up of the previous image, showing the details of their faces and the charro. End ID]
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houseofbeesart · 3 years
... all I'm gonna say is the gun of confidence may be an effective form of motivation
One day I'm gonna have the confidence in myself to draw the elio/samar scene from the season finale and itll be over for all of you
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houseofbeesart · 3 years
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houseofbeesart · 3 years
One day I'm gonna have the confidence in myself to draw the elio/samar scene from the season finale and itll be over for all of you
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houseofbeesart · 3 years
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A King and a Saint
i finally finished a drawing!!! my love for the terrible tridentarii twins: 1, art block: 0
[First Image ID: A digital drawing of Coronabeth and Ianthe from The Locked Tomb series. They are both white women with blonde hair, but Ianthe is skinnier and paler than Coronabeth. They are standing back to back and looking towards the camera. Ianthe’s visible arm is just golden bones and she’s wearing a translucent cloak. Coronabeth is waving and resting her other hand on the gold rapier at her waist.
Second Image ID: A close up of their faces from the previous image. End ID]
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houseofbeesart · 3 years
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A King and a Saint
i finally finished a drawing!!! my love for the terrible tridentarii twins: 1, art block: 0
[First Image ID: A digital drawing of Coronabeth and Ianthe from The Locked Tomb series. They are both white women with blonde hair, but Ianthe is skinnier and paler than Coronabeth. They are standing back to back and looking towards the camera. Ianthe’s visible arm is just golden bones and she’s wearing a translucent cloak. Coronabeth is waving and resting her other hand on the gold rapier at her waist.
Second Image ID: A close up of their faces from the previous image. End ID]
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houseofbeesart · 3 years
Aaaaand it let's me post this. Just let me be gay and post my tridentarii twins
I finally finished another piece but Tumblr won't let me post it 😭😭
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houseofbeesart · 3 years
I finally finished another piece but Tumblr won't let me post it 😭😭
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houseofbeesart · 3 years
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Maybe the skinny kid can act tough
I drew this a couple weeks ago but I haven't posted anything on here in forever! Anyways, the Desperado finale still lives rent free in my head
[Image id: a digital drawing of Shinji from Desperado. Shinji is a skinny Japanese man with large glowing pink wings that resemble skeletal bat wings. He is holding an open box, and a red glow is coming from inside. End ID]
The version with blood is under the cut:
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[Image ID: the same digital drawing as above, but with blood splatter on Shinji’s body and wings. The ends of each wing finger is drenched in blood. End ID]
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