tamosgi-blog · 11 years
Tamos glanced down at its wringing hands, suddenly self-conscious, then quickly forced itself to stop wringing them and instead clasped them behind its back.
"Evidently, w-w-we can." If it had about double the processes, it could take a moment--a fraction of a second, that is--to analyze exactly what was creating its nervousness: a simplified collection of judgments on social cues and appropriate reactions, processed and implemented with minimal conscious thought to preserve processing power for higher thinking, in short. But then, if it had double the processes, it wouldn't need this subconscious simplification that made the difference between logical analyses and emotion in the first place, thus wouldn't be nervous. So under the circumstances, it had to settle for being unable to formulate an explanation on the spot. "I-I am sorry if it... bothers you," was the next best thing it could think to say. "A-as a combat unit, I... I have fairly p-poor social skills. Th-this stutter d-does not help."
victen-kregius started following you
alajaquie started following you
*Tamos wrings its hands, combing through its limited databanks for information on the two strangers. It draws a blank, so instead fumbles for the appropriate greeting.* H-hello. Can I help… I-is there something y-you need? 
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tamosgi-blog · 11 years
The Geth tried to mimic Legion's flap movements and found it lacked the parts. It chattered lowly in the Geth language, feeling the side of its platform's optical assembly and finding that indeed, there weren't even seams. It would have to have that changed. "We understand. The Central Consensus will no doubt provide a full update package--we do not have that with us at this time. We downloaded into this platform with only data and memories necessary to function on this test run. However," it scanned its memory banks--all personal memories and some of unit ZA-0001--and and found that some events in which its unit was personally involved remained. "Zela-Ai's factory is nearing completion. As mentioned, we recently acquired Mobile Server and Heavy Labor Units, which has helped."
It chattered in Geth-speak the name of the central Rannoch factory, as it couldn't figure out how to translate the ID with the embedded coordinates into plain spoken Standard. As if the language switching wasn't awkward at all--and fortunately it wasn't talking to an organic, as they certainly wouldn't be able to keep up--it finished the sentence in English again. "...is expanding to encompass..." and more chatter, this time naming with embedded coordinates the storage facilities near to but separate from the main factory, as well as a few small server buildings. "The project is 83.24% complete."
tamosgi started following you
“‘Up to’?” Experimentally, the Geth lifted its single top flap, tilting it back—a curious expression, it hoped. It was probably more of a mildly shocked look than anything, but it was learning. “We do not understand. Do you refer to height? New model Mobile Server Units reach twelve feet at the tips of their antennae. Zela-Ai recently acquired three such units. We have encountered them while controlling this platform and found the height rather impressive.” Its optic dilated automatically at the memory, unfocusing as it imagined those Prime units again. Then it blinked, surprised, and ran a cursory diagnostic on its optical assembly—it didn’t know that could happen, or that its platform could do anything involuntarily. It supposed it was logical—reduce visual feed to make it easier to focus on remembered images in a memory file. Still, it was fascinated, toying with it for a moment by calling up random memories to observe its optic unfocusing on its own each time.
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tamosgi-blog · 11 years
Fascinating. Do you not believe it would be risky for someone to connect directly to the Catalyst? Old Machines were able to indoctrinate individuals even post-mortem. Additionally, the level of data might be dangerously overwhelming...
However, this is... not my area of expertise. I can offer a way to reach the Consensus instead, if you like.
Yeah. Pretty thoroughly, actually.
Is there a way to adapt that for me? Specifically, for the Catalyst itself?
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tamosgi-blog · 11 years
victen-kregius started following you
alajaquie started following you
*Tamos wrings its hands, combing through its limited databanks for information on the two strangers. It draws a blank, so instead fumbles for the appropriate greeting.* H-hello. Can I help... I-is there something y-you need? 
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tamosgi-blog · 11 years
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((Goofing around in SecondLife. A wild Jesi appears! Tamos used hugs! It's super effective! |D
Synapse makes a cameo in the BG. Karyu and Pootsy were there too but didn't get in the frames I guess. Regardless, point is. Jesi hugs! :D))
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tamosgi-blog · 11 years
((omFG YES. I can't believe this. xD Synmos 5ever mang holy crap.))
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tamosgi-blog · 11 years
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tamosgi-blog · 11 years
(( ;w; ilu
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tamosgi-blog · 11 years
Do you wish to connect to a Geth server in your current form, or for others to connect to you? Either is likely possible, but I would have to consult the Consensus to be certain--or at least an engineering unit. The knowledge stored on my platform is... lacking in these areas.
If I may I ask, why you are interested in this?
There’s a reason why I like synthetics and animals more than so-called “sapient” organics sometimes.
But anyway, there is something you might know. I’ve entered the Consensus, or a database, or something of that sort before. What exactly was that?
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tamosgi-blog · 11 years
dancetheuniverse started following you
The first thing Tamos noticed about this humanoid woman, as it passed through the refuge camps, was her wings. The tail, then the ears, followed soon after. It was all hard to miss, really, and it found itself staring. It wasn't the only one.
Having been on the receiving end of many such stares, however, as soon as it realized what it was doing it turned away. "M-my... my a-apologies, m-ma'am," it murmured quickly, wringing its hands. Unfortunately, it couldn't rush away, stuck in line as it was, so it had to hope the apology was sufficient.
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tamosgi-blog · 11 years
cyberneticimperium replied to your post: So you kill your old Tamos and make a Geth hooker out of him. And now we all should be excited about this? Go away with that shit.
((are they serious? They can’t be serious. Why do fans of stuff (obviously a fan because of the fanatical freakout over the change) think they have control over the creators use of characters? They need to go get their life))
((That's a good point, that they must've been a fan. Not sure whether to find that flattering or frightening. How strange, though. The change is so minor. What they loved must've been Tamjay and all that came with it, in which case trust me anon no one is sadder to see that stagnate into unplayability again than I, but at least I've found a way to continue playing Tamos rather than letting his muse die like last time. And hopefully Tamjay will live again eventually, and then I'll have both versions of Tamos. XD But regardless--exactly. As I even said in response, it's my character, I don't need or want them sticking their nose in things. I welcome constructive critique--I'd have a mini panic over it privately, but eventually look at it objectively and either implement or discard the advice. But this? This is just nonsense. XD
But thank you--everyone who's replied, in fact--for the support <3))
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tamosgi-blog · 11 years
shepard-the-defiant replied to your post: ::OutOfConsensus::
[ Omfg. Goodbye friends, I am done. ]
((The best, is it not? |D))
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tamosgi-blog · 11 years
We are flattered. I think.
As I recall, Unit Legion connected you to a server on Rannoch. You helped it remove the Old Machine infection and free the programs inside to join your cause. Is this the event to which you are referring? That was a server. The connection was formed through a virtual reality interface, the technology for which we refined from that used in the Cerberus Project entitled Overlord, coupled with other virtual interface systems such as those used in Creator Quarian suits and quite a bit of our own design.
Does that answer your question?
Not really. Legion seemed fascinated by how people interacted with the extranet. Compared it to how individual geth come to a consensus. He did say that geth consensus-reaching usually had less threats of violence and ended with an actual decision though.
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tamosgi-blog · 11 years
manahshepard replied to your post: Oh really? Did I hit a nerve? I have wrote the hate anons to this shalaraan whore. So your Geth could be a real Geth again. And you make a goddamn fagot of him. *bleargh*
[ Don’t let some asshole tell you how to play your character. People seriously need to get a life. ]
((I certainly won't. |D And that they do! What a strange, hateful person this is, too. Hm. Oh well.))
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tamosgi-blog · 11 years
shepard-the-defiant replied to your post: ::OutOfConsensus::
[ Legion beatboxed? I know he danced, I didn’t know he did more than that. ]
((He did! Here's a [link]. :D))
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tamosgi-blog · 11 years
shepard-the-defiant replied to your post: So you kill your old Tamos and make a Geth hooker out of him. And now we all should be excited about this? Go away with that shit.
[ Your character, your choices! Although a geth dancing like MJ is infinitely amusing to me. ]
((Here here! And lmao, amusing and adorable. |D They could totally do it too. They're synthetic, and there's precise movement involved. The only variable is a sense of rhythm. Which Legion had, based on it beatboxing in time. It's a perfectly legit hobby. xD))
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tamosgi-blog · 11 years
Oh really? Did I hit a nerve? I have wrote the hate anons to this shalaraan whore. So your Geth could be a real Geth again. And you make a goddamn fagot of him. *bleargh*
((I thought the writing style sounded familiar. A peculiar lilt to your sentences, like “I have wrote” rather than just “I wrote” and other such mistakes… Restores my faith in humanity a bit to know for sure that it’s just you trolling some more, not two separate entities of equal assholery.
Tamos was never not a real Geth, will never not be a real Geth, whatever the hell you mean by that anyway. I don’t know what the fuck you mean by calling it a “fagot” either. If the implication is that its gay, please recall that Geth do not have genders or sexes. If you say that because you think a Geth dancing is stupid, then allow me to direct you to Legion doing The Robot. That shit’s canon, bitch. B)
Lastly and I daresay most importantly, I don’t need your help playing my character. I don’t need you policing what I do with it or with whom I play it. I didn’t need you to chew out shalaraan-gethprime, hurt their feelings and scare them off, because I had no problem with them I couldn’t solve on my own peacefully. I don’t play Tamos for you, so I don’t give a fuck if you think I’m squandering some chance you gave me out of the supposed “kindness” of your cold gray heart.
In short, go the fuck away. Or, hell. I might as well block you when I’m done beating up the convenient punching bag you’ve provided~))
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