talontanawat-blog · 10 years
Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.
Steve Jobs
This quote is telling that you is the owner of you life, The time is limited so don't let another people opinion to change you thinking because you own you life.
In my life today some times I listened to another people too much so I can't do what I want I can't do what I dream, But now I will believe in my self more so that I can do what I want not what another people want.
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talontanawat-blog · 10 years
The first time I saw this video it make me very surprise because before I thought that lion is a very dangerous animal that we should not go near them, but on this video it make all thing that I thought of lion change. This video is about a lion was hug to the women that have been helped it for a long time ago. Now all you know that lion is not dangerous.
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talontanawat-blog · 10 years
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My name is Tanawat I live in Thailand so we not have a lot thing todo on christmas. 
Today that I wrote this paragraph is 8/12/2015 so christmas is very near to. Last year when christmas I stayed at home and watched TV with my brother, we watched cartoon and then we played game it was very fun but nobody talk about christmas because in Thailand we not believe christian so much. So in my life I have just the christmas fairs at school that is a fairs about the christmas.
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talontanawat-blog · 10 years
Wow 30%
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CYBER MONDAY ⇒ Get 30% OFF sitewide until tonight, midnight EST, with the code: CYBERCURIOOS  http://cur.im/30off_cybermonday
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talontanawat-blog · 10 years
The Script
The Script is the Irish pop rock band formed in 2001. The band have lead(Danny O’Donoghue), guitarist(Mark Sheehan), pianist(Danny O’Donoghue), and drummer(Glen Power). The Script band has been featured in many popular TV programs. This band sing lots of song that I like. For example, Superheroes, Hall of Fame and The Man Who Can’t be Moved. This band has Danny O’Donoghue as a leader for the band and the singer for The Script band. 
I like this band to. They song was very cools
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talontanawat-blog · 10 years
Aoyama Gosho
Aoyama Gosho wrote a lot of cartoons.I like him because the cartoon name detective conan. Detective conan is a cartoons about detective that was eat a medicine and make is body smaller by the bad guy that like a drug gang. And another cartoon a lot cartoon more he is the top best cartoon writer of japan and every single cartoon that he wrote having a good response from his fan club all around the world.
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talontanawat-blog · 10 years
My style
Hello my name is Tanawat. Today I will tell you about my self.
I'm a lound person. I'm modern. I'm technical. I have a dream I want to go around the world and discover some thing that nobody ever discover. I like to wear the normal shirt because it easy to walk around. I like a acoustic song. I like to read Japanese cartoon.I like to play gem when I have free time. I like to watch movie when I not have something todo. I live in Thailand and study at ACEP.
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talontanawat-blog · 10 years
My name is talon this is the first time I sign in for this website. I live in thailand. I like to eat pizza. I'am a small guy and very skinny. I like to play game in my computer and I like to play baseball.
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