tavarres · 3 months
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tavarres · 5 months
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tavarres · 1 year
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tavarres · 1 year
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Tavarres Stagheart by @karrahe - always a delight to work with!
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tavarres · 1 year
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Explorer’s Camera Challenge: Group Landing Photo //
Medics at the Chili Pot After Dark
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tavarres · 1 year
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[ R. Jack Foley, photographed by David Leyes ]
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tavarres · 3 years
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Green Shield Workshop – Navi Sad, Serbia
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tavarres · 3 years
What deity, if any, does your character worship? What’s their opinion on other people’s worship?
Despite his long distance from kaldorei culture, Tavarres still reveres Elune. Mother moon seen in a clean mountain sky is an inspiring sight, and respect for the Goddess was something his father was careful to teach the boy as he grew.
But he has respect for the Tauren beliefs - something he came to learn about during his father's occasional trade expeditions into the lowlands. For all that his father, once part of Azshara's elite palace guard, privately scoffed at the Tauren as being "primitive" - worship of the Earthmother and her children made keen sense to Tav. After all, he'd known nothing but childhood years in Ashenvale, and a life in the mountains of Stonetalon - one didn't ignore the ground beneath one's feet lightly.
It grew eventually into a tolerance for most faiths. Isolation can either turn you inward, making the entire world nothing but your own experiences, or turn you outward, hungry and accepting of almost everything the world can offer.
Tav's father turned inward. Tavarres turned outward.
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tavarres · 3 years
XII. The Hanged Man - what is the most signficant thing your character has had to sacrifice?
Family? Friends? Community?
Not that Tavarres had a choice, really. He was still a child when his min'da was among the highborn banished after Dath'remar's rebellion, and his an'da - sick at heart - left Ashenvale with young Tav for the isolation of Stonetalon.
But all those things that one's normally surrounded with, in some measure, as they grow and mature? Save for rare excursions for trade, Tav had none of that.
Son of the Hermit.
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tavarres · 3 years
XIX. The Sun - what was the most significant “truth” your character has had to reveal?
For someone who spends a great deal of his time on his own ("Tavarres" literally means, "son of the hermit") Tav hasn't been called to reveal many secrets to others. Even during his time leading Foxrun's mesnie, the other members of Lane's hall seemed content to leave the big kaldorei to his devices and not pry or poke.
But for himself? When he left Stonetalon after the Cataclysm, it was the realization that the isolation he'd adopted - handed down by his father - was unhealthy, harmful even, and was based on false beliefs fueled by his an'da's resentment and stubborn pride. Far from the noble stance he'd been taught it was.
He'll probably always hold himself a bit apart. It takes more than a few years to undo centuries. And maybe sometime he'll actually try to see about becoming a part of what remains of kaldorei culture.
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tavarres · 3 years
★ Eight of Pentacles - does your character have a craft that they work on?
Tavarres is a blacksmith without a forge. He learned at his father's side during their centuries in Stonetalon; trading finished metal goods - from weapons to farm implements - for raw materials and supplies. But the forge was destroyed during the Catacylsm and, in the years since, Tav hasn't settled long enough in one place since to re-establish one.
A little bit of wood carving in idle moments, but nothing he'd say he's proud of. And keeping that pipe lit seems like a craft in and of itself...
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tavarres · 3 years
◥█̆̈◤ Seven of Cups - how does your character view dreams?
"When I'm sleepin', just like most folks."
An easy laugh as Tav drew a breath from his pipe. "Look, I ain't no seer, no oracle. There's no god, no spirit, no ancient that speaks t'me in dreams - or even in wakin' times. Folks like me, a dream's just a dream, ain't nothin' more to it."
"Leave the fancy stuff to th'sibyls, enh?"
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tavarres · 3 years
0. The Fool - when you first created your character, what did you originally envision for them?
Let's set aside that Tavarres is my oldest WoW character (created on Vanilla launch day but with multiple server/race/faction/gender changes since), and focus on the character's current existence as Tav for the last two years.
He was always meant to be as he still is - large without being overbearing, powerful without being overtly threatening, ancient (although not Sundering-ancient) without his age being used as some measure of superiority. Tav was intended to be, and still is, a big mellow dog. The kind that tolerates the nips of the pups and the small yapping dogs - but with the quiet knowledge he could rip their throat out if he needed to. Not that he'd ever say that.
But there's some ulterior purposes to Tavarres that still exist. Some things hidden that nobody's delved into (and that's fine, hidden treasure is still treasure even if it's never found), and a power that he answers to that occasionally directs him to one place or another.
He was originally intended to provide some plot devices for a guild/community concept that never quite got off the ground - ironically, the biggest detractors of the idea failed in their own efforts. But the concept still functions at a more personal level, and still exists as a partial explanation of why he is absent for long stretches before showing up for certain things.
The Grey Path is faint, but it still exists.
Thank you, @nzoth-the-corruptor
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tavarres · 3 years
Tarot-inspired Prompts
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艸 Major Arcana - Significant moments in your character’s history
・ω・ Court Cards - Significant people in your character’s lifestory
★ Pentacles - The material world and everything tangible within
ー☆* Wands - The spark of life; creation, passion, the emergence of something new
◥█̆̈◤ Cups - Emotions, feelings, secrets, past, future
━━╋⊂ Swords - The sharpness of mind, mental states, thoughts, opinions
Major Arcana:
0. The Fool - when you first created your character, what did you originally envision for them?
I. The Magician - have you followed through on your original vision for your character? Are they as they were when you first began?
II. The High Priestess - has your character ever ignored their conscience?
III. The Empress - what is the most important thing your character has ever made?
IV. The Emperor - has your character ever broken the law?
V. The Hierophant - what is the most important lesson your character has learned or still needs to learn?
VI. The Lovers - have your character’s heart and mind ever been at odds with one another?
VII. The Chariot - what is the most important message your character has responded to and/or ignored?
VIII. Strength - is there a moment your character has ever had to fight for something or someone?
IX. The Hermit - has your character ever isolated themselves knowingly?
X. Wheel of Fortune - has your character ever endured abject misfortune? Have they ever experienced euphoric bliss?
XI. Justice - has your character ever knowingly wronged someone?
XII. The Hanged Man - what is the most signficant thing your character has had to sacrifice?
XIII. Death - what kind of transformation(s) has your character gone through? If multiple, which is the most significant?
XIV. Temperance - when, if ever, has your character had to compromise?
XV. The Devil - has your character ever been addicted to a certain behavior or substance?
XVI. The Tower - what is the most traumatic thing your character has had to endure?
XVII. The Star - how did your character develop from their past trauma?
XVIII. The Moon - what is the most significant secret your character has discovered?
XIX. The Sun - what was the most significant “truth” your character has had to reveal?
XX. Judgment - what moment in your character’s life history matured them the most? Their “coming of age” so to speak.
XXI. The World - what is the greatest achievement your character has accomplished?
Court Cards
Page of Pentacles - the most reliable and practical youth your character knows.
Knight of Pentacles - the most stubborn adult your character knows.
Queen of Pentacles - the most organized/chill woman your character knows.
King of Pentacles - the most business oriented man your character knows.
Page of Wands - the most adventurous and eager youth your character knows.
Knight of Wands - the adult with the shortest attention span your character knows.
Queen of Wands - the sexiest woman your character knows.
King of Wands - the most romantic man your character knows.
Page of Cups - the most creative and sensitive youth your character knows.
Knight of Cups - the adult most pre-occupied with finding love your character knows.
Queen of Cups - the most deceitful woman your character knows.
King of Cups - the most mature man your character knows.
Page of Swords - the most thoughtful/intellectual youth your character knows.
Knight of Swords - the most impatient adult your character knows.
Queen of Swords - the most independent woman your character knows.
King of Swords - the most analytical man your character knows.
★ Ace of Pentacles - how has your character grown since their conception?
★ Two of Pentacles - has your character ever ‘dropped the ball’ on something important?
★ Three of Pentacles - does your character work well in teams?
★ Four of Pentacles - is your character financially stable?
★ Five of Pentacles - has your character ever endured poverty?
★ Six of Pentacles - does your character accept help from others?
★ Seven of Pentacles - what tests your character’s patience more than anything?
★ Eight of Pentacles - does your character have a craft that they work on?
★ Nine of Pentacles - is your character luxurious or ascetic?
★ Ten of Pentacles - in what aspect of your character’s life are they the most rich? Emotionally, physically, spiritually?
ー☆* Ace of Wands - from where do you derive inspiration for your character?
ー☆* Two of Wands - has your character ever had to make a tough decision between two choices?
ー☆* Three of Wands - do you have any long-term plans for your character?
ー☆* Four of Wands - what was the most recent celebration your character took part in?
ー☆* Five of Wands - what was the most recent conflict your character was involved in?
ー☆* Six of Wands - is your character considered a role model for anyone they know?
ー☆* Seven of Wands - has your character ever had to make a stand for something they believe in?
ー☆* Eight of Wands - how quickly has your character ever resolved an issue?
ー☆* Nine of Wands - what was the most recent instance of your character keeping their guard up?
ー☆* Ten of Wands - what is the heaviest burden your character has had to shoulder?
◥█̆̈◤ Ace of Cups - has your character made any new friends lately? New love interests?
◥█̆̈◤ Two of Cups - what was the most recent instance of someone showing your character a lot of emotional support?
◥█̆̈◤ Three of Cups - when was the last time your character partied with their friends?
◥█̆̈◤ Four of Cups - how indecisive is your character?
◥█̆̈◤ Five of Cups - when did your character experience the most significant feeling of loss in their life history?
◥█̆̈◤ Six of Cups - describe your character’s childhood in as little or great detail as you prefer.
◥█̆̈◤ Seven of Cups - how does your character view dreams?
◥█̆̈◤ Eight of Cups - has your character ever had to cut their losses and move on from a bad situation?
◥█̆̈◤ Nine of Cups - when was the last time your character felt on top of the world?
◥█̆̈◤ Ten of Cups - what family memories does your character hold dear?
━━╋⊂ Ace of Swords - what is the most recent problem your character has had to solve?
━━╋⊂ Two of Swords - has there ever been a time your character has ignored their emotions in favor of logic?
━━╋⊂ Three of Swords - what was the worst betrayal of trust your character has ever experienced?
━━╋⊂ Four of Swords - has your character ever taken a vacation?
━━╋⊂ Five of Swords - what is the harshest thing your character has ever said?
━━╋⊂ Six of Swords - how does your character deal with pain? Emotional, physical and/or mental pain.
━━╋⊂ Seven of Swords - what is the worst instance of your character being manipulative?
━━╋⊂ Eight of Swords - who is your character’s harshest critic?
━━╋⊂ Nine of Swords - what is the worst nightmare your character has ever endured?
━━╋⊂ Ten of Swords - was there a time your character has ever hit “rock bottom”?
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tavarres · 3 years
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Tavarres Stagheart - sketch from YuxingArt (formerly Hvitkanen)
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tavarres · 3 years
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Sword of Justice, 1660, Art Institute of Chicago: Arms, Armor, Medieval, and Renaissance
George F. Harding Collection Size: Overall L. 105 cm (41 5/16 in.) Blade L. 82.5 cm (32 ½ in.) Wt. 4 lb. 3 oz. Medium: Wood, sharkskin, and brass
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tavarres · 3 years
fill this in with the best association you have for your muse in each category.
aroma: Pipe smoke
natural disaster: Catacylsm
colour: Grey
time: Dusk
magical power: Avoid
bag: Tobacco
art style: Watercolor
blade weapon: Sword
school subject: Trades
good luck token: Silver
unpleasant sound: Whining
tarot card: The Hermit
tangible fear: Dying Alone
unsolved mystery: Is it her?
type of intelligence: Practical
body part: Legs
mythological creature: Griffin
type of furniture: Rustic
celestial body: The White Lady
oddly specific movie genre: Noir
tagged by: @foxglovethings
tagging: @whisperoakgrove, @lightsong-legacy, @brother-rundall
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