talentpool-blogs · 1 year
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Best Recruitment Software in India | Talentpool
Get the best recruiting software for small and mid-sized companies. Talentpool is designed specifically with features that makes recruitment easy and efficient. Call for Free Demo Today!
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talentpool-blogs · 1 year
Efficient recruitment is a result of a flawless hiring timeline and ideal hiring processes. While uncertainties are not in the hands of the company, better recruitment processes certainly are and can help the business find the best talent.
Based on a LinkedIn Survey from 2019, 42% of managers constantly worry about their inability to find the perfect talent.
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talentpool-blogs · 1 year
The company’s chiefs, also referred to as the C-Suite, comprise the organization’s top management. They are also referred to as the company’s firefighters as they help battle all the major and minor challenges of the company. While they do not actively partake in the hiring process, their valuable insights do affect the outcome. 
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talentpool-blogs · 1 year
LinkedIn has a very large professional network – one of the largest in the world. It’s now become the go-to recruiting source for large and small companies alike.
Its built-in job search tool and application tracking system make the recruitment process quick and effortless. No wonder 77% of recruiters use LinkedIn as their primary hiring channel, making it the most-used platform in recent times. 
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talentpool-blogs · 1 year
Recruitment isn’t as simple as it was a few decades ago. Nowadays, companies struggle to find the top talent with the required skills. Moreover, if the top talent isn’t recruited by a company timely, some other company will get their hands on them.
The recent COVID pandemic has only added to companies’ difficulties in hiring talent. Apart from applicants’ skill gaps, recruiters face many other challenges in 2022.
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talentpool-blogs · 1 year
Based on a survey of various recruiters, the average application completion rate is as low as 10.60%. This means more users today fail to reach the end of an application process, and businesses could lose out on recruiting potential talent. 
Tracking the application completion rate helps to hire managers to optimize their recruitment processes and ensure there are no unnecessary drop-offs.
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talentpool-blogs · 1 year
Hiring the right set of candidates is a real challenge for many organizations.
Organizations often blame the market conditions for shortcomings in their hiring process. For example, they might think their recruitment process has degraded due to market conditions.
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talentpool-blogs · 1 year
With the intelligence it offers, AI is in vogue in recent times. Many companies are looking to leverage AI to improve their business operations. Some companies have already been using AI for recruiting new employees.
AI in recruitment has gained popularity because of its ability to perform tasks that are time-consuming for humans or redundant. 
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talentpool-blogs · 1 year
An applicant has to go through many tests and interviews to bag a job position. Only applicants who successfully pass all the tests and interviews are selected for the coveted job position.
A crucial part of the recruitment process is the pre-screening interview for applicants. Just like you prepare for a technical interview, you also need to prepare for a pre-screening interview.
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talentpool-blogs · 1 year
An applicant has to go through many tests and interviews to bag a job position. Only applicants who successfully pass all the tests and interviews are selected for the coveted job position.
A crucial part of the recruitment process is the pre-screening interview for applicants. Just like you prepare for a technical interview, you also need to prepare for a pre-screening interview.
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talentpool-blogs · 1 year
Technological advancements have altered many of our professional methods. Using software and applications, one can complete tasks faster, save time, cut costs and enhance the efficiency of workflows. As of 2022, almost 80% of all recruiters or human resource managers use recruiting software or tracking systems. 
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talentpool-blogs · 1 year
How Is Data Analytics Transforming the World of Recruitment?
If you are an HR professional, you can easily relate to all these questions. In this age of social recruiting, traditional hiring alone is not enough to tackle these kinds of challenges.
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talentpool-blogs · 1 year
Imagine you are a sales agent and are required to close a deal in the next two weeks. Certainly, you would have your leads by now, right?
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talentpool-blogs · 1 year
Top Remote Work Trends for 2022-2023
The world came to a halt in 2020. We suddenly realized that many of the tasks we used to commute to the offices could be accomplished just as efficiently from the comfort of our homes.
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talentpool-blogs · 1 year
Hybrid Work Model: Boon or Bane?
The hybrid work model was never a necessity; rather, this work model was born out of necessity.
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talentpool-blogs · 1 year
How to Conduct Employee Background Checks?
So, you have found the perfect candidate for your company’s open position. Their resume is impressive, their skills are exceptional, and are an ideal fit for your organization’s culture.
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talentpool-blogs · 1 year
Headhunting and Recruitment: What Is the Difference?
“Headhunting” and “Recruitment” are frequently used interchangeably. But is there a distinction between the two?
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