tandemxri · 5 years
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otp: because he’s mine @mxribcc
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tandemxri · 5 years
Daisha took her drink easily, already bringing it to her lips as she kept one eye on the succubus who was eyeing up her wounds. “I spend my money how I like. “ she replied simply. “I like making others happy and from a business standpoint it’s also a really good way to make new fans. “ she raised her glass to him before drinking heavily from her cup. “What do you do? “ not wanting to assume he just lived his life hunting one partner after another. Surely there was more to him than that.
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“Mmm. What do you mean?” he asked while his brows raised.
“If you’re referring to how I make my funds. I do not require things like food, only another warm body to satisfy my needs. But I do have wants, and those necessities are happily paid for by the lovely creatures that I satisfy.” He smirked and winked at her.
“Now, if you’re referring to what I do for fun, there’s quite a few things besides my performance in bed. On occasion, I enjoy the company of others, so I venture to various festivals. It is interesting to learn about the variety of people and cultures, and those tend to be the best place where they all congregate. I also enjoy trying out new avenues. Lately, I have been venturing into the art realm. Although I am not particularly gifted, it is something I do enjoy and it’s very relaxing.”
He propped his arm on the bar, resting his head into his hand as he gazed at her. “If only I could enjoy such physical actions as fighting. Sadly, I am a weak soul.”
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But I thought..|| closed
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tandemxri · 5 years
The tease earned a light blush from the fox who pouts for only a moment before sighing. A black credit card is pulled from thin air and flipped between two fingers, “I can afford to buy you several apartment buildings as tall as the statue of liberty.” With that Serinaty pats his cheek. “Now order before I eat you.”
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When she pulled out the card, his jaw dropped and a small twinkle appeared in his eyes. She’s rich?? Like, rich rich? Could she buy him an actual home?
Instead, he was greeted with a teasing threat, which might have been not what she intended as he froze under her pat. It would seem cute and innocent to passerbys, but he knew the truth about her. The fact that she could possibly rip him to shreds.
“R-right!” he freaked and hurried to the elder woman to blurt out his order. “One burger combo, please. Any soda is good!”
The elder woman smiled before turning to Serinaty. “And you, young lady?”
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tandemxri · 5 years
       HAPPY  SMILE  curls  ‘pon  lips  at  the  affirmation  ,  nodding  excitedly  at  his  attitude  .  ❛   yes  ,  yes  !   ❜ they  make  no  move  to  fix  their  hair  ,  only  blinking  owlishly  up  at  him  ,  head  canting  with  a  near  perfect MECHANICAL  like  fluidity  to  the  left  .  ❛   name ?  name  …  name  …  name  …  ❜
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            golden  and  silvered  notes  in  their  voice  has  been  reduced  to  gilded  lethargy  ,  as  they  shrug  .  ❛   ch  -  a  -  ra  …  buuut  i  usually  tell  people  to  call  me  whatever  they  want  .   ❜  THEY’RE  USUALLY  not  around  long  enough  to  call  them  by  their  real  name  anyways  .  ❛   dun’  remember  my  old  name  .  you  can  choose  a  name  if  you  want  …  don’t  care  .  what’s  … yours  ?  ❜
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He smirked. Rubbing his chin as he listened to her, he bent down and pat her head when she gave up her name. “Aw. Ara-chan. That’s such a cute name.”
He leaned back before she could have the chance to attack him. He never trusted children. “Well, I suppose you can call me father. Not dad, daddy, or the like--  but father. Or, if you’re feeling embarrassed by your father, you may refer to me as Hanamaru.” He spoke in a holy art thou tone as he poised before her.
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tandemxri · 5 years
The monkey huffed a bit, frustrated with how easily she could be flustered at times. “You should. I try to always put on a good show. “ she chuckled and pointed to a few of her nasty looking bandages that were starting to bleed through. “I mean if you’re into that sorta thing. I enjoy fighting though and the fame and attention I get from winning. “ she continued. “I don’t mind the pain of taking the occasional beating sonlong as I still come out on top. “
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Hanamaru leaned in to observe her battle wounds, genuinely interested.
“Hm,” he said before he finally leaned back just as the bartender brought their drinks. Accepting his cup, he took a sip. “I certainly will.” He did enjoy learning of his prey. Gave them meaning rather than just being a warm body to feed off of. It also helped that she seemed to be sort of a performer to him, so she would keep him entertained.
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“But is it wise to spend your winnings on some lonely men in a bar?” he continued to tease, interested to know where this kindness extended from.
But I thought..|| closed
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tandemxri · 5 years
Being escorted was a nicer option than her simply feeling the area out as things begin to blend together at some point. There was one that didn’t of course, but that version of Earth was too fun to constantly spoil herself with despite the androids there fascinating this fox.
Burgers didn’t have to be what was picked however she is grateful for him paying attention. “Yeah, this is fine.” With a shrug Serinaty steps forward ordering a burger oddly not up for the usual ten.
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“What did you want? I’m paying.”
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A cheeky smile was on his face as he teased her, “Can you afford two burgers? They’re like $10 each!” Not to mention the sides and drink. Yes, he’d been teasing her, but he was also serious. How would she have human currency, and to mention having enough to pay for how ridiculous food prices were currently. He’d assumed the last time she bought a burger was like a few cents per burger.
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tandemxri · 5 years
A slow nod was given to the other as if to make sure he understood the words that left these lips. His naive mind on how these looks meant less danger would backfire someday if they knew one another that long, but for now his reactions humor the fox.
She covers her mouth to laugh at his shock. Not enjoyed long enough the fox looks up when grabbed letting them get it out before speaking. “Depends which Earth this is and the time. Many in secret know of me, but they also have deep secrets so would never talk.”
“I may have been born on another planet but for a short period of time I was raised on Earth as a protection method.” Serinaty grabs his wrists lifting them away from herself and holds onto a hand. “We can talk over food, it doesn’t have to be burgers but I need to eat something.”
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♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
Quickly stepping up to the bat. He felt the need to impress the otherworldly creature, he nodded his head and escorted her to the nearest truck by following the faint scent of food, which grew stronger and stronger the closer they got.
The truck was small, and there seemed to be very few people around. But those that were held food in their hand. Faded pink banners indicated that the truck was open and advertised the shop, and the elder lady stood in the inside flipping the burgers and other American foods.
“Will this work for you?” Aizen asked, stopping to turn to her. A huge smile was on his face. “She’s very popular in this area.” He was referring to the older lady.
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tandemxri · 5 years
Off away from the other she liked the touch of the cool sand though his reaction was very delicious. Of course she wasn’t human so the darker sides of this messed up mind took pleasure in seeing the realization hit prey’s face. He was doing a good job of what was needed.
“No to all those. I’m simply an observer, other times a friend, sometimes a monster to run from, or I could be just wandering through.” You never know with her this past millennium as events are all over the place. “I wonder what I’m here for this time?”
She’s sad. Yes, that’s the emotion eating as her this time around isn’t it? Seems silly to still have to diagnose yourself, analyze yourself when those emotions bubble up. “Maybe I need you to help me forget for awhile?”
Serinaty turns to walk off some knowing there had to be food somewhere nearby. “Wanna go for a burger?”
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♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
Quickly he shuffled after her. “A burger?” he repeated as if it was a foreign word to him.
No, it should have been a foreign word to her. He couldn’t imagine aliens dining on the same meals that humans did. Last he heard, Mars barely had water on it, he could only imagine what the other planets lacked. Wait, this meant she would not dine on his flesh!
Double “Wait! You know what a burger is?” This meant that she had been on earth previously. “Who else knows of your existence?!” He hurried to stand before her, pushing some of his light hair from his eyes, he clutched both of her slender hands into his own.
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If others knew of her, then he could gather more information about her. Yes, this meant he was not as special, but his inner otaku screamed at him to not care. She was stunning and unique, unlike anyone he had ever spoken too. She was fascinating if not a little frightening.
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tandemxri · 5 years
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            IT’S  A  MOMENT  that  passes  them  ,  as  if  debating  whether  or  not  to  continue  the  conversation  ,  a  small  pout  on  their  lips  .  they  don’t  want  to  spell  out  their  disgust  for  humans   ( it’s  a  an  instinct  ,  either  you  feel  it  or  you  don’t  —  feel  the  familiar  blood  rush  between  their  fingers  more  home  than anything  )  .  ❛   they’re  breakable  and  stupid  ,  ❜  chara  says  flatly  ,  ❛   idiots  .  easily  disposed  of  .  duh  .   ❜
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They almost sounded like a real child, mixed with a bit of sass. But Hanamaru was no fool, he knew to never judge a book by its cover.
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“Fine. Fine. Yes, they are unsightly creatures who serve no purpose than to feed us,” he scoffed as he reached down and pat their head, lightly ruffling their hair. With that disheveled look, they looked less intimidating. Less threatening. Another facade.
“Now, what is your name? Or do I get the honor as father to name you myself?” he teased.
Now that he was over the initial shock as there was no way he could have a child, he thought that perhaps having a pretend child would not be so bad. Assuming this child knew their place.
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tandemxri · 5 years
        THERE’S  a  small  change  in  their  posture  ,  and  they  almost  slouch  at  this  rejection  :  unused  to  this  kind  of  feeling  .  fiddles  with  their  hands ,  crimson  averting  to  the  ground  ,  heel  of  canvas  shoes  digging  into  ground  —  they’ve  become  uncomfortable  .  but  it  lasts  for  ONLY  a  moment  ,  letting  them switch  it  back  to  their  NORMAL  .  
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               ❛    S̤̝C͇U̠̗̣̥̗M̛̹̥̙̜ ͇̥̣͕͉́ ̤̞̩͈̜̣̤.̰    humans  are  scum  ,  ❜  they  offer  up  plainly  ,  picking  at  old  nail  polish  on  their  fingers  ,  ❛   …  they’re  only  good  …  for  red  ,  ❜  another  vague  wording  from  them  ,  rocking  back  and FORTH  on  their  feet  ,  looking  up  at  the  OTHER  .  ❛   i  don’t  know  whyyyy  you  like  them  .  they’re  super  …  gross  .  and  …  breakable  .  i  don’t  know  .  they’re  disgusting  ,  dad  !!  ❜
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Okay, he would need them to stop this now. He would need to start weeding out this bad character trait starting right now.
Pouting at their response, Hanamaru jested, “Disgusting? Do they bathe in pig grease?” He could see something was off about this child. Something that even caused the small black hairs on his body to stand on edge. But what?
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tandemxri · 5 years
How strange some humans were. The warmth from her ears and tail should have been enough, but she supposed there wasn’t much harm in him being unable to compute. “I mean, I don’t usually ask for permission since I don’t care.”
For fun she leans back fading away only to pop up behind Aizen and hug the boy from behind. “But thank you.” Humored the fox releases him with a giggle earning a good few sways of that tail.
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♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
Aizen let out a scream as he jumped. He’d been so focused on where the fox once was, he hadn’t expected her to pop up behind him, or embrace him. He couldn’t help the red tinge across his cheeks as he’d become flustered and embarrassed. He was feeling all the emotions at the moment, and his brain could not keep up.
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Our of fear, he shoved himself from her grasp and fell off the bars. Although he tumbled, he managed to catch his footing thanks to the sand. “Y-you’re really not human?!” he yelled louder than intended as he turned to face her.
He’d played enough video games to know that you always kept your eyes on the enemy, losing sight meant death.
“Are you here to kill us? Take over the world? Are you wanted?!” All the questions flowed from him.
The second thing he learned from video games was to gather as much knowledge as possible about your enemy. The more you know, the higher the survivability rate was.
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tandemxri · 5 years
Once released this one takes a step back to create a little space moving ears freely after all that attention. “Never said I was from around here.” Ah how she loved to create more questions for those wrapped up in new events. In due time they may find out everything, but she would never lie no that wasn’t her style.
“Then again I doubt there’d be any evidence of me around.” Magic and all that good business helps destroy evidence from spreading which the fox was glad to have learned many millenniums ago.
“You okay with all this information?”
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“Information?” he repeated before he smiled and rubbed the nape of his neck. “It’s cool that you’re into cosplaying. No one here will judge, we’re all pretty open minded about it. As long as you don’t go around acting weird or being a menace.” He let out a light chuckle at the thought of her terrorizing the local old folk.
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Aizen might have still been in his denial phase, or perhaps this was a test? Maybe he was beginning to see that she was who she claimed, but he had to make one last push to make sure. After all, this was so surreal to him.
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tandemxri · 5 years
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           OH  ,  this  is  fun  .  they  remain  𝐮𝐧𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐛𝐞𝐝  at  his  reaction  ,  barely  cracking  a  smile  at  him  ,  owlishly  ,  innocently  looking  up  with  dark  red  eyes  —  but  it’s  a  flash  of  irritation  at  the  word  HUMAN  ,  D̢̩̳͖̤͕I҉͉͓̠̙S̗G҉͖Ṵ̻̳͙S̥̙̙̻̟̹͘ͅT̩̭͎̻͎̹̺ ̪̙̘̹̘ͅ ̶͎̱!͔͓̟̣̮͈!̱̳̯̭͍͇!̫͇͍͉̹̜̻ that  almost  makes  them  seize  UP  ,  but  it’s  gone  as  soon  as  it’s  COME  .   ❛   𝐘𝐄𝐀𝐇  !  you’re  my  daaaaaad  ,   ❜  they  proclaim  ,  shuffling  up  to  HIM  ,  wide  -  eyed  gaze  to  meet  CRASS  glare  ,  as  they  open  their  mouth  ,  pulling  up  obscenely  at  the  right  side  ,  only  to  show  small  fangs  .   ❛   boogie  woogie  woogie !  see  ,  i’m  not  like  those  F̷͉̳̟̞͉̳U̜͙͝C̮͜K͇̫͖̰̥̯̖I̗̻͇̻N̘̙̻̹͢G̟͕̘͔̕ͅ ̱̝ ̟̯̱͇̬D҉̲̬I̳͚̻S̭̦͔̲̗G̠̩̖̤͙̺͠US͎̙̤̳Ț̣̭̙͚͡I̘͎N͎͔̩̤͍̘̱͢G̛̱̫͖ ͔̱̦͉̤̯͞ ͕̰̗̫H̘͔̮ͅU͈̙̼̻̟͔M̵AN̻̝̗͚̪̪S̷͙͎̞͈ ̡̰̱̠̥̲̮ ͚͚̞̤͉̮̹͡.̘̥̩̠̰  !!   ❜
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It was clear that they disliked humans. Almost as clear as the fact that they weren’t human.
He never realized just how much he hated that word. Even though his eye did twitch at the title, his glare did not falter. Though Hanamaru’s annoyance did increase tenfold.
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Leaning forward, he stared directly into their mouth and took note of the small fangs right where they said they were. Demon it seems. He couldn’t argue that one, but that did not mean they were his child.
The succubus nearly jumped as the the small one declared their hate for humans. He frowned. Well, he was already frowning, but it increased--  well, would have increased if that was even possible. He was at his peek frown.
“What do you not like about humans? Aren’t they great?” he said as he leaned back, a small smirk played on his face. He was teasing. A small way for him to get a bit of this annoyance off his shoulder. He didn’t actually love or hate humans. How he saw it, the only reason they existed was to become his meal.
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tandemxri · 5 years
do people prefer canon muses or ocs? i always wanna play canon characters, but i get super anxious that i’ll be too ooc.  ; _ ; )
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tandemxri · 5 years
Blink. Blink.
Wait... Dad?
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Petrified, the incubus nearly fell over. How on earth do I have a child?? It’s certainly not outside the realm of possibility. Hanamaru could impregnate another, but certain conditions had to be met, and he sure as heck made sure none of them had been fulfilled. So how??
Standing and straightening himself, he glared down at them. “I am not your dad!” Prove me otherwise! He was challenging this... child. Internally, he was quaking at the possibility. “I could not possibly have a human spawn.”
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            THERE’S  something  off  about  the  other  ,  find  crimson  eyes  slicing  the  other  over  ,  no  less  scalpel  in  hands  of  murderous  surgeon  ,  cutting  just  to  see  what’s  inside  the  other  .  it’s  a  feeling  ,  deep  in  their  Y̠͔̖̙ͅO̜̲͉̰Ṵ̶͕̫̳̹̯ ̛ ̪̭͡ͅD̼̱̰̪̣̘͇Ǫ̻̼̼̟̺̜N̞̰͙̖͝'̞̘T̫ ̦ ̕ ̬͚̦̬͈͍͡H̦̲A̳̦̣̱̞͎͝V̮̝E̱̱ ̥ ̥̦̫͞A̙͚̼̬̹ ̪̰̫ ̴̹S͔̼̼̖̺ͅO̱U̬̬̰L̩̰̭̠̥̲  ,  gentle  lips  pushed  into  a  small  POUT  ,  before  chara’s  eyes  widen  ,  left  hand  hitting  right  palm  in  some  kind  of  exclamation  !  𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐘'𝐕𝐄  𝐅𝐈𝐆𝐔𝐑𝐄𝐃  it  out  ,  ❛    dad  ??   ❜
 @tandemxri​   (   HANAMARU   )   𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄𝐃  𝐅𝐎𝐑  𝐀  𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑.
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tandemxri · 5 years
Calm in the situation she continued to stand there while he gets it out his system. The ear rubs felt nice all the same to the point this one couldn’t help humming in delight.
To the question one of the ears he touched tried to twitch but due to the hold couldn’t. “Not really. I’m just visiting, needed air.” Unhappy with this development she wished to forget the previous drowning moment and hoped that feeding the others curiosity would continue to distract.
“You were out here when I walked by and I assumed it best to talk to someone. I’m a little curious by nature.”
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Aizen was tempted to tilt his own head by her response, but instead released Serinaty’s ears. They were starting to get warm from his attention, and he didn’t want them to get hot. Yes, he still had a small seed of doubt that they were real, but just in case. It was always better to be safe than sorry, but always a little skeptic.
His eyebrow then raised. “So, you were just walking by?” he repeated. “I’ve never seen you around here before.” And he would notice a new face as he lived a few minutes away and was constantly out and about whenever he needed a break from gaming. He also enjoyed to people watch. He just avoided the actual interaction part.
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tandemxri · 5 years
A short look of surprise passed but it was followed by a laugh assuming he meant either those ears atop her head or that long tail. He’ll serve the purpose. She assumed it safe to be near him now and walks over with her usual smile giving a nod. “Sure, but please warm your hands first. The skin on my ears is thin, though you can pet my tail to.”
With a grin she shifts the fuzzy limb into both arms hugging it ever slight. “I am well groomed.” Despite the adventures Serinaty makes sure to keep her fur free of kinks, and other things.
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Okay, he didn’t actually think she’d say yes and he wasn’t going to let this opportunity pass by. But he also wasn’t a dick. So, he did as she requested and rubbed his hands together to warm them up. It was a bit chilly, so it was understandable.
She was acting as if her tail and ears were real, and with their movements, he was finding it hard to doubt. Reaching forward with grabby hands, he first touched the tail. Lighting petting it like one would do a young pup or kit. He could feel the fur between his fingers and felt the limb of the tail. It certainly didn’t feel fake. Then he eyed the ears.
Pausing the motions on her tail, he hands moved slow to touch her ears. His thumbs pressed against the inside and he rubbed in circular motions. “They- they feel real!” His mouth continued to stay open and there was a high chance a bug could fly right in and he would be none the wiser. “Are you in... hiding?” he asked. He imagined a supernatural novel, where the creatures were forced underground or risk being experimented on. But if so, why would she chose to reveal herself to him? Maybe he would be a hero?? Mang, his mind was wildin’.
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