tay452 · 8 months
Noddy Shop Review aka Recap
Welcome readers, you may remember Noddy right? The little wooden doll who likes to nod his head a lot and drive his little car around Toytown, well, did you know that he used to have a show about a shop with his name on it? That’s right, the Noddy Shop. I’m going to be reviewing every 66 episodes of it through and see if I like it or not.
Let’s began with the very first episode called, “The Magic Key”.
We start with the opening theme and it’s pretty catchy, if I have to be honest. We get to see most of the puppets but we don’t learn their names yet, I feel like this song is gonna be stuck in my head for a while isn’t it?…. yep.. yep it is.. 🎵Here at the Noddy Shop!🎵.
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We see the puppets again but this time we hear an old man narrating, he introduces himself as Noah Tomten who is in charge of the Noddy Shop. So apparently the toys come alive on their own and we get to know some of the toys names, the turtle tank is Sherman while the toy clown is Rusty. The flamingo is Bonita who kinda reminds me of Carmen Miranda. Then there’s Johnny Crawfish who tells some REALLY bad jokes, he’s like Fozzie Bear execpt he’s a lobster puppet thing.
My favorite character from this series so far is the dog, I don’t know his name yet but I’m in love with him.
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Look at how cute he is! He’s adorable! He’s just a smoll robot dog, still so cute!
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Then we’re introduced to the kids, there’s Kate who explains what the noddy shop is to her new friend DJ. It’s actually Notions, Oddities, Doodas, Delights of Yesterday. Yikes, try and say that three times fast!
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And of course, there’s always got to be a much younger kid, this is Truman, Kate’s younger brother. So apparently the toys only come alive when no one is looking, just like any living toy show or movie scenario. It turns out that Noah is Kate and Truman’s grandpa, kind of a twist there ain’t it?
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Truman grabs the robot dog which is called Planet Pup and WHAT THE HELL HE’S ACTUALLY RESPONDING TO THE CHILD! Wait, so let me get this straight. The toys become inactive when people are around but they only come alive when Truman’s around??? Is Truman a wizard or something?!??
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Anyway, everybody’s in Noah’s office and DJ wants Noah to show him the rest of the shop. But Noah has a deal of his own, he’ll show DJ the shop if he can tell him a story.. what kind of a deal is that? I mean why would you want everyone to tell you a story? You know what, I don’t even wanna know.
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Dj and Kate are exploring a storage room and finds a box with a lock in it, oh gee, I wonder what’s in there :| Kate finds a key and, how long has that been here? What is Noah stashing in that box? He probably has some pictures in there of when he was young or something.
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Oh.. they’re not pictures… So Noah has a habit of collecting weird dolls?…. Okay?.. The reason why these dolls look so weird is because they’re goblin dolls, I swear they look like those little mini dolls I use to collect. Does that make me Noah?.. Oh god..
DJ still has to make up a story for Noah, so they leave the storage room. But before they leave, Kate puts the dolls down on the floor instead of putting them back in the box. And why would she do this? Does she really think that putting them on the floor was a good idea? I mean, it’s fine. It’s not like those goblin dolls are gonna go anywhere right?
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………………. Perhaps I spoke too soon…
We get this catchy number called “The Day The Goblins Got Away”. The toys are freaking out over the goblins being loose in the store, but they do not see them being chased by Planet Pup? Not gonna lie this actually looks pretty terrifying.
Like picture this, a family is just starting to know their way around their unrecognized surroundings and they immediately get chased down by a gigantic robot dog, the dad even gets dragged away by Truman while the mom and the son stayed hiding in a mouse hole while literally reaching their arms out for him.
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Dear GOD.
The goblins eventually made their way to an old abandoned doll house which they immediately move into.
They’re literally trashing their house the moment they got there.
We’re introduced to Agatha, who is Noah’s younger sister. She works at a hat shop selling, well.. hats! It turns her store is literally right next to the Noddy Shop, so she can come visit the kids anytime! But if you going to be visiting the shop every day, then who’s going to be watching your shop?
The mom goblin and dad goblin are on the prowl for pranks and they found their first victim, Agatha.
They dumped a whole bottle of glue on Agatha’s hat and well, we all know how this is gonna turn out. Also, how did they make the glue bottle look so huge? That’s pretty cool.
Agatha puts on her hat and she immediately cannot take it off, she tells the kids that she’s going to the ocean to wash the glue off. Again, if you’re gone, then who’s watching your shop?
Kate and DJ yet discovers another box, maybe this one has elf dolls in it, and they might be the complete opposite of the goblins. Like instead of playing tricks, they help people.
Damn it! I was wrong, well, I was kinda right. It was a box full of Noddy dolls including Big Ears who IS an elf.
Kate then tells a Noddy story where Noddy’s car bumper becomes loose and Mr. Sparks can’t fix it because he can’t find his tool box. How did you even loose a tool box? Did you forget to pick up your tool box as you started walking back to your workshop or something?
Meanwhile, the rest of the toys are heading out to the seaside to cool down, Clockwork Mouse is jumping around and literally cannot stop.
He looks like he’s been doing some drugs, it can’t be me right?
Anyway, Clockwork Mouse reveals that he’s got a new key from the goblins, so does the goblin family exist in the Noddy world or..? Turns out this key is magical, which explains why he’s been jumps lately and- W A I T
Noddy and Big Ears are having a picnic, and surprise, surprise, they found Mr. Spark’s tool box. How did that even get there?
I just learned that this magic key can literally open any box, as long as it has a lock on it then your good.
We cut back to Kate, DJ and oh yeah, Truman’s here in case you didn’t know.
Noah returns, saying that he has found the cellar for his machine thing and DJ finally has the courage to tell the rest of the Noddy story.
Noddy and Big Ears gives Mr. Sparks his tool box back (He probably lost it on purpose). Noddy turns his car on with the magic key and O H M Y G O D ITS GOING TURBO SPEED
They crashed into a tree and finds Clockwork Mouse’s old key who has been stolen by the goblins, probably the mom and the dad.
The toys come back from the beach and Noddy declares that everyone will have lunch at his place, what a nice guy.
Noah liked the story and finally shows the kids around the shop, we get this cool banger called “A What If World” God, this is gonna be stuck in my head even more then that theme song!
We get back to the goblins and, OH! The boy goblin talks in English! So the parents speak gibberish while their son speaks coherent English, that’s certainly interesting.
Agatha’s back and her hat is ripped from the glue, shouldn’t she go to a hospital or something cause the glue was in her hair also.
Everyone decides to go on a picnic just like in the story and that’s when the episode ends.
Overall Ratings:
Episode: 7/10
It was a little interesting, we got to see everyone, well, except for that weasel puppet who appeared in the theme song? Where was he? Did he not exist yet? The characters were great, especially the puppets and my favorite Planet Pup. Also, I noticed that the goblins were technically using a green screen background since you don’t really see any green on them. The songs were great and so was the story, not too bad for a pilot episode let me just say that.
Message: 4/10
I mean there wasn’t really a message here, except that you don’t know what you can do unless you try. This example goes to Dj who believes that he’s not good at making stories but almost at the end of the episode, he’s able to tell a great Noddy story.
Songs: 9/10
The songs were really catchy, some of them even made me bop my head with beat especially "The Day The Goblins Got Away".
Thank you for reading this, hope to see you all in the next episode of The Noddy Shop.
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