take-a-gambit · 6 months
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Your honor, they are in love.
ID under the cut
"The path to the Witness is within sight. We do not know what shape Riven's bargain will take, but I know that we two will not make that crossing."
Drifter listened quietly as Eris spoke, her voice tense. The dark tendrils flowed thickly from beneath her bandage.
"I watch as those closest to me edge toward oblivion," Eris said, her hands restless in her lap. "Ikora. Mara. I am unused to helplessness."
She looked to Drifter, her mouth a tight line. When she spoke, it was a ragged breath, "It's happening again. We will be alone at the end."
Drifter stood after a quiet moment. Eris watched him curiously. He reached out and took her by the hand. She rose, following his silent urging. Then he put his arms around her.
She tensed. He began to step away, unsure. But then her arms came up and she clung to him for a desperate moment. She felt the words in his chest as he spoke again.
"I remember what you said. I think about it more than I should these days."
"What did I say?"
"That we'll live in the night if we have to. We do it for what comes after."
Eris nodded, and sighed. The pair parted, but he kept a reassuring hand on her arm.
"So this is where you wish to be," she said cautiously. "At the end of all things?"
"Nowhere else."
"No more schemes to leave Sol?"
He was quiet for a moment, then shook his head, smirking. "Nah," he said, and looking into her eyes. "I'd miss the moonlight."
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take-a-gambit · 6 months
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So um… Gloaming Journeyer lore huh?…
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take-a-gambit · 6 months
Have you ever considered dropping the beard and just having a mustache
“Heh, I used to rock a mustache for a few years. But it was too hard to maintain in all honesty. Plus, made my face look fat.”
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take-a-gambit · 6 months
What would you do if you ended up hive, and what would you become hive god of
“Hell. I don’t know. Don’t like to think about that. Think if I ended up Hive for real I’d rather someone put me out of my misery.”
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take-a-gambit · 6 months
Fess up, did you kiss Eris while she was an alien
“Maybe. Or maybe I’ve been kissing on some other Hive goddess.” He smirks, twisting a jade coin through his fingers. “Wouldn’t you like to know?”
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take-a-gambit · 6 months
Spotting Drifter, Bonely's face breaks into a wide grin. "Drifter!" he called, waving to the rugged fella. "Where've yeh been? Yeh missed all the fun!"
Not that Stan wasn't guilty of being absent either. Between checking in on budding businesses in the City and keeping his little army in check, he hadn't had much time to come down and visit.
"So!" he said, clapping Drifter on the back. "What's been happenin'? What've yeh been up to? I mean, Gambit's a given, but c'mon, what've yeh be up teh lately?"
“Well, hey brother, how’s it going?”
The Drifter was grinning, leaned back on the railing of the Annex. “What have I been up? I could ask you the same! Been so busy you ain’t had time to meet up with your old pal Drifter.” The smile widens, hand held out a bit dramatically.
“Well, as for myself, let’s just say I’ve been busy, brother, lots of fires needing tending. Been helping Eris with something, hopefully something useful for what’s coming. But, let’s use say everything else would require more time then either of us seems to have lately.”
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take-a-gambit · 6 months
So, Drifter. You're the kind of guy who'd eat just about anything edible- Fallen, Hive, Cabal, and if the rumors are true, even human food. But I gotta ask... Have you ever tried chomping down on a Mote or two?
Figured that if anyone's tried it, it was you. Curious what they taste like, if they taste like anything at all. Or if they just instantly kill you.
“A mote, huh?” As if by magic, The Drifter produces a mote in his hand, spinning it idly.
“Well, it depends on what kinda mote it is, really. Motes ‘o darkness, those have a real..I describable taste. Like sticking your tongue in a black hole. Doesn’t kill you, but you sure might wish it did.”
“Motes of light, those aren’t quite so bad. Ever had an energy drink? It’s kinda like that but for your Light. Supercharges ya, but after it’s gone, let me just tell you, that hang over ain’t nothing to laugh at. It’d be addictive, if not for that.”
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take-a-gambit · 6 months
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The Trash-hammy
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take-a-gambit · 9 months
For the temporary loss of ask- 👁️
I’m curious 🪟🏃🏻🤸🏻
“Aw, hell.”
The Drifter raises a hand to his eyes, waving it here and there, and upon confirming he sees nothing, he huffs irritably.
“It’s like being turned into a thrall again, but ‘least I know who I am this time.” He chuckles dryly, putting a hand on the Annex railing so he could figure out where he was at, and how to get out to Ikora. She could probably fix this, though, he’d have to deal with her chastising him, as usual.
No, no, not Ikora. Not now, anyways. Hm..
Well, Spider owed him a huge favor. No, no, he’d rather Spider not see him in such a vulnerable position.
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take-a-gambit · 10 months
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help me gay people in my radio. gay people in my radio. help me
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take-a-gambit · 10 months
send an emoji to find my muse having temporarily lost their:
👁️sight 👂hearing 👄taste 👃smell 🤚touch
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take-a-gambit · 10 months
“Well, it ain’t exactly yet. Got another week or so.” He sips his drink a little less exuberantly, squinting at the Echo suspiciously, like he was searching for something.
“How long has the Vanguard had you workin’, sister? You gotten a change of scenery lately?”
His voice was casual, conversational, but there was a slight edge to his words, something hidden beneath the gravitas.
🍻 @take-a-gambit
🍻 - Bring my muse an alcoholic drink
Echo looked up from the notebook in front of her, a shot of something placed down in front of her. It gleamed with the glow of an etherfizz but from Echo could taste, it was only slightly bubbled with ether. She chuckled and leaned back, looking up at the rugged rises with a glass of his own.
"You know I'm not allowed to drink this, right?" she said, gesturing to the glass with a grin. "Something about almost falling off the back of the annex right at your door.”
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take-a-gambit · 10 months
“Aw, come on, after everything you’ve been through this year? We can make an exception.” The Drifter was grinning broadly, his own ether fizz drink bubbling happily in his hand. Had he been dubious when he’d first tried these? Of course! Had he learned that ether had a slightly psychoactive reaction to humans? Yes.
“You can pay me back later.” He adds with a wink, sliding into a seat across from the Hunter. “Right now, let’s just celebrate! That’s what this time of years all about ain’t it?”
He raises his glass in a silent cheers before downing half of his drink.
“Speaking of which, whatcha thinking for Dawning this year? You need anything?”
🍻 @take-a-gambit
🍻 - Bring my muse an alcoholic drink
Echo looked up from the notebook in front of her, a shot of something placed down in front of her. It gleamed with the glow of an etherfizz but from Echo could taste, it was only slightly bubbled with ether. She chuckled and leaned back, looking up at the rugged rises with a glass of his own.
"You know I'm not allowed to drink this, right?" she said, gesturing to the glass with a grin. "Something about almost falling off the back of the annex right at your door.”
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take-a-gambit · 10 months
"I should have known better than to trust you."
"Hey, it's not like I planned on screwing you over, alright?"
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take-a-gambit · 1 year
Don’t mind the mad cackling in the gambit Transmat space. That Live Hive reaction was just too great. — (Echo or Bonely bc they both would’ve laughed but Echo probably right before a gambit match. XD)
“Hey! Watch it, Echo, I might just arrange some Screebs, just for you!”
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take-a-gambit · 1 year
“I said what I said, you take from it what you want, big guy.”
The Drifter has been, well, not quiet. Quite the opposite, he’s been loud and exuberant, even more then usual.
“You lot ever eat a Hive before?” He runs the jade coin through his fingers as smoothly as the hundred other times he’s done this trick. He savors the feeling of the cold jade to his skin, and pauses before reappearing the coin.
“Like I always say, I’ll eat anything once, even in..unconventional ways.”
He smirks, pulling the coin out from his sleeve, revealing the Hive token.
“Hive! Bring a sword.”
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take-a-gambit · 1 year
“Aw, come on, you as a frozen popsicle would make for one funny centerpiece.” The rogue chuckles, shaking his head before leaning himself back against the railing, mirroring his companion.
Drifter’s hands move towards his pockets, and he pulls out two freshly rolled cigars, offering one to Bonely.
“I know a lot about what goes on, and I know a fair bit about Eris Morn. She’s a piece of work, but a good one, for the most part.” He runs a hand through his spiked up hair, smiling.
“Anything in particular you wanna know?”
“Whatcha need, brother?”
The Drifter’s voice was gleeful, almost a little too much so, for so early in the morning. “I’ve got a troupe about to head out to Europa for a field trip. You want in?”
Bonely gave a chuckle and shook his head. "Me? Back at Europa? No, thank you. I don't do the whole 'bein' frozen in place' thing very well."
He gave Drifter's shoulder a hefty pat before leaning back on the railing. "Actually, uh, I came teh ask yeh a few questions. Been hearin' some strange stuff floatin' around the Bistro recently. Guardians talkin' about tithes, certain ghosts not bein' comfortable with it, and somethin' about a someone called 'Eris'. Know anythin'?"
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