tapyoka-dump · 6 days
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tapyoka-dump · 6 days
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Grandfest was great
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tapyoka-dump · 6 days
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if ian bgm is big man than explain this
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tapyoka-dump · 8 days
no I did NOT start sobbing uncontrollably after into the light started playing SHUT UP
Just had my final Grand fest battle. This shit was AMAZING. Might genuinely be the best 72 hours i've ever had with Splatoon since 2's final fest. Whatever the result may be, GGs. I love this game SO much.
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tapyoka-dump · 8 days
Just had my final Grand fest battle. This shit was AMAZING. Might genuinely be the best 72 hours i've ever had with Splatoon since 2's final fest. Whatever the result may be, GGs. I love this game SO much.
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tapyoka-dump · 10 days
i have not been able to win a single x10 battle in 26 hours im not even mad im just disappointed. thankfully didn't get any x100 or x333 yet. yet.
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tapyoka-dump · 19 days
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Scolopendra Miku
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tapyoka-dump · 22 days
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Miku Gaúcha.
A Brazilian Miku but with traditional clothes from the southern region of Brazil.
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tapyoka-dump · 22 days
Hello skinny tgirl. Lately you've been complaining that your tits aren't growing. In front of you is a plate of food.
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tapyoka-dump · 23 days
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brazil miku
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tapyoka-dump · 23 days
With the death of twitter in Brazil, my homeland and love of my life, my options have become: - Quit social media and become a normal human being - Go to bluesky which is currently full of a whole buncha nothing - Learn to use tumblr Currently trying option 3, might go for option 1 if it doesn't work
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tapyoka-dump · 3 months
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I'm obsessed with this tweet
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tapyoka-dump · 4 months
(The following post is really fucking long™ and in no way, shape or form I'm saying you should give Atlus another chance, quite the opposite, you just gave me the perfect opportunity to vent and talk about all the shit that this company I love and hate so much does and did in the past. Hope that's understandable and I apologize! Don't read it if you want to keep some respect for them or avoid Atlus content in general!) As someone who actually does follow Atlus a lot, not only the Persona franchise, but also being a MegaTen fan and being very interested in other Atlus games (Trauma Center, Metaphor, and having played Catherine), I get so fucking mad at this company sometimes. (Spoilers, maybe) Persona 2 had a gay character, a gay romance option, actually, I can't say how good or how bad it was since I'm playing through it right now, but Jun existed, he was there, he wasn't treated as a joke for being gay (I hope) Then Persona 3 came out.
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Persona 3 FES is one of my favorite games of all time and this scene is close to being the moment I felt the most disgust I had ever felt at a scene in a video game. "Hey guys! Here's a joke! The joke is transphobia". It's not funny, it's harmful and just pushes people away from the game. They did remove it in reload (And portable I think, but the joke in portable is not great either), including in the Japanese version, so that's less horrible. And then Persona 4 came out! With two characters that challenge gender norms and struggle with identity, that's great! Here's a bunch of homophobic comments to make up for it. But wait! The character who made those comments has an implied romance route that makes it so his homophobia could be seen as repressed feelings! Just kidding, we removed it from the game last minute. But I think the saddest offender for me is Catherine.
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I love Erica so much and I get really mad when I remember how she's represented. She is so cool, so cute, so fun, and is an older trans woman which is fantastic, but then:
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(This is not an attack at the writers of the wiki, they are just doing their job listing everything in the game) The only good thing in this entire list of "References to Erica being trans" is "Everyone calls her a she! Good job everyone!". Sure, Vincent is supposed to be an asshole in the game which explains him being an asshole, but even excluding "Vincent being a fucking dipshit" points in this list, it's still not great. Also, she is DEADNAMED in the FUCKING CREDITS. SHE IS DEADNAMED IN THE. FUCKING. CREDITS. It's hard to look at Atlus doing better in recent years and not having a bad feeling that they are going to fuck it up again. "The transphobia was removed in reload!" "You can marry male party members in Tactica and Q for that one scene!" "There is a pride flag pin in a reload scene", the past is still there, and who knows what they'll do in the future. How the fuck can I put faith that this company, with a history of fucking up, won't fuck up again in the future. And yet this fucking company has still made 3 of my top 10 favorite games of all time. God. Fucking. Dammit. At least I don't think there's any significant homophobia in SMT, not that I remember at least, which implies P Studio is the biggest offender within Atlus. Not saying you should do an "SMT Demon Design Analysis" because of it, though, since it would still support Atlus as a whole. Thank you for the opportunity to talk shit about Atlus.
Would you ever consider making videos about the Persona series? I saw your game fest reaction vod, and I don’t know if the SMT/Persona series particularly interests you, but I think your perspective on the vast catalog of Persona in the series would be interesting.
Have a great day!!
I don't want to, no. I have a lot of love in my heart for the Persona series, but also I hate it a lot. There's an endemic homophobia and transphobia that runs through the roots of that series, and a conformist conservatism that keeps rearing its head in its storytelling, and I just can't suffer it anymore.
It breaks my heart because there is so much good in those games, there's so much great art and wonderful characters in there. There's a deep well of empathy for the crises of youth and the struggle to find an identity...
and then also it uncritically, unironically, with its whole full fucking chest plays the "gay men are simpering, pedophilic predators" stereotype for comedy
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And I just fucking can't. I cannot stand it.
All media is problematic, nothing is pure, and I don't demand purity of the art I enjoy because down that road lies madness, but I do have a fucking line for what I can stomach and Persona 5 crossed it so far that I have soured on the series entirely. I just can't play these games anymore without remembering that this is what it thinks of queer men.
Again, I'm not here to grandstand, or shame anyone for loving the good things about Persona, it just crossed my line and I don't want to engage with it anymore. I don't want to play it, and I don't want to do videos about it.
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tapyoka-dump · 1 year
hwo the fuck do you use this website
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