Regrouping Yourself!!!!
Sometimes in a relationship it's best to step back if things aren't going right, and you feel that you don't fit in are something just isn't working right. It doesn't mean that your relationship is over, it just mean you just some head space to stop and think about somethings. Speaking for my own personal experience I took a break it wasn't a long break just a couple of days . I need to revaule our relationship and see if it would really work. Yes sometimes women over react to certain situation and that was my case. But my breather break help me see wow stop and listen and maybe you won't always think the worse. But when someone isn't putting in time like the suppose to and giving you time, because their dealing with other personal issues , than the break gives both of you tome to think is your love real are is it just a fairytale?
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Good Morning!
People only treat you the way you carry yourself. 1st Impression is everything. You only get one time to make a good impression. And that goes for any and everything.
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Relationships / Marriage
Since some people are willing to keep their relationships private and not let the public or social media control their marriage. These type of relationships will last a long time. The public eye isn't for everyone. What works for one relationship or marriage doesn't mean that it will work for yours. You can't live your life like everyone are you will be in the same shoes that most relationships and marriage are end up in divorce and surrounded around negative things . Keep postive in your life.
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It's ok to take a break from people and if they come back into your life, than their ment to be in your life. You can't carry everyone problems with you when they won't take the advice that you give them.
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The best way to live a postive life is to block the negative thoughts, and people out your life. And watch God pour blessings in your life.
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Serena Williams new hair style looks good on her.  What do you think?
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Many of us have different views when it comes to dating and starting a new relationship. We all have many questions that go miles in our head, that’s because our nerves are all over the place. I will list a few questions below that we all have.
1.      Will our relationship work?
2.      Will my parents like who I’m dating?
3.      Will we learn to trust each other?
4.      Will we have a lot in common?
5.      Can we live together?
My take on new relationships and all relationships, even marriages in order to make your relationship work, 1st keep God in your relationship. Never go to bed mad at each other, yes for some of us that are hard for us to do, but it’s the best thing to do, because like the older people say tomorrow isn’t promise to us. Keep your business to yourself, yes we all have the one person that we will call and vent to, but that’s not the right things to do because everyone isn’t to be trusted these days. Talk to each other build that bond to where you can talk to each other instead of venting to someone else that will spread your business when the mad day come. If you talk to your boyfriend- girlfriend- husband- wife than you won’t have to worry about someone spreading your business.
We all get nerves when it’s time to bring who we are dating around our parents because if you have the type of parents like do they will make you and the person nerves will the 101 questions. My mama is the 101 question QUEEN.  And can give the best advice ever.
My mother always says do your research before you jump into something that might not last. Of course, sometimes I didn’t listen. My mom said if your man come see you night times, and not in the daytime, then he’s either married or dating someone else. If he can’t get out and knock on the door for you than he doesn’t have respect for you or your parents.  To make a long story short my mom only liked 2 guys that I dated and the one guy she did like we have been married for 11 years and been together for 15 years.  We have 2 boys and our baby girl on the way.
Trust is hard, that’s if you have trust issues. But the main way I say to trust someone is always being honest with each other, try your best not to hide things from each other. Because finding out things about each other from someone will hurt you and your relationship.
You will know if you have a lot in common when you 1st meet. And if you don’t have a lot in common then don’t give up on that person, there will be something that you will like about the person.
Moving with your boyfriend- girlfriend will always give you some answers to if you and your relationship will work.  The reason why I said that because you will have to split the bills and we all know that most relationships break up over money. But believe it or not me and my husband had a bank account together when we were dating and we won’t spend a dime without telling each other. We still do the same thing now. Now, this may not work for everyone, but it does help with the trust part of your relationship and marriage.
I hope everyone enjoyed my 1st blog. Feel free to let me how did I do.
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