tayljrswift · 6 years
@disneyprincessbuffyannesummers deserves a piece of art free of charge from what's been through this year.
and it should be from everyone in the Jonsa community, and the Jonerys
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tayljrswift · 6 years
Jon in ADWD
Sansa, Sansa, Have I mentioned Sansa?
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tayljrswift · 6 years
It isn’t misogynist to theorize that a colonizer and war-monger is the mad queen. It isn’t an act of sexism to criticize a female character with a white savior narrative. Fans that criticize Daenerys do not hate women, because they dislike that she executes her enemies by burning them alive. Fans aren’t intimidated by powerful women, because they criticize the actions of a woman that chooses to burn alive an army of mostly smallfolk that serve for a means of survival for themselves and their families. 
It is, however, fair to criticize her fanbase’s poor views on women for conveniently forgetting about the torture of the wine-seller’s daughters for the actions of their father in A Dance of Dragons. 
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tayljrswift · 6 years
Ask Away!
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How old were you when you got your first cell phone?
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About how many books do you currently have on your book shelves?
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What was the last concert you went to?
Have you ever dropped a carton of eggs on the floor?
What is your favourite flavour of ice cream?
Have you ever set the alarms off on someone else’s car?
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Have you ever operated heavy machinery?
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Have you ever tried to grow a fruit tree?
What is your favourite fruit?
If price weren’t an issue, what car (past or present) would you buy?
If price weren’t an issue, what firearm would you buy?
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Can you drive a manual/stick shift?
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If you could decorate your home entirely for free, how would it end up looking?
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If all animals were easily made domestic, what one animal would you choose as a house pet?
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What do you want to name your next pet?
What colour are your bedsheets?
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How many pairs of shoes do you own?
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Does your house have a fireplace?
Do you enjoy watching classic films? Which one is your favourite?
Do you want to go into space?
What is/was your least favourite subject in school?
Can you whistle?
Do you have a favourite cheese?
What do your salads usually consist of?
What are some of your favourite herbs and spices?
What was your favourite project you ever worked on in school?
How many games do you have on Steam?
Can you locate any of the constellations?
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Have you ever broken a bone?
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What colour are your bedroom walls?
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What is your favourite Pokémon?
What are some of your favourite snack foods?
What is the fastest you’ve ever driven?
Do you have a library card?
Have you ever gotten frostbite?
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What is your favourite cake?
If you could learn any extinct language, which one would you learn?
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Do you know anyone famous?
If you started a band today, what genre would it be, what would it be called, and who would your bandmates be?
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What is your favourite food to cook?
Describe your ideal partner.
Describe your ideal home.
If you could enact one law, immediately, what would it be?
What kind of character do you usually play as in role playing games?
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What is your favourite alcoholic beverage?
Would you live on a boat?
Would you move far from home if you knew you had met the love of your life?
Which country that isn’t your own do you enjoy learning about the most?
Do you enjoy rainy weather?
Have you ever forgotten to wear an article of clothing in public?
Are you artistic?
Have you ever been stranded in the wilderness?
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What is the strangest thing you have ever eaten?
Have you ever accidentally broken a wall?
Do you wear pyjamas in public?
What is the worst wound you’ve ever accidentally received?
What is your current obsession?
If you could travel back in time only once, where would you go?
Do you enjoy doing chores?
Do you enjoy working in gardens?
What are some things you collect?
How do you like your eggs?
How do you like your coffee?
What is your favourite period of historical clothing?
What is your favourite instrument?
Have you ever started a fire on accident?
What is your favourite type of juice?
Where is your favourite place to shop?
Where is your favourite non-fast food restaurant?
What is your favourite soup?
Would you prefer a large or a small home?
If you could convert a decommissioned missile silo or underground bunker into a home, would you?
If you had the money to buy an island and build a castle, would you?
Have you ever attempted to start a micronation?
Do you like to dress fancy?
Have you ever considered running for office?
Do you have any famous family members?
What is your favourite James Bond film?
Where’s the most “exotic” place you’ve ever been?
Have you ever voted?
Do you wear hats often?
Would you enlist in the armed forces?
Would you consider mercenary work?
When you got to a sandwich shop (such as Subway), what do you usually get on your sandwich?
What would a perfect date be for you?
Have you ever been to a formal party besides prom, homecoming, or a wedding?
If you could learn any obscure language that is still spoken, what language would you learn?
How many children would you like to have?
Have you ever been arrested?
Have you ever jumped from a window?
Do you like to dance?
What is your favourite flag?
What is your favourite coat of arms?
What is something you like to eat that others might find gross or weird?
Do you like to cook?
Do you keep a journal?
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Do you prefer playing games on consoles or computer?
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Do you have a favourite letter of the alphabet (or any alphabet)?
Do you prefer the city or the country?
What is one food everyone loves but that you hate?
What sort of car do you drive?
Who is your favourite political leader?
What is your favourite board game?
What is your favourite movie?
What is your favourite TV show?
What is your favourite video game?
Are you married or do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?
What is your favourite time of day?
Do you have a crush on anyone?
If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you like to be?
Do you speak any languages besides English? If English isn’t your first language, what is?
Do you prefer wearing dark or bright colours?
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What is your favourite flower?
Who is your best friend?
What is your favourite emoji?
Does anyone have a crush on you?
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How did you come up with the name of your blog?
How many siblings do you have?
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What is your favourite colour?
What are some things you enjoy doing in your spare time?
What is your favourite song at the moment?
What is your dream job?
What is you favourite historical period?
Who is your favourite Disney Princess?
Who is your favourite superhero?
Do you have any pets?
What was the weather like today?
Are you still in school?
How long have you been on tumblr?
What are some of your pet peeves?
1K notes · View notes
tayljrswift · 6 years
Why Sansa Stark & Jon Snow are the key to the Iron Throne
George R.R. Martin based A Song Of Fire & Ice off the war of the roses which was a 32 year war which brought the current peace to England. With the war came. Elizabeth Of York who Sansa is based on and Henry 7 who Jon is based off of. But the war ended when Elizabeth Of York married Henry Tudor. 
Jon and Sansa start out naive to the places they’re going. Jon is naive to what really happens at The Wall, and Sansa is naive to what Joffrey really is. 
In A Clash Of Kings Sansa is given a cloak stained with blood, the colour white and burned 
Jon meets Ygritte 
If you’re wondering why the cloak is so important it’s because fire and blood the words of house T*rgaryen and white = Snow Jon Snow
Ygritte = Red Hair (Sansa) [I know this one is stupid]
“A son was something Jon Snow had never dared dream of, since he decided to live his life on the Wall. I could name him Robb.”
“In Sansa’s dreams, her children looked just like the brothers she had lost. Sometimes there was even a girl who looked like Arya.”
It Sounds Like A Wolf, Thought Sansa. A Ghost Wolf, As Big Mountains. 
Of Sansa Brushing Out Lady’s Coat And Singing “You Know Nothing Jon” 
The Prophecy Daenerys Heard
The Last Part
Thrice For Love
Love ya say?
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Did I mention Elizabeth Of York and Henry 7 were 3rd cousins?
Most royal families did inbreed (Real ones), cousins married cousins, Elizabeth Of York almost married her uncle Richard. 
Elizabeth and Sansa parallels
Fair Of Face, Red Of Hair
Political Pawn
Father died unexpedically
Lost 2 younger brothers 
Henry 7 & Jon parallels 
Raised A “Bastard” 
A Promised Son
Father died in battle before he was born
Raised by an uncle (Jasper Tudor)
Big Red Dragon 
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tayljrswift · 6 years
Lesbian means that you are a woman that love other women, it doesn’t have to be sexual it can be all romantic, stop sealioning
Okay, then. I just I’ve seen Athena as asexual. That’s all.
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tayljrswift · 6 years
@incorrectgreekmyths how?
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Did you know if you use the cap of invisibility on Athena today it wouldnt work?
Lesbian visibility day
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tayljrswift · 6 years
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Jonsa “Noodles and Tarot” Aesthetic Collage
“Jonbendtheknee” thanks for your ideas❤️
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tayljrswift · 6 years
@incorrectgreekmyths I thought she was asexual.
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Did you know if you use the cap of invisibility on Athena today it wouldnt work?
Lesbian visibility day
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tayljrswift · 6 years
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tayljrswift · 6 years
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Stay down, or I’ll kill you.  
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tayljrswift · 6 years
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A Time for Wolves - Jon Snow and Sansa Stark
Finally, our Jonsa cosplay. Shitty editing is shitty and I’m no Sophie Turner (but I dare everyone to say that my Jon isn’t handsome). But still, I had a blast. Definitely my favourite cosplay ever. 
Nothing of this would have happened without the invaluable support of the Jonsa Fam. Y'ALL ARE AMAZING. When the cold wind blows the lone wolf dies but the pack survives and Jonsa Fam is the best pack I could ever ask for. 
Thank you. 
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tayljrswift · 6 years
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‪“Take care of her, watch over her for me.” – Jon Snow, 7x02
Sansa & Ghost + Headcanon‬
‪   ↳ Dany, and Co. arrive at Winterfell’s gates and Sansa heads over to greet them with Ghost, who refuses to leave her side. ‬
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tayljrswift · 6 years
Listen I am aware canon exists like … I can see it. I just don’t…. como se dice…. give a shit. 
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tayljrswift · 6 years
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♔♕ The King & Queen of Winter
↳ “I love him, Sansa thought, a timid smile forming on her lips. I love him as much as Queen Naerys had loved Prince Aemon the Dragonknight, and he loves me too, just like the Dragon Prince had loved his Queen Naerys.”
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tayljrswift · 6 years
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And one day, before too long, you will present your son to the court. All the lords of Westeros will gather here to see the little prince.
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tayljrswift · 6 years
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ASOIAF AU ♕ Jaime Lannister, on his quest to save Sansa Stark, hears word of the great tourney in the Vale and attends, hoping to win Sansa’s favor and trust. He succeeds, and the pair flee the Eyrie together. Jaime has promised Sansa to bring her home to Winterfell and help to install her as the Queen in the North. He never intended to fall in love her, but some things can’t be helped. 
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