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Since you like transforming so much... have this. Solid, Liquid, Gas: The muse’s entire body is made up of something other than flesh! Turn them into a gooey slime monster, a red-hot lava monster, a hard rock beast, or even a wisp of person-shaped fog.
Takamitsu followed slowly behind a bunch of hired workmen carrying several crates for him, watching as people would give the odd glance towards him and the group before then finally making it back to his warehouse. The crates held several old Allagan artifacts and a few Garlean pieces of scrap which he’d use in his work. Once they made it to his warehouse he ordered the men to place the crates down most doing so carefully due to wanting their pay in full but one simply dropped their crate near the others and several bottles cracked inside causing a black liquid to leak out quickly but seemed to slither on the floor towards all whom were present before then lunging at them including Takamitsu, the liquid swiftly snaked up their bodies before Takamitsu looked in terror as the shorter workmen were incased and melted into more of the liquid before he felt it invade him and he started feeling himself trying to struggle against it as he melted into it joining the others.A few hours pass and the liquid remains flowing around Takamitsu’s warehouse trying to melt objects but unable to before a single figure starts seeming to bulge and sink back into the mass, after a few more hours the mass seems to be humanoid but lacking any features. Two days pass and Takamitsu is sat in the mass seemingly toying with the mass making figures and shapes out of it, His own body simply made of the same viscous and oily material his body having shape but no colour.
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Porcupine: Porcupines are cute, but a little hazardous when annoyed. The muse now has sharp spines placed anywhere on their body (back, elbows, legs…).
Takamitsu sat working on a new Magitek arm for himself currently welding a few pieces into the internals before looking to the Crystal he was going to use to power it. He reached for the crystal before it seemed to react oddly, he then felt itching over his back and elbows before starting to itch at the areas as best he could. He felt tearing through his jacket and recoiled his itching had as he felt spikes growing from his flesh seeming in more pain now before they finally settled spines now covering his back and elbows prominently.   
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Terrible? Transformation Curses
Send my muse a curse to transform them for a day (or however long the mun/sender decides). Feel free to combine curses to create a terrible, or beautiful, monster!
Third Eye: The muse has an eye placed anywhere on their body that is often visible (forehead, chest, hand…) and this eye has the ability to see glimpses of the future, another dimension, and/or supernatural entities.
Horns: The muse has horns sprouting from their head. The size and number of horns is completely up to the sender!
Slither: The muse now has a long, serpentine tail and has lost the ability to walk on their legs.
Cloven hooves: The muse has to walk with a pair of hooves instead of feet. Add furry legs for a classic ‘satyr’ look if the sender wishes.
Lovely locks: Instead of hair, the muse now has … something else up there. Snakes, tentacles, spines, dripping slime - the sender can use their imagination!
Gaping Maw: If you have two mouths, can you eat twice as many tacos? Let’s hope. The muse has a second mouth placed anywhere on their body, either hidden or visible, and it’s full of razor sharp teeth.
Fangs: The muse’s ordinary mouth now sports sharp vampire-like fangs.
Jaws: Hell, since when is two sharp teeth enough? The muse now has an entire mouthful of razor fangs. 
Scratch: Instead of fingernails, the muse now has long, pointed claws. Be careful with those things. 
Thwump: Who doesn’t want a tail? Now the muse has their own tail. It can be cute and delicate or heavy and covered in spikes depending on the sender. 
Hiss: The muse has a long, long tongue. Tapered or forked is up to you!
Porcupine: Porcupines are cute, but a little hazardous when annoyed. The muse now has sharp spines placed anywhere on their body (back, elbows, legs…).
Swamp beast: The muse can breathe easy under water with a new set of gills, and why not webbed fingers and toes to go with it?
Majestic birb: Now the muse has the power of flight with their own set of wings. Are they fluffy bird wings, leathery bat wings, or buzzing insect wings? 
Piercing Gaze: Whatever the muse’s original eye color is, they now have something different and unusual. Pure black eyes, milky white eyes, bright red eyes - it’s up to the sender!
Snout: The muse has swapped noses with any type of creature. Give them a beak, a pig snout, a feline button nose, or even a canine muzzle. 
Solid, Liquid, Gas: The muse’s entire body is made up of something other than flesh! Turn them into a gooey slime monster, a red-hot lava monster, a hard rock beast, or even a wisp of person-shaped fog.
Leathers and Feathers: The muse has more than just smooth skin now. Add some scales, feathers, fur, or an exoskeleton!
Size Difference: Grow or shrink the muse either a little bit or a whole lot.
Chameleon: Give the muse bright neon skin, wild colors of hair, or exotic stripes and patterns. Plaid? Go for it.
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14. Favorite place they’ve been to?
Takamitsu listened to the question before then crossing his arms and shrugging. “Ul'dah is decent for Blackmarket deals along with the easily paid off Brass Blades... but for a place I actually like to visit... I’d say Ishgard... I so rarely get to see Snow.” 
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11. Do you think  your character is lucky or unlucky? What do they think?
Takamitsu replied with a frown at first before then shaking his head a little. “I try not to think on luck for it is difficult to rely upon.... A better option is to ensure things can’t go wrong.” He shifted a little but looked to his own hand which had replacement fingers. 
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FFXIV deity asks ~ Inbox these!
Halone, the Fury 1. How protective is your character over their possessions and/or loved ones? 2. How stubborn is your character? 3. Is your character more defensive or offensive when in battle? Menphina, the Lover 4. How difficult is it to earn your character’s love? 5. Does your character separate love and sex or do they tie them together? 6. How romantic is your character? Thaliak, the Scholar 7. When it comes to formal education, does your character have any goals? 8. Does your character enjoy reading? If so, what kind of books? 9. How important is education to your character? Nymeia, the Spinner 10. Does your character believe in fate? 11. Do you think  your character is lucky or unlucky? What do they think? 12. Describe an instance where your character experienced a direct consequence of the ‘butterfly effect’. Llymlaen, the Navigator 13. Is there a place they haven’t seen that they wish to see before they die? 14. Favorite place they’ve been to? 15. How adventurous is your character? Oschon, the Wanderer 16. Does your character feel like they have a purpose in life? If so, what? 17. Does your character ‘go with the flow’ or do they tend to follow their own path? 18. Most influential place in their life they ‘wandered into’? Byregot, the Builder 19. Does your character have any constructive hobbies? 20. Does your character enjoy the arts? If so, what kind? 21. Do they tend to get things done themselves, or do they rely on others? Rhalgr, the Destroyer 22. At the peak of their fury, do they tend to be destructive? If so, how? 23. Do they tend to destroy themselves or those around them? 24. Would your character sink a ship if it meant dragging their enemies down with them? Azeyma, the Warden 25. In general. how curious is your character?  26.  Do they mind their own business or are they nosy when it comes to other’s affairs? 27. Describe a situation where curiosity got them in trouble. Nald’thal, the Traders 28. How materialistic is your character? 29. Is your character frugal or do they tend to be extravagant? 30. Is there something they’d trade anything for? If so, what? Nophica, the Matron 31. How connected is your character to nature? 32. Does your character hold any respect for those who work the land? 33. Does your character respect nature, or would they stomp on it if it meant their benefit? Althyk, the Keeper 34. If they could go back in time, would your character change anything in their past? If so, What? 35.  Does your character live in the moment or do they tend to be stuck in the future/past? 36. How does your character kill time?
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questions for the mun, regarding the muse.
What makes you the most emotional about your muse?
What made you decide to write this muse?
If you could change one event in your muse’s life (in their main or canon verse), what would you change?
If you could tell your muse one thing, what would you tell them?
If you could give your muse one gift, what would you give them?
If you had to take one positive thing away from your muse, what would you take away?
If you could “borrow” one aspect of your muse and apply it to yourself or your own life, what would you borrow?
Do you genuinely want your muse to be happy? What do you think would make them most happy in life?
Do you enjoy putting your muse through angst? What do you think would break their heart the most?
What do you love about your muse?
What do you hate about your muse?
What about your muse amuses you?
What about your muse makes you sad?
How would you describe your muse to someone about to meet them, in person, for the first time?
Would you like your muse as a person if you met them in real life?
In what ways are you better than your muse? In what ways are they better than you?
Why do you think you connect to your muse?
What aspect of your muse’s personality is most important to you? What aspect of your muse’s personality do you think is most important to them? Is it the same? Why or why not?
If you had to judge your muse and sentence them to a “fair” fate, what would your judgement be? Would you punish them? Reward them? How?
[come up with your own question for the mun, regarding the muse]
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Character Quiz Meme
Send in a symbol to find out what my muse’s results were and whether I think it’s accurate or not. Send in 🔮 to see my muse’s Meyer-Briggs Result Send in 🧠to see my muse’s Enneagram Result  Send in 🧙 to see my muse’s Hogwarts House Result  Send in ⭐to see my muse’s Homestuck ‘True Sign’ Send in 🎨to see what famous work of art my muse is. Send in 🎉to find out what role my muse plays in a friend group Send in ☯️to see my muse’s psychological archetype Send in 🎭to find out which of The Four Temperaments my muse is Send in 💟to find out what kind of ‘dere’ my muse is Send in ⚔️ to find out what my muse’s moral alignment is. Send in 😈 to find out which Disney Villain my muse is Send in 💖 to find out what my muse’s Love Language scores are
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FFXIV: Voidsent-themed asks!
Ahriman: does your muse enjoy watching others? If so, why?
Succubus: How do they respond to flirtation and sexual advances? 
Arch-demon: Name a few of their preferred weapons.
Imp: do they enjoy playing pranks on others? If so, then describe their idea of the perfect practical joke.
Gnat: Name something that really annoys your muse.
Vodoriga: Do they prefer a stealthy approach o a head on attack?
Persona: Would your muse be considered two faced? Do they have ‘faces’ that they hide from the public?
Feridad: What do they find funniest?
Soulflayer: Does your muse enjoy manipulating and coercing others?
Mimic: A stranger is caught rifling through your muse’s possessions! How do they react?
Blackguard: Is your muse loyal, or can they be easily bought out and persuaded?
Hellhound: Brains or brawn–which describes your muse best?
Atomos: Do they feel the need to amass a great deal of money and material wealth? If so, explain why.
Anchag: Name your muse’s ideal mount.
Echidna: Discuss why someone might find your muse alluring.
Dahaka: Is there something abnormal about their appearance? (such as a deformity, wound, etc.)
Deepeye: Does your muse demonstrate self-awareness?
Diabolos: Does your muse have a tendency to premeditate things, or do they prefer to go with the flow?
Void Monk: How likely is it for your muse to get into a fist fight?
Gremlin: Does your muse swear or use profanity a lot?
Page 64: Does your muse like to read? If so, name a specific genre of book that they prefer.
Bomb: Would you say that your muse is stable or unstable, in terms of personality?
Arachne Eve: Are they afraid of spiders?
Gargoyle: Is your muse stoic, or do they prefer to take life a little less seriously?
Troubadour: Is there a manner communication (such as body language, telepathy, writing, etc) that your muse prefers?
Cloud of Darkness: Are they powerful? How would they influence or assert their power over others?
Byblos: Does your muse like keeping their things organized?
Boogeyman: Does your muse have a habit of disappearing? Do they come and go as they please?
Flan: How do they feel about spills, messes, etc.?
Ogre: Are they physically strong? If so, do they flaunt it, and is there a reason for that?
Taurus: How do they feel about nature and animals?
Cerberus: Would they keep a dog as a pet?
Cuchulainn: How do they feel about the macabre? Does their idea of grotesqueness differ from that of others?
Demon: Do they fear death? Would they seek immortality of some form to avert its cause?
Forgall: If given the opportunity, would your muse resurrect someone they cared about?
Hecteye: Describe the most effective method of distracting your muse.
Scathach: If your muse had servants, how would they be treated?
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FFXIV/Chimera-themed asks
Mirrorknight: Describe your muse’s eyesight. Do they needed glasses? Do they see better during the day, or at night?
Minotaur: Do they tend to be overprotective of those they love? If so, why?
Pegasus: Have they ever dreamed of escaping, or leaving their current situation to start all over again?
Three-headed chimera: Are your muse’s decisions influenced by their emotions? How hard is it for them to make an unbiased decisions?
Reptoid: Are they more of a leader, or are they a follower? Do they prefer to call the shots, or is it easier for them to simply follow instructions as they are given?
Shabti: Book smarts or street smarts–which of these best describes them?
Lamia: Do they use healing magic or techniques? If so, describe what they do/use.
Iksalion: How does your muse feel about technology?
Naga: Would they stand out in a crowd?
Empuse: Have they ever fought in a war? If so, describe their experience.
Hydra: Is your muse a jack-of-all trades, or are their talents mostly focused in one specific area?
Kaliya: Would they ever get technological implants?
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Dangerous Loyalty RP Starters
"It scares me what I'm willing to do for you."
"I don't care about anyone else, you're all that matters to me!"
"You know you can't refuse me anything I ask of you."
"You know I'd never refuse anything you asked of me."
"Say the word and I'm yours forever."
"If you love me as much as you say, then prove it."
"It's time that you proved your loyalty to me."
"I'll serve you forever if you'll allow me to do it."
"What will it take to make you go back on your oath of loyalty?"
"Will you trust me with the rest of your life?"
"My life is in your hands."
"You're going to take this gun, you're going to pull the trigger and you're going to shoot them. And do you know why? Because I told you to do it."
"I'd die if you asked me to."
"You would die if I asked you to."
"I could stab you in the heart and you would still come crawling back."
"You can do anything you want to me, I don't care!"
"I'll take the fall for you."
"I want you to take the fall for me."
"I could never act against you, not even to defend myself."
"My safety isn't important! You're what matters!"
"If hurting me is what makes you happy, then I'm only happy to indulge you."
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Send me a ✄ and I'll write your URL in my handwriting.
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Try to seduce my Muse.
Then they will respond and rate you:
Never been less turned on | Ugh no | I’d give you a try | Yes, yes, YES | I’M READY NOW DAMMIT
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Reblog this your muse gets nightmares.
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Takamitsu laughed a little more before then starting to fire the flamethrower into the air around them causing hot ashes and dripping hot fuel to land around and on the dragoon before then stopping the flames fully their surrounding engulfed in hot smoke and fire. 
He looked around them a little smiling to the burning building behind the Dragoon before then loading a powerful blank into the rifle and looking at the dragoon once more and taking aim and speaking.
“I do not need you to bow.... Bowing is for servants you’re more of a courier of information.”
Takamitsu smiled a little before then firing the blank at near point blank range through the fires towards the dragoon in hopes to send him hard against the wall of the burning building. 
continued from [ X ] || @takamitsuroivas
His time in exile seems to have dulled his responses, or at the very least left him hesitant. Or perhaps it was the trauma of what he had gone through at the hands of Nidhogg– regardless, the man had trained his entire life to be ready to face flames without fear, and yet here was a different kind of dragon– 
He skidded back only as far as he could which was not far, his lance raised at an awkward angle to try to force some space between himself and the attacking Au Ra. 
“Compliance? I’ve heard the people of this land can be rather rough around the edges. I didn’t think them to be entirely without manners,” He snapped, teeth bared in a grimace. 
Nidhogg– aye, he was steeped in corruption, and it still seethed beneath his skin. His power manifested as a threat, deep red tendrils of rancor swirling ‘round his lance and body as he stood his ground. 
“What makes you think I bow to any man, let alone some beastly thing I’ve never met before in my life?” Maybe he was pushing a little far, but he was angry, and it was easy for him to lose his grip on the carefully controlled shadow of Nidhogg’s power when it came down to it. 
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Takamitsu looked at the dragoon before then drawing his rifle he then slowly closed the gap before then taking a stable stance and staring into the very soul of the dragoon through thick goggles while wearing an insane smile as he replied.
“I want your compliance Azure Dragoon.... Your armour radiates the corruption i’ve heard you’ve become quite famous for...” 
Takamitsu laughed a little before then letting lose a torrent of fuel before igniting it and setting the ground and air around them ablaze before then burning between them somewhat in an attempt to stop fleeing and the dragon closing ground.
"If you don't meet my wishes, you'll have a very nasty surprise."
Intimidating Starters|| @takamitsuroivas
“I really, really think you don’t want to be talking to me like that,” Estinien returned through gritted teeth. 
He was as ever, a defiant man even in the face of threats that he could not yet ascertain and this damned Au Ra– was definitely a threat unascertained. In Ishgard these people– what few had fled from Doma– had been routed and slaughtered like heretics. He knew almost nothing of them save for that the Holy See feared them for their draconic appearances.
He’d have wanted to take the time to know better as to just how much dragon was actually involved and yet– here he was, pinned down by a gaze that threatened to crush bone and steel. 
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“And what is it, good…ser… that you wish?”
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