tarotisgolden · 4 years
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today’s card is the five of wands. this card represents conflict and rivalry. for me, this manifested in arguments between loved ones, as well as my body’s fight to eject the coffee i drank this morning as soon as physically possible. we need to nourish our relationships in order to let them thrive, so the best thing you can do today is to be mindful that difficulties may arise, but we can overcome them. 
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tarotisgolden · 4 years
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today’s card is the six of pentacles. this card represents the joy of giving, and encourages charity and goodwill. i’m not religious, but one thing i have always admired is how muslims give zakat. muslims who observe zakat give 2.5% of their earnings to charity (barring those who cannot afford it, of course). i think this practice is beautiful, and really shows the generosity we are capable of. i ask that you are charitable today, whether it takes the form of a monetary donation, a kind deed, or simple words of encouragement. humanity can be so kind when we choose to be, so choose to be kind.
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tarotisgolden · 4 years
brand new tarot blog here! i would really appreciate a follow from people who want free readings ✨
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I will gladly give your page a look, reblog some things that I love, and perhaps drop a follow! <3 I enjoy crystals, shadow work, mindfulness, manifestation, tarot, and sooooo many other things! Look at the reblogs if you’re also looking for other pages, lets spread good energy during this time🖤 Things have been so hard for me lately, and I have found that this community on tumblr has brought me so much joy. I appreciate all of you. My asks are always open if anyone has any questions! If you’re looking to make some witchy friends or get to know some more about me before you follow, keep reading! If not, no worries and I hope you have a lovely day🤍 I look forward to looking at your posts! <3
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