classic-and-gold · 1 year
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feminineenergylife · 7 days
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succulentsiren · 3 months
Once you believe you are deserving of the best that’s what you attract.
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maryhale1 · 2 months
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❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️How to create a Love altar to attract true love:
1. ✨Select a Dedicated Space✨Choose a quiet and undisturbed area where you can set up your altar.
2.✨Symbolic Items✨ Place items that symbolize love and romance, such as rose quartz crystals, heart-shaped objects, and items that hold personal significance.
3.✨Candles✨Use candles in colors associated with love, like pink or red. Light them during your altar sessions to enhance the energy.
4.✨Fresh Flowers✨ Include fresh flowers, preferably in pairs, to symbolize a blossoming and flourishing love.
5.✨Personal Touch✨Add personal items, like a photo of yourself or an item that reminds you of a happy and loving moment.
6.✨Intention Setting✨Focus on your true love intentions while arranging and interacting with the altar. Envision the kind of love you desire.
7.✨Regular Maintenance✨ Keep the altar clean and refreshed regularly. Replace flowers, cleanse crystals, and maintain the positive energy.
8.✨Meditation and Visualization✨ Spend time in meditation, visualizing the love you wish to attract. Feel the emotions associated with being in a loving relationship.
Remember, the key is sincerity and positive energy. Use this altar as a tool to align your intentions with the energy of love.
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ongawdclub · 5 months
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D o n ‘ t C h a s e
A t t r a c t
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kaportka · 1 year
Circumstances do not matter. 
Just because you have gained weight, it doesn’t mean you cannot lose it. If you work in a job you hate, it doesn’t mean you won’t find your passion. If you don’t have enough money to buy your own apartment, it doesn’t mean you won’t build a house. 
The only thing that keep you stuck in the old circumstances is your focus upon any circumstances.
You come up with excuses. You think about all the reasons why your plans will not work. You care about what others will. So many distractions. You create too much noise and BS in your reality.
Focus on what matters the most. Your present state. 
How do I feel?
How can I change that to match my desired state?
What would I be doing right now had I accomplished my plans?
How would I treat myself had I fulfilled my desires? Would any of the things that I worry today would still matter? Would I feel limited or free? Would I feel not enough or satisfied with what I have and where I am? 
Embody that state. 
You are limitless. Your mind is a beautiful and all-powerful, magical tool to create your reality. Don’t use it to destroy your life. Build the life you are crazy about.
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rachellaurengray · 8 days
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1introvertedsage · 4 months
When you know yourself, are clear about your values and desires, and are willing to speak your truth, you are more likely to attract meaningful collaborators into your life.
~The Pattern~
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sproutedlavender · 7 months
"Whether you think you can or can't, either way, you are right."
-Henry Ford
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cleangirlblog · 1 year
Affirmations for 2023
🦋 I am a magnet towards abundance
🦋 I am committed to my goals and dreams
🦋 I love myself unconditionally
🦋 I am mentally and physically healthy
🦋 I am aligned with my soul purpose
🦋 I am confident in my individuality
🦋 I inspire and empower myself and others
🦋 I attract infinite success and wealth
🦋 I give and receive love and affection
🦋 My consciousness is continuously growing
🦋 I am surrounded by loving and supportive people
🦋 All of my dreams are coming into fruition
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the-blog-of-gog · 1 year
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lohlite · 10 months
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Shiny Shinx Used Attract!
Lithium the trans Shinx used Attract! Wanted to make another short Pokémon comic page starring this shiny little guy for pride month before it ends hehe. 
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classic-and-gold · 1 year
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themandalalady · 2 months
24-045 Charisma
“a special power that some people have naturally that makes them able to influence other people and attract their attention and admiration” I can see the advantage of having a good dose charisma especially if you are in a position to uplift and improve the lives of others. We can easily see it demonstrated in some celebrities; they seem to draw people to them like a magnet and all they have to…
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View On WordPress
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kaportka · 10 months
7 Loud Signs From the Universe It Is Time to Change Your Life
You feel out of place.
Some aspects of your life may bug you. But it is a good sign. It is a hallmark of growth.
You see random messages.
Nothing in life is a coincidence. The world is full of messages guiding you along.
Your life shifts unexpectedly.
The Universe works in mysterious ways. Many times, “misfortunes” are the messages you need. These are not random events.
You feel a thrill when thinking about your next move.
Your intuition guides you to a new life. You are aware of your comfort zone and are willing to step outside. It is how you learn to live.
Your body is a messenger.
Your body invites you to look closer at your life, reassess where you are going, and make changes.
Nothing is happening.
When we desperately want something, we tend to force events to go our way.
You don’t feel good.
Your emotions are your precious guidance system. They tell us when something is off. Sadly, we hardly listen.
To learn more, read below:
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yeesiine · 1 year
May you attract someone who treats you well without you even asking for it. Someone who never tells you that you're too much of this and too little of that. Because to them you're just enough of everything they love.
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