tasteofstella · 10 years
You know I thought that taking someone's clothes while they're showering was a guy thing. I hope they know I have no problem walking home in a towel. 
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tasteofstella · 10 years
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No, no I was worried you were starting to contemplate suicide.
I do  like tacos - not making any connection, just making commentary.
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What do you mean don’t hurt yourself? You think I can’t think?
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tasteofstella · 10 years
Okay fabulous! At least we both agree. But next time you're hosting a pity party I'd like a formal invite. 
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Considering you haven’t really put too much into this conversation either, you can’t really put all the blame on me. But fine. Go ahead and end this conversation. It’s no skin off my back.
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tasteofstella · 10 years
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Yeah--that's it. I know you're not creepy honey, that's what I've been sayin'. You're way to cute and innocent to hurt a fly, let alone a whole cheer-leading squad. I promise it's true. Now that's a load of crap I think you have a perfect face QT. And my opinion is usually the only one that matters, so you're set. You sure about that? Because like I said confidence is always a fabulous cure, and it draws people in too.
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I’m assuming he comes to watch pretty often, huh? Figured, that’s somethin’ he’d do. Well I’m glad, I’ll try to keep from testin’ that too much. I promise I’m not creepy regardless, honest. Uh—-I’unno how I feel about that, really… Or if it’s true. I mean—-my Grandpa always told me ‘I had a kinda face for radio’. I mean, I ‘pose I could try. I’m not much of a liar, Stella… I didn’t think I had any problem gettin’ what I needed…
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tasteofstella · 10 years
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You trying to make some kind of connection? Don't hurt yourself darling. I thought you liked tacos.
Mm, Tuesdays.
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A higher suicide rate than any other day of the week and tacos in the cafeteria.
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tasteofstella · 10 years
Roar - 2013
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tasteofstella · 10 years
Now that's what I like to hear. 
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Take advantage of me, eh? I think the only person ever taking advantage of me and my sensitivities is you, baby.
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tasteofstella · 10 years
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Aw you know if I could I'd do that for you babe. Not that you need my help to get into a big, fancy school. Well  I have to look out for you in case there's anyone out there looking to take advantage of you or something like that. It's only because I care about you sugar. Don't worry I haven't seen anything to worry about. 
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Yeah? You scoutin’ me, Stell? Gonna get me into one of the bigass schools? Tell me, why’re you lookin’ out for me - whatcha gotta look out for?
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tasteofstella · 10 years
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tasteofstella · 10 years
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Great idea, I'm sure he'd love that. Not that he doesn't see enough of us after practice but--No way! You do not look like the creepy type sugar, trust me. If you would let us we'd all just eat you up! I don't think I'm the only person, maybe the only person that's honest enough to tell you. I bet other people think so too. You wouldn't even lie for little ol' me? You're welcome. You should learn to be more confident cutie. It'd make it so much easier to get what you want. 
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Sure, maybe I’ll ask Zeus if he wants to come ‘long, you know… Don’t think he’ll ever object to seein’ the cheerleaders. Well, I’m glad? I mean, I’d feel real bad ‘bout creepin’ any pretty girls out… It’s nice you feel that way—I mean, I’m flattered, because you’re just ‘bout the only person who feels that way. I don’t think that’s a good idea, I don’t think I’d be real helpful in an argument with her, I won’t lie. I hope she don’t though. I—uh, thank you? Though I doubt it, miss. Hopefully, it’d mean the world to my Granpa. that’s for sure.
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tasteofstella · 10 years
Good, because I don't exactly want to attend your pathetic little pity party you have going on here. Too much of a downer. And you don't seem like you're willing to put much into the conversation so...see you around?
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Not playing the pity card, just being honest. People usually turn their backs once they learn that I’m gay. Just a fact that I’ve come to live with.
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tasteofstella · 10 years
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Nope, no parties at all, Worst weekend ever. I'm always up for drinks though, as long as they're provided for me. 
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Anyone up for some drinking? It’s almost Sunday night, and I haven’t been to a good party yet. Figure I just gotta make my own, then.
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tasteofstella · 10 years
You're not trying to pull the pity card are you? Because I'd rather hear you go on and on about hating stereotypes over trying to get me to pity you. 
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That’s because a lot of people seem to rely on stereotypes here in Johnson County and when someone steps out of their norm, they get a rude awakening.
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Not sure what exactly you’re looking for, but go ahead. If you want to end this conversation, by all means, I won’t blame you. You wouldn’t be the first.
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tasteofstella · 10 years
I hope she’ll be a fool - that’s the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool.
F. Scott Fitzgerald - The Great Gatsby (via the-muttering-retreats)
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tasteofstella · 10 years
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I know they're not a sure thing, that's why they're stereotypes. I know but I assumed that you would fit stereotypes that's all, plus you seem a lot more against stereotypes than most people. Anyway I'm bored with this conversation. What else have you got? 
I was agreeing with you.
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And I was saying that they’re not always true. They may have some truth to them, but they aren’t foolproof and if that’s all you’re going to back your facts on, you’re going to be surprised in the future. I’m not the only one that’s Non-Stereotypical, trust me.
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tasteofstella · 10 years
I did. 
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Alright---alright sorry. I was just saying that usually stereotypes aren't that far off. Obviously not with you though. I guess you're Mr. Non-Stereotypical. 
I’m sure you did.
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They might be stereotypes for a reason, but that doesn’t give people the right to judge someone on their cover. Not all gay men are effeminate, just like not all effeminate men are gay. Yes, they are. Like I said, I don’t fit into stereotypes.
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tasteofstella · 10 years
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I do...sometimes. C'mon you wouldn't be the same if I didn't keep an eye on you. I'm only looking out for you, and at you---especially at practice but that's a whole other story. My point is I'm looking out for you. 
Tell ya what, I’ll take you out Monday evening and then you can spend the whole night tellin’ me about it. Deal?
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Completely. Please, you still don’t ever let me outta your sight.
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