tantrumingchild · 8 years
[ ok ok so im gonna go make some more icons first, then ill maybe put up a starter call or smthing. this blog is getting resurrected definitely B) ]
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tantrumingchild · 8 years
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❝ the REAL double standard is that when the hulk gets mad and smashes things it’s ‘incredible’ but when i do im just ‘an asshole’ ❞
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tantrumingchild · 8 years
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im glad clara is keeping the spirit of ace alive i mean that’s what this show is all about tiny girls with rocket launchers
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tantrumingchild · 8 years
            I am not supposed to cry,                 That’s what I’ve been told,
                           But people keep bringing me down,                                 And it’s starting to get old.
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tantrumingchild · 8 years
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tantrumingchild · 8 years
   Please keep in mind that, however hard my muse may argue something or however confidently they make a statement, they can be wrong. It’s my muse’s opinion, and my muse talking, and their perception is skewed.               Do not feel like everything out of my character’s mouth is the truth, or that I’m godmodding. 
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tantrumingchild · 8 years
I’ve never been good at emotional stuff. Except anger. Anger, I’m good at.
Hannah Harrington, Saving June (via wordsnquotes)
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tantrumingchild · 8 years
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tantrumingchild · 8 years
headcanon. related to that last one, bonnie sees all people as either ‘good’ or ‘bad’, and she usually makes her mind up on which you are on your first meeting. she is getting a bit better with the pre-judging, as now she doesn’t think of all people who aren’t with her as automatically against her, but she is unlikely to change her way of thinking entirely.
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tantrumingchild · 8 years
headcanon. bonnie sees the world as black or white. right or wrong. she cannot think in varying shades of grey, and trying to get her to do so will just frustrate her.
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tantrumingchild · 8 years
headcanon. bonnie is incredibly ruthless and will take down anything that stands in her way. however, she doesn’t think she could ever find it in her to harm an animal.
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tantrumingchild · 8 years
headcanon. bonnie is an incredibly impulsive spender. osgood learned the hard way not to trust her with money.
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tantrumingchild · 8 years
headcanon. zygons have incredibly sensitive senses, which is generally very useful. however, it can also be very annoying and leads to bonnie having sensory overload quite frequently.
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tantrumingchild · 8 years
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Moffat’s Women - Osgood In the span of just two episodes, Osgood comes from wishing for the Doctor to save her and faltering in his presence to leading UNIT’s confrontation with the Cybermen, confidently presenting her own theories, and bravely interacting with Missy. She’s intelligent, she has an eye for details which others around her can be quick to overlook, and above all she is genuinely good-hearted. As the tear in the veil of ignorance of the negotiations among Zygon and humans, both she and her copy keep silent rather than to endanger the approaching peace between the two. In many ways, Osgood does not merely represent the fandom - she represents the best qualities of the Doctor, too.
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tantrumingchild · 8 years
[ consider this a starter call ]
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tantrumingchild · 8 years
Headcanon Meme
bold all that applies to your muse.
EYES: blue  | green | brown | hazel | grey | other HAIR: blonde | brown | black | red | ginger | grey / white | multi-colour | other BODY TYPE: skinny | slender | slim | built | petite | curvy | athletic | muscular SKIN: pale | light | fair | freckled | tan | olive | medium | dark | discoloured GENDER: male | female | trans | cis | agender | genderfluid | other SEXUALITY: heterosexual | homosexual | bisexual | pansexual | asexual | demisexual | other ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: homoromantic | heteroromantic | biromantic | panromantic | aromantic | greyromantic | demiromantic SPECIES: human | undead / vampire | shape-shifter | demon | angel | witch / wizard | incubus / succubus | lycanthrope / werewolf | other  | depends on verse EDUCATION: high school | college | university | GED | other I’VE BEEN: in love | hurt | sick | abused  POSITIVE TRAITS: affectionate | adventurous | athletic | brave | careful | charming | confident | creative | determined | fearless | generous | honest | humorous | intelligent | loyal | modest | patient | selfless LIVING SITUATION: lives alone | lives with parent(s) / guardian | lives with significant other | lives with a friend | drifter | homeless | depends on verse PARENTS/GUARDIAN: mom | dad | adoptive | foster | grandparents | sibling  RELATIONSHIP: single | crushing | dating | engaged | married | separated | it’s complicated | depends on verse I HAVE A(N): learning disorder | personality disorder | mental disorder | anxiety disorder | eating disorder | substance-related disorder | PTSD | verse dependent THINGS I’VE DONE BEFORE: drank alcohol | smoked | done drugs | stolen | self harmed | starved myself | had sex | had a threesome | gotten into a fist fight | gone to the hospital | gone to jail | used a fake ID | gone to a rave | killed someone NEGATIVE TRAITS: aggressive | bossy | cynical | envious | fearful | greedy | gullible | jealous | impatient | impulsive | insecure | irresponsible | possessive | sarcastic | self-conscious | selfless to a fault | unstable | clumsy | rebellious | emotional | swears
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tantrumingchild · 8 years
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