talulahwang · 9 years
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     Daniel hadn’t particularly forgotten his past- hell, his inability to forget the past was the entire reason he was at this damn resort─ but his entire high school career had efficiently been wiped from his mind. It was full of his reckless years, the years he grew away from his sister, and lost control of himself, and got involved with a girl who was far too good for him. That girl, though- she was ever present in his mind, always pressing to the forefront of his memory on long, unending nights. Be that as it may, he was in no place for an old memory like Talulah Wang to come waltzing back into his life.
─Which is why, hereupon, he was palpably frozen in place, staring with wide, unblinking eyes at the receptionist. “Did you say Talulah Wang?” he asked in a serious voice. She nodded, looking at him like she was crazy, and, if he knew any better, he’d say she almost regret giving him the message. Coughing a few times, he nodded. “Thanks, thank you,” he said quietly, and she nodded to him, returning to her desk. 
He was only pegged to the floor of the staff lounge for a few moments before he bolted out of there, successfully abandoning he and Kiernan’s conversation in the process── and he was at Talulah’s room, out of breath, freezing less than three minutes later. He was bent over, holding his knees, catching his breath- mind you, he was more out of breath due to the situation and the cold than the running, he was very boastful when it came to the lengths he could physically run, and owed all of it to his stint in the Army. Finally, he raised his fist, and knocked on the door. This had to be some elaborate practical joke. Right? She couldn’t actually be here, right?” 
   She was not the sort of person to call it quits, in fact, she had often found herself determined about something that she should have called quits on ages ago.  Sometimes this trait was charming, other times it came off as obsessive.  But for some reason, after leaving the lobby, after retreating to her and Theo’s hotel room, she found herself giving up.  She was sure that it was due to her indecisiveness on whether to even come here, to Alaska, to the lodge he worked at.---What if he was married?  What if he was happy?  What if this ruined whatever good thing he had going for him?  She wouldn’t have blamed him if he heard the receptionist say her name and ran in the other direction.  Because really, there could only be two reasons she was looking for him that would come to the mind of an average person.  She was either ‘A’, stalking him, or ‘B’ had some connection to him that she never told him about.  Also known as, well, Theo. ----- So when she found herself uninterrupted by a knock on the door as she ordered dinner, as she gave him a bath.  As she got him ready for bed and read him a story, she was giving up. 
“----And that is how the princess saved the prince.” She said, finishing the book and closing it with a content sigh, before looking down at her chubby cheeked son.  That characteristic?  The chipmunk cheeks?  That was definitely hers.  But the times when she looked down at her son were the times she could remember his father perfectly.  When the sun bounced off the planes of his face and highlighted his freckles, she’d remember the times she had tried to count Daniel’s.  
“That’s it.  That’s the end of the book, bub!” she stated, only to be hit with a pang to the heart as he looked up at her with a pout.  “Nuh uh---None of that.  You were up all last night with the sniffles.  You need to sleep.”  As she spoke she began to untangle herself from him.  She was tired, sure, but seven o’clock was still a bit early for her bed time. 
He began to whine with his signature ‘but whyyyyyy’ when she heard a knock on the door.  “Your eyes better be closed by the time mommy gets back.” she warned with a stern finger, although they both knew she was wrapped around his little finger.---Opening the door, she expected it to be the cleaning service bringing fresh towels, or perhaps security accusing her of being a crazy stalker before escorting her off the premises.  But what was actually on the other side of the door was much more than that.  
Despite having gone out searching for him, her face was still the epitome of shock as she opened the door to find the same brown eyes of her son looking back at her.
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talulahwang · 9 years
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     “Almost… a month, I guess,” she answered hesitantly, visibly cringing at the words as they left her lips. She hates herself for this, that’s inescapable, but she can’t do a damn thing about it, as she’s currently in the company of a complete stranger. “I’m Bliss,” she sighs simply, holding out a firm hand to shake.  
“Well, shit, that’s a good chunk of time, ain’t it?-----Though, that’s probably goin’ to be my deal as well.”  She could tell that the blonde wasn’t happy about her situation, but Talulah couldn’t have imagined what it would’ve been like, getting sent away to a lodge in the middle of nowhere at that age.  Talulah...Damn, well she would’ve loved it.  But now?  The thought of being away from home on some sort of endless vacation didn’t seem pleasant to her at all.
Taking her hand, Talulah gave a soft smile to the girl. “Bliss--I like it.  I’m Talulah.”
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talulahwang · 9 years
   “Hi there.” she greeted the receptionist, a nervous smile plastered on her face, knowing her next words were going to seem a bit...stalker-y, perhaps? 
   “I was wonderin’ if you could tell me where, uh, Daniel Kipling might be?  I know he works here---” she paused, knowing just how insane she must’ve sounded.  Although only a second had passed after she had asked her question, she felt the need to continue going. 
   “He’s about this tall--” she held her hand way above her head.  
   “Dark hair, dark eyes, freckles?  Although, he really don’t look like the type to have freckles, but he does, he’s got ‘em like everywhere.  Practically cover his entire damn body.--” She started to go off topic, and with a shake of her head to clear her mind she continued. 
   “I’m just---Well, I’m lookin’ for him and if you could either tell me where I could find him or tell him that the lodger in Lodge 2, first floor, room 2 is lookin’ for him?”  She watched the customer service representative nod her head, but knew what the look she had on her face was.  And she doubted Daniel would be getting her message any time soon.  
   With a sigh, she took her hand which had previously been resting on Theo’s head to keep him still, and offered it up to him, smiling slightly as she felt his warm fingers wrap around hers, before she started to make her way across the lobby, to go back to their room.
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talulahwang · 9 years
Dean was nothing less than amused by this entire situation. What he thought had started as a bit of a disappointment seemed to turn into something of a plus. He’d practically woken up to another pretty stranger, different from the one he’d fallen asleep next to, and she had the sharpest tongue he’d thus far encountered in that lodge. Good times.
     ❝In my defense, I was going to offer her some breakfast — ❞           ❝ — she just happened to make her walk of shame earlier than anticipated.❞
Her emphasis on hard hadn’t been lost on him, but he chose to ignore that for now. There were more important things for him to concentrate on and it started and ended with her mention of French Toast. As if his stomach had heard her, he felt that familiar emptiness within, and a growling loud enough that she might hear it, too.
     ❝As a matter of fact I do,❞ he answered, smirking.
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    “Uh-huh, whatever you say Casanova.” She called out over her shoulder to him as she headed to the door and to collect her room service.   A smirk indicating she was just trying to wind him up was visible on her face, although hidden from him as her back was turned to the bed.  
   Once she had the warm, delicious smelling plate of heaven in her hands, she nearly skipped over to him, finally closing the distance between the two.  Sitting herself on the end of his bed without a second thought, she grinned, excited at the prospect of warm syrup and melted butter.  
   “I was tempted to say that you could watch me eat it, then.  But I’m feelin’ generous today.”  Her eyes nearly lit up as she took the metal cover off of the plate, breathing in the smells that drifted up from the plate.  She could see steam still rising off the food and was very impressed.  
“I call dibs on this half.” she proclaimed eagerly, sticking her fork into it, and tempted to just eat it whole, rather than cutting it up.”
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talulahwang · 9 years
“Wow, I’m a little jealous. You’re a human bloodhound and a hero. Pretty hard to come by.” Camilla smiled and pretended to zip up her lips. “It’s nice to meet, you, Talulah. I don’t believe I’ve ever met a Talulah before. You’re really a rarity all around. Ah, I’ll certainly keep an eye out. He’s probably admiring the wildlife. I can hardly stop watching the mooses. Moose? Mooses? Whatever.” She shook her hand firmly, giving another nod. “I’m with you on that one. You’d think one of those big coffee companies would set up some stores out here in the middle of nowhere– it’s so freakin’ cold.” She raised her eyebrows. “West Virginia? So are you familiar with any… mountains around there? Alabama– in the Appalachians. But then I left for Virginia– the east one.”
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  “It makes for damn good party conversation.” she giggled “Ah--Well, my parents were....unique, to say the least.”  That was about the kindest thing she could say about her parents, so kind in fact, that it could almost be considered a lie.  “If I’m gonna be completely honest with you here, I thought it might be Meese or somethin’ like that.” She threw her head back in laughter, knowing how dumb she sounded, but just loving the way the word felt coming off her tongue. “Seriously, like...Just give me one Starbucks, one Peets, anything.  Hell, I’d even take a Dunkin Donuts at this point.---Now answer carefully, just how did you feel about Virginia? The answer may determine just if I’m able to continue talkin’ to you.” She teased.
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talulahwang · 9 years
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     “I wouldn’t swear off being shoved down a laundry shoot so fast, I slid down it form the third floor in my lodge my first week here and it was like a dusty, free roller coaster.” 
“You sound like you know your way around this place.---How long’ve you been here?”
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talulahwang · 9 years
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     “ Nah, this ain’t American Horror Story, don’t worry. I speak from experience, but the only wrath I get is a few glares now and then. ”  
“So you’re sayin’ I ain’t gonna be sewn into a mattress or have my corpse shoved down the laundry shoot?---Well, consider me relieved.”
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talulahwang · 9 years
Dean was legitimately tempted to get out from under that sheet and walk over to his boxer briefs on the floor right in front of her, which happened to be closer to his doorway and her than to the bed. Of course the chances of him actually doing it were slim to none.
    ❝She did mention a singing background —— ❞          ❝ — I think.❞ To be honest, he couldn’t remember.
Not even a few minutes in and this pretty stranger could already get a smile out of him at her will. It was impressive, and charming. To play along with his supposed delicate sensibilities, he attempted a frown of his own, which he knew he couldn’t pull off well.
    ❝With time I’m sure I’ll get over it.❞          Again, he tried to pout a little. Unconvincingly.
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     Her eyes began to roam the room, taking in the small differences between his and her’s.  They were minute, inconsequential.  Although, her eyes finally rested on the pair of briefs only a few feet in front of her.  She cocked a brow as she raised her head to look at him once more as if to say ‘and what are these doing here?’
   “You seem like a class act, my friend.” 
   She wasn’t judging, she had her fair share of nights such as the one he was piecing together for her.  As she was about to continue her teasing, she heard the squeaking of a cart once more, and she was convinced.  This had to be her food, didn’t it?  And as the smell of french toast wafted down the hall way, her suspicions were confirmed.
   “Well I’m assumin’ if you didn’t know her name, you certainly didn’t offer her breakfast and after all that hard--” she stressed the word “--work you put in, you must be hungry.--Like French Toast?”
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talulahwang · 9 years
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     “ Oh I wouldn’t underestimate that cleaning staff, I’m still convinced they are vindictive. Whatever you do, don’t make them clean up spilled  syrup, they’ll have your head on a silver platter.” 
“...You sound like you speak from experience?  Should I be fearin’ for my life if I make a mess?”
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talulahwang · 9 years
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“It’s a pleasure, Talulah. I’m Avalon.” She shook her head. “I haven’t but if I do, I’ll be sure to let you know. And, if you ever need anything just call the front desk and if I happen to be working at that minute, I’ll be sure to help you out.“ She added the last part to be courteous, something she found helpful when it came to dealing with most guests. 
“The fron---Oh, oh you work here?  Well shit, I really don’t know how I didn’t catch on to that.  I swear it’s like my brain has been runnin’ on fifty percent lately.” she commented, while finally laying eyes on her son before shooting him a look that told him to simmer down or else.  “I’ve worked in customer service before, a hotel too, but I gotta say, never worked the front desk.-----What’s it like?”
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talulahwang · 9 years
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talulahwang · 9 years
Dean could only shrug those bare, broad shoulders of his at her disappointment. As much as he’d like to please everyone, he knew that you just couldn’t and that it was really worth all the drama to try. Even still, he was sad to disappoint someone as attractive as her.
      ❝It’s been a slow week,❞ he said, defending himself.
When you were as bare as he was right then, it was hard to hide a blush. At her compliment, he could only smile as he kept his bright eyes on her, much less subtle now as he took her in from head to toe. Her mischievous grin was enough permission for him to do so.
     ❝Stop it, I’m blushing,❞ he added, smirking back. 
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      “Well then, not really sure I wanna hear a fast one.” she replied, hinting to the fact she may or may not have heard a thing or two last night from her room across the hall. 
   “Brittany, Bethany, whatever her name was has a pretty impressive octave range, if I do say so myself.”  She laughed.
   “What was she, the lounge singer or somethin’?”
   Having never gone to sleep, Talulah never took her contacts out, making watching his eyes move up and down her body quite easy.  It also helped her catch the blush spreading across the handsome stranger’s face.  
   “Oh, I’m sorry.  Did my crass behavior offend your delicate sensibilities?” She made her face into an almost puppy dog like expression while she raised her voice a few notes to emulate the voice of a southern belle, having the accent already down.  Well, sort of.
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talulahwang · 9 years
At her breakfast line, Dean looked down at himself and was only slightly tempted to make a joke out of that. Not because he thought that way, necessarily, but more because she had set it up so well. It was hard not to knock it down with innuendo.
    ( Smartly, he behaved himself in front of the pretty stranger. )
The act with her nails was a nice move and he wasn’t at all offended. He liked the attention, sure, but he wasn’t the type to crave or need it. If anything, the ploy made her seem even more charming. At her question, though, he had to start thinking.
    ❝Brittany? Bethany? It was one of those nights.❞
He wasn’t at all ashamed by last night’s activities. Or the fact that it happened quite a lot for him. He was safe, he was young, and he was trying to have a good time while drama and decisions awaited him back in Vegas. He needed fun times.
    ❝She could’ve at least closed the door, am I right?❞ 
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       She had thought of a joke as soon as the words left her lips, and she had been tempted to repeat it.  Something along the lines of covering him in whipped cream and powdered sugar. Years ago, the words would’ve slid right from her lips, but she was different now.  She needed to be careful of what she said and to who.  She was here for a reason, after all, and it was most definitely not to make a scene.
   “Not both?  Well, now I’m really disappointed.” She teased gently. “I made you out to be a real lothario.”
   She had to admit, she was more than a bit jealous of the man’s seemingly carefree attitude, of his night, or rather, nights of fun.  It had felt like much too long since Talulah had one of those nights for herself.
   “Would it be too forward to say I ain’t too sad she didn’t?  Menage-a-trois or not.”  She stuttered slightly on the French, her accent mangling the beautiful language, but a mischievous smirk stayed put on the brunette’s face.
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talulahwang · 9 years
Dean had just plopped his head back down on the thick pillow underneath when he heard a greeting from a very nice, seemingly amused voice. Even still, he wasn’t all that quick to cover himself up or to look at all vulnerable or bothered by his audience.
     Finally turning his head to take her in,           he smiled as he calmly took her in some.
She was attractive, to say the least. He’d rather be mistakenly seen by her, or someone who looks like her, than by some poor old lady innocently walking by. How this was the first time he’d seen her was beyond his comprehension. Oh well.
     ❝Good morning to you, too,❞ he said.           There was no hiding his own dumb grin.
Despite finding the situation more funny than anything else, Dean didn’t go out of his way to reveal himself. He wasn’t that much of a douche. He kept himself covered as he kept his eyes on her, just a little grateful that the sheets weren’t thin. 
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    Leaning against the door frame of her room, Talulah couldn’t help but cock a brow at how relaxed he seemed to be.  It intrigued her, to say the least.  He obviously wasn’t ashamed of his body, not that he had any reason to be.
  “Well you’re definitely not breakfast.” she commented rather dryly, slightly disappointed.  Usually the sight of near naked man across the hall would bring a much different feeling, but…What could she say?  She was a girl that needed to eat.  Once she got some food in her stomach she knew she’d feel much, much differently.
  Crossing her hands in front of her chest and bringing one of her hands up to eye level, she began to inspect her nails, although it was mostly a ploy to keep her eyes from being overly intrusive.  Although, she got the feeling he wouldn’t have minded.  
  “And just who were you complaining about? – The one who dared to leave the door open?”
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talulahwang · 9 years
For all the thorough work he’d done under the sheets in the early morning hours, Dean was surprised to be awake as early as he was, woken by some sort of annoying squeaking.
     ( He also was and wasn’t surprised that he’d been abandoned by last night’s lover. )
When he heard that loud, wince-incuding squeaking again, he turned his head away from the empty space next to him on the bed towards the door to his room.
     ❝Damn. Could’ve at least closed the door behind her,❞ he said, sighing.
Although naked underneath his sheet, Dean wasn’t particularly in a hurry to close the door to his room, even as the housekeeper wheeled her squeaky cart across his doorway.
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     She had been up all night.  While she wished she could say it was from a more physical activity, she couldn’t.  It seemed as if the second she and her son had gotten a taste of the fresh Alaskan air, he had gotten sick, leaving Talulah on tissue duty all night.
   Having used her ever so beloved sleeping hours doing anything but that, the young brunette figured that she deserved room service.
   (she also figured the man who was footing her bill could  more than handle it)
   Hearing the squeaking of a cart, she jumped quickly out of bed, her years of dancing allowing her to make her way across the already messy room with ease. ---- Opening the door she was disappointed to learn that said squeaking was not the noise alerting her to oncoming food, but rather that of a cleaning trolley.  
   But instead she was met with another surprise, and she found herself staring at the rather fit frame of the lodger across the hall.  
   “Well, good morning.” she chuckled, taking in his less-than-clothed appearance.
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talulahwang · 9 years
“Wow. Like a… bloodhound.” Camilla smiled lightly, tilting her head. “You’re a mother, then? That’s kinda cool, though.” She nodded, holding her hand out. “Wow. What an honor. I’m Camilla. Just your average every day non-hero.” She nodded. “I’ll be there. With good coffee. Well, for one, most people don’t know what pigs smell like. And you’ve got a bit of an accent going.” 
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“That’s me, human bloodhound.  Don’t you see the resemblance?  Actually, you know what?  Don’t answer that.”Talulah chuckled with a bitt of a huff. “Well, non-hero Camilla, I’m Talulah, and if you see a little guy who looks sorta like me runnin’ around raisin’ hell, that’s Theo.” Talulah replied, her head swiveling slowly around looking for said hellraiser before taking the woman’s hand.—-”But thank God for that, if I don’t get some quality java in me, I think I’m gonna die.—Oh well, from West Virginia originally, but Los Angeles most recently.–What about you?  Not really hearin’ that whole ‘Sarah Palin’ thing from you.”
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talulahwang · 9 years
Camilla widened her eyes, nodding slightly. “Ah… okay, well… that definitely wasn’t the smell I was getting, but now that you– yeah, I can’t.” She let out a quiet laugh when she took the cup from her. “Oookay, well, I’m gonna just… not drink that, then. You saved me… you aren’t from around here, are you?”
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“Well, I got a pretty particular sense of smell, y’know how pregnant women can smell the weirdest stuff?  It’s like it never went away.” She chuckled, remembering that as one of the worst parts of her pregnancy.  “You know me, I’m just your average every day hero.  I’m actually getting the key to the city tomorrow, you should definitely come.---What gave it away?”
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