tangledinaprettyway · 11 months
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Isabel Allende, from Eva Luna
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Isabel Allende, from Eva Luna
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The relationship between shipping and fanfic is so much more than a binary choice between "niche ship where it's impossible to find anything" and "popular ship where it's impossible to find anything readable". There's also "niche ship that has thousands of fics because it's captured the imagination of an extremely specific kink subculture that you're not into at all", "popular ship whose writing community became established during an early hiatus and never incorporated any subsequent developments, instead diverging into an alternative canon that's unrecognisable to fans of the actual source material", "moderately well-represented ship where literally everything seems to have been written by a single impossibly prolific author whose grammatical quirks drive you up the wall", etc.
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when i was a kid i used to respond to the "glass half full/half empty" question by asking how the liquid in the glass got there in the first place. nobody ever gave me a chance to explain my reasoning so i'm doing it now
if you have a glass and it has some liquid in it, up to the halfway line, whether it is empty or full depends on what happened before the question was asked. if you started with a full glass and poured half out until only half remained, the glass is half empty, because if you continued pouring it would be fully empty. however, if you started with an empty glass and poured liquid from another container into the glass up to the halfway line, the glass is half full because if you continued pouring it would be all the way full. logical, no?
i was 13 years old when somebody finally told me it was supposed to be some kind of optimism/pessimism thing. i always thought it was a riddle that nobody let me solve
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-Tamasha Script that never made it to the movie <\3
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i am once again holding back tears while mentally repeating a little is better than nothing
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lorde // iasoup on tumblr // alain de botton // jenny slate // katie maria // silas denver melvin // chelsea wolfe
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cant wait to start feeling normal again I think to myself knowing that i have not once felt normal not at all my whole life not ever
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heal, so when somebody tries to love you – you let them.
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"If you crush a cockroach, you're a hero. If you crush a beautiful butterfly, you're a villain. Morals have aesthetic criteria."
~ Nietzsche
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i care about your mental health and i want to grow together with you. i want to make you feel seen, understood and loved on your bad days. i want to see the deepest parts of your soul, heart and mind. i want to love you for what you are. i want to take care of you and of myself because you are a part of my being
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Ada Limón, from “Sometimes I Think My Body Leaves a Shape in the Air”, The Carrying: Poems
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but you see her on instagram and it was never really said that you guys aren’t friends but one day she stopped answering and you stopped texting and it’s not like the wound is a cavern but it is a diagram of what if in red letters. you want to tell her nice lipstick that’s a good color but the last time you spoke it was stilted and awkward 
how do you say goodbye, you know? it’s not an unfriend and block kind of situation. but you watch the people you once loved go on and have a life and you’re outside of it. and it’s bittersweet because of course it’s okay that you’re both thriving. but she used to be who you’d call if you needed to cry. she used to be who’d you’d be binge watching the new series with. you used to be hers, in a way, even if that way wasn’t permanent. and now she’s someone else and so are you and your friendship is clicking heart shapes next to pictures where she smiles next to people you’ve never met. you know where her birthmark is. she knows where you’ve buried your dead.
the poets and the singers and the authors write about romantic love when it ends. but nobody tells you how to get over a friend.
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the most beautiful souls intertwine without the necessity of exchanging words
- 𝒉 𝒊 𝒓 𝒂 𝒆 𝒕 𝒉
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"But there is a clarity about September. On clear days, the sun seems brighter, the sky more blue, the white clouds take on marvelous shapes; the moon is a wonderful apparition, rising gold, cooling to silver; and the stars are so big."
– Faith Baldwin, Evening Star
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