talentlessmuse · 22 days
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this couldn’t be said any better
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talentlessmuse · 29 days
Shoutout to the individual who read all of a twenty-something chapter fic I wrote and left a bunch of angry reviews about how bad the story was and how much I sucked as a writer. You gave me a good laugh.
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talentlessmuse · 1 month
*Starts playing Hades II*
*Hadestown Chant begins playing in the background*
Oh no...
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talentlessmuse · 1 month
At some point in your life, you were taught that being slightly annoying is an unforgivable sin. Maybe it was by your parents or a teacher or a friend or a bully or an older sibling. But someone taught you that being slightly annoying is a crime punishable by death.
You must unlearn this.
You must accept that all people will be annoying at some point or another in their lives, maybe all of their lives, and that this is okay. It is okay for strangers on the bus, it is okay for children in the grocery store, it is okay for people on social media, and it is okay for you.
If you ever want to truly love your fellow humans, if you ever want to truly love yourself, you must have forgiveness for being annoying.
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talentlessmuse · 1 month
Meanwhile, if you reversed it to "farmer" and "farmer's husband" there would be people losing their shit.
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talentlessmuse · 1 month
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talentlessmuse · 1 month
I hate the “open floor plan” that everyone is obsessed with in houses now. I want nooks and crannies and bizarre floor plans. I don’t need to be able to see what someone is doing on the other side of the house. I want places to hide and lurk and dwell in the shadows. I am the beast who awaits in the labyrinth
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talentlessmuse · 2 months
Will this war really end all wars?
Can a war really end all wars?
Will this war bring another war?
you know, I've been thinking, after this trail of carnage, I might just hang my sword up. just gotta slay these last few villains and I'll have evil solved, and there will be a place for me in this peaceful world I've created. with the sword.
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talentlessmuse · 2 months
As someone who worked at a leather shop that catered to both the horse tack crowd and the BDSM crowd, I understand his reaction entirely. What you do with the leather is your own business, but make it good quality. It'll last a lot longer and be more comfortable for everyone involved.
So I binged the entirety of How To Build a Sex Room last night and this one scene just cracked me up
The designer's at a western leather/tack store looking for supplies to make a rustic-style sex swing and turns to one of the store employees for advice, which initially goes about as amusingly as you would expect
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So then she pulls up some pictures to give him an idea of what she needs
And he's Immediately like
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The professional disgust, I'm living
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talentlessmuse · 2 months
...I put them outside to catch their own bugs.
You've never wandered your basement, searching every dark dusty corner in the hopes you may find a tasty morsel. Flashlight in hand, cobwebs in hair hoping and praying you might find a stocky bug to feed your carnivorous baby plant, and it shows.
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talentlessmuse · 2 months
do you ever laugh with your friends and think oh this is the point. this is the point of everything
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talentlessmuse · 2 months
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I’m the one in the middle
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talentlessmuse · 3 months
Just remembering the time the wife of a friend of my dad's came over to the house and, instead of knocking on the door or announcing herself in any way, just walked around to our backyard and started taking figs from one of our trees to make jam. She had to go through a gated fence that doesn't like opening, so it was, honestly more effort than walking through the house would have been.
I remember thinking that it was a pretty bold move, considering this is a deeply red state and trespassing on someone else's property has definitely gotten people shot before.
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talentlessmuse · 3 months
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I feel like I haven't been doing much lately, but this weekend I bought and repotted a couple of venus fly trap plants. They're planted in peat moss that I had to drive to an actual (rather lovely) plant nursery to find because all the varieties that the regular hardware stores had contained fertilizer. You don't want any of that with carnivorous plants. They prefer their soil nutrient poor.
I live in an area that gets rife with mosquitos during the warm months, so they'll have plenty to eat, at least.
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talentlessmuse · 3 months
Is this why we got Norse Mythology in 2017?
if marvel asked you to do Thor would you if not is there any character you’d like to do a story for that you haven’t already
Long ago -- around 2006 -- I was asked to create a Thor animated cartoon, and I got all excited, and the brief was it had to be set before the Thor movie. I did a deep Thor dive, reread everything Jack Kirby drew, came up with a whole story shape that ran a few seasons showing young Loki going from hero-worshipping his big brother to Going to the Bad, and then they told me I wasn't actually allowed to have any of the characters at any point be different in any way from how they were in the Thor movie, so I said no thank you and stopped.
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talentlessmuse · 3 months
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talentlessmuse · 3 months
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There are a number of students in my GCSE class that have behavioural issues and if they feel uncomfortable they can do anything from storm out of the classroom to throwing chairs and punching their tables. They’re great kids, they just dont always see the light at the end of the tunnel and when they are in stressful situations they dont know what to do other than lash out sometimes. They are 10 months away from their final exams and the pressure is being mounted on them in every aspect of their school lives.
Last week one of the students saw me making little origami stars. Its something I do when I’m feeling anxious to help me focus on something else. He asked if I could show him how to make them. He had been clenching his fists all lesson, which I’ve noticed is a tell that he is struggling to retain composure. I gave him a strip of paper and talked it through with him. Soon half of the class were asking me to show them. They all picked it up really quickly.
After about five minutes and about 8 stars later, the student sat back down and was in a much calmer and motivated mood for the rest of the lesson. Our next lesson I placed a box of paper strips on my desk and when I saw anyone getting worked up about their work I silently placed a strip in front of them and let them get on with it. The lesson after I was amazed to see that students would go up to the box of their own accord, pick up a few strips and head back to their desks to continue working after calming down.
Yesterday I brought a large jar into the classroom and placed my anxiety stars in there. The boys put their strsss stars in there too. When they fill the jar I’m going to bring sweets into the lesson to celebrate them working hard and working through their problems in a positive manner. I know I’m not the teacher they deserve just yet but I feel like I’ve made a big breakthrough with them.
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