taurusmanlove · 5 years
How To Get a Taurus Man To Marry You
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How To Get a Taurus Man To Marry You
Pretty much every woman at some point dreams of getting a beautiful ring from the love of her life who will be by her side for the rest of her life.
It sounds like a fairytale and its totally understandable for you to secretly want to make your man hurry up on the proposing front.
Of course, marriage is not and should not be a casual thing. Decisions like this are a bit harder for most guys to make.
Luckily, a Taurus man is known for his devotion and loyalty, which is perfect husband material. He also values stability and traditional family values.
The only question is, how to make him yours?
If you are already dating, you are on the right track. However, bear in mind that he chooses his partner very carefully but when he does, he wants it to be for keeps.
Wanting him to marry you is perfectly understandable. After all, Taurean’s are usually great marriage material. So, here in this article are some tips which can help you in achieving your goal.
If I could offer you just one piece of advice above all else, it would be this: don’t rush your Taurus. He needs to feel like the decision is all his own without any interference or pressuring from the outside.
He is, just like any other earth sign, very down to it, so he doesn’t like a sudden change to his life.
However, there are some clever ways to get him to want to commit to you and think that it’s all his idea in the process. You can find out more about this method devised by relationship astrologer, Anna Kovach in my article here.
So, bear in mind, he just wants to take things slow. You have plenty of time to show him who you are and what a great wife you can be.
If you know you Taurus man well, you should already know that it is hard to influence his opinions. But it’s not impossible, though, as Anna shows in her method.
In the meantime, here are six things you can do to get him to propose.
6 Ways To Get Your Taurus May To Marry You
Be gentle and romantic
When it comes to expressing emotions, Venus makes a Taurus guy enjoy hugs and cuddles, and he would love his future wife to shower him with emotions. But don’t overdo it or express your emotions only to assure him that you are loving.
If you really want to make him marry you, you must love him, therefore the only thing you should do is to freely unleash your emotions and not hold them in.
He is a romantic type, so you can bring a little bit more romantic elements in your routine. There all kinds of things that you could do.
Don’t pressure him
Taurus men hate being rushed into decisions so don’t pressure him into committing before he is ready.
He likes to take his time with all decisions, especially the big ones. And let’s face it, asking someone to marry them is one of the biggest decisions a man will make in his life.
You also need to be careful not to indirectly make him feel pressured. Taurean’s are sensitive to being pressured and their stubborn nature will make him resist all the more. You are far more likely to get him to propose by allowing him the time and space to ask you.
However, there are a few things you can do to nudge min along in the right direction without him feeling pressured.
Relationship astrology, Anna Kovach has written an in-depth guide to getting a Taurus man to not only fall in love with you but to also want to commit to you and a relationship. Her book is extremely insightful. I reviewed it here for my readers. Take a look and decide for yourself if it will be of help to you.
Be a good housewife
Especially if you are in a relationship with a Taurus man for a long time, you know how sensual he is. the best thing you can do is to shake his senses up, by cooking him a good meal and keep the apartment clean.
If you live together, even better, because you will always be able to show how dedicated and stable you are.
Make everything cozy, light some candles that smell nice, and he will just feel so great around you and want to make it be like that for a long time.
Make your home look elegant because he has a sense of luxurious things. Because of his Venus, a Taurus is usually an art-lover. You can decorate your home with pieces of fine art.
Also, Taurus wants his wife to be attractive and care about her appearance, especially whenever she is in his company. Make him feel like home whenever when he’s with you.
Related article: Who is the best marriage match for a Taurus man?
Work as hard as he does
As a true earth sign, a Taurus man is materialistic and usually pursues money and success. You must show him that you will not be a nuisance in his life, but a partner worth proposing to. He needs a wife who will always be beside him, building a beautiful home and family.
He might be a bit stubborn as a person, but it is usually a good thing when comes to business. He really wouldn’t want a woman who is not as stable as he is.
See also: How to get your Taurus man to commit to you
Be grateful
He is a good listener, so he would love his wife to be the same.
Express that you care about his problems and always be there for him if he needs something
He is very masculine by nature, so make sure you show him that you notice how strong and reliable he is, no matter if it is physical or intellectual. Show him that you are truly grateful for having you in his life. He is direct, and he certainly doesn’t think it’s sufficient or cheesy.
Don’t overdo it, though. Just be natural, because he will sense if you are telling something just to make him feel better or make him love you more, and he will consider that as manipulation.
See also: All your Taurus really wants from you
Get close to his family
A home is where your family is, I would say. If you impress his parents and are invited to family gatherings, that means they really like you. Show your Taurus how well you get along with his family.
You can learn a lot about cooking and cleaning from his mother as well, so you can use it later. For example, you can find out how his mother makes his favorite meal, and ask her for a recipe
Apart from that, if he has siblings, you should get close to them.
You will already feel like a part of his family.
Final Thoughts
Remember, don’t force him to do anything or offer him ultimatums. If he really doesn’t feel ready for a marriage, just be patient.
If he is in a steady relationship with you already, he will feel when the right time is.
As a true family man, he will want to get married, because, for him, it will be the final step of your relationship and a very good foundation for building a stable home life.
If you want to subtly hurry him along without him feeling pressured, but instead lead him to the conclusion that committing to you is what he truly wants to do, then astrologer, Anna Kovach offers a guide on how to get him to commit here.
If you would like to know more about him, you can see the video below for insights into how he is in relationships.
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taurusmanlove · 5 years
Taurus Man Likes & Dislikes In a Woman
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Taurus Man Likes & Dislikes In a Woman
Ruled by Venus, Taurus man is a great partner. He is loving, caring and affectionate, and he knows how to treat his woman right. He is not a  complicated character at all.
The only thing you need to do is know and respect him. This shows him how reliable his woman is.
He has his own pace, but he will carry you on his shoulders all along the way. You will certainly know if a Taurus man is really interested in you or not.
Even though Venus is a Taurus’s main planet, it’s actually a very masculine sign.
Therefore, he is a true man and that can sometimes make things simpler for us ladies, but the truth is that a real man also demands a real woman.
It’s kinda like the saying, “opposite energies attract each other”.
So, what is a “real” woman, you might ask?
It is, of course, a strong woman who knows and accepts herself, is well organized and knows what she wants from life. However, there are a lot more traits which a Taurus man can really respect and adore.
Related article: The secret to what a Taurus man really wants
What a Taurus Man Likes & Dislikes In a Woman
He loves natural femininity
He could be a neat freak, but even if he is not, he enjoys and appreciates the beauty of a woman and, indeed, in life in general.
His sensuality is satisfied when he sees pretty scenery, hears pleasant sounds and experiences enjoyable fragrances in the air around him. Be a real lady. Embrace your femininity.
Not only that you will love yourself more and feel better in your skin, but your shine will shake your Taurus man up.
Basically, he likes his woman to be physically appealing with a caring gentle nature and, of course, full of love towards him.
Those feelings don’t need to be expressed and spilt all around, but he needs to know that you are there and that you see only him.
Be clean, wear nice clothes, smell good, but be as natural as you can. He really likes to feel things and he will certainly enjoy your touch and smell. He loves romantic women, who are not childish but with an outgoing and bubbly personality.
He feels things very well and he wants to feel positivity from his partner. It’s not really about looks that much, but more about how confident and comfortable you are with yourself.
See also:6 surprising things that turn him on
He needs someone conventional
Materialistic, stable, fixed and rational, he really doesn’t have time for playing mind games with his partner.
He needs someone who is really there. He needs a traditional, loyal woman who is only his.
He will enjoy owning you a bit, but this should not worry you, because Taurus is not an aggressive sign. Rather, he wants to feel that you are all his and he has your loyalty and trust.
If you are a devoted, honest and direct person who doesn’t need to switch partners, then Taurus is your guy.
Once he includes you in his life, you will become an important part of it. But first, he needs to be sure whether or not you are someone who is stable and reliable enough to build a future with him.
He really respects when a woman strongly stands on her own feet and is willing to work as hard as he does to reach her goals.
If he respects you, the doors to his heart are most likely to be open. A respectful, practical and ambitious woman who has a soft heart is a perfect match for a Taurus.
See also: 7 ways to seduce a Taurus man
He doesn’t really like wild women
If you are in a constant need for adventure, you and your Taurus partner could have a bad time. He is very slow and doesn’t like to move quickly in things that much.
He enjoys his routines and he doesn’t like sudden changes. If your blood is boiling and if you are someone who just cannot sit still, you could be a bit overwhelming to him.
He is not the type of men who would be okay with his girlfriend constantly going out on parties, not because he would be jealous. Simply because you wouldn’t be there, and he wants a woman who is close to him.
As the time passes, the Taurus guy will bring you closer and closer to him, but how can he include you in his life if you are not there and if you look for life experiences without him, with totally different people?
A turbulent life is very unsettling for him. A turbulent person would only bring unease to his life. In addition, it is even possible that he just wouldn’t have trust in a person like that.
Related article: 6 signs Taurus man really likes you
Clingy women are a true bother to him
Weak women in any way are never interesting to a Taurus guy. Hard workers like him don’t really need a woman who has no intentions of working alongside them, for the greater good of the relationship.
If you are clingy and use him for anything, he would just feel drained by you. Also, if you have a weak personality, he will never respect you.
He doesn’t like drama
If you are an impulsive person who is dramatic and tends to overreact about every minor inconvenience, then you are not a very good match for a Taurus.
He is conflict avoidant and he really doesn’t want to fight. A woman like this would actually be able to make him really angry because Taurus men hold everything inside.
He would collect all those negative emotions you are sending him and, in time, it would make him unhappy or even chronically nervous.
He rarely shows his anger, but when he does, it’s a very explosive reaction. He doesn’t really need someone who would constantly light a fire under his feet.
See also: How to deal with a Taurus when he’s angry
Final Thoughts
All in all, his type of girl is not that mysterious or hard to figure out.
If you are willing to stay with him for the long term and walk very slowly on your way to success and happiness, you are the woman for a Taurus.
You would be great partners in every aspect of your life: from work to building a deep connection between you two. If you are a kind of a traditional woman, you will certainly make your Taurus guy happy.
You two would live in a peaceful and cosy home and enjoy your love for each other for a very long time.
Just be yourself and who you truly are. Don’t worry. Your Taurus man will certainly let you know if you have some of these traits.
Relationship astrologer, Anna Kovach explains exactly how to make a Taurus man yours and get him to commit to you in her new book, Taurus Man secrets. I reviewed it here for my readers.
Here are some tips for you on how to be a woman that a Taurus man might like. This astrologist’s approach to Taurus men is very unique, concise and true.
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taurusmanlove · 5 years
How Does a Taurus Man Act When He's In Love
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How Does a Taurus Man Act When He's In Love
If you’re trying to figure out if your Taurus man loves you by how he acts around you then paying close attention to a few key traits can expose his real feelings.
Like a true earth sign, he is not much of a talker, and would rather not verbally express his emotions towards you.
Also, things are usually frank with him; if he is interested, there will be no doubt about it. The only thing to do is to watch for potential signs and signals that he is sending to you.
He will not do this intentionally, though. He is a quiet observer, who doesn’t like to rush anywhere.
Even if he is crazy about you, he will wait for some time. He will do this just to be sure if he is ready for a serious kind of relationship.
While there is a predictable pattern for making any man fall in love with you, the signs that show he is in love may differ from one Taurus to the next.
According to the relationship expert Amy North, there are emotional triggers that make a man feel a connection, fascination and love. These emotions can be triggered in him by communicating directly to the primitive and desire-focused part of his brain, as Amy demonstrates in this video.
While the techniques Amy explains in the above video will push him over the edge to fall in love with you, this article will explain the ways he will act when he’s well and truly love-struck.
9 Ways He Will Act When He’s In Love With You
You make him nervous
The first sign is shyness. Is he a bit absent or even nervous when around you?
Maybe he is a bit quieter than usual. That is because he, even if not shy in general, might become that way. Don’t ask him anything about it, because he won’t have an explanation for his behavior.
It wouldn’t be a good idea to verbally confront him if you are in early stages of your dating or relationship, but when he starts behaving like that, it usually means that he still didn’t acknowledge that he likes you.
He starts to give you things
This is not so rare to happen. Taurus is very down to earth, and they value their possessions fairly.
If he is giving you presents all the time, especially something that they own, this is a very good sign.
He may even suggest taking you out to dinner in nice restaurants or give you a gift related to something he knows you’re passionate about.
He wants to be close to you
Then they like someone, they become very touchy and feely around them. This is actually the most common thing they do when they are interested in someone.
They will enjoy your scent so make sure you smell good.
Don’t worry, it’s not about physical contact, but about actual closeness to you. He wants to be as comfortable as he can be when you are around.
His ways of getting to know someone is through senses, so you should let him be near you if he wants. That means your Taurus man is actually crazy about you.
See also: What Taurus wants from a woman
He doesn’t want to look directly at you in groups
This is a very common thing they do in the early stages, which can be a bit confusing signal to anyone, even them.
At the beginning of your dating, even if he is not watching you or directly speaking with you in a group, he will try to “get to know you” before he personally does, and try to acquire as much information as he can about you.
That means he is interested.
You will maybe tell someone about your interests, hobbies or habits.
See also: The simple technique that makes him feel obsessive love for you
He stares at you a bit when you talk
So, if he does look at you, but doesn’t talk much, he is actually not present in the words you say, but rather in your presentation itself. He is observing, and, in addition to that, he enjoys looking at you.
This is a very clear sign that a Taurus man is falling in love.
You are a treat for his senses and he just wants to look at you and listen to the sound of your voice.
He is taking you with him
Did you meet his friends? If yes, good. Did you meet his family? If yes, even better. That means he is including you in his life, little by little.
This is, maybe, the most important sign of them all. These men like their routine and every change they make to it indicate that it’s somewhat important to them.
If you are invited to a family gathering or something similar, you are included in his life, at least for some extent.
See also: The signs he likes you more than a friend
He is starting to be a bit possessive
As we have already mentioned, they like to own stuff. If they have that sense of ownership towards you, it might indicate that he really cares about your presence.
Sudden confidence
If he has unusual boosts of confidence when you are together in a group of people, that means that he wants your attention, but, like its typical for a Taurus, won’t do it directly.
When Taurus men are falling in love, they get a bit confused, and it might influence their behavior.
See also: Surprising ways to seduce a Taurus guy
Related article: More signs Taurus man is in love with you
He spends a lot more time with you
If he invests more and more time on you, that means he considers you as a part of his life. They value their time since they usually have a lot of work to do, so if you are included in his free time, consider yourself lucky. This means he is falling for you.
Final Thoughts
When it comes to the signs he is falling for you, it generally depends on what stage of dating you are in.
If it’s not yet a relationship, he might look cold and uninterested, but as I said, they are frank by nature so don’t take this to heart.
When they don’t have an interest in someone, it will usually be very obvious. After spending some time with you and he becomes aware that you are a good match for him, he will become more gentle and loving.
That’s usually when he will start showing you more affection.
So don’t lose hope if it seems to you that your Taurus man isn’t paying too much attention to you. It’s most likely that he is in his own way but just doesn’t want to be too obvious about it yet.
If you think he needs a nudge in the right direction to push him over the edge to feel a level of desire for you that goes beyond love, then you can trigger the emotions of connection, fascination and love in him by using Amy North’s simple methods.
Amy is a relationship coach and has taught hundreds of women how to spark his animal brain to feel intense feelings of love. You can learn how she does it here.
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taurusmanlove · 5 years
How Taurus Men Test You & What You Need To Do To Pass
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How Taurus Men Test You & What You Need To Do To Pass
Regardless of the zodiac sign, when it comes to relationships everyone wants to be with a reliable, dependable person. However, none more so than a Taurus.
Imagine how important these qualities are to a fixed earth sign such as Taurus, who builds his whole life around stability, reliability and predictability. Especially the romantic ones.
This is why he wants to make sure that he isn’t wasting his time. He has a lot of love to give and he doesn’t want to waste it on someone who is going to play him or not appreciate what he has to offer.
For the most part, when they settle down, that’s it. They don’t have time to fool around, and he will show you his love and affection by showing, rather than talking.
But firstly, he needs to make sure you are the right one for him.
You can put a lot of time into proving to him that you are worthy of his love. Taureans are patient, but if you are not then his tests can be very tiring for you.
Don’t take this personally, he’d be the same way with anyone. He would just like for things to go slow in the beginning.
If you want to pass all his tests quickly so he sees you as the only one he wants to be with and want to commit to you, then read my article here.
There are some things they do not tolerate in their relationships, and that’s why they don’t like to rush into them.
From day one, until your relationship gets really serious, they could have occasional tests for you, in all kinds of forms.
3 Reasons Why Taurus Man Is Testing You
They need to know if you are using them
Taurus men are devoted to their work, and very materialistic.
They love to possess things and they need to know if you are only there because you can rely on them financially.
They don’t like women who are very clingy in any way, and they certainly don’t want someone who is not independent.
They need to know if their partner suits them on the long turn because they like to get into a routine when they are with someone. That is why they are so picky.
Taurus guys are different from one to the next. Maybe the test won’t come in a direct way, but only in the form of observing you and your behavior.
He will observe whether you offer to pay for something or not, or if you are using his things or even expecting him to pay every single time you go out.
He wants to know if you have a sense of respect for his money and possessions because that shows him that you are truly reliable.
Also, it is not always material things that a woman might use him for. He doesn’t want to be anyone’s second choice or a shoulder to cry on.
He might test this by asking you about your past relationships or people that are in your life now. Again, they would observe how you behave.
My advice for you is not to speak about your ex-lovers in front of him since that could be a trigger for distrust.
If he suspects something, he will try to find out who the men in your life are and what they mean to you. Maybe he will try to specify the level of attention you give them.
If you want to see things from a Taurus perspective and understand him and his romantic struggles, then you can read my article about how he is in relationships.
They want to know if you are honest
Men born under this sign gravitate towards conventional women who are as loyal as they are.
They really tend to be monogamic, and if they are spending their time with you, then it means they are pretty serious about you.
Tests that show them whether you are telling him the truth or not could be pretty frequent, especially at the start. They could ask you about some things they already know, so make sure you stay honest with him.
It’s not all about lies and honesty, though.
He also wants to know if you are true to yourself. Sometimes we have tendencies to try to tell our significant others only what they want to hear, even unconsciously, but a Taurus man can see through it.
He will certainly notice if you change your opinions only to adjust it to his, and his respect for you will be in question.
Again, these are the forms of those “silent tests”.
They really can’t stand superficial women or those with weak opinions.
They are those type of men that like showing instead of talking, and they won’t tell you right away if they think you are doing something wrong.
There is no need for acting anyway. Just be real, don’t lie to him and state your opinions. Be direct with him, that’s what they like and respect about women.
See also: How to get him to commit to you
They want to know if you are suitable as a long-term partner
They, like everyone else, desire freedom, which is totally normal, but that is why they don’t rush into relationships too easily.
A Taurus man wants a real woman: feminine and gentle, but strong.
He will watch how you handle your life situations. As reliable as every earth sign is, he will offer you help, but just after he sees you actually handle the situation on your own.
See also: Exactly what a Taurus man wants from his woman
Final Thoughts
Taurus men hate playing games, and they usually prefer to play safely in their relationships.
Don’t be concerned too much, because once he establishes his trust in you, he will stop testing you and you’ll have a great relationship with him.
It’s not that he will do it all the time anyway, because, as I have already said, they don’t like playing games.
If you are still only dating your Taurus, don’t be mad at him for trying to make sure if he is safe with you. Understand that he has his pace and respect that.
They like to take things very slowly, so be patient enough and give him time to realize that you are the right person for him.
Just be who you are, and be confident. You are beautiful just the way you are, and if you shine, your Taurus will adore you and settle down for real.
If you want to make sure you pass all his tests quickly and get him to see you as the only woman he wants to be with then read my article all about the secrets of a Taurus guy and how you can make him yours here.
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taurusmanlove · 5 years
Best Gifts For a Taurus Man
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Best Gifts For a Taurus Man
Everybody loves attention, right? especially from their loved ones.
Men born in this sign are true hedonists, and they really know how to enjoy things and they love everything that involves good taste, comfort or that looks pretty. As you can see, it’s not that hard to please your Taurus man.
As an earth sign, there is no doubt in their stability, and it also refers to things they like. They don’t drift away from their usual wishes and needs, so you don’t have to worry about whether he changed his hobby, or stopped liking the thing he adored so much the day before.
The Venus that rules his sign makes him enjoy luxurious things with good quality, but he doesn’t care about the price. He is not superficial, far more than that. He is gentle but masculine.
There are all kinds of ideas and I will mention some of them, but also, you can find more here on this youtube video. It’s worth watching because the author is concise, and she doesn’t strive from the topic.
See also: What a Taurus man really wants from his woman
Choosing The Best Gift for a Taurus Man
Anything that is connected to art and collectables
A very interesting thing about Taurus men is their connection to art (especially music and singing), but it’s also logical since they love to please their senses.
If you know him and his taste of music well, you could take him to the concert he would like. Just don’t choose a location that is too far away, because they don’t like long travels.
You can reconsider buying him a record or maybe an instrument he likes the most if you can afford it of course.
Paintings could be a good gift, but you really need to know him well in order to pick the right painting. Since they like fine and pampering things, picking the right one could be a bit tricky. The same refers to clothes.
If he collects something, adding something to his collection would never be amiss.
See also: 7 things that turn him on
Something that satisfies his senses
As sensual as their sign can be, they enjoy in a good taste. Therefore, taking him out to dinner in a fine, luxurious restaurant where they serve the food he likes is always a good choice, but if you are skilled in cooking, making the food yourself would be an even better option.
You can decorate the living room with natural-based scents and things, play some good music and enjoy your romantic dinner.
Wherever you are going, try to look your best for him. Pick your favorite outfit and look as beautiful as you can be. When he sees you like that, he will be so happy that a woman like you is actually his and only his. Make sure you smell good as well, he will love it.
If you want to make him something he hasn’t eaten before, it’s better not to experiment with unfamiliar cuisine or ingredients, since he will certainly react to it.
They love sensual touch as well, so taking him to a spa or a message is a great option as well.
Also, you can take him into nature, or a place with beautiful scenery. They love natural things that are not very turbulent, but try to be original about picking a place.
See also: The things he loves to hear from a woman
Practical but affectionate
Taurus men are very in tune with their surroundings. They love the sights, sounds and smells and will always choose to live and spend time in beautiful surroundings. Therefore, a great present for him would be something that compliments his apartment, like comfortable blankets or pillows. Remember, they are very sensual.
Taurus men are stable, practical and devoted. He would like to have something he could use, but try to include something else with it that’s showing your emotions towards him.
Don’t just buy something and give it to him. Wrap it nicely, because small things that show that you care about him are always a plus, so make sure you add a handwritten gift card, or a picture, or anything handmade if you can. That will show him how much effort you have put into making a present for him.
There are so many ideas on what kind of practical items you can give to your Taurus partner. They work hard, so, if you can afford it, a tablet or a laptop that is designed for work is a great choice. If not, then you could buy him some kind of a classy planner or notebook which he can use for organizing his work schedule.
This article here gives a lot of good advice on more items you could buy him. It is very helpful since Taurus is a fixed sign.
See also: The things to know when dating a Taurus
Final Thoughts
In summary, Taurus men are not so picky. They don’t care about the present itself as much as they care about your attention. They will be thrilled to see that you have invested your time in them, especially if you picked the right present for him.
You can combine these ideas. Take him somewhere nice, and then give him a present there. He will be happy to see that you have planned everything that you really want him to be happy.
Don’t forget: If a Taurus man is with you, then he is all about you. Choosing a present that’s just right for him will make him even more crazy about you since you will show him that he is safe with you.
You can, then, both enjoy some great scenery, or a dinner or something else that you chose to give him, and sharing that experience will make your connection even stronger.
But be cautious; With them, it’s a hit or miss with everything, not just with buying presents.
Try to really find out what he wants or needs, and when you are sure that’s the right present for him, buy it.
Don’t rush it and be patient, with a little observing and asking a few indirect questions should tell you enough.
If you still need more gift ideas for your Taurus lover then check out the video below.
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taurusmanlove · 5 years
How to Deal With a Taurus Man Blowing Hot & Cold
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How to Deal With a Taurus Man Blowing Hot & Cold
They say that dating Taurus men should be close to a fairytale, but like everything in life, it can vary.
As an earth sign, Taurus man is stable, reliable and successful. You must be a lucky woman to have one of those. They are also hedonists and love to satisfy their senses.
As such, they love good food, good music, and comfortable places. They enjoy sensual women who have class and look good.
However, when he starts to blow hot and cold it can be very confusing. So, in order to truly know what is hiding behind a Taurus man’s actions, we need to first pay attention to some of his key characteristics.
At the root of it, understanding and good communication are key, as you will soon realise by reading this article.
When he is blowing hot and cold it is important not to crowd him, but instead, let him know that you are a woman who does not need all of his attention every five minutes.
Relationship experts agree that when a guy needs space we should give it to him. However, a few well-placed text messages can do wonders to send the right message to his brain that you are a rare and special woman that he shouldn’t let go of easily.
If you’re in a hurry then you can find out about the exact texts to send here. Otherwise, please keep reading.
So, what is causing your Taurus man to blow hot and cold with you?
Things That Cause Taurus to Blow Hot & Cold
There are a lot of reasons for them to play games with you, even if they usually don’t like them themselves. It all depends on what’s happening inside of him, driving him to act the way that he’s acting. Maybe you could do something about it? Let me give you some advice.
He needs time
They can be hard to get moving. They are not lazy, but rather a bit inert and passive.
Maybe your Taurus man is not uninterested; maybe he is just waiting for you to shake him up a bit. But what does it mean if Taurus man’s moves are quick?
Truth is: it’s pretty hard to read a Taurus since they are not so open about their feelings. They are totally fine with showing them, but usually, they just aren’t talkers.
Reading signals is harder than acquiring information verbally, and it can be really confusing to know what a Taurus man wants.
They are very careful in making decisions, and it’s not odd for him to take a step back out of everything in order to figure out what he really wants from you.
Don’t worry. He would never intentionally hurt you. He just doesn’t want to rush things. Take it slow, as it can only be good for both of you.
My advice is to have patience with him. Give him the time to think.
With a Taurus man, you will need all the patience of this world, but we must agree that it is definitely easier to wait for a man to make up his mind, than to date someone who never knows what he wants.
See also: 3 Things That a Taurus Man Really Wants From a Woman
You are trying to change him
Sometimes, we can ask too much of people. Us women, for the most part, are a bit more flexible than men. Sometimes we ask of them to be more like us, but how can you expect an earth sign, especially one as stubborn as Taurus, to change?
We should never ask of anyone to change for our own sake anyway, but if you try to control your Taurus guy, you will certainly make him run away from you. For him, your relationship would only feel like pressure.
They really are true to themselves, and impossible to control. Actually, it is they who love to control things.
Let him decide. Let him lead the game, but don’t lose yourself in it.
Related article: Get him to stop ignoring you
You seem to drift off too much
You have met a perfect man in this sign, everything is going well, but as long as you start going out without him a lot more, he starts behaving differently; he is hot and cold, he doesn’t text back as frequently.
Why is that??
Taurus men need a woman who is independent, but always by his side. They tend to be possessive in their relationships. Therefore, if you seem unreliable, that could make him question your loyalty in long-term relationships.
Of course, you should not give up your life because of your man. If you accept to change your habits in which you find joy, it will only result in you being unhappy with him, and not being who you really are.
Instead of that, show him how much you care about him.
Text him frequently when you are out with your friends, so he can have that feeling of you being there for him and thoughtful of his feelings. Don’t worry, when he establishes his trust in you, it will all become easier.
See also: The exact text messages that make a guy crave to be with you
A very important thing you should be aware of is the position of his leading planet, Venus. If it’s in Aries or Gemini, that can influence his character a lot. He would not behave like a classic Taurus.
A famous and experienced astrologist, Anna Kovach, who is actually specialized in this topic, argues that actually, the biggest reason why Taurus man would change his attitude towards you is this; he feels like he is not being understood.
Anna has written a book which shows you step-by-step how to understand your Taurus man and get him to commit to you. I reviewed it here for my readers.
He feels like he is not being understood
As stubborn as they can be, they will try not to show any emotions while having an argument with you. It’s not because they are trying to hurt you, but because they don’t really know how to talk about their emotions.
We have already noted that they need a lot of time, and they are usually very loving and affectionate, but they need you to be a very good listener.
There is a really good YouTube video about understanding Taurus men which I recommend since the author is a professional astrologist.
He has a lot of views, is very easy to listen to and he doesn’t drift away from the topic. I have included the video for you here.
More: The signs he is losing interest in you
Final Thoughts
All in all, Taurus men are pretty simple, even if sometimes they give us, women, a hard time. They have a reason for their every action, so figuring out a Taurus guy is usually our first and final step.
When you know what’s wrong between you two, you can easily try to work it out, together. Be the best version of yourself, and you will shine. They will love it.
Taurus men can teach us a very important life lesson: everything that is good needs a lot of time. If you are willing to invest in your relationship, you two can build a very strong and long-lasting relationship. They won’t be hot nor cold, but exactly what they actually want to be: gentle and loving.
Just be true to yourself, and to him as well, and he will soon reveal himself to you.
Let him know you are there for him and respect that he may need a little space, but at the same time, you are a woman of value who will not wait around forever.
Sending the right text messages at the right time can make him see your value and want to be with you, as relationship expert, Amy North explains here.
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taurusmanlove · 5 years
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The Truth About Taurus Man – He Doesn’t Want Perfect
How to Attract a Shy Taurus Man
How to Attract a Taurus Man at Work
How to Attract a Taurus Man Online
How to Talk Dirty to a Taurus Man
How To Attract a Taurus Man With Your Conversation
Top 6 Taurus Man Turn On’s
Should You Chase a Taurus Man?
How To Flirt With A Taurus Guy Over Text
How to Turn On a Taurus Man in 7 Steps
How to Get the Attention of a Taurean Man
How to Seduce a Taurus Man – What You Need To Know
Signs a Taurus Man Likes You
How to Keep a Taurus Man Interested In You After The Honeymoon Period
How To Attract a Taurus Man With Text Messages
Attracting a Taurus Man – What You Need To Know
How To Make a Taurus Man Miss You With These Simple Steps
How To Get a Taurus Man To Chase You
Taurus Man & Sagittarius Woman Break Up
Taurus Man & Aries Woman Break Up
Taurus Man & Taurus Woman Break Up
Taurus Man & Leo Woman Break Up
Taurus Man & Capricorn Woman Break Up
Taurus Man & Aquarius Woman Break Up
Taurus Man & Virgo Woman Break Up
Taurus Man & Gemini Woman Break Up
Taurus Man & Cancer Woman Break Up
Taurus Man & Libra Woman Break Up
Taurus Man & Scorpio Woman Break Up
Taurus Man & Pisces Woman Break Up
How To Know When a Taurus Man Is Losing Interest
How To Tell If Your Taurus Man Will Come Back After a Breakup
8 Reasons Why Taurus Guys Pull Away
No Contact Rule With A Taurus Man: Does It Work With Him
How To Make a Taurus Man Want You Back
Taurus Man & Sagittarius Woman in Bed – Sensual & Experimental
Taurus Man and Aries Woman in Bed – Passionate & Fulfilling
Taurus Man and Aquarius Woman in Bed – Explosive Passion
Taurus Man and Gemini Woman in Bed – Learned Appreciation
Taurus Man and Leo Woman in Bed – Unreserved Intimacy
Taurus Man & Taurus Woman in Bed – Sensual & Passionate
Taurus Man and Capricorn Woman in Bed – An Energetic Love Match
Taurus Man and Libra Woman in Bed – Sensual & Passionate
Taurus Man and Scorpio Woman in Bed – High Sexual Compatibility
Taurus Man and Pisces Woman in Bed – Caring Intimacy
Taurus Man & Virgo Woman in Bed – Heavenly Match
Taurus Man and Cancer Woman in Bed – Fulfilling Intimacy
Taurus Man in Bed – What You Need To Know
The Best Marriage Match For a Taurus Guy
Taurus Man Compatibility
How to Attract a Taurus Man Online
What a Taurus Man Wants To Hear
Dating a Taurus Man – What You Need To Know
How To Get a Taurus Man To Ask You Out
What a Taurus Man Wants To Hear
How To Attract a Taurus Man With Your Conversation
How To Flirt With A Taurus Guy Over Text
How to Turn On a Taurus Man in 7 Steps
How to Get the Attention of a Taurean Man
How To Attract a Taurus Man With Text Messages
The Truth About Taurus Man – He Doesn’t Want Perfect
The Taurus Man In Love – What You Need To Know
The Best Marriage Match For a Taurus Guy
Taurus Man & Aries Woman Break Up
Taurus Man & Taurus Woman Break Up
Taurus Man & Leo Woman Break Up
Taurus Man & Scorpio Woman Break Up
Taurus Man & Pisces Woman Break Up
How To Sexually Please a Taurus Man in Bed
How to Talk Dirty to a Taurus Man
How To Get a Taurus Man To Stop Ignoring You
How To Know When A Taurus Man Is Hurt
What a Taurus Man Wants To Hear
How To Know When a Taurus Man Is Losing Interest
Top 6 Taurus Man Turn On’s
8 Reasons Why Taurus Guys Pull Away
Why a Taurus Guy Ignores Your Texts
Taurus Man and Jealousy – What You Need To Know
6 Keys To Get A Taurus Man To Forgive You
How To Make a Taurus Man Want You Back
Taurus Man and Long Distance Relationships – Can It Work? What You Need To Know
Why Is He Acting Distant? What You Need To Know
How To Handle A Taurus Man When He’s Angry
How to Seduce a Taurus Man – What You Need To Know
How to Keep a Taurus Man Interested In You After The Honeymoon Period
Getting A Taurus Man To Commit To You
How To Make a Taurus Man Miss You With These Simple Steps
Taurus Men in Relationships – What You Need To Know
How To Sexually Please a Taurus Man in Bed
How to Talk Dirty to a Taurus Man
Top 6 Taurus Man Turn On’s
Taurus Man & Sagittarius Woman in Bed – Sensual & Experimental
Taurus Man and Aries Woman in Bed – Passionate & Fulfilling
Taurus Man and Aquarius Woman in Bed – Explosive Passion
Taurus Man and Gemini Woman in Bed – Learned Appreciation
Taurus Man and Leo Woman in Bed – Unreserved Intimacy
Taurus Man & Taurus Woman in Bed – Sensual & Passionate
Taurus Man and Capricorn Woman in Bed – An Energetic Love Match
Taurus Man and Libra Woman in Bed – Sensual & Passionate
Taurus Man and Scorpio Woman in Bed – High Sexual Compatibility
Taurus Man and Pisces Woman in Bed – Caring Intimacy
Taurus Man & Virgo Woman in Bed – Heavenly Match
Taurus Man and Cancer Woman in Bed – Fulfilling Intimacy
Taurus Man in Bed – What You Need To Know
How to Turn On a Taurus Man in 7 Steps
How to Seduce a Taurus Man – What You Need To Know
How To Handle A Taurus Man When He’s Angry
Taurus Man Traits and Characteristics – The Important Bits
Welcome To Taurus Men
Why a Taurus Guy Ignores Your Texts
How To Flirt With A Taurus Guy Over Text
How To Attract a Taurus Man With Text Messages
The Negative Side of a Taurus Man
Taurus Man Traits and Characteristics – The Important Bits
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taurusmanlove · 5 years
The Truth About Taurus Man - He Doesn't Want Perfect
New Post has been published on https://taurusmen.net/what-taurus-man-wants/
The Truth About Taurus Man - He Doesn't Want Perfect
Do you spend hours thinking about what a Taurus man likes in a woman? Are you constantly doing things to try and impress or get his attention?
You are not alone! Most women in your position are doing exactly the same thing. Constantly thinking of new ways to make themselves look sexier or more desirable.
Following the widely held belief that you must present yourself as interesting, worldly and fun, and not in the slightest needy and wanting.
All this time you spend thinking how perfect you would be for him… ‘How proud he will feel in the future if he chose you as the woman of his dreams’.
Why a Taurus man doesn’t want a perfect woman
But unfortunately, it is not working. This approach will never work! You may have convinced yourself that he is interested in you, but why is he taking you so much for granted?
If you are short on time and want to get answers without reading the rest of this post listen to this short video by relationship expert James Bauer.
Maybe, you may have made excuses for him? He is not ready to settle down or a steady relationship. You hope he will change and all of a sudden declare his undying love for you?
Or maybe…. The reason is, you have taken over the courting process leaving him nothing to do!!
Related article: How to attract a Shy Taurus man
Taurus man compatibility
Facts that are disregarded by most women:-
A Taurus man will not value a relationship unless he has to work for it.
A Taurus man will only really value something that he has worked hard to obtain.
For instance, he will feel cheated inside if he had not achieved a diploma or certificate if he had not worked for it.
Similarly, present the Taurus guy with the perfect girlfriend and he will feel that he did not deserve her as he has not been forced to chase her for weeks to get a date.
Playing hard to get makes the heart beat faster
However, the big problem for anyone playing the hard card is that the magic stops working once he knows he’s got you.
Something happens in a Taurus guys mind when they think they have won you. It’s as though they say to themselves ‘Game over, I have achieved that, what’s next?’
So how do you make sure your relationship with a Taurus man lasts the course and you keep him interested in you? This is the question that has been confounding women, until now!
You are not alone – most women encounter this situation. (That’s why they ask for help)
Many women never allow themselves to get close to a Taurus guy for fear of scaring him away. They sometimes suffer in silence and give up on a love that could have been perfect.
Getting help from an expert
However, other women are not afraid of asking advice and getting some help, especially from an expert. One of the people they turn to is relationship coach James Bauer who explains Taurus man’s Secret Obsession.
James picked up on a thread that was apparent from most women coming to him worried about guys who were blowing hot then becoming distant. The relationship would be going well then suddenly things seemed to change overnight.
A Taurus guy who was originally interested and romantic would change and become distant. He would gradually become focused on everything apart from her.
Women noticed that their crushes no longer made eye contact and were brusque in their attitude. Seeing a pattern, James realized to be able to help these women he needed to investigate.
See also: How to attract a Taurus man with your conversation
Everything starts to make sense
Everything started to make sense as he discovered what was making these men back away. He realized what was lacking, and after much research discovered what these guys were not getting.
James research proved that the problem was not related to anything wrong with these women, but something that was lacking which he calls ‘The Hero Instinct’
Without being aware, most women are unconsciously driving their Taurus man away.
James has discovered that the cause was the naturally caring instinct of most women is what is driving a man away from them.
Listen to this video in which James personally explains his research.
Take a look at yourself and prove it. Are you always available and looking your best? Do you always drop what you are doing to be with him? Would you do anything for him?
This is natural for most women but you haven’t realized while doing this you are depriving your Taurus man of a purpose. How he sees himself and what he has attained in his life.
All men love heroes and a Taurus man is no exception. How many grown men do you know that are still captivated and fascinated by movies where the superhero always wins out.
From the time of early boyhood, men have a built-in dream of developing into a hero that would save the world – and get the girl to carry her away to safety.
Most men are trapped in their mundane jobs and don’t get the opportunity of being a hero. No chance of ripping off their corporate suits, and springing into action, to save the world. This just does not happen.
But it is still possible to get the girl
Being an ordinary guy with the heart of a hero wanting to win the girl takes a lot of confidence. A superhuman charm, with immunity to pain. All he really wants and needs to find is a woman who is looking for a hero.
A woman who needs a hero! Are you that girl that needs a hero? I would hazard a guess… That’s not you, is it?
You are probably independent and can take care of yourself. You are probably industrious and a conscientious worker. Maybe you are also the type of girl who doesn’t need a man to make you complete.
You are I would guess the type of girl who has a lot to offer a Taurus guy. Probably very kind and loving with a generosity that is overflowing towards a man who will make the perfect partner and your life complete.
This is the reason heroes are in short supply in your life. You have probably ended up with takers rather than the person who would be ideal for you.
These guys, who leave you high and dry, after taking everything from you. You need to give your crush the hero instinct. Here’s how.
3 ways to bring out the hero in your Taurus man, Starting Today
Ask him for his help
Seek his help with advice on buying a new computer. Ask him if he could identify the strange rattle that has suddenly sprung up in your car. Even something as simple as asking him to retrieve something from the top shelf that you cannot reach yourself.
Make sure you thank him and give him a big smile. These simple tips do not make you a needy person. Tasks like this bring out the need in him to be useful and focus his attention on you. This also brings out the latent Taurus man hero in him.
Enjoy male company
Taurus guys love women who appreciate men for being men. Does it matter if his living quarters are decked with sports trophies and paraphernalia?
So what if he is dedicated to his favorite football team? What difference does it make that his dress code is not color coordinated?
He’s a man. These things in his world are okay. The last thing you need is for him to be like you, you have the female side of things covered.
Allow him to earn your respect
The hero in a Taurus guy loves a challenge. They don’t want to be praised just for being on time.
The Taurus guy does not want your affection passed to him on a plate. They want to be allowed to earn it.
The one thing a Taurus guy craves more than enduring love from a woman is a challenge.
All you need to do is give him opportunities that will allow the hero in him to emerge. Ease back and relax, and let him show you what he is made of by winning your admiration.
An important part of starting or keeping a relationship exciting is to do things that make him think of you as much as possible. One thing that has been achieving great results for many women is text messages.
Now care must be taken with this as texting too often or with the wrong words could have a detrimental effect. However, sending messages with the correct sentences can have a positive impact on your guy’s subconscious mind.
This is an exciting subject so I wrote a separate article ‘How to flirt with a Taurus guy over text’. Check it out and discover an effective way to have your crush thinking of you, and only you.
Keep Learning
Keep learning about how you can easily use this relationship enhancement tool to make your Taurus crush have a burning desire for you and only you.
Listen to this short recording in which James explains more about a Taurus man’s secret obsession. His Secret Obsession.
James also tells you how you can make him want you even if you have broken up and you think he has lost interest in you.
I hope this article has opened your mind to the simple steps you need to take in getting Taurus man compatibility.
If you put into practice what relationship expert James suggests, I am sure you will discover the secret of keeping your Taurus crush obsessed with you.
There are many more articles on relationship situations with a Taurus guy on my website http://taurusmen.net. Why not bookmark my site for future reference? I wish you well.
My joy is in giving
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taurusmanlove · 5 years
How To Make A Taurus Man Want You and commit to You Alone – Essential Information That Any Woman Will Need To Create The Perfect Relationship.
New Post has been published on https://taurusmen.net/taurus-man-sextrology-our-review/
How To Make A Taurus Man Want You and commit to You Alone – Essential Information That Any Woman Will Need To Create The Perfect Relationship.
Taurus Man Sextrology
Exposing the hidden sexual desires of the Taurus male
Advice for women on how to use their sexuality to attract and keep a Taurus man
How to make a Taurus guy want you and only you
Everything a woman needs to know to keep the relationship wild in the bedroom
Pictures and illustrations could enhance the learning experience
No index of contents
Only available online
Taurus Man Sextrology – Our Review
Astrology has long been used by people seeking advice and guidance in regard to their relationships.
Uncovering the secrets of the universe and the important part it plays in our lives, will help in finding true happiness.
Astrologers and relationship experts agree that the star sign that we are born under has a direct bearing on our character make up. These character traits also have some bearing on our attitude to sex in the short and long-term of a relationship.
The sexual attraction is driven by animal instinct. It is, however, the characteristics of individuals and the compatibility that is at the forefront of keeping the relationship exciting.
Devoted astrologer and relationship expert Anna Kovach has studied the characteristics in relation to the Taurus male. Her conclusions make for fascinating reading in her book Taurus Man Sextrology.
Anna has stated that the main aim of her book is to give help to all women who are in or contemplating a sexual relationship with a Taurus man. By providing this information Anna is convinced that it will help in creating the perfect union for 100’s of couples.
Join me now as I give my opinion via this review, and you decide if Taurus Man Sextrology may be of help in your relationship.
The Meaning of Sextrology?
The basis of astrology and our beliefs in it lie with the positioning of the planets in relation to the Moon and Sun at the time a new life enters this world.
Everyone is born under one of the star signs of the zodiac which is allocated on the day of birth. However, the universe is continually revolving so a more specific definition of our characteristics arise from the exact time a person is born.
Individuals that have the same star sign can have similar characteristics but there will be variances depending on the time of birth. This is why astrologers can give a person a reading which is an indication to compatibility but sometimes star signs can differ.
The natal chart identifying the exact time of birth is a recognized reading showing the characteristics of a person. This of course also gives an indication to their attitude on sex which is the foundation of any natural relationship.
The positioning of the planets is divided into houses in the astral calendar. The part influenced by Sextrology falls into the formation of these houses. The influence is completed by the planets, Mars and Pluto. The presence of Eros brings the reading to completion.
The three houses are surrounded by spheres which should be an important point of focus. This amalgam indicates the possibility of romance and compatibility between various star signs.
As we look to the heavens the positioning of Mars in a natal chart indicates an association with a person’s sexual drive. This, in turn, relates to virile energy, desire, and passion.
The positioning of Mars at the forefront of a person’s natal chart gives an understanding of the desires and sexual gratification required to enhance a relationship.
The acceptability of a person’s urges and wants is related to the positioning of Pluto. Once the asteroid Eros appears in the boundaries of the principal houses an indication is established and an understanding of primal desires.
Developing a deeper understanding
The importance of developing a deeper understanding of a partner’s Sextrology cannot be underestimated. Knowing the fundamentals including the desires and needs of your partner will avoid any future situations that may arise.
By taking a mature attitude to the sometimes taboo subject of sex will give a person confidence to encourage a deeper and long-lasting relationship. Creating new experiences will enhance and invigorate the union.
Now you understand the basics of Sextrology we can look inside Anna Kovach’s book to see if the content is worthy of the hype!
Taurus Man Sextrology – What’s in the book?
As we open the book we discover a list of headings which can take the reader to specific points of interest.
These headings form the basis of chapters that claim to provide all the knowledge a woman may need to create a sexually compatible relationship with a Taurus man.
The hidden sexual fantasies buried in the Taurus male psyche, and how to release them.
The things you need to do to make him want and desire you above all others.
The knowledge every woman needs to establish compatibility in a sexual relationship with a Taurus man.
Seduction techniques that will raise his desire for you and avoid interest in any other woman.
An all-important understanding of his sexual dislikes which must always be avoided.
A deep-rooted understanding, so that he can converse with you on any subject making him see you as his soul mate.
If you feel you understand the importance of this book to your relationship and you are short on time, you can get direct access to download here.
The Views of the Taurus Male on Sex and Intimacy
Of paramount importance of creating a relationship with a Taurus man is understanding his attitude towards intimacy.
Understanding the character of the Taurus guy and how he reacts to situations is discussed by Anna early on in the book Taurus Man Sextrology.
Anna importantly hi-lights a characteristic which indicates how initially reserved he may be.
There is a warning that the Taurus man could easily pull back into his shell if you come across as overconfident. Care should be taken because this could happen even if he is head over heels for you.
The Taurus guy will have several positive as well as negative traits to his character. Anna dissects these so that any woman will be forewarned enabling her to avoid any conflict in the relationship.
The Taurus Man in the Bedroom
This chapter at the end of the day is the basis of the Sextrology of a Taurus man, and I was impressed at how much detail Anna included in her assessment.
Fundamental techniques are incorporated explaining the path to complete satisfaction for her Taurus partner.
Also, an in-depth suggestion sheet offering tips, that could create sexual experiences, which are tailored to reach new heights of satisfaction.
Anna also delves deeper into the hidden secrets of the Taurus man psyche. This part of the chapter explains exactly what a woman needs to do to arouse her Taurus crush. These tips alone will ensure your man is focused on you with an overwhelming desire.
You may also be surprised at the detail that Anna goes into regarding the things that will drive a Taurus man wild. Anna also explains how to unlock his inhibitions so that his reserved nature can be bypassed.
This point alone is something that can make or break a relationship and understanding how to get a Taurus man to lower his reserve is the secret to obtaining true love.
A Taurus man is only prepared to lower his reserve for someone he loves so any woman knowing how will create a utopia.
Reading this book, and putting into practice its contents should give any woman the information needed to make a relationship secure and long-lasting.
Every situation is different but gaining in-depth knowledge from a relationship expert must increase the chances of success.
Sexual Compatibility
Provided knowledge and allowance is used by both parties there is no reason why two differing star signs should not get along.
The problem comes when one person automatically thinks his partner will have the same characteristics as himself.
The maturity of the couple is significant in how the relationship unfolds. Therefore the more knowledge one or both have about each other must pay dividends in the long term.
However, many signs will have an affinity over others, which has been proven on many occasions.
The reason Anna has written this book stemmed from the number of questions she was getting from private clients asking for advice with problems regarding Taurus men.
A large proportion of breakups stem from complacency. Sustainability is only achieved through effort.
The importance of knowing the characteristics of your partner or the Taurean you fancy will also give an insight into his personality.
It has to be accepted, unfortunately, that Anna could not cover every situation that may arise in a relationship. This book is a general guidance relating to a man born under the sign of Taurus.
A reading from a professional astrologer, stipulating exact time of birth would, of course, give a more accurate assessment.
This, however, would be very expensive and only focus on the short term. Taurus man Sextrology will give you a basis for future reference and is available free with Taurus Man Secrets.
First Approach and Seduction
This is a chapter containing effective techniques. There is direct reference with an explanation of the more animalistic and primal sex drive of the Taurus male.
To get your relationship moving in the right direction, Anna gives advice on technique with an approach and first physical contact.
The tips in this chapter can be useful in making initial contact as well as bringing back the excitement in a flagging relationship.
The advice and tips that Anna shares here will also be of use in later specific paragraphs related to subjects to be avoided.
Overall Review Summary
The internet is now an accepted part of our everyday lives and people refer to it for information on a daily basis. Unfortunately, a lot of topics on astrology are written with no foundation.
Anna Kovach is a devoted astrologer and relationship coach and an author of several books. Her publications contain a substantial amount of research and her writing clearly shows how much she appreciates and understands the subject matter.
By electing to write Taurus Man Sextrology, Anna should be applauded. This subject matter is in an area that is all too often overlooked as being off limits or of unimportance.
The Good Points
All chapters cover an in-depth assessment of the subject and are written in an easy to understand format.
Uncovers the primal needs and passions of a Taurus man and explains their meaning that will help any woman understand.
An assessment of how astrology works and how it can help improve sexual relations.
Discusses the negative as well as the positive sides of a Taurus male’s personality. Including tips that every woman needs to know to have a successful sexual relationship.
Unbelievably, the very best point is that this informative manual is FREE. Yes, completely FREE when obtaining your copy of Taurus Man Secrets.
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taurusmanlove · 5 years
Taurus Man & Sagittarius Woman Break Up
New Post has been published on https://taurusmen.net/taurus-man-sagittarius-woman-break-up/
Taurus Man & Sagittarius Woman Break Up
A relationship match between a Taurus male and a Sagittarius female is not said to be one of the most compatible.
Taurus guys are somewhat introverted and can easily become jealous. They prefer to be in a relationship that is stable and predictable.
The Sagittarian female, however, is fiercely adventurous and she is ever making changes in her life. She loves to be sociable and even a little flirtatious, which can easily spark the jealous streak in Taurus and unstable him.
Due to her outgoing and audacious nature, a Sagittarius lady is likely to get bored with the predictable routine of a Taurus. Couple this with the green-eyed monster that can become apparent in a Taurean guy and the Sag female can quickly feel hemmed in.
Furthermore, a Taurus fella often wants constant reassurance from his Sagittarius girl that he is the one and only man in her life.
This couple is likely to argue a lot due to their differences. Therefore, breaking up can be almost inevitable if the two cannot reconcile their differences, according to ask-oracle.com.
If you are a Sagittarius woman and you would like to know whether your Taurus crush is on the verge of ending the relationship, this article is for you.
This article will also enlighten you on what you need to do to avoid a break up with Taurus man. Please keep reading.
How to Tell If a Taurus Man Is About to Break Up With You
Diminished sexual appetite
A Taurus man in bed with a Sagittarius woman is said to be a happy and adventurous couple.
The Taurus male in bed is very physical and open with his lover. He can tend to have some very hot and steamy sexual encounters with his Sagittarius woman.
When this couple argues, they tend to sort out their differences by having explosively passionate make-up sex.
Therefore, if you are a Sag lady and our Taurus fella no longer seems interested in touching, cuddling, hugging or being intimate with you, it could be he has plans of breaking up with you.
Does not worry about your behaviour
A Sagittarius woman has a strong adventurous streak. However, this can often make her non-committal and erratic, which is destabilizing for a Taurus guy.
Her behaviour is likely to keep the jealous Taurus boyfriend worried most of the time. He might require her to keep reassuring him that she is loyal to him.
Nonetheless, if a Taurus guy is on the brink of breaking up with his firey and flirtatious lover, he will no longer need the reassurance from her.
He is likely to worry less about how his Sagittarius partner behaves if he’s thinking of leaving.
A Taurus man desires stability and if he can’t get it from his Sagittarius crush, he is likely to pull away and move on.
How to Stop a Taurus Man from Breaking Up With You
Give him attention
Sagittarius women love having fun and they are rarely at home for long. On the contrary, Taurus men love staying at home.
If you are a Sagittarius lady dating a Taurus fella, it is important that you give up some time for him so the two of you can spend quality time alone together.
Taurean men can be quite jealous and possessive so it is important he feels that you are loyal and devoted to him. If this important need is not met then it is only a matter of time before he starts looking for another woman.
Spend money wisely
Taurus men are very careful about how they spend their money. On the other hand, Sagittarius women love to spend extravagantly, which can seem reckless and irresponsible to Taurus fella.
If you want to have a long-term relationship with your Taurus man, then it is important that he views you as a person he can safely build a foundation with. This means, learning to use your money wisely, save and invest in your future.
Don’t flirt with other guys
Sagittarius women are known to like the attention of others. As such, flirting with other men is never a problem for them, even if they have no intention of acting on it.
If you’ve been in a relationship with him for more than five minutes, chances are you probably already know he’s got a jealous side to him. if you want the relationship to last then it is important to avoid doing things that will spark this side of his personality.
How to Recover a Relationship with a Taurus Man & Make Him Want You Again
Be loyal
Taurus men are loyal and they desire to be in a relationship with a woman who is also loyal.
Loyalty and trust are two core values for most people, and especially for a Taurus guy. If you want to stay in a relationship with him then you need to show him that you can fulfil these needs.
Be open
Sagittarius women are very honest and straightforward. Therefore, honest communication is also very important to her.
Use this strength to help to build trust and honesty in your relationship. If he feels you are always honest and sincere with him in your communication even if it is something he does not want to hear, he will be far more likely to trust you.
Being open with your thoughts and feelings and sharing anything that is bothering you is the way to go, according to this article by humans.media.
Taurean men admire honest women. You will certainly impress him with your willingness to share your problems. This also non-verbally demonstrates to him that you trust him enough to open up to him and value his opinion and support.
if you are open and honest with him then he will be far more likely to be the same way with you.
Reassure him
As mentioned several times previously, Taurus men can be jealous and possessive over their woman. Therefore, it is important that you reassure him from time to time that you love him.
You can do this both verbally and also non-verbally with your actions.
He desires to be in a relationship with a stable and devoted woman. So, you need to offer him that stability by letting him know that you are committed to him.
Final Thoughts
While this relationship can have its ups and downs, with a little understanding of one another it should be more than possible to make it work.
When in a relationship with a zodiac sign that is not considered to be a great match, it may also be necessary to get outside help when things aren’t going well.
Thousands of people have sought the help of relationship expert Amy North, who has an excellent track record in helping couples get back together.
It can be very expensive to see a professional of Amy’s calibre one-to-one and not everyone can afford it. That’s why Amy created a course that anyone can access online with step-by-step guidance on exactly what to do to recover a failing or failed relationship. You can find out more about Amy’s course here.
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taurusmanlove · 5 years
Taurus Man & Aries Woman Break Up
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Taurus Man & Aries Woman Break Up
If you’re going through a breakup or if you’ve recently separated from your Taurus lover, but you’re trying to do what you can to make it work, then here in this article I will share with you the keys to get him back.
A Taurus man and an Aries woman relationship are said to need a lot of hard work and compromise to succeed. This match has unique temperaments, which can make fights and arguments inevitable.
For instance, a Taurus man generally prefers to take things slow and have a very stable and predictable relationship. On the other hand, an Aries female likes passion and spontaneity. She is adventurous and somewhat reckless.
Due to their passionate, fiery nature, Aries women are said to be strong and confident, however, they can also be domineering and jealous when in a relationship.
An Aries lady knows her self-worth and, therefore, wants to be given the undivided attention of her significant other.
On the other hand, a Taurean guy wants an independent woman who will not depend on him for everything.
While this certainly can be the Aries woman, her need for his devotion and attention can be perceived as neediness by a Taurean, even though that may not be where it is coming from on the side of the fiery ram.
If you are an Aries woman in love with a Taurus man, it is important that you get to understand the personality of your man in terms of what he expects of you and what turns him off.
Renowned astrologer and Taurus man expert, Anna Kovach teaches women everything they need to know be able to read a Taurus guy like an open book and make him highly attracted to her. You can find out more about her course in my article here.
Reading on, in this article, you are going to gain insights on the tell-tale signs your Taurus man wants to end the relationship.
I will also share things you can do to stop a breakup from happening, and what you need to do to get him back if the breakup has already happened.
How to Tell If a Taurus Man Is About to Break Up With You
Silent treatment
Aries women are known to be very confrontational, stubborn and impulsive. They rarely think twice before asking questions or speaking their mind.
While these are great traits in many contexts, they can actually harm a relationship with a Taurus fella. This is because a Taurus male desires a calm, stable relationship and hates conflict.
Taurus men also have a need to feel respected by their woman. Even though his Aries lady may well respect him, he can often feel disrespected when she behaves in this way towards him.
So, if he’s grown tired of the back and forth confrontation, arguments, and feeling disrespected, he is likely to become cold and withdraw. He may even give you the silent treatment.
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Lack of attention
Aries ladies love receiving attention from their mates more so because it makes them feel secure and desired.
When everything is stable in the relationship, a Taurean man is usually very affectionate, generous, caring and dedicated to his Aries woman.
However, if he wants to call it quits, he is unlikely to feel the need to stay loyal to her.
One thing about the Taurean guy is that he needs to feel comfortable with the woman in his life to be able to shower her with his undivided attention.
This is how a Taurean man truly wants to be in a relationship. However, if there are frequent rows and a lack of respect then he will not feel that the woman in his life is deserving of his attention and affection.
So, if as an Aries woman your Taurean crush no longer feels comfortable around you, the attention, care and love will certainly diminish.
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Lack of conversation
A Taurus man loves to connect mentally with his partner and engage her in meaningful and interesting conversations. Well, that is, conversations that ‘he’ feels are meaningful, which often relates to business and making money.
If he’s stopped talking to you like he used to and has become mentally distant, he may be thinking of finishing the relationship and moving on to pastures new.
Communication can absolutely make or break a relationship, according to this article in the huffingtonpost.com. So if you really want to make it work with your Taurus lover then do everything you can to have open and honest conversation with him.
How to Stop a Taurus Man from Breaking Up With You
Control your anger
As I mentioned earlier, Taurus guys do not like arguments and confrontation in their relationship.
Although you may feel the need to talk about issues between the two of you, avoid getting angry and venting at him.
While some people think that being angry makes them look strong, it actually shows a sign of weakness and an inability of one to be able to control their emotions.
While the constant arguing is annoying to a Taurus guy, he will also lose respect for you over time if he thinks you can’t control yourself.
See also: The sexual chemistry between an Aries woman and Taurus man
Control your impulsivity
Taurus men prefer to take things slow before making decisions. They use careful thought and planning in almost everything they do. However, this can seem very slow and boring to an Aries lady.
On the other hand, an Aries woman can tend to be very impatient and impulsive. Her firey side and spontaneity can be difficult for him to comprehend.
While both of these methods of operating have their advantages and disadvantages depending on the situation, the rashness and spontaneity of the Aries female can seem reckless and irresponsible to a Taurus guy. This, in turn, will not help to make him feel stable in the relationship.
So, try to show some restraint and careful thought when it comes to important decisions that the two of you need to make together.
Do not be controlling
When in a relationship, a Taurus man wants to feel like he is in control and in the lead.
This does not mean that he wants to be dominating and over-bearing. But rather, he wants to feel like he can be the rock for his Aries lover and be a good provider for her.
However, an Aries woman can be a little bossy and confrontational, to say the least.
So, in order for this relationship to survive, it is important not to be bossy and domineering. He needs to feel like the man in the relationship.
This doesn’t mean that you always need to take the back seat. You just need to make him “feel” like he is in control.
Spend money wisely
Taurus men are conscious of how they spend their money. On the other hand, an Aries woman can be somewhat extravagant and take great pleasure in spending her money on expensive things.
While it is, of course, absolutely fine to spend your own money if you can afford to do so without going into debt, a Taurus guy will not want to be with a woman who has uncontrolled spending habits.
This is especially true if her excessive spending may lead to her depending on him financially.
Taurus guys are careful and methodical when it comes to money. If he sees that you are also careful with money and are able to also save as well as spend, then he’ll more likely see you as a long-term partner.
How to Recover a Relationship with a Taurus Man & Make Him Want You Again
Do not push him
Taurus men are stubborn and resistant. They hate to be pushed into making decisions.
So, if, for instance, you contact him after a fight and he fails to respond, it is important that you avoid pestering him.
for instance, double texting is a big no-no. If he hasn’t responded to your first message, just give him some breathing space to get back to you when he is ready.
If the two of you are not talking then text messaging can be one of your biggest assets in getting him back and making him fall in love with you again.
However, we all know that misunderstandings are all too common when it comes to texting, especially during or after a breakup.
That’s why it’s especially important to only send the messages that will get him to open up and soften to you.
Relationship expert, Amy North has a highly effective copy/paste text messaging system that she has taught to thousands of people who have saved their relationship. You can get the exact text messages Amy uses here.
Give him space
Taurus men love to have their own space. Furthermore, he also needs to be able to take his time to think things through and come to a decision on his own. This is the reason why it is so important to give him space.
However, with the right knowledge and understanding of the Taurus male mind, you can subtly have an influence on his thoughts and bring him around to your way of thinking.
If you want to be able to do this in a subtle way that makes him think that getting back together with you is all his idea, then read my article here.
Open up
Communication is important when trying to sort out your differences with your Taurean lover.
If you haven’t already told him what you are going through or how you feel, it is important that you be honest and straightforward.
If you don’t feel you can talk to him face to face about your true feelings without it ending in an argument then you may consider writing him a letter.
Taking the time to sit down quietly by yourself to write exactly how you feel and what you want from the relationship can be a very liberating experience for yourself.
Besides this, he will also be able to get a clear picture of your true feelings, which he may not have had before.
Final Thoughts
For a Taurus man and Aries woman relationship to be successful, both of you need to understand and respect each other’s personalities.
compromise is always a part of any relationship, and for this dynamic to work there will also need to be a good amount of compromise in order to maintain a healthy and balanced union.
If you feel that you’ve tried everything you can to get him back and you’re just not sure what else you can try, don’t lose hope. relationship expert, Amy North has helped thousands of couples get back together after a breakup and build a happier, stronger relationship than they had before. What Amy says here may be the key to bring the two of you back together.
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taurusmanlove · 5 years
Taurus Man & Taurus Woman Break Up
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Taurus Man & Taurus Woman Break Up
A Taurus man and Taurus woman couple are regarded as a match made in heaven. They are both sensuous, romantic, loyal, kind and emotionally stable.
These partners have similar temperaments and expectations, which can help them to sail through most of any relationship issues smoothly as a couple.
However, a Taurus male and female are both very stubborn characters. They do not like compromising, and neither of them is usually willing to back down.
In other words, both Taurean men and women usually always like to get their way, which can lead to disagreements and enmity.
What’s more, they both can be very possessive and there’s a tendency of wanting to keep tabs on each other. This can leave one or both people feeling suffocated and infuriated. If this tendency becomes too much then it could lead to a breakup.
If you are a Taurean woman in a relationship with a Taurus guy, this article will enlighten he usually behaves before a breakup.
I will also share insights on ways to prevent a break up with a Taurus man before it happens, and how to win back his love, attention and affection. Please keep reading.
How to Tell If a Taurus Man Is About to Break Up With You
Lack of intimacy
The Taurus male and Taurus female love indulging in sensual and sexual intimacy with one another.
Both of them value sex and they never rush each other while in between the sheets. They always take their time to explore and satisfy each other’s needs.
However, as tender and considerate and these two are, when a Taurus guy is thinking of leaving the relationship, his passion for sex tends to diminish.
If the sexual desire of your Taurean crush has changed, then he could be losing interest.
For more info, you may also want to read my article on the sexual intimacy between a Taurus man and a Taurus woman.
Both a Taurean guy and Taurus girl are known to be very faithful zodiac signs. It is rare for one of them to search for love and romance outside their union.
This couple is known to be so faithful that even flirting with another person is not something they would engage with.
However, a Taurean guy is ultimately looking for a long-term relationship most of the time. So, if the relationship does not have the potential to be long-term then he is likely to be non-committal. In this case, he may consider seeing another woman.
How to Stop a Taurus Man from Breaking Up With You
Do not be clingy
Taurus men admire independent women and run a mile from women who are needy. What’s more, they love to have their own space.
This is good news for a Taurean lady as she’s known for her strong independent nature and a desire to stand on her own two feet.
However, if a Taurus man or woman is feeling insecure in the relationship then it can lead to possessiveness. If one partner is being possessive over the other then it can certainly be perceived as needy behaviour.
If this continues then it can make lead to feeling smothered by their partner, which a Taurus would definitely run a mile from.
Allowing your Taurean man space to grow as an individual is a good sign that you respect and trust him. Therefore, you need to stop suffocating him or occupying his space too much if you have been doing this.
Apologize if you have wronged him
Taurean’s are also known to be hot-tempered. They tend to fight or argue a lot when boundaries are disrespected, or when expectations are not met.
What’s more, after an argument, this couple tend to hold grudges for a long time. Forgiveness is also not a quality that comes easily.
If you have wronged him then it is important that you take the position of strength and apologize for whatever you did. Apologizing can humble your Taurean man and stop him from ending the relationship.
How to Recover a Relationship with a Taurus Man & Make Him Want You
Show him respect
Respect is a very important value in a relationship, regardless of the zodiac sign. However, feeling respected by their partner is especially important to a Taurus.
If you have disrespected him in some way then you to apologize for it and also let him know that you will not do it again. As respect is such an important value to him you will also need to reasure him that you do, indeed respect him in other areas of your relationship and his life too.
See also: Using the no contact rule on a Taurus man
Do not push him
Taurus men like to take their time in making important decisions. So, after sharing your problems with him, it is important that you give him time to think things over.
Rushing him will only upset him and make him avoid you more and more.
It is important to remember that Taurus men despise clinginess, as already mentioned above. Therefore, do not be clingy under any circumstances.
You may not think that you are clingy in the traditional sense. However, clinginess can also present in other forms such as being too demanding of his time, possessive of him in relation to other people and keeping tabs on what he is doing.
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Final Thoughts
A Taurus man and Taurus woman is generally a good match as they have a lot in common and understand each other’s nature.
However, they also have their expectations, needs and desires, which can bring problems to the relationship if they are not fulfilled.
For this couple, being mindful of the tendencies of stubbornness, jealousy and possessiveness will help you to avoid most issues.
If you’re going through a break up with a Taurus man and you’re struggling to fix things, or just need some professional guidance, relationship expert Amy North has a solution.
Amy has created a powerful breakup recovery system that has helped thousands of men and woman save their relationship. You can find out about Amy’s methods here.
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taurusmanlove · 5 years
Taurus Man & Leo Woman Break Up
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Taurus Man & Leo Woman Break Up
A match between a Taurean male and a Leo female is not generally considered to be very compatible. Both signs can be ego-driven, which can create unnecessary competition and conflict in the relationship.
What’s more, the unique personalities of a Taurean man and a Leo woman can make a break up inevitable if they are not aware of the things they do that push their partner’s buttons. So, this couple can easily annoy and make each other miserable.
For a Taurean guy and Leo girl relationship to survive, there has to be a lot of compromises. The difficulty comes due to neither sign freely being willing to compromise.
Being clear on this is very important. If you do not feel that you want to compromise then it may be better for the two of you to break up.
If you are a Leo female in a relationship with Taurus male, this article will give you insights on how a Taurean guy behaves when he wants to end a relationship.
If you’re still wanting to make the relationship work, however, then I will be also sharing tips to prevent a breakup as well as tips for sparking the attraction between the two of you once more.
How to Tell If a Taurus Man Is About to Break Up With You
Diminished sexual interest
Besides the issues mentioned above, the sexual chemistry between a Taurus guy and Leo woman can be pretty great when they are not arguing or fighting.
Both of them tend to understand each other’s sexual needs and desires, thus making the intimate part of their relationship very intense.
Nonetheless, if you are a Leo woman in a relationship with a Taurus man and you’ve noted that he does not want to get physical with you any more or as frequently as he used to, then something could be up.
Verbally offensive
Taurus men can be very critical by nature. If a Taurean man is no longer interested in dating his Leo girl, he is likely not hold back his critical words and can be quite cutting in how he speaks to her.
So, if you have noticed that he is no longer tender with his choice of words, he could be thinking of calling it a day on the relationship.
Silent treatment
The communication between a Taurean guy and a Leo woman can often be difficult due to their stubbornness.
During arguments, the Leo girl’s ego and Taurean’s pride can make it difficult for them to reconcile their differences. Both of them tend to value their opinions.
This can make the Taurean man tired, particularly because he likes to be the dominant one in the relationship.
So, if the two of you have been getting into heated arguments more frequently, it could be that he’s no longer interested in staying in the relationship.
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How to Stop a Taurus Man from Breaking Up With You
Don’t be dominant
Leo women have many great characteristics, but they can also be very domineering and can tend to let their pride and ego get in the way of their judgement.
On the other hand, Taurean men like also like to dominate. So, the ego, pride and dominant attitude of the Leo lady is very conflicting for a Taurean guy.
So if you to keep him around, give him a chance to be the man in the relationship and let him take the lead.
Be Dependable
For Taurus men, stability, predictability and dependability are very important to him in a relationship. He really does not like flighty women.
This is due to the earth element in his chart, he needs that stable structure and a person he can rely on, who will always be there for him when the going gets tough.
Most of the time, Taurus men get into a relationship because they are ready to make a lifetime commitment. So if you want to keep him then let him know both verbally and non-verbally that you are serious about the relationship, you are not interested in other guys and you are a person he can rely on.
Do not be reckless
Leo ladies tend to enjoy the fine things in life and live with extravagance. Enjoying expensive products is not foreign to a Leo woman. On the other hand, Taurean men are very careful with money and prefer to own money rather than spend it. Owning money gives them a sense of stability and financial freedom.
When it comes to spending his money, a Taurus man likes to maintain a tight budget. If his partner is careless or reckless with money then a Taurean guy will at some point, start to question if she is the right girl for him.
If you have an issue with spending too much money then it is important that you learn to spend your money wisely if you want to be with a Taurus.
However, if you’re good with money, but you just like to indulge yourself, there’s, of course, nothing wrong with that if a person can afford it. Just let your Taurean fella know that you can indeed afford it and you do not need to rely on him financially.
How to Recover a Relationship with a Taurus Man & Make Him Want You
Gift him
Taurus men love receiving gifts from their woman. So, if you want to put a smile on his face and make him feel valued, surprise him with a nice gift.
Show him that you care about him and that you are not only using your money to buy yourself expensive gifts.
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Fulfil his sexual needs
One thing a Leo lady and a Taurus male have in common is that they both love great sex and lots of it. However, both signs can tend to want to be in a submissive role during lovemaking.
So, interestingly, while both signs like to be dominant in their day to day lives, when it comes to sex, both like their partner to dominate.
Sexual fulfilment is important to everyone, no matter what their zodiac sign. Taking the time to satisfy him sexually will make him feel wanted by you and he will also be likely to do the same for you in return.
As a Leo girl who wants to win the affection of a Taurean guy, learning to compromise is very important.
You need to not only put your pride and ego aside but also learn the personality traits of your Taurean lover and understand what he really wants in a relationship.
In other words, to be able to attract the Taurus man, it is important to know how your behavior is likely to influence his behavior towards you.
You need to prove to your Taurean crush that you are willing to be the kind of woman he wants to spend the rest of his life with by demonstrating that you both hold the same values.
Understanding that Taurus men can be inflexible because they detest change is also very important. So, making the desired change can help you improve your relationship with him.
Final Thoughts
A relationship between a Taurean male and a Leo female is not the easiest match in the zodiac and a breakup is likely if the two cannot work out their differences and compromise.
If you think you might be losing your Taurus man or if he has already left you, but you want him back, talking to a relationship coach can certainly help. However, they can be very expensive.
Relationship expert, Amy North, however, offers women a very different and much more affordable solution. She explains it here.
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taurusmanlove · 5 years
Taurus Man & Capricorn Woman Break Up
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Taurus Man & Capricorn Woman Break Up
A Taurean male and Capricorn female have an interesting union when in a relationship together.
Due to their earthy nature, they have a structured, stable and solid relationship. However, a Taurus guy and a Capricorn girl both have different temperaments, which might make it hard to sustain the relationship if they are not able to find a happy medium and accommodate one another’s unique traits.
Although they can have many common goals, their opinions are quite different. What’s more, the Taurean guy and Capricorn lady rarely embrace spontaneity, which can lead to things becoming a bit stale and predictable ion their relationship.
This couple is also very poor at talking about their emotions and differences. With a lack of communication, relationship problems and possible break up’s are bound to occur.
If you’re a Capricorn lady in such a match, this article will help you understand how Taurus men behave before a breakup, therefore, help you to predict what may be coming next.
I will also talk about some things you can do to prevent a break up with Taurus man if you’re wanting to make the relationship work. Please keep reading.
How to Tell If a Taurus Man Is About to Break Up With You
Lack of attention
A Taurus man in love with a Capricorn woman is often very supportive and considerate of her.
The Taurean tends to make sacrifices for her benefit. Apart from that, he always looks forward to spending his evenings at home with his Capricorn lover.
So, if your Taurean fella has lost interest in spending time for you and is not being as supportive of you as he once was, then it may be a sign that he is thinking of breaking up with you.
Does not use ‘we’ and ‘us’
Due to their earth nature, Taurus guys love stability and prefer to be in a long-term committed relationship.
If he’s set on being with you for the long-term then he’ll use the words ‘we’ and ‘us’ when talking about his plans for the future. Using these words means that he also sees you included in his plans.
If, however, he talks about his future plans only related to himself, then it could mean that he’s not that serious about you.
Of course, this is totally normal in the first few months of a relationship as the two of yuo are likely just getting to know each other and deciding if it’s gonna be a serious thing.
However, if you’ve already been seeing each other for quite a while and he’s still describing his future plans as something that will be potentially by himself, he may just not be that into you. In this case, a breakup could be just around the corner.
Unfortunately, he may have already made up his mind about you before getting to know the real you. However, it is more than possible to turn it all around, show him what an amazing woman you are and get him to realize that he absolutely wants to be with you.
Relationship astrologer, Anna Kovach teaches women exactly how to do all this in her Taurus Man Secrets course. I reviewed it for my readers here so you can decide for yourself if it’s right for you.
Does not plan things with you
When in a relationship, a Taurean man and a Capricorn girl love to work hard, save their money and make plans together.
However, if he no longer seems to be including you in his plans and frequently arranging to do things without you then he may be losing interest. Either that or you’ve pissed him off in some way.
If this is the case then it would be a good idea to have a conversation with him to find out what’s going on.
See also: Eight reasons he will pull away
How to Stop a Taurus Man from Breaking Up With You
Open up to him
A Taurean guy and a Capricorn girl can have very poor communication skills when in a relationship. They hate showing that they have any insecurity or fear so will often keep their emotions to themselves.
Regardless of your zodiac sign, good, honest and open conversation is a must in any relationship if it is to survive. However, a Taurean and a Cap may need to work extra hard at making this the norm.
If the two of you have built a sufficient amount of trust then this shouldn’t be too much of an issue.
Feeling safe to open up with one another and knowing that your partner will not judge you, but instead, will listen openly and respect your thoughts and feelings is the place to start.
So, have a conversation with your lover to let him know that he can talk to you about anything, you will not judge him and you will respect his opinions as well as his privacy. The same goes for him too, so also ask that he shows you the same respect in return.
Be sensual
Taurus men in bed are sensual and physical. They like to make love in a way that indulges all their senses. As such, one of their favourite positions is the missionary position as it enables him to have a good view of his partner and look deep into her eyes while making love.
However, Taurean’s are not known to be very imaginative when it comes to sex and can often stick to the same old routine. This can get rather boring for both parties so mix it up a little and introduce something new.
If you can keep things exciting in the bedroom then he is far less likely to get bored and look for other sexual experiences outside of your relationship.
Capricorn ladies are also known to be a bit reserved and rarely initiate sex with her lover. However, a Taurean guy would find it rather exciting if the lady also initiated sex from time to time. Doing so lets him know that you find him attractive and you want him.
One of the most sexually exciting and erotic things you can do for your Taurus lover to make him want you to learn to talk dirty to him.
Most women think they know how to talk dirty to a guy, but the reality is that men and women think very differently about sex. The words that may turn a woman on are not the same that would sexually excite a guy.
Sex expert, Felicity Keith teaches women the exact words and phrases to use on a guy that drives him absolutely wild and wanting you, and only you. She also teaches women how to step into their power and be confident in their own sexual power. You can find out more about Felicity’s course here.
Create fun for him
A Cap/Taurus relationship can be somewhat reserved and routine-based. Once settled with each other, neither wants to get out of their comfort zone. However, this can create boredom.
Incorporating some fun and exciting activities into your relationship that you both love doing together will be a refreshing change. It will bring a new sense of fun into your relationship and also establish some quality time that the two of you can spend together.
How to Recover a Relationship with a Taurus Man & Make Him Want You
The no contact rule
In the early stages of a breakup, it can help both parties tremendously to have a little space from one another. This gives you both time to cool off and regroup.
However, the no contact rule also has the added benefit of making your ex think about you and miss you. Once he’s not in contact with you he will naturally start to wonder what you’re doing, who you’re with and if you’re over him already.
Once a person starts to think in this way they will naturally also start to question themselves and the breakup and wonder if it was, indeed, the right thing to do.
So, during this time, make the most of your space and freedom to catch up with friends, do a little retail therapy and maybe even pamper yourself with a spa day.
This can also be a great time for a makeover as it will help you to feel good, raise your self-esteem and make you much more confident the next time you see him.
So, get yourself to the gym, catch up on your beauty sleep and maybe even consider a change of hairstyle.
When you do finally decide to make contact with him, text messaging is the way to go. However, the first text messages that you send him are critically important if you do not want to blow your chances completely. Relationship expert, Amy North recommends that you send him these texts.
Invite him for a dinner date
Due to their sensual and indulgent nature, Taurean’s absolutely love good food. If you’ve already been in a relationship with him then you’re probably already thinking about his favourite food as you read this.
If it is something that you can cook well then inviting him round for lunch or dinner may be a great way for the two of you to reconnect. If, however, it’s a dish that you’re not great at cooking yourself then invite him to a nice restaurant where you will both enjoy the experience.
See also: The signs he will come back
Let him be the man
Capricorn ladies are self-motivated, independent and they go for what they want.
However, it’s worth bearing in mind that these traits can make you seem a little domineering to your Taurus lover, even if that is not your intention.
It is important to recognize that your Taurus guy needs to feel like the man in the relationship. So, if you have been making him feel like a subordinate, it is important that you let him take the lead and feel like the man in the relationship.
Final Thoughts
To have a long lasting relationship, a Taurus male and Capricorn female couple need to work towards balancing their different character traits.
If the two of you are constantly working hard then it may cause you to neglect other important aspects of your relationship such as fun, intimacy and adventure.
Understanding your Taurus lover on a deep level is the first step to being able to fulfil all his needs in a relationship. Anna Kovach tells you everything you need to know in order to fulfil him emotionally, mentally and sexually in her book, Taurus Man Secrets.
If you’re still going through a breakup or if the two of you have already parted ways but you desperately want him back, it may not be too late. World-renowned relationship coach, Amy North, has helped thousands of men and women save their relationship and get back together through his simple, but powerful text messaging system. If you many to know more about Amy’s methods then listen to her explain how it works here.
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taurusmanlove · 6 years
Taurus Man & Aquarius Woman Break Up
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Taurus Man & Aquarius Woman Break Up
Some may say that a break up between a Taurus male and Aquarius female is inevitable.
This couple are not only prone to arguments, but they also have different perceptions on almost everything.
In addition, Taurean men love spending their time in the countryside, but Aquarian women tend to get excited by life in the city.
To have a successful union, the Taurus guy and Aquarius girl often need to work really hard and compromise.
If you are an Aquarius girl and you would like to figure out how a Taurus man behaves before a breakup and you would try to ensure that the relationship works out between you two, then this article is for you.
In this article, I will also share insights into how to try to prevent a break up with your Taurus man, and win his heart so you can keep him for the long term.
How to Tell If a Taurus Man Is About to Break Up With You
He’s less physical
The Taurus male Aquarius female couple in bed is very affectionate with one another.
Taurean men are known to be very physical and show love through sexual or physical contact with their partner. They usually have a strong desire to please their partner and will often go the extra mile to ensure their satisfaction, especially when they have strong feelings for them.
So, if you are an Aquarian lady dating a Taurean guy, then the sex between the two of you is likely to often be quite steamy.
So, if your Taurus lover has not been giving you the sexual attention that he usually does, then it could be a sign of his loss of interest.
He never spends time with you
Aquarian women are very independent, however, they also want a shoulder to lean on occasionally. On the other hand, Taurus men are very dependable, caring and are always there for their women.
So, if your Taurean partner does not seem to care or want to be around you like he use to, then something is wrong. If he’s never available whenever you need him, beware.
Constant arguments
Taurus men are very sensitive, but they can also be critical of others. If your Taurean guy wants to break up with you, he is likely to criticize you or say mean things to annoy and push you away.
Therefore, if he has been engaging in endless arguments and criticizing you relentlessly everytime you try to have a meaningful conversation with him, he could be getting fed up in the relationship.
How to Stop a Taurus Man from Breaking Up With You
Give him attention
Aquarian women are social by nature. They love spending their time in crowds, and have many friends around them.
On the other hand, Taurus men can be somewhat anti-social on occasion and they are not all that keen on being in crowds.
With that in mind, if you want to win the attention of your Taurus man and prevent him from ending the relationship, spending quality time together where it is just the two of you engaging with each other is very important.
See also: The no contact rule and Taurus man – does it work with him?
Accept him
Taurus men dislike change. They prefer to date a stable and predictable woman. What’s more, they love routine and rarely adapt easily to change.
On the other hand, Aquarius women thrive on lots of excitement, change and adventure. With that in mind, learning to accept the personality of your Taurean lover is highly important.
Although you may perceive routine focused way of Taurean life kind of dull, understanding that he hates inconsistency and change can help the two fo you find a better balance.
Conversely, your Taurean lover also needs to understand that you actually thrive on excitement, adventure and being social. So, the two of you need to accept these differences in each other and try to find a happy medium that pleases you both.
If you can find a nice balance here then it will help to prevent him from pulling away. Slowing down, stability and routine are of the essence when dating a Taurus man.
Let him lead
Aquarian girls are independent in nature and never feel like they need a man in their life to feel secure and accomplished. On the other hand, Taurus men are dependable, committed and loyal.
So, as an Aquarian female dating a Taurean male, it is important that you give your partner an opportunity to feel like he is the man. Allow him to take the dominant role from time to time.
How to Recover a Relationship with a Taurus Man & Make Him Want You
To rekindle your love, your Taurus guy needs to see that his Aquarian lady is willing to bend her rules and compromise from him.
For instance, if he wants to spend time indoors and you prefer to engage in some exciting and adventurous moments outside the home, you can perhaps strike a deal that the two of you go on an adventure outside together, but in the evening you will spend time with him at home, maybe cook him a meal and have a nice sensual evening together.
Learning to compromise will help the two of you to feel valued and respected and will go a long way in saving your relationship.
Related article: More ways to get him to want you back
Have hot sex
Taurus men love having sensual and intimate sex with their partner, so turning up the heat in the bedroom will definitely help to rekindle the flames of passion between the two of you.
Coming up with new sex ideas, games and experiences that the two of you can enjoy together will help to bring the fun back into your relationship.
Taurus men love dirty talk so if you know how to talk to him in a way that excites the pleasure centers in his brain then you will be able to make him crave to be with you.
However, many women think they know what to say to a guy when talking dirty, but the reality is that men and woman think differently about sex. You need to be able to use the exact words and phrases that turn him on and say them in a way that actually gets him hot for you.
If you want to know exactly how to talk dirty to a Taurus man then you can read my article here.
Buy him a gift
A nice way to show him that you still care and that you’re still wanting to make the relationship work is to buy him a meaningful gift that he will appreciate. A gift that shows you have put thought into getting him something that he will actually like will be even better.
Like anyone, Taurean men love receiving gifts. So, if you want to prove to your man that you love and adore him, a gift will speak volumes.
What’s more, when buying him a gift remember that he puts a high value on items of comfort. Therefore, some silk bed sheets or a luxurious monogrammed robe will certainly make his heart warm.
Final Thoughts
A relationship between a Taurus guy and an Aquarian lady is not traditionally thought of as a harmonious one. However, there are always other aspects of a person’s birth chart that influence the overall dynamics of a relationship and how the two people will ultimately connect.
Taking the time to understand and respect the differences that exist between the two of you is paramount. From here, you will be able to move forward more harmoniously.
Showing that you deeply care for your lover and making them feel valued in a relationship is always important to do. However, it must be done with sincerity and love.
Relationship expert, Amy North has helped thousands of people rekindle a relationship that is on the rocks or recover a broken one by doing exactly this. Amy’s unique system starts with a few simple, but powerful text messages that make your lover feel deeply understood and connected to you. From here, she then shows you ways you can continue to build the love and trust back into your relationship and restrengthen the bond that the two of you once had. Amy explains what you need to do here.
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taurusmanlove · 6 years
Taurus Man & Virgo Woman Break Up
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Taurus Man & Virgo Woman Break Up
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A Taurus man and a Virgo woman in love is generally a good match as both are loyal, hard-working, practical and cooperative with one another.
Both of them complement each other because they are very much alike in many ways. They have a balanced and smooth relationship because of a number of similar personality traits.
Financial issues are one of the biggest causes of arguments in relationships. However, both the Taurus man and Virgo lady are very cautious about how they spend money so they see eye to eye on most financial matters. Both signs have a keen eye for detail and rarely miss a trick, especially when it comes to finances.
However, like any couple, the Taurus man and Virgo woman couple are also likely to experience some problems along the way.
For instance, a Virgo girl can be overly critical of her Taurean lover, which can make him feel insecure and unloved.
On the other hand, the Virgo lady may sometimes feel that the jealous and possessive streak in her Taurus fella can be overbearing, constricting and too controlling at times.
If you are a Virgo woman dating a Taurean man, this article will give you insights on signs a Taurus man may be thinking about a breakup.
You will also get to know what you need to do to prevent a break up with this kind of guy, and how to win his heart and keep him around. Please keep reading.
How to Tell If a Taurus Man Is About to Break Up With You
He is never available
When a Taurus man and a Virgo lady are together in a relationship they can have a tendency to stay in a lot together and just do things which involve the two of them. As such, they’re not known as a particularly outgoing couple.
However, if the Taurus man starts to lose interest in his Virgo lover then he will start to spend less time with her and do things and see people without her.
So, if you’ve already noticed that your Taurus guy is more and more distant and is increasingly doing things without you then this is not a good sign.
Lack of sex
The sex life of a Taurus and Virgo can be steamy and intense. The Taurus guy is particularly very sensual and tends to perfectly take care of the needs and desires of his Virgo partner.
As a lover, he also takes pleasure in going to great lengths in order to please his lover sexually. This helps to make him feel more secure in the relationship and also gives himself an ego boost once he sees how much he has satisfied you.
If his interest in sexual intimacy has dwindled, he could just have a lot on his mind, work stress and so forth. However, if this is not the case then it could be a sign that he is just not into you as he once was before. In this case, you will need to do things that will spice up the relationship and make him hot for you.
Silent treatment
Both a Taurus guy and a Virgo girl have excellent communication skills and when together, often have interesting and stimulating conversations. They are both very intelligent and never lack things to discuss or talk about.
A lack of communication is also another big reason for many breakups. However, if there is something important that needs discussing, both the Taurus and Virgo are open, willing and able to communicate how they feel with their partner.
When the relationship between these two zodiac signs is solid, they often become one another’s confidant, which is a great quality to have in a relationship. This especially works well for these two as they often view the world in very similar ways.
With that said, if you are a Virgo woman dating a Taurean guy and he never seems interested in talking to you and is also avoiding important things that need to be discussed, then this could be a sign that he is losing interest in the relationship.
How to Stop a Taurus Man from Breaking Up With You
Do not criticize him
Virgo women can be very critical by nature. If you are a Virgo lady in a relationship with a Taurean fella, analyzing and criticizing everything about him will make him pull away from you and want space.
So, if you want to keep your Taurus crush close to your heart, it is important that you stop criticizing him more than you compliment him. Not everyone is as perfect as a Virgo, and a Taurean man is certainly not an exception.
Control your emotions
Taurus men tend to gravitate toward emotionally stable and balanced women. This is because Taurus is an earth sign and, therefore, needs stability.
However, Virgo women can tend to get annoyed quite easily. For some, even the smallest things can cause outbursts of anger.
If this statement describes you as a Virgo lady, then learning to control your emotions and stay in control is paramount. Constantly getting angry will not only lead to arguments, but your Taurean lover will, after some time, start to lose interest in being with you.
Do not cheat
Virgo women are faithful. However, they want to be in a relationship where they feel the presence and soul of their mate.
So, considering the over-critical nature of the Virgo lady, she may feel like her Taurean boyfriend is not good enough for her. When this happens, she might end up cheating on him as she tries to find her true love and romance.
With that in mind, if you do not want your Taurean boyfriend to call it quits, cheating on him should be the last thing on your mind.
How to Recover a Relationship with a Taurus Man & Make Him Want You
Break the silence
Taurean men are good at silent treatment. Therefore, if you want to win his heart, it is important that you engage in effective communication with him.
In other words, you need to put your pride aside and seek to find out what is on his mind and causing him to withdraw, if you don’t already know. If you do know, then you need to start some constructive communication with him.
If you’re in a relationship with a Taurus then you’re probably aware that they are very stubborn. Therefore, he may resist your initial attempt to reach out, but keep trying. He will appreciate your desire to understand and communicate with him and will open up eventually.
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The first step towards recovering your relationship is to own your mistakes.
In most cases, it takes two to tango. While a breakup can sometimes be entirely one person’s fault, more often than not, there are a number of things on both sides that have lead to the two of you thinking of parting ways.
Acknowledging your faults in the relationship, owning them, apologizing for them and ultimately, learning from them is a big step forward in the right direction.
The idea is to make him feel secure again in your arms and know that you do truly acknowledge and take responsibility for your part in it.
So, it is important that you prove to him that you are a changed lady. Of course, he will also need to take responsibility for anything he has done wrong on his part also.
Final Thoughts
A Taurus man and a Virgo woman are generally very compatible in a relationship overall. However, as with any couples, issues can always still arise.
To make it work, you both need to accept and accommodate each other’s flaws in order to have a happy and fulfilling relationship.
If you’re currently going through a breakup with a Taurus man and you still need more help, renowned relationship expert, Michael Fiore may be able to help. He teaches a simple, yet very powerful text message system that has helped thousands of couples rekindle their relationship. You can get the exact text messages to send your ex here.
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taurusmanlove · 6 years
Taurus Man & Gemini Woman Break Up
New Post has been published on https://taurusmen.net/taurus-man-gemini-woman-break-up/
Taurus Man & Gemini Woman Break Up
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A compatibility match between a Gemini woman and a Taurus man is not considered the best because of their different traits and qualities.
Due to several opposing characteristics, these two may not always see eye to eye. For instance, a Taurus guy can often be very cautious, but his Gemini lover can display a restless energy and impulsive nature.
Gemini girls often like to be spontaneous and do things without preparation or planning. On the contrary, her Taurean lover is cautious and methodical with what he does.
This can particularly cause an issue when it comes to their sex life as a Gemini may find the predictable routine oriented Taurus rather boring and prefer a more spontaneous sex life.
What’s more, the Taurean male usually prefers to spend time indoors, but his Gemini female is more likely to be the outdoors type.
Although there’s some initial attraction between the two, they may not have the ability to sustain a long-term relationship because of their different temperaments.
Having said that, if the two are able to take the time to understand each other and accommodate for one another’s needs then a happy relationship can be sustained.
If you are a Gemini woman dating a Taurean guy and you’re suspecting that he wants to end the relationship or if you are already going through a breakup, this article is for you.
How to Tell If a Taurus Man Is About to Break Up With You
Decreased intimacy
Taurus men have a high sexual libido and like to spend extra time pleasing their partner. When things are good, the Taurus man and Gemini woman in bed will have a very pleasurable and satisfying sex life.
If he seems less interested in sex and is not going to the extra lengths he usually does in order to please you in the bedroom then he could be losing interest in you.
Decrease in communication
When together, a Taurean and a Gemini can have very intriguing and meaningful conversations, which they both greatly enjoy.
If, however, your Taurus lover does not seem to be interested in having a good conversation with you and has become less communicative then he’s either gotten too comfortable with you or he’s losing interest.
Forgets important dates
Taurus partners never forget crucial dates such as their first date, birthdays and anniversaries.
So, if your Taurus lover did not remember your birthday or your anniversary and doesn’t seem to care, then it could be a sign that he also doesn’t care much about the relationship. If this is the case then he might be thinking of breaking up with you.
How to Stop a Taurus Man from Breaking Up With You
Compromise is very important in any relationship. There, of course, will always be differences between two people. But it is the ability to compromise and accommodate your partner that shows a strong and mature relationship.
For example, Gemini women love stimulating and exciting things and particularly being outdoors. They have a very spontaneous nature, which they find adds adventure to their life.
On the other hand, Taurus men love spending their time indoors and could quite happy just have a cosy night in, night after night. A Taurus man likes a routine and predictability in his life.
Although the Gemini lady dislikes living an unexciting and routine life, compromise is very important when dating a Taurus guy. Learning to be flexible and adaptable can make your Taurus lover feel more appreciated.
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Give him stability
Taurus men love order and structure in their life as it helps them to feel stable and grounded. He likes to know where he is from day to day and have a comfortable routine.
Your Taurus lover wants to feel secure in your arms. He wants you to be stable and not restless. He wants you to be able to fit in his steady routine.
Spontaneity, variety and adventure are key characteristics of a Gemini that you should not deny. However, try to find a balance that also allows your Taurus lover to feel stable and have a routine in his life if you do not want him to pull away.
No flirting
Gemini women are famous for their flirting prowess. Even if nothing is meant by it, a Gemini female, although in a relationship with a Taurus male may be still be flirtatious with other people.
Unfortunately, Taurus guys can get jealous quite easily and perceive flirtiness as disloyalty. Taurus men highly prize trust and loyalty as one of their core values, so if his Gemini lover is flirting with other guys then he can feel disrespected.
If you want to make the relationship work with our Taurus guy then you need to let him know that you are completely loyal to him and that you wouldn’t do anything to hurt him. Letting him know that you are his and his alone will help for the two of you to have a more harmonious relationship.
Be truthful and honest
As mentioned above, Taurus fellas prize trust and honesty as two of their core values that they need in a relationship. So, there are qualities that they absolutely have to have in the woman they are with.
If for whatever reason you have given him a reason not to trust you or doubt what you are saying, then he will inevitably start to close off from you and pull away. Once this happens, he may then start to think about breaking up with you if he doesn’t feel that he can trust you.
How to Recover a Relationship with a Taurus Man & Make Him Want You
Depending on what is going on between you and your Taurean partner, it takes a lot of patience and hard work to win the heart of the Taurus male again.
Unfortunately, Taurean men can also hold grudges for a long time. So, if you have done something to offend him or break his trust then you need to start by making a genuine and heartfelt apology.
He needs to feel that you are absolutely sincere in your apology and that you will not do whatever it is that you did again, or there is no hope.
It is also important to bear in mind that due to his stubbornness, even if he says that he has forgiven you, he will not necessarily forget what you did to him. This could go on for some time and cause problems later on, but your patience is paramount.
See also: How to use the no contact rule to get back with a Taurus man
Prove you have changed
Although Taurean men never forget easily, making effort to show him that you have changed any unwanted behaviours may make him get over what you did to him and finally let it go.
Be open
Be open with him about your thoughts and feelings and be willing to change and compromise on things that you may be doing that are causing issues in the relationship.
Of course, this goes both ways, too. So, if there are things that he is doing that is not making the relationship easy for you then you also need to be honest with him and say so.
Being able to communicate honestly and openly with each other without emotion is a big stepping stone in the right direction.
Final Thoughts
Although a match between a Gemini woman and a Taurus man is not traditionally thought of as a harmonious one, a balance can be reached with a little communication and compromise.
If you are currently going through a breakup with a Taurus guy or you’re suspecting that one is on the horizon, then it may not be too late to change things around and get him to want you again.
I came across a very interesting guy called Michael Fiore, who is actually a world-renowned relationship coach. Michael has helped thousands of people recover from a breakup and actually have a far better relationship with their lover than they did before. You can find out about Micheal’s breakup recovery system here.
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