taipcn · 4 years
Jet could never deny the power of social media. He never engages with it (that’s Stormfront’s expertise, so he’ll leave that part to her), but it was interesting to see how new up-and-coming supes have been using their social media to build themselves a following. If these supes are half as smart as Jet, they’d use their following as a bargaining chip to get themselves into Vought.
Recently, a new supe was brought to his attention. However, it wasn’t her track record – the bust-ups, the beat-downs – that interested him. It was her powers. Poison generation. A power not as explosive as Jet’s (pardon the pun), but potentially more dangerous. Anyone who gets this girl has no idea what power they’ll hold.
So, he tracked her down. It wasn’t hard because the young supe practically left all these breadcrumbs through her social media postings. With some investigative work, a little help from his teammate, and the people at Vought, he narrowed down the neighbourhood she had been patrolling.
Now, all he had to do was talk to her.
“Stepping in my territory? We’re working with territories now?” he teased, as he leaned against the fire escape. “Don’t worry. I’m not going to fight you. Unless, you’re looking for a fight. Talk about a slow day, huh?”
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Ophelia is somewhat used to being around other supes by now; for what she lacked in actual close friendships, she made up with in the plethora of networking connections she had spent the last few years making but that was usually limited to other small time supes like herself that had something to gain from being around her ( and that’s a thought that made the terminally unsuccessful feeling woman chuckle ), and bumping elbows so casually with him was surprising at least – big time supes most times didn’t like to look at the little guys. And she was small time.
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At his words she threw her hands up in a joke defence, “Hey, I don’t want to get sued or something because I’m running around in Vought’s copyrighted streets,” she joked, shrugging, “You never know, I’ve been out some times and suddenly some little kid that’s just learned to lift cars is telling me to get out of their ‘crime beat’ as if we actually have any real authority.” Well, the nobodies didn’t anyway, the attack dogs of the big teams on the other hand – that type of work was envious. “Oh god, I’d actually like to go home tonight in fewer than five pieces so how about we don’t fight; and I don’t think I’d be earning any favours if someone saw me trying to throw my hands at you.” 
But she wasn’t going to complain that he was there, after all, friends were good to make, connections were even better. “So what brings you out to these streets? Can’t say there’s much happening if you’re looking for something to do, hell, can’t say that anything’s happening, which sucks, I was kind of hoping to at least get something cool for insta’.”
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taipcn · 4 years
point call    (   13092020 to 19092020   )
acceptance      ❯        +  fifty. gif chat + para replies      ❯        +  sixty. open / closed starters      ❯        + forty-five. self paragraph / writing task      ❯        + zero.  meme  / ask box responses      ❯        + zero.
total points        ❯         one hundred and forty five.
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taipcn · 4 years
Annie’s face physically brightened when she heard that. “Honestly I used to be the same way, I read Maeve’s autobiography so many times I wore it out and I had to by a second one when I was younger.” Annie told Ophelia, though she didn’t want the girl to get to excited because she for one knew to never meet your heroes, sure she didn’t know that before but she’d learned her lesson.
“Twinkies?” Annie teased not at the fact it was junk food but at the choice of junk food. “For me it’s Duncan Donuts and Golden girls,” Annie said before adding. “or it was.” Annie smiled a little. “It’s nice to meet you Ophelia,” Annie said smiling at her. “I would agree with you on that, but then I’d be lying.” Annie said to Ophelia’s opinion on meeting someone you look up to. “It’s not that it’s not exciting,” Annie continued going into fangirl mode, “-‘cause it is-” Annie said before her mind switched over to when she met the Deep. “but people aren’t always what the media potrays them to be.” Annie warned knowing all too well what happens to nice people when they get involved with Vought.
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“Oh, you’re telling me – I had such a huge crush on Maeve when I was growing up. I shared a room with my brothers and you could tell when the part of the room that was ‘mine’,” she air quoted, “because I had all these posters of Maeve up, so it was like all just blank wall and then ‘bam’ all action figures and posters.” For all her faults, and the fact she’d tear down the people that sat in the spaces she wanted if she could, there was part of her that still looked up to the Seven and the other teams in a near child-like manner – but that was far and few between the times her parents and family looked to her to fill their bank accounts with her lacklustre income.
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“It sounds totally horrible when I think back on it but my dad used to deep fry twinkies and while I can hear my arteries clogging now even at the thought, it used to be so good as like, a well done after a week of training hard,” Ophelia missed the times that she had days like that, and before she knew she was going to be milked like the prize cash cow, “You know, you can still go to Dunkin’, there’s probably one on some corner near here – I’m sure Vought wouldn’t even have to know.” She nodded as she listened to Annie, of course it was never as easy as those silly Seven Cinematic Universe movies made it seem, and it was clear from the news that came out that Annie had been put through the ringer with that, “Well, hey, we can turn that around though right, gotta’ have the good guys around behind the scenes too,” not that Ophelia was particularly nice, but better to be thorny than like actually, evil, “I’m sure people are at least glad to have you on the Seven; I mean, I think it’s great.”
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taipcn · 4 years
That was the go to now. To call TMZ  or some other low rent ‘news’ channel and give their own account of him. He was a member of the fucking seven, he shouldn’t be treated like this and while he was suffering, Stillwell and everyone else was profiting off him. “What, did I hurt your feelings?” He scoffed. “You can’t get anywhere near a supe like me. I’m one of the best in the fucking world and you’re what, looking for scraps of gossip to boost your influence?” It wasn’t the first time a supe had tried that tactic and it wouldn’t be the last. Vought had over 200 supes but it was the groups that had the most to gain, they were just near impossible to get in to. “I’ve got a good nest egg so I’m all set and hey, if it’s cheap to live then at least my savings will only improve.” It was an immature shot but he wasn’t wrong. His earnings were through the roof but he wouldn’t want to touch it, just in case.
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Good god, by the level head that The Deep even so much as appeared to be showing, with the situation that he was in just so shit from her outside eyes, being signed by Vought seemed like the golden ticket to being able to do whatever you wanted. “Oh, yeah, I’m torn up, I’ll spend the rest of my days crying,” she rolled her eyes, “Hey, don’t knock the grind, we all have to start somewhere; we don’t all have it easy like you guys. Live in a glass house and you still throw stones, it’s insane, absolutely mind-shitting to me y’know – I’d kill to be sitting in your soggy chair.” If someone went into their shift at a restaurant and did the same thing, the suits, and probably the cops would be lulling around their heads, rightfully, for the rest of their days. But if she had the choice to be making mistakes left and right and still have herself reasonably taken care of, she’d take it in a heartbeat; better to be doing that then just waiting for someone to spot her so-called talents, better to be a rich loser than a poor one. “Temporary move or are you going to be Sandusky’s hero for life? Hearding up Red Lobster’s menu until you’re pushing eighty.”
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taipcn · 4 years
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Send A Number to Experience One of My Muse’s Memories Memories are vignettes for one’s past, and often times, they are very telling.
Please make sure your ask box is open to recieve the meme prompts
1. Their First Memory 2. A memory of their father 3. A memory of their mother 4. A memory of a sibling 5. A memory of a pet 6. A turning point in their life 7. A memory they want to forget 8. A hazy memory 9. A photographic memory 10. A disappointing memory 11. A memory that may or may not have happened 12. A happy memory 13. A memory of a friend 14. A memory of a relationship 15. A heartbreaking memory 16. A memory that makes them angry 17. A memory of something they regret 18. A memory they’d love to change 19. A memory of someone they don’t see anymore 20. A memory of someone who is deceased 21. A memory of the first time they did an activity they love 22. A childhood memory 23. A school day memory 24. A holiday memory 25. A birthday memory 26. A memory they want to share 27. A memory of something they’re proud of 28. A memory that strains a relationship 29. A memory they can’t let themselves forget 30. Asker’s choice 31. Writer’s choice
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taipcn · 4 years
🐍   starter for   *   jet   ━   S01E06    *    @goesboom​
Patrolling the streets was boring, especially when the city’s criminals decided that it was going to be their night off so Ophelia was even more bored than usual. Hell, she was even partly hoping for some big horrible bust up so that she could maybe get noticed for something for once - sure, people thanking her was nice and all, she always gave polite smiles and cooperated nicely with the public, but god, she didn’t really get much out of it did she? Thank you’s were nice, but they didn’t bring home cash. She’d nestled herself up on an apartment’s fire escape, clad in her all too uncomfortable supe gear ( again, what she’d give to have one of the costumes that didn’t look like shit ), watching over the nearby streets - the most exciting thing for hours were a few drunk friends trying to mock-box each other, and that was only because how laughably bad it was. It was a brain-numbing night, and she could only post of her socials so many times before it got annoying.
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When she felt someone walking down the fire escape near her, she almost hoped that they were going to start some bother so she could do something. But Ophelia was about as keyed up on the faces of famous supes as any super-sweat fan that spent all day brushing up their trivia; and she recognised the man straight away. “Oh, fuck,” Ophelia brushed herself off looking at the other, “I’m not like, stepping on your territory or something right? Because I did not mean that if I have; and if I’m not and you’ve decided you want it, then like, I don’t want to fight about it.” The last thing she wanted was to bite the ass of a Vought supe, especially not knowing why he was there.
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taipcn · 4 years
🐍   starter for   *   elena   ━   S01E06    *    @healerbynature​
 Anyone would tell you that if you wanted to get your name out there, you had to build a brand, get yourself known and then when enough people know your name, you’re as good as golden - and what makes someone look better than a little bit of non-profit volunteering, even if it made Ophelia want to tear her hair out, it did look good on the ol’ supe resume. She’d done a lot of shitty volunteering work in the past - when she was fifteen her mother literally made her shovel shit for a farmer, and she whined the whole way home - so when it came down to the wire, she didn’t mind helping out at the clinic, even if it was just little things - hell, even if there was an accident, it was probably one of the safest places she could have a little toxic brush against someone. “Anything you need doc’?” Ophelia leaned against the door frame as she entered the clinical room, “I’d complain about nothing going on but then again, I’d rather not have a whole murder spree outside; imagine the paperwork.” Elena wasn’t the worst company either, and for as much as she would have rather been snuggled up on her couch, she had a soft spot for the time. “So, is there anything exciting going on in your life? Aside from the thrills of work?”
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taipcn · 4 years
Annie smiled putting on her Starlight face like normal, it was what she did, it was only natural now. “You don’t sound like a weirdo,” Annie said before speaking as if she’s never told anyone Thai before. “-believe it or not your not the first person to recognize me out of uniform.” Annie joked smiling at the girl with the brightness of the sun behind her. “You like to run?” Annie asked taking note of her attire.
Annie the listened as she was called brave and she responded with a small smile. “Thank you,” Annie trailed making it sound as if she was waiting for a name which she was.
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“Well if someone was going to recognise you, it would probably be me, I can’t go more than an hour without checking my twitter so I’ve pretty much got everyone in the Seven’s faces like burned into my head,” it was a joke, but probably closer to the truth than she would have liked to actually admit; she felt like she saw her instagram feed even when she closed her eyes. “I mean, I don’t enjoy it but it’s either that or I’ll end up just sitting at home eating twinkies all day and then well, I don’t have the cash to just go buy a whole new wardrobe,” she laughed. “No need to thank me! I’m Ophelia, I’m like you too, I’m not like famous of anything, just like low time supe stuff but it’s always super cool to meet someone you look up to.” Hey, making connections never hurt.
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taipcn · 4 years
The Deep had noticed that more hereos, some not even registered to Vought, had come sniffing around. It was laughable. They all  thought they had a shot at replacing him when Vought knew there wasn’t another supe like him. He was fucking amphibious. “No offence but you aren’t my type and I doubt you could afford a ticket.” It was a cheap, juvinille repsonse but what else did he have? “No one gets locked in the basement,” He said too quickly. Lamplighter was and it was an image that would always haunt the Deep till the end of his days. “I’m going to Sandusky, they want me as their new savior.” He shuddered at the thought. What was in Sandusky other than Cedar Point Amusement Park?
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Ophelia was probably more in a glass house throwing stones type of situation as she stood exchanging words with the Seven’s resident fish guy; to be fair to the man, at least he’d made a living out of being the ‘fish guy’, she was still a c-tier supe that had the usefulness of the Walmart reptile isle, but she just loved a good chance to get riled up. “Oh, that’s mature, that’s what we’re doing I see. Classist and creepy, you’re just a treat. Can’t wait to go home and tell everyone about my great day at Vought where the fish boy said I wasn’t even cute enough to assault,” she rolled her eyes - not that she was going to say that to anyone, or even that she was offended, again, at her core, she was just a little too petty. “Damn, I was hoping for a cushy retirement one day in the basement after I’ve offended one too many people and people are tired of covering for me,” hell, if she ever got noticed enough for a retirement - sometimes she felt like she’d be pushing sixty and still trying to stop crime. “Sandusky, eh?” Ophelia chuckled, “Forbes’ best place to live cheaply? I’m sure your drained sponsor money will go to good use there, ironic for someone hollering and hootin’ about being the cash cow.” 
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taipcn · 4 years
🐍   starter for   *   starlight   ━   S01E06    *    @citzenstarlight​
Fitness was important; when Ophelia was first pushed into training to being a hero by trade by her parents, her out of breath, sweaty self had realised for the first time that she shouldn’t have been skipping gym class in high school. So now she took her jogs through the park to stop herself from getting out of shape, after all, if she didn’t say market-ably cute, she was never going to get picked up by anyone let alone Vought. Usually there wasn’t anything exciting going on, but it was the park, not a bustling warzone, but that day something - someone - caught her eye. The amount of time she spent scrolling through news about the bigger supes of the world was far too much, but she’d recognise that button nose and blonde hair anywhere, sat on a bench not too far from the jogger. Well, she could take her break a little early, sitting down on the bench at the opposite end, “I know I’m going to sound like a total weirdo, and I’m sure you get this all time but you’re Starlight right?” She enquired, gushing at her and tilting her head before taking a well deserved drink of water, “I just want to say what you did was so brave, you’re really a shining, no pun intended, example of the Seven.”
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taipcn · 4 years
Everyone thought he was the idiot of the seven and to an extent they were right. So the Deep did what he thought was best, he hired a lawyer and got the best possible outcomes for his money and that’s how he was earning $60 million just in salary. “The sponsorships can’t afford to replace me and I doubt they’d want to.” No matter what, he was still vought’s cash cow and they needed him. At least he hoped they did. “Look you’re what, not even on the B team right?” The Deep laughed. “You have no idea what it takes to be a hero here or what it taks to stay on top.” Everyone had dreams of joining the seven and they were right to dream it. For most heroes, just standing next to one of them was as good as it was going to get. “If Vought wanted me gone, I wouldn’t just be leaving the state. I’d be out of the seven but my position isn’t open.” He clung onto that fact with every fibre of his being. “I can do more than show tricks for Oceanland, there’s no other hero like me.” That’s why he couldn’t be replaced.
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Anyone with even a passing interest with the Seven knew that it was a fucked up situation, and of course it was, but even with the rather washed up looking hero there exchanging words with her, a not even B-list hero, Ophelia couldn’t help but even feel jealous. If she managed to create this much of a scandal ( if anyone even cared that much ), she’d have no fall back, no cushy company to wait out that storm with - it made her chest bubble with envy. “Well then I’ll be sure to never walk alone next time that I go to Oceanland, never know who’ll be following me around the corner.” Ophelia furrowed her eyebrows, frowning, “Hey, I’m not the one sitting arguing with someone that’s not even on the B team,” she crossed her arms, “It’s a work in progress, and I don’t need to be, it’s like Jenga or something, someone from the B team moves up, more space on the B team - at least I won’t be on the apology circuit for months.” She is curious, nosy, more so, of the situation’s handling as an outsider, “So what’s the verdict anyway? Are they locking you up in the basement until everyone’s forgotten?” 
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taipcn · 4 years
Every single news outlet wanted an interview with either the Deep or Starlight but Vought kept them at bay for now. They did something similar before but with Popclaw. After she was found passed out at party, Vought dropped her and didn’t offer any help and now the Deep was going through something similar.  He glared at the girls comments. He hated to admit it but he was right. No one was here looking to find him or a way to keep him. “They can’t afford to loose me,” He scoffed, raising his voice just loud enough for others to hear him. “I’m the fucking Deep and if you want to waltz in and replace me, you’re up for a world of dissapointment.” The trials for the Seven had almost killed him and he wasn’t going to let anyone snatch his position away.
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“Can’t afford to lose you?” Ophelia raised an eyebrow, intrigued as she inquired into him, “I’m sure you’re booming with business right now, and Vought must be swimming with sponsorship deals and people must be knocking down the door to have the slimy - no pun intended, honestly - fish guy representing them - do the fish food contracts, or whatever things do you sponsor, even cover whatever stock drop the company took for you being a top shelf level creep?” She prodded, somewhat curious, more so just agitating - she never was personable after all,  and it wasn’t like she could have any sympathy for the position he was in at that moment - part of her knew it must have been more difficult than she thought but in her mind, getting in was the hard part, how could you make such a mistake and fuck that once you’ve done the hard work was beyond her. “I mean, I don’t think I’ll replace you, I’m not that stupid,” she refuted, “But I’m sure someone that can do more than a Sea World show might, and without putting a dick in someone’s face. D’ya’ really think you’re some media darling?”
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taipcn · 4 years
closed starter for: @taipcn​ location: vought tower
His worst nightmare had come true. Starlight had gone public with his little incident now the Deep was getting shipped off to some god forsaken town that had next to no crimes.  Sandusky. Who the fuck would willingly go there? He was waiting for his care at Seven Towers lobby when he could see the new solo supes walking through. Must be the evaluation time. “If you’re looking for Stillwell she’s busy,” He called out to the group. Was he looking at his future replacement? The Deep had no idea but for the first time in his life he felt like he was drowning. 
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Every morning the first thing that Ophelia did even before she managed to languidly roll herself out of bed was check through all of her social media; and she nearly had a heart attack when she had woken up to find the aftermath to the whole Believe Expo fiasco - it certainly made for some good morning reads with each and every person having their own hot take on the situation. What had happened to Starlight was fucked, of course, there was no doubt in that - but with that meaning The Deep was looking to get shafted to somewhere without the shining sponsorship of the prime time Seven group, and that, meant opportunity. Obviously, Ophelia wasn’t expecting to waltz in and take his place, but reshuffles did bring a chance, and as always, she was hungry to take it. 
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Though she wasn’t personally associated with Vought, she did do the old drop in from time to time to show that she’s ready and available - eager to monkey say, monkey do, under their word if they ever actually decided to show her the time of day. “I’ll wait, I’ve got time,” Ophelia pursed her lips at the sidelined hero, “Doesn’t seem like they’re running in circles to try and keep you around anyway, right? Might as well throw my hat in the ring, I wouldn’t even mind being the token lame one, probably would be able to do it with less harassment too.”
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