tarafaithe · 4 years
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tarafaithe · 4 years
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i’m not your problem anymore, so who am i offending now? you were my crown, now i’m in exile, seeing you out. i think i’ve seen this film before, so i’m leaving out the side door.
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tarafaithe · 4 years
Tommy catches his daughter in bed with a guy please
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Caught - Thomas Shelby
A/N: This one is short but sweet!! 😜
Taglist: @sweetiekokkiri @haphazardhufflepuff @tarafaithe @mrsstevenbuchananstark @imagine-richards @hxnky-cat @tranquility-or-chaos @captivatedbycillianmurphy
"You're pretty good, for a Shelby." your boyfriend joked, rubbing his soft lips across your bare shoulder.
You snorted, "I'm good because I'm a Shelby."
He chuckled, and then his lips were back on your skin. He slowly kissed his way up your neck as he moved on top of you. His weight was a welcome one.
You used one hand to tightly grab his waist and the other wound into his hair. You couldn't get enough of him, and he seemingly couldn't get enough of you. It was all you had ever wanted. He joked about you being a Shelby, but never meant it. He didn't look at you like you were some forbidden fruit like other men did because he wasn't afraid of your father, Thomas Shelby.
Just as one of his hands found the edge of your nightgown, you heard the unmistakable clearing of a throat. Looking quickly over your boyfriend's shoulder, you saw your father stood in the doorway.
"Dad!" you gasped in horror, shoving your boyfriend off.
"Get out." was all Tommy said, eyes only on your lover.
"Sorry, I'll go." he nodded politely. You noted that he didn't look frightened, just resigned.
Your embarrassment turned to anger, "No! He stays."
"Y/N, please. I can see you some other time. I'm clearly not wanted here right now." your sweet boyfriend said, standing and straightening his clothes.
"I said no. I want you here. Dad, leave him alone. He's my guest." you repeated, standing up.
Tommy pulled out a gun and armed it, "I want him gone."
You instantly moved to hug your boyfriend, effectively blocking any shot that your father planned to take. If he was going to shoot him, it would have to be through you.
"Y/N, move out of the way." Tommy snapped.
"No. I'm nineteen, dad. I can make my own choices." you stated firmly.
"Tommy, put the gun down." came the welcome voice of your mother, Lizzie.
Only when you heard the gun be unarmed did you let go of your boyfriend. You turned around to face your parents, still planted firmly in front of your love in case Tommy got any ideas.
"Make sure he's gone by midnight." Tommy said, holstering his gun and slinking out of the room. Lizzie mouthed 'sorry' at you both before following your dad.
When the door shut, your boyfriend sighed with relief, "Jesus christ. Was he like this with other guys?"
"I've never been with another guy. No one's been brave enough to ask me out because of him." you admitted, gaze falling to the floor.
"Well, looks like I'm the bravest one." he said softly, pulling your chin up to give you a light kiss.
"Definitely." you let out a small laugh.
"Was he actually going to shoot me?" he wondered, leaning back.
You winced, "Yes."
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tarafaithe · 4 years
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What was he like before the war? He used to smile more.
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tarafaithe · 4 years
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Tommy + women hitting him (because sometimes he deserves it)
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tarafaithe · 4 years
Love their eyes
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Tommy and Grace | S1E02
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tarafaithe · 4 years
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tarafaithe · 4 years
The Love Not Yet Known Part 1
Summary: Tommy Shelby needs to make sacrifices to ensure the safety of his family. So he concocts a plan to marry off his sister to the one and only Alfie Solomons.
Requested by @freaknik97
Part 2 will be posted here and on my masterlist
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            “Remind me why we’re not doing this at the office?” Arthur grumbled as they watched the car pull up the gravel drive.
            Tommy stood beside his brother in the doorway of Arrow House. His hands were clasped in front of him. “The Italians are here and they’re going to look for allies or enemies. They might see Alfie as a way to weaken us. We need to make sure there’s no chance of that. We can’t have him making side deals like he did last time with the Russians.”
            “Still doesn’t explain why he’s here. This could’ve been done in Birmingham.” Arthur muttered, still not a big fan of Alfie.
            “You’ll find out soon enough, brother. Now let’s greet our guest.”
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tarafaithe · 4 years
Promises Not Kept Part 22
Summary: Tommy Shelby made a promise to Jonah Ward while in the war. A promise he didn’t keep. But it comes to haunt him when he tries to drown out his sorrows with a young woman.
Part 22: The truth comes out and Leah hopes it can help Tommy realize he needs to slow down.
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           “Yes, my love?”
           Charlie looked up from the anthill he had been examining. The little boy was laying in the grass on his stomach, peering down at the mound of dirt that had been built up by the insects. Curiously watching the line of ants traveling through the grass with bits of food, their methodical marching captivating his attention for a good while.
           Leah was lounging on a blanket a few feet away. She’d kicked off her shoes and stockings so she could feel the grass tickling her toes. Keeping Charlie in her peripheral vision, she basked in the warm August sun and read.
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tarafaithe · 4 years
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thomas shelby: a summary.
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tarafaithe · 4 years
Tortured, Broken, Brave
Request: imagine tommy accidentally blinding the reader- like she scared him and he just whips around and slices her- idk i’ve been thinking about it and i kinda want a request?
Requested by Anonymous
Thomas Shelby x Reader
Word Count: 1.9k
Warnings: Violence, mention of war. mention of ptsd
A/N: I was so torn with this. I love the idea because Tommy is such a complex character when it comes to emotions. You may think he’ll react one way but it’ll be the total opposite. I just had such a hard time deciding on if I wanted it to be a blurb or a headcanon. In the end, I think it’s more of a oneshot an pretty pleased with it.
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It had been a year since the war that tore apart the world ended. A year since the men who were left standing returned home. And it had been a year since Y/n had greeted the love of her life, the shell of the man who had left four years earlier.
Like everyone who protected the home-front, Y/n knew that Tommy wouldn’t be the same once he returned home. As it was expected, she wasn’t surprised by the sleepless nights. In the dark hours of the evening, she’d sit beside her husband, give him the comfort he needed, whether he wanted to be held or just sit in silence next to her. Whatever he needed, Y/n gave him. Over time, Tommy began to heal, or so he led everyone to believe. 
  Stepping back into the family business, Thomas Shelby pretended to be a bronze statue: strong and mighty. With no scratches or dents to ruin his polished exterior, many thought the man was untouchable. And, for the most part, he was. His whole family could see that the war tortured the happy boy that lived inside him, leaving him battered and broken. The once happy personality that was evident in his smile and bright eyes, ran for the hills, hiding in a place where it couldn’t be found. The man Tommy used to be was never to return, a fact that Y/n would have to get used to.
Y/n shut the door behind her quickly in a daft attempt to keep the cold air out. It would still seep in under the door and through the thin window panes, but she didn’t like to think about that. Unwrapping her scarf, she hung it on the coat rack, silently wondering if her husband was home. Tommy was at the betting shop when she’d left for the market, that had been hours ago but the place had become his second home since his return and wouldn’t have surprised her if he was going over the books in his office. Y/n took the basket of produce she’d collected to the kitchen before setting off to find Tommy.
Silently, she crept through the house, searching for a sign of life. Usually, it wasn’t hard to tell if he was home. Tommy liked to perch himself in the drawing-room with a cigarette and paperwork, but as she stood in the archway, her husband couldn’t be seen. Moving along, Y/n walked pasted the guest bedroom. It had been turned into a makeshift office and, down the road, it would hopeful become a nursery. Taking a few steps back, Y/n caught sight of light seeping under the office door. As it was ajar, she didn’t bother knocking, though she knew it would have been best, a lightly pushed against the wood with her knuckles. Her footsteps were absorbed by the wood flooring, not a sound echoing through the room as she approached the man hunched over the small desked. 
“You wor-” Y/n started, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder before she was violently cut off, the feeling of flesh being torn as cool metal sliced threw her tender skin. Adrenaline pumping threw her viens, she stumbled back, clutching her cheek. In front of her, Tommy stood, wide-eyed and horrified, with a blade, crimson red in color as her blood dripped onto the floor.
The blade clattered against the hardwood, Tommy’s face turning an alarming shade white. His hands shook as he held them up, “What have I done?” he muttered to himself, but his wife caught it.
In any other circumstance, Y/n would have fled the room, searching for safety, but she saw no danger from where she stood. Slowly she lowered her blood-stained hands and stepped towards the broken man in front of her like he was a wounded animal. “Tommy, hey, it’s alright. Just a cut,” she smiled at him, hoping it would bring back some color in him. It did not. “It’ll mend in a day or two.”
He shook his head, raking a hand threw his already disheveled hair. “No, no it’s not. It not.” He shook his head once more and walked past her and into the hall. The expression, that of a man that believed he deserved the noose, brought tears to Y/n’s eyes. She knew that Tommy often wished the war had taken him, but to see it written clearly on his face made her want to drown him in love and never let the nasty world touch him.
Alone in her thoughts, Y/n was left to tend to her own wound as Tommy left the house, drowning in misery. Tommy had never raised a hand to her, something he swore he would never do, he was likely walking along the canal, kicking himself for his actions. Knowing him like the back of her hand, Y/n knew he thought she’d only disregarded what he’d done because she was trying to make him feel better, feel less like a monster. But that wasn’t the case. As Y/n whipped a damp cloth across her face, she forgave him.
The war had left him empty and Y/n knew it would take time for him to become whole again. It was foolish of her to scare him like that, his reaction was on her whether he saw it that way or not. All she wanted was for him to get better, to allow himself to heal, that couldn’t be done if he feared what he was capable of.
That night, Tommy didn’t come home, leaving a cold spot next to Y/n where he was supposed to be. Y/n didn’t lay eyes on him until the next morning at work where he had suddenly become an expert at avoiding her. She didn’t try to seek him out, knowing he needed space, so she kept to her desk and tried to do her work.
“What’s going on?” Polly asked, leaning against Y/n’s desk as the young woman typed up a letter. 
Y/n raised a brow, not lifting her eyes from the work in front of her. “What do you mean?” she asked even though she knew.
Polly folded her arms across her chest and glanced at her nephew, who was pacing in his office. “You have a cut on your cheek, Tommy has practically locked himself in his office, and you’ve been at your desk all day. You can’t tell me something didn’t happen.”
A sigh escaped her lips as she leaned back in her chair. It was silly of her to believe people wouldn’t notice. On a normal day, Y/n would usually do her work in her husband’s office as he did his own. Tommy liked to have her near, it calmed him, bringing the restless man peace. Her desk was often abandoned except for the few times a meeting was taking place that she wasn’t a part of. To have her sit at her desk all day was virtually unheard of. As the office was practically empty, almost everyone was out for lunch, Y/n took a deep breath and looked at the ground, ashamed with herself. “I snuck up on Tommy last night. I didn’t mean to, didn’t think anything of it, and it scared him and he cut me.”
A gasp split the older woman’s lips, “He cut you?” her words were laced with disgust causing Y/n to cringe. 
“It’s not his fault, Pol. He’s been jumpy and he has night terrors. I should have expected this,” Y/n admitted, resting her head in her hands. “He was horrified with what he’d done and… he felt, practically ran out the door and didn’t come home. Now, he won’t look me in eye and I’m afraid of what he’s doing to himself because of this.”
Polly sighed, taking a moment to think. She’d dealt with plenty of men in her life, drunks, gamblers, players, cheaters, but she’d never dealt with men as broken as the Great War had created. She wanted to be angry at her nephew, Thomas knew better, but she knew with the state of his mind, it was often hard for him to enemy from ally. “Talk to him,” she shrugged. “Force him to listen to you, God knows you’re the only one who gets threw to him.”
“What do I say?”
Pushing herself off the desk, Polly smiled at her. “If you love him, you’ll know exactly what to say.”
Y/n rolled her eyes. Her husband’s aunt was a wise woman but she wasn’t one to give a straight answer. But she did as suggested and stood from her desk, pushed the wrinkles out of her skirt, and tapped her fingers against Tommy’s office door. Before an answer could be given, she let herself in, the owner shocked to see her enter. 
“I’m busy, Y/n,” Tommy informed her, peering at her threw his lashes before moving his eyes back to his work. Stepping closer, his wife stood in front of his desk and waited for him to glance up at her once more. He huffed in frustration and gave in, dropping his pen and sitting up to look at her. “What?”
“You didn’t come home last night, where’d you go?”
He shook his head, a sad smile present on his lips. “Does it matter? Why would you care where I’ve been when I did that to you?” He gestured to the cut on her cheek. 
It was Y/n’s turn to shake her head. Coming around the desk, she moved his chair so he was facing her and cupped his face in her hands, leaning over him. “It matter’s because you, Thomas Shelby, you stubborn arse, are my husband and I love you. I worry about you every fucking day!” she exclaimed, locking her y/e/c with his blue ones. 
“But I…” he trailed off, tears pooling in his eyes. 
Standing between his legs, Y/n pulled him against her, letting his head rest against her stomach. “But nothing. What happened last night was unavoidable, it was bound to happen. You aren’t as tough as you’d like the world to believe and you need to stop acting like it. I’m here,” she petted his hair as his tears soaked her blouse. “I’m here for you and I’ll help with whatever you need.”
Tommy pulled away, eyes red and puffy. “What if it happens again, Y/n? I can barely live with what I did to you. What if we have children and that happens? What if they think I’m a monster?”
Heart aching, Y/n wished she could absorb all his pain, take it away before any more damage could be done to him. “Hey, don’t think like that,” she frowned, caressing his cheek. “Our children will love you just as I do. They will think you’re a brave man, who fought for them when they were just a twinkle in his eyes.”
Letting his wife hold him once more, Tommy wrapped his arms around her, pulling her closer. “I’m sorry. I’m so fucking sorry,” he said, voice muffled against the material of her shirt.
Y/n smiled, “I thought Thomas Shelby didn’t apologize?” she teased. Her husband pulled away a little, flashing her that smile that she fell in love with all those years ago, and pulled her into his lap, a chorus of giggles escaping her lips.
“You’re going to be the death of me,” he shook his head before peppering her neck with kisses.
“That’s the idea.”
Let me know if you like to be added to any of the taglists and feedback is always apprecaiated.
Permanent: @amirahiddleston @haphazardhufflepuff @woahitslucyylu @mzcrazy2 @lovemissyhoneybee @multi-fandom-iimagines @tarafaithe @jenepleurepasbaby @fernweh-fangirl @the-anxious-youth @theshelbyclan @wtfdanness @chloeforde @futuristicslimemongerbanana @auds24 @lucillethings @nemesis729 @sirkekselord @princesscornbread @i-volunteer-for-finnick @iwillboilyourteeth @anyasthoughts @ellieemais
Peaky Blinders: @simonsbluee @queenofmankind
Thomas Shelby: @captivatedbycillianmurphy @imnotuglyimjustpredebut @creativemayhems
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tarafaithe · 4 years
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9jedit  -  https://grafolio.naver.com/creator/detail.grfl?creatorId=9jedit  -  https://twitter.com/9jedit
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tarafaithe · 4 years
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Everyone fucking needs me
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tarafaithe · 4 years
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Untitled Hands
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tarafaithe · 4 years
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Sic mundus deletus est.
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tarafaithe · 4 years
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I warn you, I’ll break your heart
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tarafaithe · 4 years
Promises Not Kept Part 20
Summary: Tommy Shelby made a promise to Jonah Ward while in the war. A promise he didn’t keep. But it comes to haunt him when he tries to drown out his sorrows with a young woman.
Part 20: The Shelbys return to Arrow House and Tommy arranges for a proper wedding but not before he pays someone a visit and brings home a surprise. 
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     Charlie was elated to be back at Arrow House. He leaped out of the car and dashed across the lawn. “Mumma!” He beckoned Leah, pointing at the stables. The entire drive back he’d chattered nonstop about seeing the horses again. Listing them all off one by one by name. Reminding Leah which one was which. Although Toffee and Honey were the exact same color, Toffee had a white blaze and Honey had three white socks.
           Leah smiled; I was so nice to see the little boy able to run about. She didn’t have to worry if he was outside. He could roam the large space as long as she had him in eyesight.
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