tatexbrandt · 4 years
Chewing her lip, the werewolf leaned against the bookshelf. She was strong enough to tip it over, but thankfully its feet stayed on the ground even if her right foot toed the carpet of the clean-smelling library. She couldn’t register the voice because she was still a little hungover, so when she turned around her expression changed from surprise and curiosity to chagrin and agitation. The werewolf sighed and swiftly put the book back on the shelf, but it stuck out like a sore thumb and Peter could easily read the title describing flame retardants as well as accelerants. 
“Jesus Peter, don’t you ever knock?” Tate sighed, sunglasses hiding the bags under her eyes. She was kicking herself for coming to the library, knowing full well this punk worked here, but she definitely couldn’t google or, worse, buy such books with her own money. She had to be discreet, but the waft of booze that came from her clothes was anything but. She had spent a night partying with Skyler, the girl from the pack, and if she weren’t a werewolf she would sport at least three hickeys that were on her visible skin. “I uh... was looking for you, actually. Looking for blood donors for the night-of and day-after the gala. You interested? I got my kit in the car.”
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Date: May 28, 2021 Time: 3:00 PM Location: Lethe Public Library
The job at the library had been good for Peter. It was something more specific to his interests than just being a barista, even if he had loved working for Rafi and still looked up to the man, and it gave him a new sense of confidence. Over the last few months he had been getting much more aware of his abilities and skills. It probably had to do with multiple things, he figured. His father being back in his life, his still present relationship with Faolan, the rekindling of things with Ivy, and this new job. And, more so, he had finally gotten to see his mother for the first time in his memory.
He knew she was still gone, of course, but… But it didn’t take away from the comfort in just having seen her himself for once outside of a photo.
Restocking the books onto the shelves now, Peter’s attention drifted to someone who seemed to be studying one of the shelves as if looking for something. “Can I help?” he asked, wandering over towards them easily.
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tatexbrandt · 5 years
“A--what?” she laughed, looking back and forth from the man in front of her to the photo booth a few feet away. Her grin grew wide as she looked her father up and down. “Anything?” She chewed on her inner cheek, then gave a half nod as she walked with him towards the photo booth. She slid in first into the corner and Milo slid in after her. “I dunno... do we just smile, or?”
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Date: December 31st, 2020 Location: Irving Plaza Time: 11:030 PM Status: Closed @tatexbrandt​
It had started out a good night and was bound to end better than the previous town event, given that he had used that to make his life ultimately harder (but Forest’s easier, so it was worth it, he figured). Besides, this time he had Tate and that alone made it pretty incredible. He had met with her after leaving Jo
“Oh my god, Tate.” Milo felt a grin pull his face as he pointed out a photo booth and grinned at her. “I will literally give you a first edition copy of anything I have and ten bucks if you will do that with me.” Bribing his child for a photo with him? Well, it might not be his best idea, but who could blame him? He had hardly any photos of her at all (maybe only the one from her file?) and definitely none with the two of them.
He knew they’d come a long way, but he also knew they had a lot further. The worst part was that this might just be as far as they got. She might never call him dad, might never see him as one, and if that was the case he was alright with it. He had to be. And he himself was working hard every day to be able to tell her that he loved her when the time came. It had taken finally tracking down and confronting his father (the rat bastard) and also a lot of therapy and practice but he was getting there.
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tatexbrandt · 5 years
Milo offered her a soft, sad smile. I should have been there. I’m so sorry. “Me neither,” he said softly instead, thinking about how the last real relationship he’d had been decades ago and only just now ended for real because he was so fucked that it affected everyone else too. “Yeah, alright, kid.” He got up and followed her to the table. Part of him wanted to press her, wanted to understand her and know her. But he knew better. He knew he didn’t have a right to her pain.
He looked up at her in slight surprise, processing her words. “It’s okay. I get it. I…” I still acted irresponsibly. But at the same time, I’m really glad you were born. “You’re kidding. Peter Cadoc? That’s my friend’s boy, which… You probably know.” He wanted to ask about her triggering, if she was okay if it had fucked her up (but it tended to, didn’t it?). “He’s a really good kid. I don’t see much of him anymore, not since..” He shrugged a shoulder, figuring she knew about him and Jack and also that if she didn’t it was a conversation for her and Peter. “But so… It’s been… It hasn’t all been bad?” he asked, not knowing how to specify that he meant her years of life, everything she’d experienced.
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She looked at her father in disbelief. “Your friend is Jack?” she asked. “What a small fuckin’ world.” She took a bite of her dinner and rolled her eyes at how good it tasted. “I dunno what you mean by ‘all,’ Milo. I guess no. I have a good stepfamily, stepsister Avery. My parents, when I hit puberty and became known as Tantrum Tate... they wanted to get rid of me. Avery’s dad and stepmom took me in. Most holidays she would visit and we were really close in age and hit it off... Like Peter, she was like the sister I never had before. I guess I can’t wallow, I am lucky in some ways. I do have good things in my life.” She felt selfish for wanting to be pitied, for feeling sorry for herself. She wanted to cry for not thinking she was lucky, for wanting a shoulder to cry on. She just wanted to be comforted, but she couldn’t cry in front of him, so she blinked it away and sniffed it away, too.
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tatexbrandt · 5 years
Jo loses faith the more Tate speaks, eyeing the things in the room. If she blows something up, most of the valuable things are safe, but some… Casually, she waves her hand and mutters a spell under her breath, watching the lights flicker slightly as the protection slides over it. Just in case, she thinks, returning to her position against the wall. “I did hear talk about that, what happened?” she asks. Other people didn’t seem like they enjoyed speaking about it, but Tate sounds unconcerned and maybe that means she will not flinch. Her brows are raised as Tate moves, and then she cautiously crosses the room, turning on the sink. Water sprays from the faucet, splashing her and Tate and the floor at their feet, before she shuts it off again. “I do not think what you did worked.” She wipes her face with her sleeve, shaking her head and glancing at her expression in the mirror. Water drips off her chin. “I did not think to protect either of us from it. Do you mind if I expedite the drying or are you one of the people who sneeze at magic?”
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“I don’t know much, it was an accident in the autoshop. No culprits. Just a freak accident. The Walsh boys are horrified and feel responsible since it was their land, their utilities. I dunno, I don’t blame them. It was an accident.” She shrugged and watched as the woman turned the nozzle. “Damnit,” she cursed under her breath. She turned to the woman who was wiping her face. “Well if ya had magic, why didn’t you fix it with that?!” she asked, voice raising though her grin was off-putting. She nodded though, giving her go-ahead to the other. “I just don’t know how there’s some jobs in town when witches exist is all. Is that what you are?”
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tatexbrandt · 5 years
As Seph emerged from the Quinault she spotted the other woman wielding her axe, and frankly, she didn’t know what to make of the situation. She sank a little, only her eyes above the water. But soon enough she discovered she wasn’t actually in danger. If anything the blonde looked more scared of her for a moment. “Oh, I’m sorry!” she said as she moved so the level of the water went only up to her neck. “I didn’t mean to scare you. I was just uh- having my morning swim. Sorry” she apologized again, feeling a bit of guilt over scaring the stranger.
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“No, it’s okay! What did you see?” She had been talking to herself and was embarrassed, that was all. She was jumpy because she spoke to herself a lot to keep the voices in her head at bay. If she spoke, there was only one voice instead of a million of them yelling at her to do a million different things. So she usually sang to herself or recited movie lines or book quotes, or just had conversations with herself. It was embarrassing, really, to be afraid to be in the quiet alone. “Isn’t the water cold? It’s fucking November, girl. Are you a mermaid or something?!” She didn’t know selkies existed, since she was so new. She had heard ‘Andreas Van Der Zee, leader of the selkies in Lethe,’ on her first day in town, but had no idea what that meant of course, and hadn’t paid it any second thought. “Do you need a towel?”
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tatexbrandt · 5 years
“Next week, actually. On Tuesday,” Marielle specifies, since she can’t remember the goddamn date off the top of her head. She’s always forgetting specifics like that….best to double check the calendar once she gets back. “Actually, yes and no? It’s sort of like a combination between mine and my brother’s wife’s name. Hers is Maristela but mine is Marielle…kind of similar, at least at the beginning,” she explains, leaving out the bit where her brother’s wife is actually dead. It’s a tribute, nonetheless, one she thinks Marisetla would appreciate quite a lot and would even be delighted by. “Seattle? I’ve been once or twice. Basically the same thing, only bigger with more people and less…magic,” she shrugs, tilting her head towards the blonde. “So what I wanna know is, what kind of trouble does one get into around here anyway? I mean have you figured it out? Why aren’t more people being pranked? It’s so boring!” Not that she needs to get into anymore trouble, but…well, a bit of mischief never hurt anyone, right? Besides, she’s bored from all this renovating. A couple innocent pranks would hardly do any harm. 
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“Oh okay, that’s sweet. Did you open the shop together?” Again, Tate was nosy. I’m just trying to get to know the girl!, she told her subconscious. “I’m actually from... well... my borough was a nymph-only habitat. My mom was a nymph so there was a bit of magic in the air, especially on full moons... it was fine I guess.” She shrugged her shoulders, confused. “Oh I don’t know. I’m brand new. I’m not used to this place at all, I’ve barely got my footing,” she laughed it off. “Is it really that boring? Oh no! I was thinking of relocating here!” All her belongings were on her back the day she came into town--which weren’t a lot, she’d left too many things at home with her parents when she’d ran away (slash been kicked out). “Maybe people would be kicked out if they disrupted the humdrum of the town? After all there’s a lot of old people around here!”
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tatexbrandt · 5 years
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At the inquiry, Emira smiled and nodded to confirm the concoction in her glass. Nothing like keeping her thirst in check. “Yup. Did you want some?” She ensured the open bar option reflected for each species. It was all about showing face after all and catering to the masses. At her inquiry about the newly built establishment, the vampire’s features beamed up as she was ecstatic to explain her project. “A student learning centre. I know the library is available for students to use, but this place has more to offer from quiet to collaborative spaces, meeting rooms…It’s all about accessibility and use to assist with their education.” Eyeing the woman from head to toe, Emira then asked, “Are you new to town? If you’re a student you came at the perfect time.” 
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“No... thank you though.” She smiled warmly at the vampire, grateful for the offer. It was nice to know there were some good people in town. After all, small towns were renowned for housing kind people, and she seemed selfless for being involved one way or another in building a student’s learning center. “I’m afraid I’m not currently taking classes, but with how spiffy this place is maybe I will,” she chuckled, pointing to it exaggeratedly. “I am new, do I smell that bad?” she asked, sniffing her armpit. “So is it for like kindergarten to college level, then?”
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tatexbrandt · 5 years
Jo’s arms cross, leaning back to settle against the table opposite while the woman lays on the ground, head underneath the sink. She isn’t thinking of the sink, so much as the surplus of artifacts in the other room to catalogue, and how useless it is that she knows nothing about repair works. “Pardon? Oh, well, I can leave if its easier,” she questions, eyebrows shooting up, glancing around the tiny back office. Nothing all that important, but Jo doesn’t remember the protocol for this type of thing, its always been something people in her household would handle. They found this unfitting for a woman of her status, and the thought makes her snort now, and shake her head before the woman can question her. “I am thinking my boss will dislike if I leave you unattended, though. Will you prefer if I turn my back? I suppose I cannot ask any questions on this then.” She finds it a little funny the repair lady is feeling stage shy, but she respects it enough to straighten up, making a motion to turn away, arms crossing. “You are not the usual lady, are you? I was told to expect someone named, um,” she searches her brain. “McKenzie, I think.”
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“No, that’s okay. I just... need to check my notes is all. I’m an apprentice, y’see.” She googled the problem, and since she was on her back the other woman couldn’t see her phone screen. “No need to be alarmed or anything. I’ve done this before,” she lied. “Mack is my boss. Her boss died recently,” she said, multitasking as she skimmed workbooks (which she had already skimmed prior, so she knew what to look for), “so while she was the apprentice now she is the boss and I am the sidekick. It’s the circle of life, I guess.” She sounded very repugnant about it, she knew, but she didn’t know Clark personally. He was a man with no face to her. “Ah-ha!” She sat up, pulled out the correct wrench, and went away at the pipe. Then she picked out another smaller wrench and did something similar to the nozzles on the sink. “Would you do the honors, Jo?”
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tatexbrandt · 5 years
Moisés raised his eyebrows tiredly and nodded. Fair point. “You’re right” he admitted “But I wasn’t…” he trailed off, taking notice of how quick she was to move away from him. “Don’t worry, I don’t bite” he muttered, his words accompanied by a bitter laugh. If he were a full werewolf he might, but that wasn’t the case with him, after all. He closed his eyes for a second, as if he could will away the fucking migraine. When his eyes opened he looked at the chalk drawing, getting distracted by the lines and the colors. “Yeah, it’s good” Moisés admitted without lying. The guy who drew it had a good hand, it seemed. “He might have gone with that whole philosophy of things being great- being appreciated because they don’t last”. For one, the hybrid did believe in that. In his life nothing good ever lasted, after all.
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“Don’t worry, I’m not afraid of you. You’re nice enough,” she shrugged it off easily enough. “No, that can’t be it, he doesn’t think his work is great. But look at the mane, it’s beautiful... the textures... and the eyes are literally glowing... ah, he’s hard on himself,” she shrugged. Only she could be hard on Peter, not Peter! “Oh, are you waiting for the bus, too? I’m going to Irving Plaza to buy some decorations for the holidays. My roommate is cheap and boring,” she chuckled. She didn’t know why she was talking to this bloke, but he didn’t seem half bad. Not I’ll-befriend-you half-bad but you-can-help-me-pass-the-time half-bad. Right?
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tatexbrandt · 5 years
Faolan snorted at the response, but nonetheless shoved the bacon back in the fridge and hunted in the cabinets for the bread. “Do you like popeye eggs? The one with a hole in the bread and an egg cooked inside,” he clarified, his back to her as he set a pan on the stove. Getting to know Tate didn’t much matter in the grand scheme of things, he didn’t know if she would become someone like Peter and Damien, people that crept up and became important, or just a ship passing in the night, but he supposed the only thing to do was accept both. “You sticking around?” He could accept both, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t prepare for something. He rubbed his brows, and continued, “I mean to say, do you think you will be staying in Lethe for a time? Some people come and go.”
He listened to her talk with a polite nod, and then a furrowed brow. “I don’t know much about werewolves, I’m afraid, even after living with them for a year. How close was the lore you’ve read to the real thing?” he asked, genuinely curious, cracking eggs into the pan absently. The routine was engraved into his memories - the result in centuries - and Faolan rarely needed to pay attention. A good thing, too, or the past few weeks would have ended with a burnt down home on top of his other troubles. “Through Damien initially, he and my partner, Sokanon – Sabine, as she prefers – came to town together. Peter came a little while later on his own, and he clicked with my apprentice, Ivy, so I would say it was inevitable.”
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“Oh I’ve never... sure,” she nodded hesitantly, but smiled to show she was excited and eager to try something new. “Yeah, I have loved ones in town, I don’t see any reason to leave. Nothing for me anywhere else, really.” Unless one of her parents grew ill, and even then that was a maybe, would she consider leaving Lethe. She had her life to sort out, her father to meet.
She resituated herself at the table and watched him work. She was tempted to ask if she could help, but knew eggs and toast was very straight forward and mostly waiting. “It was pretty close, just a few details needed to be tweaked I guess,” she said, picking a nail. “Oh, his ex,” she said drily. “You were really tight-knit before Jack then, huh?” She was tempted to ask his opinion on the whole debacle but thought that was irreverent, and decided not to.
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tatexbrandt · 5 years
She didn’t see the other, and in fact went out to chop wood for a neighbor who had young children and a fireplace. The neighbor had just paid for the screen but couldn’t leave her children unattended to chop wood (they got it for pennies, dried out, whereas the Duraflames would be expensive). Tate decided to work on her muscles and help her neighbor since she didn’t work until later in the day. However, she didn’t know much about axes.
Her first few tries it got stuck in the wood and she cursed under her breath, kicking the wood off the axe with her dirty shoe. Finally, it went clean through. “Oh! Fuck yeah!” she screamed, jumping up and down. It was then that she finally looked up at the water and saw a form swimming in it. “Oh Jesus. How long have you been there?” she asked. “You half scared me to death, my God,” she said, putting her hand up to her chest.
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Date: Friday, November 13th, 2020 Time: 8:14 am Location: By the Quinault River
The cold water of the river felt like being welcomed home. Josephine dived deep, letting the current carry her as she swam. She was an early riser and since her arrival to Lethe she had made a habit of going for a swim at the Quinault, enjoying the water for at least an hour or so. The selkie emerged from the water, suddenly becoming aware of a presence by the shore of the river.
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tatexbrandt · 5 years
“Maybe I am,” Mari says with a shrug, turning back to her companion. “It is nice looking. Eh, whatever. Probably reading ‘into it.’” Art is rather easy to read into. It’s the only thing Marielle takes seriously, the only thing that she doesn’t steal. Though it could be argued some of the things she steals are a type of art…whatever. She chose not to get into the nitty-gritty details of it all. 
“One of those friends, I like it,” she chuckles, shaking her head. Mildly, it reminds her of how she and Andreas would act around each other. Snarky, a bit rude, but always with the best intentions at heart. “Soap shop! Kind of like Bath and Body Works, if you’ve heard of it, but better. Maristela Soapery, if you’re interested enough to stop by when we open.” Would she shamelessly plug her store whenever the opportunity arose? Yes. Yes she would. “It’s a headache. Trust me,” she sighs, shaking her head. “Tate. Nice to meet you,” Mari smiles, shaking her head. “No, thank god. I’m from Ireland, originally, but I travel a lot. This is the first place I’ve really rooted myself down in since then. Though my brother was up in San Fran for a while, I ended up there a lot too.” A long winded way of saying no, but well, Tate did ask. “What about you?” Maybe she was wrong before and Tate is from here. Who knows? 
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“Yeah, we go a ways back,” she shrugged it off. Maybe she took Peter for granted, but he was the brother she never had and she loved him. “Oh, okay. Yeah I’ll check it out. When do you open?” she inquired honestly. She liked lotions and things like that, and was curious what would be sold in a supernatural town--if anything was enchanted or not (what? A girl could hope for a once-a-week wash that swore to keep all blemishes away!). “You, too. Are you Maristela then?” she asked, a little nosy. “Oh, cool. I haven’t wandered far from home, I’m just from Seattle. Heh.” Though she had been on a couple cruises with her parents (especially after her grandparents died) and traveled with them. Never road trips around the United States, though.
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tatexbrandt · 5 years
She’d lost track of time, lost in her own mind in the dingy bar, but heard the bartender talking to someone else about how it was closing up. Tatum downed her drink and stood up to leave before the same bartender asked for some assistance. “Ouch. Gross,” she said,but nodded obligingly. “I’ll wait with you so you’re not alone. You never can tell if a drunkard gets handsy until, well, he does.” She’d heard horror stories but thankfully had never been through anything. “Besides, not like you get paid for this part of the job. And its not like I have anywhere to be.” Plus the girl was cute, so why the hell not.
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Location: CHURCH Time: 11/6/2020 
“Hey man, I’m sorry. You don’t have to go home, but you can’t stay here” Bex replied coming out from behind the bar. It was time to help close up, but there were always a few stragglers who would be nearly hanging off the bar. She was still new in town, but Bex liked to keep busy. Between her multiple jobs, school and her roommate, Bex had a busy life, but at least it was her life. She went over to help the guy up who she realized had fallen asleep. She was small but strong, but that didn’t mean she could carry essentially dead weight when she was this tired. “ Hey can you give me a hand here? I’m gonna call this dude a ride so he at least makes it somewhere else”She replied glancing over to someone walking by 
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tatexbrandt · 5 years
Peter smiled at her and nodded. “Okay, okay, that’s good. That’s something. Hey, maybe you did yell but… It’s understandable. It was an emotionally charged situation.” He watched her pocket the paper and started walking to the nearest place to get ice cream. He couldn’t help but to laugh at the question. “Tate, I still don’t fucking know what to do with my dad. I spend half my nights at Faolan’s to avoid him and the other half obsessively walking the dog and locking us both in my room. He is successfully ruining my life without doing a damn thing though. So I guess I’m ruining my life by myself. So. That’s cool.” He slid his thumbs through his belt loops and shook his head. “You’re not the bad guy, Tate. I know it feels like that, trust me I know. But… He’s a stranger. On paper, he’s your dad but in your life, he’s just a guy. And I like him, personally, but that doesn’t mean you have to. Jack’s a good guy too, but I’m still angry as all shit that he came in and my life got hit with a wrecking ball. And honestly? Neither of them are at fault. Milo didn’t know, and Jack didn’t know how to find us. And I get the guilt. But you and I? We’re starting from square one here. I told Ivy too that,” he paused as the mention of his current ex-girlfriend or whatever she was momentarily made something in his chest shatter, “that there’s more to being a dad than fucking semen and blood. Faolan is the closest thing I’ve ever known after my brother. Maybe I can have that with Jack someday and maybe not. Maybe you can have that with Milo, maybe not. But if not it isn’t something to kick yourself for. They’re just guys biology plucked off the street. ”
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She made a face that said ‘Peter, it’s me we’re talking about,’ yet grinned towards the end. She listened to what he had to say, a million questions running through her mind, yet they all vanished the moment he stopped talking. She hesitated a moment, following in his footsteps. “Tell me your thoughts on Jack,” she said, turning towards him. She didn’t want to talk about herself right now. She wanted a chance to process what just happened with her father (okay, she couldn’t call him that yet) with Milo. “You’ve known him longer than I’ve known Milo. He didn’t mean to leave you, it was all an accident. Just like Milo, who didn’t know I even existed, Jack actively sought you out and failed. It isn’t his fault you ended up in foster homes. Do you blame him for anything? Resent him? Or is he simply a stranger to you that you have to get to know? What did you say? ‘Square one’? Have you started getting to know him? How is he?”
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tatexbrandt · 5 years
Avery sat a the edge of the water, her legs in as she turned her body to look at her sister. “No, I get that. It is too soon. It’s a lot, time is definitely… It’s important.” She sighed softly and shook her head. “I really never would have thought it was him, you know? If I had of course I would have told you. But… He does seem like a good guy, for what it’s worth. Though the truth is…”
She chewed on her lip and glanced at Terra splashing around in the pool before looking back at Tate. “The truth is that you don’t owe him anything. This is for you. So only text if and when you want to text him, alright?” She loved her sister, she had latched on to her as soon as she had met her. They were around the same age, had hit it off instantly, and had grown together through the years. Avery had been a loud supporter of Tate finding her biological father, in hopes for her finding something she never had found with Avery’s own dad. She had too much experience with blended families to ever worry about it or think it belittled her place as Tate’s family because it didn’t. They didn’t need the same dad to be sisters.
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“What, I don’t look like him?” she joked. “Thanks, Ave. Really. I don’t know when that will be. I don’t know what I want to say. Wanna help me craft something maybe?” She pulled out her phone and dragged a horizontal pool chair closer to Avery for Tate to lay on. She hopped onto her stomach and pulled up his number. The name was ‘Milo (Father?)’. “First step is, you know, ‘hi.’ Right?” She texted. ‘This is Tate. Hi.’ It seemed all so formal, but she didn’t want to send emojis or anything. That was fucking weird. She turned towards her stepsister. “You won’t hate me if I end up hating this guy? You’ll take my side? Even though Peter loves the guy?”
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tatexbrandt · 5 years
“Tate,” she shakes her hand, wanting to check out the place but eager to keep it professional and only stick to the task at hand. “Something like it, yes,” she partially lies. This woman better not be a lich, otherwise she’s screwed and is getting zero stars on Yelp.
Tate puts her red toolbox on the ground. It is shiny and looks brand new, which it is. She bought it just out of town before arriving, since Mack told her the news of her boss’ death before she arrived. She has known for awhile what job she would take up when arriving in town, and though she hasn’t practiced anything, she has ‘prepared mentally.’ She doesn’t quite know what that means, but its what she’s been telling herself.
“You uh... gonna watch?” she asks, looking up at the woman. She is now on her back, laying under the sink. Thankfully nothing down here is dripping. That’s a good sign. She would have to Google the issue, but if Johanna was going to watch then Tate would have to bullshit her way through this one.
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Date: November 06, 2020 Time: 1:30pm Location: Well of a Time Antiques
closed with @tatexbrandt​
The woman who walks in is young, and its enough for Jo’s eye to twitch with momentary worry before she smooths it. No use judging her before she even starts. Jo stands up, brushing dust off her amber dress and shooting her a smile, and sticking out her hand. “I’m Johanna,” she said, a little slowly, focusing on keeping her accent a little less strong than it usually is. “Are you here for the maintenance? No, sorry, redundant question, come this way, the leak started last night.” She sets a bell out on the front desk for any customers and escorts her to the back where there’s a half kitchen in the back for reasons Jo doesn’t understand, and the sink is the issue where a steady drip is coming from the faucet. It grows no stronger, nor weaker, when she wiggles the handle, and she shrugs. “See? It seems silly to call someone for something so small, but Mr. Greer was insistent on it.” Taking in the woman’s expression, her lips quirk. “Have you done this before?”
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tatexbrandt · 5 years
Moisés wasn’t sure what she meant exactly by saying that but he didn’t give it enough importance to ask why understanding people’s expressions didn’t come easy to her. “No. Why would I do that?” he told her with a shake of his head. He generally didn’t judge people so quickly unless they did him the favor of judging him first. In that case he normally got a bit defensive and amped up his contrary attitude just to fucking mess with them. The hybrid pinched the bridge of his nose as the migraine hit a little harder. “Do you mind if I…?” he began, but he was already on his way to take a seat on the empty spot on the other side of the bench, taking notice only then of the drawing on the sidewalk before them.
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“Um, because people are judgmental?” she assumed, shrugging. “Oh, no,” she said, scooting away from the bench to give him personal space. “Let me know if I’m in your bubble, I can leave.” She’d had a habit of being in her father’s bubble a lot, and getting hit for it, so she was very self conscious about her body language even if she couldn’t read others’ very well (except, of course, when they were obviously angry). “Oh, do you like the unicorn? I don’t know why he drew that. Its about to be winter and its raining next week and he draws a unicorn in chalk like its summertime... dork.”
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