tbalsillie1973 ¡ 3 years
Also, please check out my side blogs as well, if you have not done so already.
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tbalsillie1973 ¡ 3 years
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Be you.
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tbalsillie1973 ¡ 5 years
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tbalsillie1973 ¡ 5 years
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MY LIFE Thus far Twitter: @tbalsillie turned 3 today!
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tbalsillie1973 ¡ 6 years
Side blogs
Don’t forget to sub to my side blogs
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tbalsillie1973 ¡ 6 years
Beware of federal politicians bearing beads and trinkets. This framework is not emancipatory, and, despite effusive press releases from the prime minister, has nothing to do with reconciliation.
The feds are proposing a framework that functions like a cage, containing Indigenous nations and governments within a legal apparatus that assumes all sovereignty and jurisdiction belongs to the federal and provincial governments. The cage provides Indigenous nations with little more than space to administer federally approved governance within legislated boundaries. No land commitments accompany the framework, and its principles fall far below the floor set by Canadian constitutional law, Indigenous laws, and the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP). The third order of government model was suggested by the Penner Report in 1983 and by the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples. Why, then, has the federal government chosen to pursue this discredited anemic delegated model proposal?
The legislation is intended to be available to Indians, Inuit and Metis governments, and according to the justice minister in her speech to the Business Council of British Columbia in April 2018, is intended to provide “certainty.” “Certainty” historically means clarity and predictability for non-Indigenous corporate investment interests. And while the government’s language suggests self-determination is a desirable objective to be secured through Recognition of Rights, there is nothing proposed that recognizes or facilitates either self-determination or consent about land usage, both fundamental rights recognized at international law.
The legislated “self” governance approach has been floated through a variety of initiatives by successive Liberal and Conservative governments since 1982. All proposed a delegated subordinate municipal-style framework to replace the Indian Act. All have been largely rejected by First Nations (and have not previously been offered to Inuit and Metis). Yet the “new relationship” reads like an updated version of the Indian Act; it amounts merely to self-administration, and leaves no doubt that the federal and provincial governments do not plan on sharing jurisdictional power or tax and resource wealth.
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tbalsillie1973 ¡ 6 years
Ontario Premier Doug Ford committed $25 million in new funding Thursday to combat gun violence in Toronto, money that will in part be used to create what he calls “legal SWAT teams” dedicated to stopping those charged with firearms offences from getting bail.
Some $7.6 million will go to the creation of the legal teams that will operate at all of Toronto’s provincial court houses. The teams will be led by experienced Crown attorneys, Ford said, and will focus solely on “ensuring violent gun criminals are denied bail and remain behind bars,” according to a government news release.
Additional bail compliance officers will also be assigned to make sure individuals out on bail are not violating the terms of their release
Another $18 million will go to “digital, investigative and analytical resources” for policing gang activity.
In a move that will not work to prevent gun violence, Doug Ford plans to spend $25 million on “legal SWAT teams.”
Ford said “I’m from the old school. I love boots on the ground, I love having police in neighbourhoods,” which also does not prevent gun violence.
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tbalsillie1973 ¡ 6 years
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Canada funds the genocide in Yemen, then seeks praise for throwing survivors a bone. 
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tbalsillie1973 ¡ 6 years
Indigenous women experience exponentially higher rates of violence, which often goes unaccounted for. The MMIW Database seeks to fill these gaps in data by logging cases of missing and murdered indigenous women, girls, and two spirit people. Help us do this work by supporting our records request campaign–you can make a difference with as little as $3! All donations will be used to cover the costs of records requests to law enforcement and government agencies for MMIW case data–we pay MuckRock $3 per request for their services in helping us to file these requests (it’s a mess, and their help really streamlines the process!), and in addition to that, sometimes agencies will ask us to pay for the time and labor it takes for them to pull and scan these records. Your donation will go straight to MuckRock, to help cover these costs. If we reach our goal of $1500, that will pay for over 400 new records requests! We are submitting requests to tribal, city, county, state, and federal law enforcement, as well as correctional facilities (for deaths in custody), so we have a long way to go, but we can get there with your help.
For more information on the MMIW Database, please see mmiwdatabase.com, or contact us at [email protected].
Donate here.
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tbalsillie1973 ¡ 6 years
Slowly cleaning up my list, so if you are suddenly unfollowed by me it is due to the fact that you are not  following me back.
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tbalsillie1973 ¡ 6 years
Do you think the government or police (federal and provincial) have the power to arrest well known that are spew all kinds of -ist and -phobic BS? Like white supremacists and islamaphobe mikitia groups. I mean it would be under hate speech right? Also when the NDP is voted in can they call for trials for the Ford and his cronies for all the damage they did? It would he infuriating if they just walked scotch free after they're voted out.
If people are making clear threats, or inciting violence or hatred they can be charged.
If Doug Ford’s government did something of a criminal nature, they could be charged. Not sure if the NDP would be required though. We already have a criminal justice system. Unless you’re calling for a public inquiry which could reveal any illegal activity.
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tbalsillie1973 ¡ 6 years
Looking to see if there is anyone out there that is reading this that can help me find that which I am looking for.
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tbalsillie1973 ¡ 6 years
Can someone write me back and let me know how to let others know about my other blogs on Tumblr?  I don’t know of a fast way of doing this; do you?
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tbalsillie1973 ¡ 6 years
Break down
I have broken down my posts into different blogs, and will shortly be posting from them all, and already have as a matter of fact. If you would like a list of them all, please feel free to reply to this post.
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tbalsillie1973 ¡ 6 years
In a precedent-setting decision, the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario has ruled that an employer cannot discriminate against job candidates who do not have Canadian permanent residence status or citizenship but are legally able to work here.
The decision follows a complaint from Muhammad Taimoor Haseeb, a former international student at McGill University who was offered a position as an engineer in Sarnia by Imperial Oil in 2014. The offer was later rescinded after the company learned Haseeb did not have permanent status in Canada — though he was eligible for a three-year postgraduate work permit to stay in the country.
The case is believed to be the first employment-related complaint in Canada related to citizenship and could have far-reaching implications for employers who turn down applicants based on residency status.
Continue Reading.
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tbalsillie1973 ¡ 6 years
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tbalsillie1973 ¡ 6 years
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