tarotboyo-blog · 6 years
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tarotboyo-blog · 6 years
yall r dumb with this tumblr shiz
No sites condone explicit adult content. apart from the ones that obviously do. Instagram doesnt either sooooooo...... i say just keep going as you are going tbh
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tarotboyo-blog · 6 years
hello! i've been trying to research magic, but unfortunately most books i find are specific wicca, which i'm not interested in. do you have any book reccomendations that arent wicca centric? thank you! i love your blog :^)
Oh heckin yes I do My amazon wishlist is literally like six pages long… ALL BOOKS
WARNING: This Is Going To Be Extremely Long!
First though I want to note that while I 100% understand your feelings about the Wicca stuff (being a very NOT Wiccan Witch), not all books that are Wicca leaning are bad! I’ve gotten loads of useful information from books that tended to be a little new agey. That’s where being objective comes in! With ANY book, you should take it with a grain of salt, and some with a whole shaker. But it’s up to you to pay attention to misinformation and conflation, and to know how to do research to prove or disprove that something in a book you read is true or not. Does that make sense?? 
Anywho, a couple of books that are still kind of “Wicca-y” but great:
Grimoire of the Green Witch
The Goodly Spellbook (This one is an INCREDIBLY AWESOME REFERENCE)
The Modern Guide To Witchcraft (Written By Skye Alexander who seems to mass produce books, so need some good fact checking here)
The Modern Witchcraft SpellBook (Written By Skye Alexander who seems to mass produce books, so need some good fact checking here)
The Witches Broom (LOTS OF SALT but good basic history)
The Witches Athame (LOTS OF SALT but good basic history)
The Witches Mirror (LOTS OF SALT but good basic history)
Cottage Witchery (This author is pretty good about keeping away but there’s still some slips)
Practical Protection Magick (This author is pretty good about keeping away but there’s still some slips)
The Big Book of Practical Spells (Written by Judika Illes, who did the Encyclopedia of 5,000 Spells; it’s a good book, but there’s too much Cultural appropriation for my taste. Tread Lightly, and bring that shaker I was talking about)
Those are all books from my personal collection that I would recommend! Now as for the Non-Wicca Books, Let’s dive in! Not all of these have I read or owned, and they are in no particular order. You’ll notice most of them relate to “Traditional Witchcraft” or West Country, because that is where my practice is focused. 
The Tradition of Household Spirits: Ancestral Lore and Practices 
The High Magic of Talismans and Amulets: Tradition and Craft
Cornish Charms and Cures
To Fly by Night: An anthology of Hedgewitchery
Treading the Mill: Practical Craft Working in Modern Traditional Witchcraft
Popular Magic: Cunning-folk in English History
The Black Arts: A Concise History of Witchcraft, Demonology, Astrology, and Other Mystical Practices Throughout the Ages
Grimorium Verum
The Devil’s Dozen: Thirteen Craft Rites of the Old One
The Witching Herbs: 13 Essential Plants and Herbs for Your Magical Garden
Defences Against the Witches’ Craft - Anti-cursing Charms from English Folk Magick, Traditional Witchcraft and the Grimoire Traditions
Nummits and Crummits: Devonshire Customs, Characteristics, and Folk-lore
Encyclopedia of Folk Medicine: Old World and New World Traditions
The Art of Black Mirror Scrying
Enchantment: The Witches’ Art of Manipulation by Gesture, Gaze and Glamour
CHILDREN OF CAIN: A Study of Modern Traditional Witchcraft.
The Pillars of Tubal Cain
Witch’s Workbook
The Left Hand: The Cabal Grimoire of Walking in Darkness
Profane Seals: A Compendium of Vile Sigil Magick - Volume I
Eye of the Oracle: The Cabal Grimoire of Psychic Magick
The Book of Smokeless Fire
Azoetia: A Grimoire of the Sabbatic Craft
Between the Living & the Dead: A Perspective on Witches & Seers in the Early Modern Age
The Night Battles: Witchcraft and Agrarian Cults in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries
The Horn of Evenwood: A Grimoire of Sorcerous Operations, Charms, and Devices of Witchery
The Cunning Man’s Handbook: The Practice of English Folk Magic, 1550-1900
Ecstasies: Deciphering the Witches’ Sabbath
The Book of Oberon: A Sourcebook of Elizabethan Magic
The Grimoire of Arthur Gauntlet (PB)
Witchcraft: A Handbook of Magic Spells and Potions
Cecil Williamsons Book of Witchcraft: A Grimoire of the Museum of Witchcraft
Under the Witching Tree: A Folk Grimoire of Tree Lore and Practicum
Veneficium: Magic, Witchcraft and the Poison Path
Witchcraft For Tomorrow
Pharmako Gnosis: Plant Teachers and the Poison Path
The Witches’ Ointment: The Secret History of Psychedelic Magic
The Visions of Isobel Gowdie
The Taper That Lights The Way: Robert Cochrane’s Letters Revealed) 
The Call of The Horned Piper
A Deed Without a Name
Heritage Witchcraft (This one is kind of useless unless you’re taking his Classes)
Letters from the Devil’s Forest: An Anthology of Writings on Traditional Witchcraft, Spiritual Ecology and Provenance Traditionalism
The Devil’s Plantation: East Anglian Lore, Witchcraft & Folk-Magic
Liber Nox: A Traditional Witch’s Gramarye
Thirteen Pathways of Occult Herbalism
Traditional Witches’ Formulary and Potion-making Guide: Recipes for Magical Oils, Powders and Other Potions
The Black Toad
Traditional Witchcraft: A Cornish Book of Ways
That was a lot! Okay anon I hope this gives you a good starting place! 
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tarotboyo-blog · 6 years
last one before finals 
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tarotboyo-blog · 6 years
I had this relationship with one of my old Cats Bella, excuse me while i spurt her whole life story for absolutely no one to read AHEM. We had gotten Bella and her Brother Max when they were first born into the world and we brought them and yeah yeah, this all happened when i was 4, My sister got the female cat and called her Bella (Because she was into twilight at the time) and i named the male Max (Because i didnt have anything else to name it) life goes on and max doesnt really care about anyone and does his own thing and Bella sticks around to my sister all of the time.  she turns 17 and leaves the house and moves over to the other side of the country to get away from our parents, and ever since then Bella was sorta just my cat, and when she left max had to make most of what he had and he had come to me too. both brother and sister loved me dearly, but it was Bella that i had cradled into my chest every night, no matter if it was scorching hot she would always be with me and i would let her, most morning i would see her head on the pillow resting like a normal person. shortly after these events a Earthquake happened at about 2015 or 2016, i can quite remember but it was one of the biggest earthquakes in New Zealand destroying most of one of our biggest cities Christchurch, and the whole country felt it. Bella stayed with me the whole time, max ran off and we couldnt find him but bella was the one that would stick with me wherever i went, sometimes i would even have to lock her inside because she would follow me while i walk to school and she would cry and cry when i get back. I would yell her name across the house and she would come running to me like a little kid, i may not have been the mouth that had fed her but i was definately connected to her spiritually. i could type so much more but i dont think anyone would read it. ooooooh god 
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tarotboyo-blog · 6 years
I changed my mind, TikTok is Vine 2, which is amazing.
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tarotboyo-blog · 6 years
listen binch. no one has an original style. no one pulls a unique style of art out of their ass. we get to where we are through observing others and being influenced by them and that’s how art works
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tarotboyo-blog · 6 years
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tarotboyo-blog · 6 years
...Would you fuck a clone of yourself?
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tarotboyo-blog · 6 years
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tarotboyo-blog · 6 years
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that modern au..
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tarotboyo-blog · 6 years
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tarotboyo-blog · 6 years
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tarotboyo-blog · 6 years
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the only good content on youtube as far as i’m concerned
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tarotboyo-blog · 6 years
baby witches:
while it can definitely be a fun and motivating way to get in touch with your craft, your grimoire does not have to be full of watercolors or biologically correct doodles of herbs. for a long time i was ripping pages out of my grimoire because they didn’t look perfect, rebloggable - and it kept me from the grimoire’s true purpose, to record information for later reference and use. your grimoire is yours for the making. it can be a word document, a collection of quick notes on the backs of receipts, a notebook previously used for science class, a full-scale art book. as long as it helps you learn and grow closer to your practice, it is the perfect grimoire.
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tarotboyo-blog · 6 years
Single Word Spells
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Because I’m lazy and don’t like to monologue while I’m doing a spell, here’s a couple of the single word spells I use in my personal practice.
absum - to make something be concealed from sight
     ↳ def. to be away, be missing
advoco - summoning spell
     ↳ def. to summon
casso - destruction spell
     ↳ def. to destroy, make void
bellus - glamour spell
     ↳ def. beautiful, charming, handsome
explico - reveal information
     ↳ def. explanation, to unfold
mutare - transmutation
     ↳ def. to change
cessabit - calming spell
     ↳ def. to rest, be free of
uro - burning
     ↳ def. to burn, inflame
conturbo - invoke confusion
     ↳ def. confound, to throw into confusion
taceo - to silence
     ↳ def. shut up
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tarotboyo-blog · 6 years
this reopens the ages old pokemon debate “is it ethical to catch a mr.mime? is mr.mime just a guy?”
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