tavimakesart · 6 months
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This tweet had me absolutely flabbergasted twice because I read this and I was like "Dame Aylin? The tall, blonde, supermodel demigoddess? How is she at all outside of the beauty standard? This is stupid" and then I scrolled down and there were a hundred replies by straight dudes who were calling her ugly and talking about anime women they prefer
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tavimakesart · 8 months
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fascinating 2 me that the first generation of kids who have been subjected to this kind of thing are now growing up and posting online independently. very upsetting tho. and this isnt exactly a surprise. who would want this? what is to be expected from a child raised on money made from the consumption of their own image, at the hands of their mother of all things. shit sucks man lol
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tavimakesart · 8 months
capitalism breeds innovation
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tavimakesart · 9 months
pls give me 1(one) reason aces have ever been oppressed, and 1(one) example of aces being a part of lgbt history(before 2004 at least) and then maybe i’ll consider the idea that aces belong in the lgbt community lol
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tavimakesart · 9 months
Feminist fantasy is funny sometimes in how much it wants to shit on femininity for no goddamned reason. Like the whole “skirts are tools of the patriarchy made to cripple women into immobility, breeches are much better” thing.
(Let’s get it straight: Most societies over history have defaulted to skirts for everyone because you don’t have to take anything off to relieve yourself, you just have to squat down or lift your skirts and go. The main advantage of bifurcated garments is they make it easier to ride horses. But Western men wear pants so women wearing pants has become ~the universal symbol of gender equality~)
The book I’m reading literally just had its medievalesque heroine declare that peasant women wear breeches to work in the field because “You can’t swing a scythe in a skirt!”
Hm yes story checks out
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peasant women definitely never did farm labour in skirts
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skirts definitely mean you’re weak and fragile and can’t accomplish anything
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skirts are definitely bad and will keep you from truly living life
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no skirts for anyone, that’s definitely the moral of the story here
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tavimakesart · 10 months
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gritty both capturing the zeitgeist as usual AND educating me on the availability of free flow butter at american cinemas
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tavimakesart · 10 months
My boyfriend was on the phone with his dad yesterday so I went out to sit on the patio to pet the geese and play on my phone for a bit, and while out there I came across a comic of baby Grimace (yes, that Grimace) being sad because everyone hated his milkshake and saying he wished he never had a birthday. Then there was a follow up where tons of people had commented saying they loved the shake and wished Grimace a happy birthday, and that made him happy again.
This, for whatever reason, emotionally devastated me. I was sobbing. I was ugly crying so bad that even the geese waddled away side-eyeing me.
After a while my bf yelled from inside, "Okay, you ready for dinner?" and I was forced to accept I had to go back in the house a defeated sniffly little wreck.
My boyfriend, who has only ever seen me cry once in the whole year we've been together, looked horrorstruck. He assumed the worst. Someone got hurt. Something was wrong with my family. Someone was mean to me (a cardinal sin). The panic that washed over his face was unparalleled.
He, upon seeing me, (somewhat theatrically) rushed over and grabbed me by the shoulders. "What's wrong, what happened? Are you okay?" he asked, frantic. "What is it?"
I realized how ridiculous the whole situation was and just shook my head.
He was growing more panicked. "What is it? Why are you crying?"
I then had to stand there and look him, this completely normal human being, in the eyes, and blurt out "Grimace"
Confused silence followed.
I nodded.
"...The McDonalds guy...thing?"
I nodded.
"What...what did...Grimace...do to you?"
I then tearfully recounted the silly internet comic that had absolutely broken my heart. And this poor guy--this poor, wonderfully sweet, nice, patient guy--kindly stood there trying to figure out how to comfort me that Grimace was not, in fact, sad. (Nevermind that he's a corporate mascot who isn't real)
This morning my phone rang just after 5am. It was my boyfriend. It was my turn to panic, to assume the worst.
I didn't even have time to say hello before he started excitedly yelling, "Look at the TikTok I just sent you! Look! Open it!"
Confused and not entirely convinced I wasn't still asleep, I opened the TikTok.
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An official release from McDonalds confirming Grimace (who still isn't real) did, in fact, feel special on his birthday.
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tavimakesart · 11 months
I would say that most people will never be able to say they may or may not have been the intended target of a murder plot by a former anime voice actor, and I hope I at least live long enough to write an autobiography about how stupid the entire thing is.
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tavimakesart · 2 years
i should really redo some of my old glimmadora art cuz ive learned a lot since then but i just do not want to create for the fandom anymore, like was so toxic and unrewarding 😭 the old friend group all hates each other now too it's highkey sad
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tavimakesart · 2 years
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your honor we were fucking robbed and here's why
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tavimakesart · 2 years
I just thought they were cute
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tavimakesart · 2 years
workin on some stuff
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tavimakesart · 3 years
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tavimakesart · 3 years
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For @glimmadora-week-2021 day 1: What kind of parents are they?
Adora is always getting Luna out of messes, while Glimmer is getting into them when someone even looks at her baby the wrong way. If you read She-Ra: Heart of Courage, you'll know why. Speaking of, Luna and She-Ra: HoC belongs to @freezingmyblitzballs!
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tavimakesart · 3 years
Announcing Glimmadora Week 2021!
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Hosted by Mods Lonnie and Glimmer!
Inforgraphics created by @athetos​ and art done by @freezingmyblitzballs​.
Rules and guidelines coming in a separate post!
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tavimakesart · 3 years
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she's all sunshine and laughter
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tavimakesart · 3 years
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happy adora supremacy
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