poetry-by-proxy · 6 years
One worm wanders wide warm worlds wearily wondering what?
"What would we wish without will? Would we wriggle willingly without wisdom?"
Wandering worm wonders why wealthy wish weaklings' wrath
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poetry-by-proxy · 6 years
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hey what the fuck is this new monstrosity of an error message?????
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poetry-by-proxy · 6 years
Not poetry related but I made a Ko-Fi! I'm not in the best financial situation right now!
I know I haven't posted in a while don't worry I'm still writing I just hate how Tumblr mobile makes everything look :/
Heyyy I’m working on making a ko-fi!
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poetry-by-proxy · 6 years
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This user is anti-TERF, reblog if your blog is against trans exclusionary radfems
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poetry-by-proxy · 6 years
Can poets take part?
Attention All Horror Writeblrs!
Do you write horror? 
Are you working on a horror WIP? 
Would you like to be part of a horror master list so you can find other horror writers (and they can find you)? 
Reblog this with what you’re working on so we can put together a master list. 
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poetry-by-proxy · 6 years
A Poem
Words words words,
Even more fucking words.
Yet again more words,
This line rhymes with the second one.
Words words words,
Even more fucking words.
Yet again more words,
This line rhymes with the second one.
Words words words,
Even more fucking words.
Yet again more words,
This line rhymes with the second one.
Words words words,
Even more fucking words.
Yet again more words,
This line rhymes with the second one.
Words words words,
Even more fucking words.
Yet again more words,
This line rhymes with the second one.
Ominous words,
Reaching the end.
Here it comes,
~mysterious last line~.
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poetry-by-proxy · 6 years
With every Tumblr update the app version of my poems look wonky please read them in your mobile internet so you can read them how they are supposed to be read
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poetry-by-proxy · 7 years
A Poem for My Valentine
I don't write about love as often, But it truly is a treasure. From family to friends, To things that bring me pleasure. But you give me many types of love, And for that I thank you. It's in what you say, And it what you do. Sometimes it's overwhelming, How much I love you so. I'm not good at expressing myself, But that's what you already know. And as I write this for you, You lay next to me in bed. I will forever love you, Even when I am dead. I may not express myself very much, But this poem is just for me to say, I love you, Happy Valentine's Day
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poetry-by-proxy · 7 years
Powered By Love
There once was a lonely man, Who just wanted to be loved. But no woman would want him, So aside he was shoved.
Though he was kind he was ugly, And an outsider at that. Shunned by the village, Alone in his cottage he sat.
What kept him busy was tinkering, Fixing and inventing. But no one to share with, His ideas, his venting.
Until one night when he created, His masterpiece, A companion to bring him comfort, And peace.
He named her Amoris, And the reason why, Is to signify his love, And that’s what she’s powered by.
They talked and laughed, They sang and they danced He showed her his creations, And very quickly she advanced.
The more time they spent together, The more he loved her so, This gave her so much energy, Her face started to glow.
One night as he was sleeping, She discovered something new, One might think “Do androids love?”, The answer is yes, they do.
When he woke up that morning, She told what she discovered, His head spun so fast, He wasn’t sure he’d recover.
Still though he was happy, He hugged her very tight, She felt very warm in his arms, It honestly felt right.
But when he pulled away, Her face was an empty stare, She was slumping down, Her face now hiding in her hair.
He put his hand to her cheek, It was still warm to the touch, She was powered by his love, But in the end it was too much.
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poetry-by-proxy · 7 years
Thank You and I'm Sorry
Thank you for your teachings, Thank you for your advice, Thank you for playing with me, Thank you for being nice. I'm sorry for being distant, I'm sorry for not calling, I'm sorry for being difficult, I'm so sorry for stalling. Thank you for your jokes, Thank you for your smile, Thank you for your kindness, Thank you for being here a while. I'm sorry I can't be happy, I'm sorry I have to cry, I'm sorry it had been so long, I'm sorry for never saying goodbye. I'd do anything for one last hug, I'd walk many miles far, But my regrets mean nothing now, I hope you're happy. Wherever you are.
Dedicated to my dear Tío and Godfather
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poetry-by-proxy · 7 years
The Flame
There she goes, the beautiful Flame, Eating whatever, Gets in her way. She must be kept tame, Or she may go wild, Destroying everything in her path, Like a moody child. As a Shadow I am ignored, For I provide nothing, She provides so much. Heat, light, she's so caring and loving. She both feeds and eats, She is alive, She is a gift to humanity, You need her to survive. Even though she is so strong, She is easily defeated. Killed by water when humans decide, She is no longer needed. As insane as it seems, I love her so much. But Flames have no shadow, So we may never touch.
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poetry-by-proxy · 7 years
The Shadow
He's just there, Copying one's every move, Is he the puppet or the puppeteer? Nobody knew. He's sometimes very dark, Or sometimes very light, Comforting in day, But scary at night. As a Flame I have no shadow, But I can give them to others. They enjoy my warmth, Talking over my light to one another. I see him behind them, He listens to their stories. Sometimes he plays a part, In making them worry. He can change his shape, To whomever he chooses. Plays with them until, One of them loses. I wish to play with him, But it cannot be. He cannot touch my light, He'll never be with me.
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poetry-by-proxy · 7 years
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@mycosmicbackyard you too? So this is just another broken update :/
That last poem looks weird on the app
Can someone tell me how it looks on a desktop? It looks fine on phone internet
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poetry-by-proxy · 7 years
No matter what I do I can't seem to fix it
That last poem looks weird on the app
Can someone tell me how it looks on a desktop? It looks fine on phone internet
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poetry-by-proxy · 7 years
That last poem looks weird on the app
Can someone tell me how it looks on a desktop? It looks fine on phone internet
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poetry-by-proxy · 7 years
The Dream
In a dream I had once, My body was all strange. Like someone took my body, And had it rearranged. Instead of teeth, I had tiny arms in my mouth. Taking bits of food and tossing it, Down, down, South. I bit into an apple, But instead of hearing a crunch, It was soft and bloody, Like having raw steak for lunch. Tongues for fingers, Mouths for eyes, Flippers for toes, And in my lungs? Flies.
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poetry-by-proxy · 7 years
I wanna dm you but idk if you'd wanna talk to me, I love your poems
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