taylorteeg 2 years
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Project 5: Good Talk
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taylorteeg 2 years
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taylorteeg 2 years
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In order
To Hold Up
To Flop
To Struggle
To Dolphin
To Consume
To Hide
To Contemplate...
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taylorteeg 2 years
Collect, Stack, Shade
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taylorteeg 2 years
Artist Statement 4: Performance Art
So with this particular project I had a vague plan already formed in my mind pretty early on. Referring back on what I consumed in the readings and other performance art pieces that were presented throughout the semester I was taken by the experimental aspect of it all and applied it to my piece. The biggest part about doing this piece was just finding the right piece of furniture to use for it. I didn't look to hard as I didn't want to be looking for too long at refurbished furniture retailers so I settled on a piece of furniture that could fit well in my apartment. I also took the suggestion by Matt to use an unconventional instrument to "carve" into the piece so I went rock hunting one day and found a relatively sharp on. An outcome that I was ultimately looking for when I did the performance art was to see what was going to come out of marking it randomly like I did because I enjoyed the result of these more violent pieces that aimed to desecrate or destroy as much as I did seeing them do the actual performance. I did underestimate the strength of the wood so I would try to aim for a more "cheaper" variant if I were to do a similar piece like this in the future.
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taylorteeg 2 years
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taylorteeg 2 years
Performance Art Module 4 Readings Response
So ever since my viewing of Marina Abramovi膰's "The Artist is Present" at the beginning of the semester my perspective on performance art has gained a much more softer yet nuanced view of it as an art form. I find the experimentation aspect of many performance art pieces to be most interesting, exemplifying the verb list by Richard Serra of "to fold, to surround, to cut, to etc." many things to create a piece in performance art. This extends to my appreciation of pieces like "Beat"(2017) and "Bend, Motherfucker"(2017) by Kate Gilmore as I see that experimentation put into action for a possible set of photos detailing a before and after. Now I know that many performance art pieces take much time to prepare and execute but pieces like the ones mentioned before are what inspire me going forward with this project with the concept of taking an idea and experimenting with it and seeing what comes from it.
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taylorteeg 2 years
Artist Statement 3: Video Art Supercut
So I don't really consider myself cinephile much. Of course I've seen plenty of movies in my life ranging from the popular to the indie and in being prompted to find little idiosyncrasies in media for this project I landed on what I believe to be a peculiar one: The 4th wall break. Not to be confused with the humorous 4th wall breaks that aim to be just a gag joke in movies like "Ferris Bueller's Day Off," or "Deadpool," I aimed for those aspects of movies that are meant to pull a viewer in an intimate way. Intimate in that the character on screen is staring at the viewer in some way, evoking an odd feeling in my body as they view me and I view them, whether intentional by the director or not. Now here's where me being not a cinephile comes in as it was uniquely tough for me to find specific examples of this where one: the figure was practically dead center in frame, two: they were explicitly looking into the camera and three: where the figure was not speaking or making any large movements; the second and third step being particularly difficult to find examples of. In my searches, I've noticed older films being able to capture these three criteria more than the their contemporaries, possibly due to advent of newer film techniques phasing out stuff like 4:3 aspect ratio that allow for more centered figures to take on these compositions.
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taylorteeg 2 years
Video Project Supercut
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taylorteeg 2 years
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taylorteeg 2 years
Reading Response 3
Reading the article on Projection in art I was a little taken aback by how many of these sort of "art origin stories" I've never heard of and how Sean Cubitt put into context the perspective we as a species have gained on seeing the world around us. These mythological origins tell much to me on how our ancient endeavors to understand and implant our existence within the world has its origins in strange places, "that art has always been an attempt to cheat or at least out live death; to secure some record of presence that would fill in for the real absence of the deceased." The Buddhist tale really stuck out to me as the idea of art as projection in our origins is made manifest in this as the image made of the Buddha in this tale is made from a reflection in the water. Another one that struck me especially when put into this artistic context is Plato's cave simile and how taking in these two tales makes me wonder if it could be said that anything within our vision and then put down as art is a projection in and of itself. I still need to do my research on some video art but all in all the ones that I took a look at in the second reading made an interesting case for video art. What stood out was the unique orientations of each piece as many of them didn't have a single static screen. The first one that stuck out, "Ever Is Over All" by Pipilotti Rist struck as something I wish I could've gone and seen in person as the set up with the two large screens showcasing the piece probably made for a striking experience. The Charles Atlas piece is interesting as well for its intersection between the static nature of video tech and the physicality of dance and body movement.
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taylorteeg 2 years
Artist Statement 2: Trinity of Trash
When going forward with this project knowing that I pretty much had carte blanche on what I could make into gifs, with a little help finding my focus I made this more into an opportunity to explore this set of films that intrigued me in the past but never actually saw. Coming out of making these gifs trying to scour YouTube for the right moment it was actually pretty fun doing this process and trying to present these films in the most interesting light I thought of. It's also interesting to see these films somewhat revive in this format, giving much appreciation to the composition of the scenes in the films.
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taylorteeg 2 years
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The Trinity of Trash
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taylorteeg 2 years
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taylorteeg 2 years
Net.Art Reading Response
One thing that popped up in my mind while I was reading about these different Net.Art pieces, especially when I read about "My Boyfriend Came Back from the War" and "The World in 24 Hours," were Alternate Reality Games or ARGs. Famously done with media properties such as with video games with the "I Love Bees," ARG for the release of Halo 2 or with the "Year Zero" ARG for the release of the Nine Inch Nails album of the same name, I feel that these sort of strange internet puzzle games are some untapped avenues of Net.Art that hasn't been explored enough. They may be categorized as games, but like some of these Net.Art pieces they connect to the player in a weird way presenting an alternate perspective into the way the world is through these cryptic games that present themselves as actually happening in the world i.e. the "alternate reality" of Alternate Reality Games.
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taylorteeg 2 years
Artist Statement 1
My first piece while a bit hard to discern at first glance is places to rest, specifically public places to rest. Coming off the walking exercise I was still definitely fascinated by the human touch in the environment of the city. One thing that catches my interest in city environments is benches. An aspect that stuck out to me about these fixtures is the swathe of homeless designating them as places to sleep, so I set out to explicitly find and spend a short time on any bench I could find. Taking photos from different perspectives I found the ones where it was first-person to be the most interesting. In post-production, I was struggling to achieve the ideas of motion and/or time that is at the heart of this project. Through experimentation with collage and with the help of Instructor Jenkins, I altered my photos to bring out the motion aspect of the piece while also altering the piece to draw out more concepts of repetition and commodification that were interesting to play with.
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taylorteeg 2 years
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