tangledblues · 12 years
In honor of the Academy awards, reblog this before midnight tonight and I will draw you a dress based off of your blog theme.
(like this one, based off of mine!)
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(sorry it’s a bit bad, I had to do it three times because I kept deleting it accidentally xP)
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tangledblues · 12 years
That may have been the most huntarded thing I have ever done.
And I somehow managed to do it on a Death Knight.
I ask you, how does a melee manage to range-pull that pack of mobs you're not supposed to be fighting yet.
Howling Blast. Howling Blast is how.
I'm such an idiot.
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tangledblues · 12 years
Pokémon teams
Crystal Name: Mandy Rival: Jesse Ryu - Dragonair ♂ Eli - Espeon ♂ Ekara - Umbreon ♂ Erit - Jolteon ♂ Tank - Rhydon ♂ Shinchou - Xatu ♀
I've had this team pretty much forever, and it really shows in some of the names... This was when I started putting at least one Eeveelution on nearly every team, and also when I started giving them exclusively "E" names. Jesse is named after the anime character, since they're both Pokémon thieves with long red hair.
Diamond Name: Emily Rival: Liam (I think) Casey -  Lv. 40 Kadabra ♂, but I'm in the process of replacing him with a Murkrow. Sorry, Casey. Nepeta - Lv. 45 Luxray ♀ Equius - Lv. 42 Rapidash ♂ Elliot - Lv. 42 Leafeon ♂ Jamie - Lv. 41 Golduck ♀ Gwen - Lv. 43 Hippowdon ♀
HeartGold Name: Dave Rival: Andrew Eli - Lv. 73 Espeon ♂ (I'd intended to recreate my Crystal team, but that didn't really happen.) Ekara - Lv. 73 Umbreon ♂ Eridan - Lv. 73 Vaporeon ♂ Nika - Lv. 73 Xatu ♂ Viktor - Lv. 72 Donphan ♂ (I was listening to Kino at the time.) Aradia - Lv. 73 Ampharos ♀
LeafGreen Name: Steve (After Captain America. NOT Blue's Clues, as I've just noticed might appear to be the theme here. Oops.) Rival: Joey (after Joe Quesada, whom I don't know much about but I gather fans don't like him much?) Jimi  - Ninetales ♂ Blue - Starmie (This one DID come from Blue's Clues, sort of.) Captain Jack Spearow (Jack) - Fearow ♂ Jack the Mankey (Jack) - Primeape ♂ Liam - Pikachu ♂ (Hemsworth, brother of Chris. I was thinking Thor, but that seemed a bit much for a little Pikachu.) Kala - Nidoqueen ♀
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tangledblues · 12 years
This is a commercial for an animal shelter in Kansas City. Those adorable kittens? We're pretty certain those were OUR kittens that we gave to the shelter last summer. Jimmy, Frank, Vanna, and Ricky. They were all adopted within a week or so, along with two other siblings (so it's oldish footage they're using). Pretty cool.
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tangledblues · 12 years
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tangledblues · 12 years
Day 31 - We All Sing With the Same Voice
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tangledblues · 12 years
Day 30: Sing
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tangledblues · 12 years
Day 29: You're Alive
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tangledblues · 12 years
Day 28: (I Can't Get No) Cooperation
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tangledblues · 12 years
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tangledblues · 12 years
Day 27: Honker Duckie Dinger Jamboree
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tangledblues · 12 years
Vian, what is one thing you would like to accomplish before your next birthday?
There's a couple of bad habits I'd like to work on breaking by then. I can certainly try, at least.
(OOC: Get to level 90, without feeling like I'm rushing or forcing myself. With a September release date and a January birthday, it should be doable, unless the Horde/Alliance conflict makes me want to kill myself first.)
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tangledblues · 12 years
Vian, what did you do on your last birthday?
Honestly, I don't remember. I'm sure it was good, but nothing particularly remarkable.
(OOC: Sex. There was most definitely sex involved.)
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tangledblues · 12 years
The song originally planned for today didn't work out, so this'll be something a bit different.
Day 26: The Rainbow Connection
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tangledblues · 12 years
Day 25: Telephone Rock
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tangledblues · 12 years
Enan, what would you say is your best quality?
People tell me I'm the nicest Death Knight they've ever met. Not exactly setting the bar high, but I guess I should take whatever I can get.
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tangledblues · 12 years
Zhenya, do you have any phobias?
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