talesfrombeyond1 · 8 months
Chemical Plant
Three chemists are working in a small laboratory. The room has no windows and a steel door with an industrial lock.
"Wendy, I've figured it out.", Ted says to his coworker just above a whisper.
"Are you sure?" she replies with skepticism.
Bill chimes in sarcastically, "Yeah, he's figured out a way to get fired from the cushiest job in the world."
They hear the bolt on the door open, and the conversation stops. A man in a black suit and tie, sunglasses, a hat, and gloves walks into the middle of the room. He looks around to examine everything and exclaims, "Great work!" then promptly leaves.
"Was that the same supervisor as last time?" Wendy asks.
"Don't know, don't care," Bill replies without enthusiasm in his voice.
"They're making berkelium!" Ted bursts out.
"Most useless element imaginable. I'm sure you're spot on." Bill chuckles a bit.
"I'm going to talk to one.", Wendy says boldly.
"And then what? Go get another Chemist job that pays like you're a doctor? We all signed the agreement not to discuss our work. Don't be a god damned idiot." Bill is starting to become frustrated.
The bolt on the door opens, and the supervisor walks into the middle of the room and starts looking around.
Wendy marches right up to the supervisor. "Is it true we're all making berkelium?"
The supervisor looks right at Wendy. "Please come with me; all your questions will be answered." " he says with an assumably permanent grin.
Thirty minutes go by, and Wendy still hasn't returned.
"I bet she got fired," Bill says with an eye roll.
Before Ted can respond, they hear the bolt on the door, and Wendy walks back in. She seems as if she's trying to hide the fact that she's terrified. She's crying a bit but trying to stifle the tears.
"What's wrong?" says Ted, obviously very concerned.
Wendy returns to work and softly repeats, "Don't ask questions. Just do your work." Every time she says it, she seems more frustrated and upset.
Ted and Bill take Wendy's advice, and the three are quiet for quite some time.
Suddenly Bill exclaims, "Fuck this!".
Wendy doesn't look up, but Ted does.
"That supervisor is obviously a fucking asshole. I know we're not supposed to ask questions, but he's her boss, not her goddamn drill sergeant. I'd like to give that guy a piece of my mind now."
The supervisor walks back in. He's wearing his usual suit and his usual grin. Bill marches right up to him.
"Where the fuck is your HR?! This girl is having a nervous breakdown from something you or maybe one of your fucking clones told her, and you don't even have the decency to send her home for the day?!"
Wendy is distraught. She keeps repeating, "Don't ask questions," in a soft, frantic voice.
Bill continues, "Maybe you are manufacturing berkelium! Is that what stupid-looking sunglasses are made out of? You seem to have plenty of those."
The supervisor finally replies, never breaking the unnecessary grin. "Please follow me to file a formal complaint with HR."
Bill looks pleased with himself and exits with the supervisor.
The two of them walk a narrow corridor lined with many doors, just like the one that guards the laboratory where Bill works. Eventually, the two enter one of the doors. The room is completely empty, aside from three televisions tracking three people.
"Choose one," says the supervisor.
Bill is confused and begins to rant about how he wants to go to HR as he's once again interrupted with "Choose one."
"Choose a TV?" Bill asks as if it's the dumbest thing in the world.
"The left one," Bill says as he rolls his eyes.
Bill watches the TV as the person on the left TV gets part of his head blown off. Before he could fully digest it, three more people were on the screen, all children.
"Choose one", says the supervisor.
Bill is trembling. "I see your point. I will not ask further questions. In fact, I'll even resign."
"Choose one, or they will all die."
Bill chooses the boy in the center screen because he looks the oldest. Then, he stares directly at the ground because he's mortified and does not want to watch what happens to the boy.
The TV changes and it's Bill's wife and two daughters.
"Choose one".
"I will not!" Bill exclaims.
"Choose one, or they will all die."
Bill curls up his fist and starts walking towards the supervisor, but he realizes his oldest daughter is on every screen before he can get there.
"Now you have one thing to live for instead of three," says the supervisor with his ever-persistent grin.
He then takes the sunglasses off to reveal big gray eyes. They look anything but human. He walks towards Bill and shouts with a deep booming voice, "Now go back to work and make my dinner!".
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talesfrombeyond1 · 8 months
Holy Moly
Daniel, a 16-year-old boy is sitting on the couch watching Cheech and Chong while his older brother Mark walks in the front door.
“The weeds all dried and I’m not waiting until 4:20”, Mark says with a huge smile while holding up a massive bag of weed.
“Stealing that holy water was the smartest thing ever. We should call this shit “The Brain of Christ.”, Daniel says with a smirk.
“Nah, too wordy, let’s call it holy weed.”
Daniel examines that bag. “Let’s just smoke it and let it name itself like usual. With how this smells we could call it cyanide, people would probably still buy it.”
Mark rolls up a blunt as the brothers debate what they will sell this for. But one thing is for sure, watering it with holy water will be the selling point.
The two finish the blunt and call the weed “Holy Moly” because it is extremely strong.
“Mom's boyfriend Larry is about to be here.” Danial groans with a slight eye roll.
“Don’t gotta tell me twice!” Mark heads straight for the door, but as soon as he opens it he finds Larry on the porch about to enter. He also has cleft hooves and horns.
“Why are you wearing that, it’s the middle of July.” Mark says with more than a hint of judgement.
“No matter how hot, I must wear this suit to work. It comes with the job description.
Mark walks straight back to Daniel as Larry heads to the bathroom. “This motherfucker looks like a goat.”
“Did you put extra shit in the blunt?”
“You know I wouldn’t do that.”
Larry walks into the room. “Smells like pot. Don’t worry I won’t tell your mom-”
Mark interrupts “Why are you dressed like a fuckin goat?”
Larry stays entirely still for a couple of seconds… “What?”
Daniel points at Larry and says “You look like a goat, and it’s not the weed.”
Larry slides across the floor towards the boys, hands extended and not moving his feet. Mark jumps up, but as Larry goes to grab Daniel his hand burns.
Larry's voice gets much deeper. “What are you!” He demands. “Tell me your names!”
At this moment the boy's mom Claire walks in. “All of my favorite people in one place.” She doesn’t notice that Larry looks like a goat.
“Oh, we were just discussing life and death.” Larry laughs and when Claire turns her head he gives an evil gaze to the boys.
“Daniel wanted to show me something in his room.” Mark grabs Daniels's arm and ushers him off.
Mark and Daniel sit on Daniel's bed. The room is mostly empty with a television and a poster of Dave Chappelle.
“It’s gotta be the Holy Moly,” Daniel blurts out as soon as the door closes.
“No shit but two people can’t have the same hallucination at the same time, what we saw was real.”
“We’ve got to do something.”
“But what?”
Mark picks up the massive bag of weed. “We’ve got to get way higher than usual. After that, we’ve got to start going to Church more often. There’s obviously something to it.”
The boys smoke three blunts of the Holy Moly in a row and go back out armed with the rest of the holy water they didn’t use on the plants. It’s in a water bottle.
This time they sense an evil presence in their moms belly. They give each other a look of understanding but say nothing.
Mark starts to improvise and goes to shake Larry's hand. “I haven’t fully welcomed you into the house yet.”
Larry pulls away, “I think I’m coming down with something. I’ll have to go to bed right now if I want to have the energy to win in court.”
Daniel opens his mouth to try to stop him. Mark smacks his arm to let him know he’s got something else in mind.
As Larry leaves the room, Mark offers his mom a glass of water.
“How thoughtful I am a little thirsty.”
Mark pours her a glass of holy water while making himself a drink from the refrigerator. 
The boys can see the evil fading away as soon as she drinks it.
“I think I have what Larry has, I’m going to bed.”, Claire says as she holds her stomach and walks towards the bedroom.
The boys contemplate what they are going to do about Larry. They don’t know what he is, but they know he’s not human.
Twenty minutes later, Larry comes back out.
“I want to make a deal.”, says Larry as he sits across from the boys.
“Living in a household where people know…my true nature is a big problem for me. I will leave in exchange for your mother. I will arrange for her to give you the house as we will move to a bigger one.”
“You’ve got a deal,” Mark says.
“We do?” Daniel is shocked.
“I say the three of us smoke a blunt to seal it,” Mark says as he pulls out the fattest blunt he could roll. 
Larry agrees.
Daniel interjects “I have a better idea, we need to break in my new bong.” Both boys are starting to catch on that they have the same plan and opt for the bong.
“Load it up,” Mark points to the bong.
Both boys take a hit and pass it to Larry. Larry takes his hit and falls over before he can exhale.
Daniel looks a little shocked. “Did we kill him?”
“I hope so.”
Larry begins to wake up… “Where is the girl?”
“What girl Larry?” Mark is beginning to fear the plan has failed.
“I need to get a demon out of King Henry's daughter, and who on earth is this Larry?”
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talesfrombeyond1 · 8 months
Alien Invasion
John wakes up at 4 a.m. to the emergency alert on his phone going off. "I thought I turned that off.", he thinks to himself as he shuts it off and goes back to sleep. About a minute later, it goes off again. This time, he decides to read the message. It reads, "Unspecified emergency, please remain inside until further notice."
John is more than a little angry as he has a big title fight in Manhattan this evening. He needs his sleep. He looks outside to see if he can figure out what the unspecified emergency is, and all he can see is Abrams tanks barrelling down the street.
Suddenly, there's pounding on the door. It's John's neighbor Beth.
"John, let me in. I'm scared to death! John, wake up!"
John opens the door, less than amused, as he has yet to make his coffee. As she's walking in, he hears a loud blast, and the power goes out.
"I guess no coffee today." John is more than a little irritated by this. "What's happening?"
Beth looks at him much like a doctor would look at a patient about to find out they have terminal cancer. "Look outside."
"I did"
"No, look up."
John again peers out the window and sees what looks like stars, but there are way too many of them for New York City, probably thousands, and they're moving. He continues to watch as the star-like objects shoot beams of light towards the ground.
"I saw one of those beams make a person completely disappear.", Beth says as John starts to grasp the gravity of the situation.
Suddenly, they hear a single explosion. John looks outside, and every military vehicle is completely destroyed. As the soldiers that survived the blast hurry out of the vehicle, they get targeted with short beams of light originating from the sky, and as the light disappears, so do they.
John turns to Beth with a very bleak look on his face. "You got a cigarette?"
John quit smoking 9 years ago. Beth has never known him to be a smoker. She hesitates for a second and gives him a cigarette and a lighter.
"I don't think I'll make it to the fight tonight." John chuckles a bit before he lights his cigarette.
"Well, what the fuck are we going to do?" Beth says frantically.
"I'm going to put one of those lights in a sleeper hold and save the day," John says mockingly as he puffs his cigarette.
Beth looks defeated. "So this is how the world ends."
Suddenly, they hear a series of loud thuds; some sound closer than others. They both look out the window and see large metallic spheres partially lodged in the ground. The closest one is on the street outside the apartment. They watch as it opens, and a dozen small humanoid creatures wearing helmets that cover their whole face, wielding strange-looking blue rifles, rush out and enter buildings.
John puts out his cigarette. "I could kill one of those."
"What we really need to do is hide!" Beth protests.
John nods his head, looking at the ground, muttering to himself. "I really could kill one of those things."
Beth is starting to panic. "And then his friend kills you! We need to hide!"
"Go hide in that closet. I'll barricade the door and join you." John says, as he has no intention of hiding.
He begins searching his apartment for anything that could be used as a weapon. He finds a child's aluminum baseball bat that his father bought for him as a kid. For a second, he spaced out and remembered his dad teaching him how to play ball. He mutters, "See you soon, Dad," as he exits his apartment with the bat and heads for the hallway.
He can hear screaming and keeps seeing faint flashes of light. He notices a broken elevator with the doors open and hides in the dark back corner of the elevator.
The light flashes get brighter as he hears footsteps approaching the elevator. John cocks back with the bat knowing he will likely only have one opportunity to take a creature to the grave.
As one of the creatures walks past the elevator, it points the weapon at him, and the weapon begins glowing. John simultaneously swings the bat with force at the creature's head. The helmet breaks and green gas starts to leak out of the helmet.
As the creature lay lifeless on the ground, he saw another at the end of the hallway, pointing its weapon at him. As the weapon begins glowing, John laughs at the creature, knowing he has done what he wanted to do: kill one.
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