tartosaroyals · 5 days
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Summer in Valencia ☀️
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tartosaroyals · 2 months
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[Buckingsim Palace, Buckingsimshire 8:47 AM WST]
Queen Katherine: (writing)
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(Martin enters)
Martin Lavelle [Private Secretary]: Sorry to interrupt, Your Majesty.
Queen Katherine: What is it, Martin?
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Martin [P.S.]: A story is about to break in the news identifying Malcolm Peters not just as the manager of Chez Windsor, but the private secretary to the Duke of Kent. SNN got a tip, and are going LIVE from the restaurant where agents just arrested Malcolm. The FBS is there conducting a raid related to drugs.
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Queen Katherine: Should we deny it all?
Martin [P.S.]: With respect, ma'am. We're already past that. This horse has already bolted.
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[Kently Estate, Kent 8:52 AM WST]
Prince Louis: (typing)
(knock on door)
Prince Louis: You may enter.
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Princess Margot: Darling? Her Majesty the Queen for you. On the telephone.
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Prince Louis: (on the phone) Hello? Your Majesty?
Queen Katherine: How could you let this happen?
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Prince Louis: I...I...
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Hallie Howell [SNN]: "Breaking news out of Olde Platz as FBS agents have just raided popular restaurant Chez Windsor, and the SNN I-Team is first on the scene. Owned by the Windenburg Royal Family, the eatery was raided by federal authorities Friday morning, while they appeared to execute search warrants for records and computer files. The Federal Bureau of Simvestigations says it is part of an ongoing investigation, but the presence of DEA criminal investigators suggests the focus is on possible drug crimes."
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Queen Katherine: At least they waited until after my coronation!
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Princess Margot: Louis? FBS agents for you. At the front door.
Prince Louis: (gasp) What?
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tartosaroyals · 2 months
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Their Royal Highnesses The Earl and Countess of Boykins are very pleased to announce that The Countess of Boykins is expecting a baby in the Fall of 2024. Their Royal Highnesses have appreciated all the support they have received from people around the Sims world since their wedding day in November 2022 and are delighted to be able to share this happy news with the public.
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tartosaroyals · 2 months
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[Buckingsim Palace, Buckingsimshire 11:23 AM WST]
[??]: (on the phone) We'll only be gone a week. Anthony is so excited. Thankfully my morning sickness has passed.
Queen Katherine: Have a fun time in Americreek, Lara. I've never been invited to the Academy Awards, so you'll have to tell me all about the celebrities when you return!
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Queen Katherine: I should go. I'm only allowed five minutes of fun per day and Uncle Louis' antics this morning took up twenty! (laughs)
Princess Lara: (on the phone) Get back to work, Your Majesty! (laughs)
Queen Katherine: Love you!
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Martin Lavelle [Private Secretary]: Your Majesty. Before your next audience, we need to finalize plans for Garter Day. With three weeks until the ceremony, much is still left unresolved.
Queen Katherine: Why are we so behind?
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Martin [P.S.]: (confused) Your coronation, ma'am.
Queen Katherine: Oh yes! That was just last week. Goodness. So much has happened since.
Martin [P.S.]: Many of the Knights felt snubbed by not being permitted to join the Knights' procession during the coronation.
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Martin [P.S.]: The orders leadership has asked that you restore tradition, by granting full pomp and circumstance for this year's ceremony.
Queen Katherine: (annoyed) Leadership? I am the orders leadership! They should be reminded that I am Sovereign of the Garter. The Monarch alone decides who is appointed and removed.
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Martin [P.S.]: Your Majesty. With this being your first Garter Day since crowning, parliament would approve the additional expenditure.
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Queen Katherine: Would I still have time to go to Beaverdam beforehand?
Martin [P.S.]: I'm afraid not, ma'am. For a traditional ceremony, you would require an additional three days of rehearsals. Unfortunately, your schedule would not allow for another vacation until the end of July, after Trooping the Colors.
Queen Katherine: (sighs)
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Martin [P.S.]: We also need to talk about Windsor Castle. This is the first year the castle will host Garter Day since renovations began in 2021! The Queen Mother was heavily involved in the luncheon's planning and...
Queen Katherine: Thank you, Martin. As Prince consort, Rainier is more than capable of taking those responsibilities from the Queen Mother.
Martin [P.S.]: Yes! Of course. Yes, Your Majesty.
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- - - - - LATER - - - - -
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[Griffin Park, Buckingsimshire 11:43 AM WST]
Lady Sonja [Lady-in-Waiting]: The Women's Foundation sent a letter of thanks for attending their luncheon yesterday, along with a lovely bouquet of flowers.
Delores Bryant [Private Secretary]: How lovely, especially after not having invited you the last two years.
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Delores [P.S.]: It appears the negativity from the scandal has finally been forgotten. Your approval ratings have also improved since the coronation!
Queen Rowena: A new chapter is beginning.
Delores [P.S.]: You endured so much hate over the last three years, and then to lose your husband! No-one understands how much you have truly given to this country, ma'am. I'm glad to see Windenburg showing you the love and respect you deserve again.
(phone rings)
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Delores [P.S.]: Griffin Park, this is Delores.
[??]: (on the phone) Hello. Is this the office of the Queen Mother? This is Sister Angela. I am the aide of Mother LaKisha.
Delores [P.S.]: Yes! Yes, it is. I am the Queen Mother's private secretary. How may I help you, sister?
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Sister Angela: (on the phone) The pope has invited Mother LaKisha to the Vatisim next month and she would love to visit with the Queen Mother during her time in the country.
Delores [P.S.]: The Queen Mother would be honored to host Mother LaKisha next month. The royal family would be happy to take care of any and all accommodations, not done so by the papal organization.
Sister Angela: (on the phone) Thank you, Delores. I will be in touch.
(call ends)
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Delores [P.S.]: Things really are beginning a new for you!
Queen Rowena: Oh?
Delores [P.S.]: The pope has requested an audience with Mother LaKisha, and she has asked to see you while here! There are rumors she is being awarded the Noble Peace Prize for humanitarisimism.
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Queen Rowena: Mother LaKisha founded a sisterhood that runs 19 homes. She was so close with my dear mother. Shortly after my mother died, Mother LaKisha returned to her home country of Marvania, and has become revered for her work with the poor.
Delores [P.S.]: I didn't know you still kept in contact.
Queen Rowena: I haven't seen her since my mother died.
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tartosaroyals · 3 months
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Sunderland's Royal Jewel Vault (16/∞) ♛
↬ The Boucheron Lattice Tiara
Another giant in the royal family's treasure trove, the Lattice Tiara, also known as the Gordon Tiara, takes some serious experience to pull off. Made by Boucheron in the early 20th century, the tiara wasn't originally of royal origin, passing from jewelry box to jewelry box for the better part of forty years. Eventually, in 1941, it was scooped up by the Hon. Mrs. Martha Gordon, a society hostess who was a friend of King James II and Queen Katherine, then the newlywed Duke and Duchess of Woodbine. The Gordons were spectacular hosts, but by the early 60s the couple had racked up a significant amount of debt, fuelled by Mrs. Gordon's expensive taste in clothes and her husband's gambling addiction. These debts eventually caused the couple to be evicted from their West Warwick penthouse, with several of their belongings being sold or repossessed. To alleviate their friends' hardships, James and Katherine purchased several pieces of expensive jewelry from the couple. The idiocy of Mrs and Mr Gordon is something to behold. Dowager Queen Anne wrote in her diary around the time of purchase. I warned Jimmmie against such an outrageous purchase, but he was adamant. Kitten and I look after our friends, he said. One wonders what those two have that's worth such a pretty penny! It's better not to indebt yourself to your inferiors, but I suppose I'm close-minded in my old age. Jim said that, too. To this day the full extent of the purchase is unknown, but it is said to have included a diamond necklace, a pair of diamond chandelier earrings, a sapphire necklace, a gaudy fringe necklace, and at least two tiaras. It was the Boucheron tiara, with its delicate lattice patterning that became a favourite of Queen Katherine. I admit, I've coveted this [tiara] for years [. . .] It never suited Martha's head, anyway. — Queen Katherine in a private letter, spring circa 1962 For the remainder of her life, Katherine wore the lattice tiara consistently. Even after her husband died in 1970, she continued to sport the tiara at high-profile events. The tiara was an interesting part of Katherine's tiara evolution, showcasing how the Queen graduated from small, light-weight tiaras, to heftier, more dramatic pieces. When Katherine died in 2018, it was inherited by her son, King Louis V, and in 2026, it was worn by Tatiana, Princess of Danforth for the first time. The upgrade in jewelry, despite the princess's widowhood, was viewed as a reformation of her status and role as the mother of the future sovereign.
HM Queen Katherine wears the Gordon tiara at the George League Gala concert on April 25, 1970. She pairs the tiara with teardrop earrings also acquired in the 1962 Gordon Purchase and Queen Matilda Mary's Wedding Necklace
HRH Tatiana, Princess of Danforth wears the Gordon tiara at a banquet for international heads of government on May 23, 2027. She also wears the Gordon fringe necklace. The banquet was attended by over 5000 delegates.
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tartosaroyals · 3 months
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SENTATE - The Rosé Collection
Summer may feel like forever away but The Rosé Collection is here to transport your sims somewhere warm and romantic. Inspired by my 2 favourite sims living in their Tartosa Nectary; this collection offers a set of versatile floaty seperates that can be mixed and matched to take your sims from sunny days in the vineyard to moonlit walks on the sandy beach.
This 8 item set comes in my 30 swatch colour palette plus 10 delicious prints that pair well with any wine of your choosing!
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8 Items / 30 Plain Swatches (+10 prints) / Public: 22nd of March
DOWNLOAD - Patreon(Early Access)
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tartosaroyals · 3 months
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Parisian nights🌃🗼 Baylee cheers to the best life ever🥂 Dinner at the most beautiful Parisian restaurant "L'Avventura" made by @aashwarr 🤍
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tartosaroyals · 3 months
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They sit in silence for a few moments. Saffron feels as if she is floundering in uncharted emotional waters, and wonders if logic can throw her a lifeline.
“That doesn’t make sense,” she says at last. “Because as I’ve tried repeatedly to tell you, he’s already getting exactly what he deserves by having to play nursemaid to his horrible bitch of a wife for the next year or so. Not to mention the guilt he’s going to be torturing himself with-“
“You don’t seriously believe what he’s told you about his wife?” says Connor, a little knot of scorn appearing between his brows.
“For God’s sake, Connor, he was telling me the truth,” says Saffron. “And there you go sounding all arrogant and horrible again-“
Connor doesn’t apologise this time. Instead he rolls his eyes. Saffron feels something hot and red stab at her temples.
“Let me guess,“ he says witheringly. “He told you she was crazy and psychotic.  Every single married guy in the history of the world who has had an affair has had a crazy wife, Saffy. It’s the oldest cliche in the book. The man’s a cheater, for Christ’s sake. How can you believe a word he says?”
“He turned up to school with a black eye one day because she’d punched him,” says Saffron. “He showed me scratches on his arm where she’d attacked him. I read texts she’d sent him, where she told him that she was going to hire a hitman to kill him, She threatened to do horrible things to his cat. He told me about lots of other crazy stuff she did too. She’s a sick, twisted psychopath. Sometimes I'd almost feel sorry for him!"
“He probably gave himself the black eyes and the scratches,” says Connor after a long pause, shifting position.
“That's totally ridiculous,” says Saffron.  
“I actually don’t blame his wife for wanting to have him killed,” says Connor, as if she hasn't spoken. “I feel exactly the same way.”
“For God’s sake, Connor! Just stop. You’re sounding crazy too. I just want to put this all behind me and forget it ever happened. Okay? Can we please do that?"
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“You’re the victim in this situation, Saffy. Like it or not, you can’t just sweep it under the rug-“  
“I am not a victim of anything or anyone,” says Saffron, jumping to her feet. “Christ, I wish I’d never told you!”
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She blinks back tears and stomps away, not knowing where she is going, just feeling as if she needs to escape. But from what she isn’t exactly sure.
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tartosaroyals · 3 months
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sim for @acuar-io's 🌸 snow flower save
| private download |
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tartosaroyals · 3 months
Their name was Nex Benedict.
Nex Benedict, not whatever name the news keeps saying.
They're nonbinary, not whatever the news keeps saying.
They were the victim of a hate crime, their death was because of a hate crime. Their death was not an accident, it was a hate crime.
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tartosaroyals · 3 months
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In case y'all didn't know there will be a time jump 😅 I wanted some wedding photos of these two. Obviously, this is not the dress Daria had meshed together for her 💔 but she still looks stunning
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tartosaroyals · 3 months
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HAVANA ROSE LIU attends the 2024 Film Independent Spirit Awards
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tartosaroyals · 3 months
⚠️ ADVISORY: Malicious Mods, Identity Theft, Malware, and You ⚠️
Hey, all! Not sure how many people will see this, but if you do, please reblog. This is a 'little' post regarding a potentially big problem affecting the Sims 4 community. If you download mods/CC at all (and yes I know CC is a type of mod), this applies to you.
TL;DR: For the sake of your personal info, identity, bank account, et cetera, please STOP downloading any mods/CC for the time being. Especially from the following sites: CurseForge, ModTheSims, The Sims Resource. It doesn't matter if you know the creator or not. Give it at least a week while we all figure out what's going on. If you must, I would recommend only downloading directly from a creator's Patreon (assuming they have one).
Other people have written at length about the mods in question, so I'll just share their posts below.
What's going on?
From the Sims 4 After Dark Discord server (a server you should join if you're not in it already):
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⚠️If you downloaded any mod listed in the above post and played the game with them installed, this is the cleaner program Kuttoe (creator of the Home Regions and Townie Demographics mods) mentioned in their post: GitHub - overwolf/sims4-social-events-cleaner: Source files and exe release for a tool to clean up your machine if you have downloaded the "Social Events - Unlimited Time" Sims 4 mod ⚠️
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Got confirmation from Kuttoe that as long as you didn't boot up the game with the malicious mods installed (or deleted them completely from your computer before playing the game), you *should* be fine. Still, I recommend that anyone who thinks they might have downloaded any of them run the cleaner program.
Here's an explanation from @anadius2 (reposted by Kuttoe) in the Sims 4 After Dark server (not providing a link to prevent brigading or spam, but you can DM me and I'll give you the link) about what the malware will do to your computer:
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And a little dive into the back-end coding stuff for the more tech-savvy Simmers out there:
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So, to recap:
Fake mods were uploaded to Curseforge, ModTheSims, and The Sims Resource
@msqsimsofficial had their account compromised on 2 of those sites (they are a victim of hacking, so do not send them hate!)
If downloaded, these malicious mods have the ability to steal very sensitive info (your passwords, credit card info if saved somewhere in your browser, data)
As of right now, antivirus software may not be able to detect the malware
Mac and Linux users seem to be safe; Windows users are the ones that could be affected
Why is this happening?
Unsure. Lots of theories are being made by people far more knowledgeable than me, but from the looks of things, could be crypto bullshit and/or an attempt to steal your data and sell it. This is very, very serious, and could wreck your life if said data/personal info falls into the wrong hands.
Identity Theft: What It Is, How to Prevent It, Warning Signs and Tips - NerdWallet
It's always a good idea to change passwords every couple of months or so, but if you think you've been affected, you also need to change your passwords for things like online banking, email and social media accounts, healthcare sites AFTER running the cleaner.
What now?
I want to talk about how we approach modding our games and downloading files in general.
Please STOP downloading mod file folders from people who did not create the specific mods. Period. This includes Sim dumps, building/lots with CC, mod folders promoted on YouTube, etc. This does not mean that anyone sharing them is doing so maliciously. In fact, I appreciate the amount of effort people put into compiling these resources! But unless you're super careful (and super knowledgeable), you run the risk of downloading malware like this on your computer. Make no mistake, the malicious files in question look like run-of-the-mill, everyday mods. Two of them were even posted from a trustworthy creator's actual account! The only way to know what they actually do is to peek into the code, and idk about you, but I don't know Python. So even after this issue is resolved, you really should only download files from the creators themselves.
But what about CC shopping?
Here's how I like to approach it: I stick to lookbooks and combing through the Patreons/accounts of creators who make items I like. If I see a Sim dump with CC that I'm interested, I try to reach out to the poster and ask where they got specific CC. If I can't do that, I see if it was shared via Drive, look at the individual files themselves, then head to the original CC creator's official download page and get it from the source.
That's all I have for you! Stay safe, and happy Simming! 🫶🏾
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tartosaroyals · 4 months
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Prince Alexander of Luburgh
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tartosaroyals · 4 months
The Duke and Duchess of Winwood & Woodgate
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tartosaroyals · 4 months
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GQ | Chapter I | Chapter II | Chapter III | Back | Next
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tartosaroyals · 4 months
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Valentine's Dinner Lookbook 🍷
⟡ 01. Top | Pants | Pumps | Bag | Necklace | Bracelet
⟡ 02. Jacket & Dress | Tights | Boots | Bag | Hair Bow
⟡ 03. Sweater | Skirt | Boots | Bag | Hair Bow
⟡ 04. Jacket & Top | Skirt | Boots | Necklace
Download | Hairstyle | Earrings | Ring | Nails
Thank you to the amazing CC Creators! @astya96cc @sentate @cultivate23 @christopher067 @xplatinumxluxexsimsx @aharris00britney @bergdorfverse @simandy @busra-tr @serenity-cc @aladdin-the-simmer @glitterberrysims @simstrouble @xurbansimsx @roselipaofficial
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Simterest | Simstagram | Simtreon
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