tangantanganlily · 7 years
Oh, this kicks me hardly.
Saat kita bertanya-tanya tentang apa sebenarnya keinginan orang tua terhadap kita, keinginan mereka, harapan-harapannya. Kita tidak tahu apa maunya Ibu, kita tidak juga tahu apa sebenarnya maunya Ayah.
Barangkali, sebenarnya yang terjadi justru sebaliknya. Mereka yang tidak mengerti apa maunya kita, karena kita tidak pernah bercerita kepada mereka. Kita tidak pernah menunjukkan minat kita pada sesuatu dan mengutarakannya. Mereka tidak pernah kita ajak berdiskusi terhadap masalah-masalah yang kita hadapi, tak terkecuali mengajak mereka saat kita bahagia.
Mereka yang tidak memahami apa maunya kita, karena kita tidak pernah melibatkannya. Selain hanya pada urusan biaya hidup, biaya sekolah, dan segala keperluan kita yang lain. 
Hingga tiba saat usia kita beranjak dewasa, beranjak cukup matang dalam takaran mereka. Mereka masih belum menemukan titik terang, apa maunya kita. Hingga mereka memutuskan turun tangan, berusaha mengarahkan, berusaha peduli, sesuatu yang barangkali tidak kita sukai keterlibatannya. Tapi, semata-mata mereka ingin sekali melihat anak yang dicintainya itu, bahagia.
Sudahkah kita berhasil membuat mereka bahagia? Sementara mereka berusaha melakukannya setiap waktu, untuk kita.
©kurniawangunadi | yogyakarta, 1 januari 2018
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tangantanganlily · 8 years
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Happy birthday, Google! Thank you for providing us many kind of information. 
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tangantanganlily · 8 years
Mungkin dia mau ke wisudaan ITB di Sabuga, tapi salah angkot malah ke Gasibu.
Jadi balonnya gak laku.
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Sharing Scenes of Iraqi Life with Ahmad Mousa
To see more of Ahmad’s photography, follow @ahmadmousa on Instagram.
Documentary photographer and video reporter Ahmad Mousa (@ahmadmousa) has his #EyesOn Iraq. “Many people around the world who don’t know much about Iraq hear the name and they think of it as a war zone because of what they see and read in the news,” the 25-year-old says. Ahmad exposes people to a more human side of his country through @everydayiraq, the collaborative photography project he started. “I wanted to share the everyday life scenes with everyone, document it and put it there in history,” Ahmad says. “Everywhere in the world, people want to live a happy life; kids want to play and go to schools, families want to gather happily at dinner and youth want to help develop their society.”
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tangantanganlily · 8 years
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watch out!
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tangantanganlily · 8 years
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tangantanganlily · 9 years
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tangantanganlily · 9 years
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The official website of the Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Crystal anime unveiled the visual for the anime’s third season on Monday. The visual previews the anime’s character designs, and unveils the Outer Senshi characters for the first time!
The anime will have a stage program at the AnimeJapan 2016 event on March 26. The stage program will announce more information on the third season, as well as a new project.
Additionally, a Niconico livestream event will announce the cast for the Outer Senshi on Wednesday (January 27 is also Haruka Tenou/Sailor Uranus’ birthday). 
(from ANN)
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tangantanganlily · 9 years
oh, that room is quite sweet
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Source: Pierrot Café – Osaka #interior #80s #studioreko (på/i Stockholm, Sweden)
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tangantanganlily · 9 years
Sometimes you just have to jump out the window and grow wings on the way down.
Ray Bradbury (via psych-facts)
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tangantanganlily · 9 years
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tangantanganlily · 9 years
Hai Lily! How are thiiings? Anen nih cerita2 dooongs :')
Kyaaaa, entah ini message kapan. But things with me have been great, Sek, and how are you? Superb kangen yaaah
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tangantanganlily · 9 years
Always excited to see how something made (in industry scale) <3
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How It’s Made the Pasta.
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tangantanganlily · 9 years
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Thank God I have none sister, but i do have so many friends act like a true sister, she is obviously one of ‘em (or may be the top of the list). Selamat lulus, selamat menuju 23 tahun, selamat bersiap-siap wisuda Oktober, CTquwh.
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tangantanganlily · 9 years
Masyaallah. Allahuakbar.
A Lake in Pomerania, Poland
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Bac Son Valley, Vietnam
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Cape Town
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Central Park, New York City
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Giza Pyramids, Egypt
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Mali, Maldives
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Mangroves in New Caledonia
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Marina Bay, Dubai
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Maze at Longleat, England
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Meskendir Valley, Turkey
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Mexico City
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Namib Desert, Namibia
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Niagara Falls, U.S.A.
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Rio de Janeiro
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Terraced Rice Fields, China
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Tulip Fields, The Netherlands
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Vatican City
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tangantanganlily · 9 years
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Setengah tahun pindah dari Bandung, daftar Open WiFi Connection di henfon masih seputaran kampus dan Dago aja nih. Susah, ya, move on dari Bandung ternyata.
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tangantanganlily · 9 years
We don’t meet people by accident. They are meant to cross our path for a reason.
Unknown  (via psych-facts)
Jodoh kalo kata Ratna. Semua orang yang melintas di kehidupan kita.
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tangantanganlily · 9 years
Perhaps you will fail, perhaps it will be useless, valueless in the end; but do not underestimate the value of the feeling that you tried your best.
James Andrew Cosby (via psych-facts)
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