take-a-xander-blog ¡ 12 years
She looked over at the guy beside her. Xander, what a handsome name. Camille stuck her cigarette back in her mouth and extended her hand, shaking his lightly. “Pleased to meet you too.I’m Camille and I’m glad I’m not alone in thinking everyone is shit,” she smiled at him.
Looking back at the sea of students, she remembered that he wasn’t a stupid, or anyone she’s ever seen at Westfield High. She raised her eyebrow curiously, taking a drag of her cigarette. “Why are you here anyways? I’ve never seen you around here before, and you definitely don’t go to school here.”
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take-a-xander-blog ¡ 12 years
“I’m Scott. Nice to meet you, Xander.” Xander nodded, eyes still studying the other male. "Yeah, nice to meet you." He smirked as he lowered his cigarette from his lips. "Just as long as you're not a dick, of course." He walked down the length of the fence and turned in towards the house. He walked down the path and stood in front of the steps -- in front of Scott. "So do you live here?" He looked down at him but gestured towards the house with one hand. The other hand was tapping the butt of the cig, knocking off some of the ash. "Kind of has a reputation. Like you, thus far you've only been an ass." He sat down next to Scott, taking another drag. "But I've got my own reputation, so I shouldn't even mention it."
Scott was feeling a little better now that he was talking and getting his thoughts off of Luke. He watched as the stranger blew smoke out his nose and rested against the fence. He had been dying to learn how to learn how to blow smoke out his nose. Whenever he tried it, he just coughed a lot. “Good moods, meh. What defines a good mood? Not killing someone?” Scott shrugged a little as he felt the stranger’s eyes looking him over. He felt a little intimidated under his gaze. Scott shifted a little nervously. “But some people enjoy killing, so what’s the difference? Anyway, what’s your name? I’m Xander.” he laughed a little, shaking his head. Obviously someone really liked killing people because there were so many spirits here. “I’m Scott. Nice to meet you, Xander.” he said, motioning for Xander to join him on the porch. He deemed the other male as an alright person to talk to and Scott was a little lonely anyway. 
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take-a-xander-blog ¡ 13 years
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take-a-xander-blog ¡ 13 years
“Pleased to meet you too. I’m Camille and I’m glad I’m not alone in thinking everyone is shit,” Xander nodded in agreement. "Yeah, I couldn't look into a crowd like that," He pointed to the teenagers across the street, "And pick out a single person I didn't think was completely anal. Which is why you're over here then, I suppose." He smirked, looking at her out of the corner of his eye.
“Why are you here anyways? I’ve never seen you around here before, and you definitely don’t go to school here.” Xander tapped the end of the cig with his index finger, making it drop burnt particle on the cement. "Why am I here?" He laughed quietly, "Good question. No, I don't go to school here. Never have, and definitely never plan to. I'm just here... to see the show." He nodded curtly.
She looked over at the guy beside her. Xander, what a handsome name. Camille stuck her cigarette back in her mouth and extended her hand, shaking his lightly. “Pleased to meet you too.I’m Camille and I’m glad I’m not alone in thinking everyone is shit,” she smiled at him.
Looking back at the sea of students, she remembered that he wasn’t a stupid, or anyone she’s ever seen at Westfield High. She raised her eyebrow curiously, taking a drag of her cigarette. “Why are you here anyways? I’ve never seen you around here before, and you definitely don’t go to school here.”
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take-a-xander-blog ¡ 13 years
“I’m supposed to go there, yeah.And it’s a hellhole honestly…” Xander laughed, nodding his head in understanding. "Well," He chimed out, "If you're supposed to go there --and you're obviously not-- why don't you just quit? Or transfer to another damn school if you're all that interested in graduating high school." He came up behind her and offered to help her with the door, but she slammed her weight against it and the door popped open. “These old doors seriously get on my nerves…” He nodded slightly. "Yeah, I bet they do. Do they get stuck like this every time? Anyway, don't take my word on high school. I was shit at it and am surprised I graduated." Graduated from a high school in the middle of a institute for insane or "mentally ill" kids. Why the hell do they even try teaching us there? It's all shit. "So if you're still in high school, that makes you --what-- sixteen/seventeen?"
“Do you go there? I’ve heard it’s a shit school.” Larissa nodded and bit her lip. “I’m supposed to go there, yeah.And it’s a hellhole honestly…” She walked stiffly towards the door and tried to open it. It wouldn’t budge. “God damnit…” She mumbled and pressed all her weight onto it- finally managing to get it open a crack. “These old doors seriously get on my nerves…” She blushed, embarrassed at her inability to do anything properly or gracefully anymore.
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take-a-xander-blog ¡ 13 years
“Alright, alright. I get it. I was a dick. Stop rubbin’ it in, will ya?” Xander nodded, smirking. He took the cig from his lips and smoke billowed out. He took another drag and lowered his hands to the fence, resting them against the metal. He exhaled the smoke from his lip and inhaled it through his nostrils, creating the "dragon's breath" look. “So. If you want a normal conversation, start one while I’m in an okay mood.” Xander laughed, releasing the smoke from it's circle. The wisps went up and disappeared like escaping spirits. "Good moods, meh. What defines a good mood? Not killing someone?" He tilted his head to the side thoughtfully as his eyes roamed over the other male. "But some people enjoy killing, so what's the difference? Anyway, what's your name? I'm Xander."
“Hey now, I wasn’t meaning to talk down. I was just trying to get a response since you practically ignored me the first time.” Scott closed his eyes and sighed. “Look, I’m sorry. I’m not trying to be an asshole… I-I’ve just-Eh. Forget it.. It’s not important..” he said, taking a drag off his cigarette and shook his head. “Hmm, no, I don’t have anything better to do. Unless you want me to stop ‘harassing’ you and let me have a real conversation.” Scott put out his fished cig and nodded. “Alright. Sure. We can have a normal conversation.” he said. “Yeah, I don’t know you, but I could get to know you if you weren’t such a dick.” Scott gave the stranger a tired smile as he flicked his lighter on and off. “Alright, alright. I get it. I was a dick. Stop rubbin’ it in, will ya?” he asked, laughing softly and watched as the other male lot his own cigarette. “So. If you want a normal conversation, start one while I’m in an okay mood.” Scott said, looking up to the stranger as he leaned against the front door of the house. 
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take-a-xander-blog ¡ 13 years
“And I don’t need some stranger who doesn’t even know me to try and talk down to me.” Xander held up his hands, shrugging. "Hey now, I wasn't meaning to talk down. I was just trying to get a response since you practically ignored me the first time." His smile was growing wider. He enjoyed a guy with an attitude, and the stranger's was showing. “I mean, don’t you have something better to do then harass some guy you don’t even know?” He shook his head, wrinkling his nose. "Hmm, no, I don't have anything better to do. Unless you want me to stop 'harassing' you and let me have a real conversation." He held up his fingers when he quoted Scott, emphasizing it. “Actually, again, you don’t know me. So you can’t say anything. I’m actually very friendly. But you know. Life sometimes screws you the fuck over. What a slut life is. She screws everybody.” "Yeah, I don't know you, but I could get to know you if you weren't such a dick." He shrugged his shoulders, bringing out a cigarette and lighting it. He drew in a breath. "Life's a fucking whore who doesn't give a shit who she screws over and makes miserable, you've got that right."
Scott’s eyes narrowed, his normal cheery and friendly personality thrown out the window. “Mate, are you mentally ill or just socially challenged?” He wasn’t in the mood. He scoffed bitterly at the curly haired stranger. “No. I’m perfectly normal and functioning fine.” he sneered. “And I don’t need some stranger who doesn’t even know me to try and talk down to me.” Scott sat up as he talked and took out another cigarette. This time he smoked the cig, starting another after the first was finished. Scott blew his smoke at the stranger as he played with his lighter. “Why are you bugging me?” he asked, rubbing a dark circled eye. “I mean, don’t you have something better to do then harass some guy you don’t even know?” Scott didn’t mean to come off as harsh or a total ass. It was just all the shit he had gotten himself into coming back and biting him in the ass. Scott sighed and ran a hand through his hair. “Just not a friendly sorta guy. Suites the place though.” he shook his head. “Actually, again, you don’t know me. So you can’t say anything. I’m actually very friendly. But you know. Life sometimes screws you the fuck over.” Scott angrily blew out a cloud of smoke. “What a slut life is. She screws everybody.”
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take-a-xander-blog ¡ 13 years
Xander saw the slight nod and frowned. Well that's not very friendly. He knocked his knuckles against the railing of the fence. The sound vibrated in the rod-iron, sending the sound down the fence through the black metal. Well it's the murder house, what do you expect? He decided to try again, with a different approach. "Mate, are you mentally ill or just socially challenged?" His lips curled up into a smile, but his voice was straight and didn't reveal even a touch of his sarcasm. "Just not a friendly sorta guy. Suites the place though."
Scott hadn’t taken a single drag off the cigarette. He just let it burn. He dropped the cig as the ashes met his skin and burned him, leaving a small red mark on his index finger. Scott didn’t even flinch, too emerged in his thoughts to care. He let the cigarette fall from his fingers and roll down the walkway.  “Hullo,” Scott turned his head to the cause if noise, seeing another male staging in front of him. He had never seen this guy around before. Scott didn’t think he was a ghost. The stranger waved, but Scott was to emotionally drained from all the remembering. He had tried to repress those memories for a reason. Scott managed a small upward curve of his lip, nodding in a silent greeting. 
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take-a-xander-blog ¡ 13 years
“You wanna come inside?” Xander arched an eyebrow, eyes bright while he watched her. Inviting a complete stranger into the house. That's nice. He thought sarcastically. "Yeah, sure." He nodded, "Thanks, I'd love to see the inside." When she withdrew her hand he stepped around the gate and entered onto the lawn. “So…umm…do you go to Westfield?” He chuckled, shaking his head. "No, actually, I've already graduated from high school. By a few years. I'm nineteen." He watched her, observing how she moved and reacted to things. Why was she hiding anyway? "Do you go there? I've heard it's a shit school."
“I’m Xander, just visiting the neighborhood. Do you live here?” Larissa nodded and chewed at her lip. “You wanna come inside?” She raised an eyebrow and smiled kindly-trying to seem friendly and not as reclusive as she really was. She noticed herself twitch a little at the human contact and slowly drew her hand away. God she wished people as kind as Xander went to her school-she would be a lot better off. “So…umm…do you go to Westfield?” She heard herself ask and mentally scolded herself for asking such a stupid question. It was bland and honestly-she could’ve come up with a better conversation starter. 
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take-a-xander-blog ¡ 13 years
"Hi, I don't know what kind of accident happened, but I'm sure fucking glad it happened. I wouldn't care if the whole school burned down or some shit. Hopefully with some of these losers in it." Xander chuckled, amused by how blunt and ferocious this girl was. He tilted his head to the side, using her shadow to be able to see her properly; the sun had been glaring in his eyes a moment before. He could see instantly that she was an attractive girl. She sat down beside him and he took another drag off his cig. "I'm always willing." He smiled, the smoke slipping past his teeth. "That's lovely." He offered her his hand to shake. "I'm Xander. Pleased to meet another misanthropist."
Camille took her cigarette out of her mouth and blew the smoke out the side of her mouth, studying the boy from up close. He had gorgeous blue eyes and adorable brown curls. “Hi,” she bit her lip, crossing her arms, “I don’t know what kind of accident happened, but I’m sure fucking glad it happened. I wouldn’t care if the whole school burned down or some shit. Hopefully with some of these losers in it,” she motioned towards the sea of teenagers across from them. She sat down beside him on the curb and looked him straight in the eyes. “I’m always willing,” she winked at him, taking a drag of her cigarette.
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take-a-xander-blog ¡ 13 years
Xander stood outside the small apartment he was residing in. The place was complete trash; dark brick building with disgustingly small rooms with carpet that was once beige now turned to a ruddy dark color of sick. He drew out his pack of cigarettes, lighting one as he brought it to his lips. He let it smoke for a minute before drawing in a deep breath of the strong nicotine. Thank god for convenience stores. The institution he had been in for three years banned any drugs or "unnecessary items" unless prescribed by a doctor. Cigarettes were never on the list for any of the patients. He stepped off the small entrance patio and began his leisurely walk through L.A. He wasn't in search of a job, that was the least of his concerns. He was perfecting his trade. "The wise man's trade" is what he had begun calling it. When he reached a mainstreet, his dropped the cig to the ground and rolled it beneath his foot, putting it out. He scanned the people walking by, smirking at how easily he could prey on them. He began walking again. He brushed past an elderly man, briefcase in hand as he walked. His fingers trailed up the mans coat and into the folds of his pocket. The man didn't even notice his wallet was being retrieved out from under his very nose. "Oh, I beg your pardon, sorry." Xander stammered out an apology for "bumping" into the man. The stranger growled his response, cursing Xander. Xander continued his walk and paused a few blocks down, opening the wallet to discover its contents. An i.d. card, four twenty dollar bills, and a few credit cards. Credit cards were useless to Xander who preferred to stay out of the public scandals. He took the money and slid it into his pocket, knowing he would dump the wallet later. Looking up, he realized he was near that place the tour buses advertised on their sides as one of the "haunted locations." He grinned to himself as he decided he wanted to pay a quick visit. Who's afraid of the ghosts? Not I, I have my own demons.
Xander approached the front gate, leaning casually against it. The house was literally grand; in size and style.He noticed a young man lounging on the front steps, smoking as he stared up into the sky. How nice, He thought to himself with a soft laugh coming from his parted lips. "Hullo," He called out in greeting, waving slightly.
Scott sat in the front porch, nervously biting at his fingernail as his thoughts raced at well over a mile a minute. He still couldn’t believe what had happened with Riley. ‘I had sex with him… Holy shit…’ Scott shook his head, spitting out a chunk of nail and watching his finger bleed a bit. He...
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take-a-xander-blog ¡ 13 years
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Since we're all getting topless around here...
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ooc: had writers block but replying now.
To tide you over…here is a gif.
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take-a-xander-blog ¡ 13 years
Xander was pleased to see the girl coming closer when she realized she had been spotted. eople always try to duck and hide once they're seen. It's so stupid. hen she approached him outside the gate, she held out her hand to shake. “Uhm…Hi, I’m Larissa.” He took her hand lightly but with a firm grasp -- not a dead-fish sort of handshake. "Pleased to meet you," He eyed her closely, though not in a threatening manner. "I'm Xander, just visiting the neighborhood. Do you live here?" He gestured towards the building behind her.  
Larissa was walking around the house to the front yard when she spotted a boy walking up to it and then studying it. She wondered what his reaction was going to be towards ‘The Murder House’ and decided to hide for a moment. All of a sudden she saw him look directly at her. Shit. She thought and made her way up to him awkwardly, he probably thought she was a creep. “Uhm…Hi, I’m Larissa.” She reached out her hand and tried to give a sincere smile, it was difficult seeing as her last encounter with someone alive was Kyler-and she had accidentally spilt scorching coffee all over him. I wish I had done some coke earlier…maybe then I wouldn’t be so fucking unsocial. Her thoughts kept saying and she winced a little-angry at herself for forgetting to do some coke earlier-it made her better at talking to people. 
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take-a-xander-blog ¡ 13 years
Xander studied the crowd as it brewed and the teens went over the edge. o pathetic. They can't even handle a smoking toilet. Imagine if I'd actually set the place on fire. e grinned to himself as he lifted his cigarette to his lips and took a long drag. The smoke curled out his nostril, giving him a devilish appearance. Next field trip I'll be sure the fire department as a warm welcome. 
He continued to watch the people, stilled amused. It seemed like a soap-opera and drama mixed with a comedy. Out of the corner of his eye he caught sight of a girl approaching him. He turned to her, smiling, smoke curling out from behind his lips.  "Well hello there," He arched his eyebrows as he scrutinized her, "School out early due to an accident? Do you know what happened?" He smirked playfully. "Do you know and are you willing to talk to a stranger?" 
The bell rang and dozens upon dozens of rowdy teenagers exited the building. School wasn’t out yet — no, that wasn’t the case. This bell was the one that alarmed the school of any sign of smoke within the building. Some of the girls stopped right outside the building and began...
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take-a-xander-blog ¡ 13 years
@ Larissa
Xander had been in L.A. for three years now, but he entirely lacked the knowledge of the city in which he resided. He had been institutionalized and secluded with dozens of doctors, nurses, psychologists, and other "nut cases" as he called them. He'd been out for a few weeks, roaming the streets and playing around. After deciding that the suburbs were entirely too boring and lacked the luster he was after, he chose to venture into the wealthier and older districts. Every once and a while when he walked down the street a tour bus would pass; each one was labeled with the title of the tour and what the tourists would see: actors homes, etc. Today he had seen an interesting one that peaked his interest; it was a "Haunted Locations" tour. Curious, he wandered down the street in search of the house the people must have been viewing a few minutes before.
He arrived in front of a brick house, of Victorian style -- very elegant. He smiled as he looked at it, tilting his head to the side, studying it. Then he noticed a girl to the side of the house, almost hiding. 
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take-a-xander-blog ¡ 13 years
foreverfarrahxo replied to your post:
I’ll para with you :)
  somesecretsbreaksomedont replied to your post:
 I am (: but I might not be able to respond for a couple of hours in a bit-work :/
 Cool, thanks to both of you! I'll be sure to start a para for both. 
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take-a-xander-blog ¡ 13 years
The bell rang and dozens upon dozens of rowdy teenagers exited the building. School wasn't out yet -- no, that wasn't the case. This bell was the one that alarmed the school of any sign of smoke within the building. Some of the girls stopped right outside the building and began shouting at each other over what they thought had happened. A group of boys claimed there had been a bomb threat. Little did they know the cause of their early release from school was sitting across the street, patiently watching them.  Xander sat on the curb, cigarette between his fingers and a fake smile plastered to his lips. He blew fumes from his nostrils as he eyed the students across the street. Now that he was out of the "institution" and no one cared what happened to him, he  was ready to go back to his old ways. This time around, however, he wanted more flair and had a few new tricks up his sleave. Just twenty minutes ago he had entered the school premises and found one of the girls' bathrooms -- completely empty. He opened the back of one of the toilet tanks and emptied it of it's water. He stuffed several rolls of toilet paper into the tank, pouring a liquid from a metal flask over the tissue paper. He lit the materials with his lighter, set the porcelain lid over it at an angle to still let the smoke out, and left.   Now it was waiting time; to see who was worth having a chat with. To see who wasn't as ridiculously immature as all the other students.
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