tblrdottxt · 7 years
And yet your about “Age: 20″ 
anyway how do you say this in all sincerity if you watched and enjoyed devilman 
@ devilman fandom
Quit sexualizing akira, ryo, miki, etc… they’re teenagers. And think about what you’re posting before you thirst post about them, especially if you’re an adult. AND STOP MAKING NSFW OF THEM, JESUS CHRIST.
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tblrdottxt · 8 years
why do the Gold Medalists for Oppression feel like attacking all cishets relentlessly for no reason is going to solve anything
hating them back isn’t going to make them hate you any less.
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tblrdottxt · 8 years
@galesofnovember is a terf it’s undeniable even if she puts on a friendly exterior and courts the company of non awful cis people she’s not a friend to trans ppl ever 
this isn’t an attack it’s a gentle reminder that the things she did still aren’t ok and she’s still awful. nothings changed, she never said sorry. 
block and move on, or at least do the decency of pretending to but plz don’t delete you’re one of my friends on here and otherwise you do make me feel very safe aside from the gales issue 
galesofnovember replied to your post:I’m definitely a fan of the term wlw, not so much…
idk if you are going to get pushback on this as downplaying bi-women’s issues..but if you do, I think it’s important to point out that “the woman you love will die violently in front of you, which will be a good thing, because it will fix you.” is ALSO a horrifying homophobic message direct at bi women
TY, that’s an excellent point. 
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tblrdottxt · 9 years
valeriekeefe is an mra who said an 8 yr old girl being raped wasn't that bad b/c she benefited from damseling
and she's just generally a shit person
I’m not wrong for exclusively being attracted to VAGINAS.
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tblrdottxt · 9 years
medievalpoc is a white person making money by self-admitingly providing eurocentric commentary and then some downright incorrect ancient aliens tier historiography and is making more money than adjuncts (including adjunct faculty of color!) teaching actual history
literally making money to the tune of $1k per month; is asking for $2k a month to start working on a medievalpoc BOOK. this book would be eurocentric commentary built on the publicly available work of others who have worked much harder than them w/o the inaccuracy + lack of honesty and sensitivity
It’s not like I’m saying this is true or not but do you have any sources or evidence? Like when you make callout posts like this there should be at least something you can show people as examples. Sources, links, screencaps, etc. Got any we can look at?
talesfromthewater werent u the one who asked me if i followed medivalpoc i found the reciepts
I had no fucking clue about this. Thanks! Gonna stop following them now. 
tbh a lot of ppl didn’t!!! :)
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tblrdottxt · 10 years
we don't have "literally no representation" bisexuals have literal representation in media. not much and it's usually shit but it exists. so do lesbians. again, not much. the characters aren't specified either way and honestly if seeing a drawing of two women holding hands titled "qt lesbians" hurts you so badly you might want to take a step back and re-evaluate. 
Could you please not reblog things calling Korrasami lesbians? They're bisexual, not lesbian, and it's kinda fucked up how we can't have a canon bisexual couple without people mislabeling them. It just contributes to bi-erasure, and it's not something I want to see on my dash.
hmm how to respond
It wasn’t my intention to be hurtful, so I apologize there. I liked the art and so reblogged it without further thought. You are right that bi-erasure is a messed up thing, and it happened/s still in the fandom.
That being said, can we compromise? any tag you rec to use?
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tblrdottxt · 10 years
WARNING! contents may contain lesbians!
lmao @ all the "they could even be biromantic lesbians! or PAN!!" comments I want to barf 
Could you please not reblog things calling Korrasami lesbians? They're bisexual, not lesbian, and it's kinda fucked up how we can't have a canon bisexual couple without people mislabeling them. It just contributes to bi-erasure, and it's not something I want to see on my dash.
hmm how to respond
It wasn’t my intention to be hurtful, so I apologize there. I liked the art and so reblogged it without further thought. You are right that bi-erasure is a messed up thing, and it happened/s still in the fandom.
That being said, can we compromise? any future artist captions calling them lesbians will be tagged say, #lesbian mention cw?
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tblrdottxt · 10 years
"noromo" is a play on nohomo delete it from your vocabulary 
- drinking buddies + occasional noromo fuckbuddies y/y?
- I want to live in a coffee shop au with you
- I’m not sure if I have a crush on you or your character
- I want to adopt a whole litter of puppies and get a little farm in the countryside with you
- take me on your...
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tblrdottxt · 10 years
bi tumblr monosexism lgbt lgbtqiap mogai homophobia tw apparently lmfao
LG folks are still bathing in willful ignorance about what monosexism actually is so I’m calling an audible here and from now on we’re just gonna call it “gay privilege.”
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tblrdottxt · 10 years
her only appearance is a line in the non canon novel's bio page for hermann. it says "Next of kin: Vanessa, pregnant, due 20whatever"
that's it. 
read the comic, it's terrible, or the novel, it's worse. 
Newton/Hermann is kind of problematic considering Hermann has a wife and a kid on the way.
Do people not care that them hooking up would be cheating on Vanessa Gottlieb?
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tblrdottxt · 10 years
honestly sick to death of the amount of manipulation trans men use on women on this site. textbook male behavior, and they get to get away w/ it bc they guilt women (usually cis) into thinking they don’t benefit from misogyny & transmisogyny when they’re using both to their advantage
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tblrdottxt · 10 years
Tumblr media
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tblrdottxt · 10 years
lmao the second is just homophobia, the first is people being not homophobic. literally. this is the most hilarious post about ageism I've seen since adult privilege. also you're 20, bisexuals "later in life" is really.... you are millennials.
Bisexuality and Ageism
I can only really talk about one perspective of ageism in the LGBTQ community. I’m 20 and I’ve been out for 2 years. I’m sure I’ll continue facing ageist issues in regards to my sexuality throughout my life.
I’ve actually faced two very different prejudices due to my age.
The first one is that because I’m the age that I am, people (usually people of my generation and/or Gen Xers) actually expect me to be queer. It’s not a spoken prejudice, but when I introduce myself to someone in that age range, especially when I’m with my boyfriend, they seem surprised when they think that I’m straight. If I get the chance to say “actually, I’m bisexual” or otherwise gently correct their assumption in the conversation, they’ll usually respond with a not-at-all-surprised “oh, okay.” Almost as if they were expecting me not to be straight because I’m a college-aged girl.
The second one is that I’m too young to determine my sexuality. This one seems to be really common when people come out in their early teens, but I came out when I was 18, so I never thought that this was something that I’d deal with. Unfortunately, I was sorely mistaken. I get the “well you’re a college student, so maybe you’re just experimenting” response a lot as well as the “well how do you know if thats actually what you’re feeling or if it’s just a phase” response. Because apparently the whole world thinks that you can’t determine your sexuality until you’re out of college and focused on other things like your career and marriage.
Due to my experiences and other people’s stories, I think that ageism is a huge problem in the LGBTQ community as a whole, not just the bi community. It seems like there’s this cultural idea that you can’t be a certain orientation (or anything other than straight) if you’re outside the age range of like 15-35. Any younger and you either don’t get taken seriously or get horribly bullied and any older and you’re either a special flower or a homewrecker.
I think that in order to get rid of this ageist prejudice, we need to consider and listen to stories from a bunch of different sources and age groups, not just millennials and Gen Xers. I understand that it’s easier for kids that are coming out now to relate to stories of people closer to their age, but it’s also important for them to read about what it’s like for bisexuals later in life. This is so important because that way they can understand what they need to change (or at least be prepared for) when their generation hits that age and also what their kids will face if they have queer kids at some point in the future.
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tblrdottxt · 10 years
#I refer to the blog admin's denial of asexuality as a queer identity seriously though #I don't see what was so nifty about a blog that made unfunny assumptions to further turn away men from leftism
recentleftistmalegooglesearches was a tumblr dedicated to shaming people for the circumstances of their birth did people actually expect them to not be dicks
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tblrdottxt · 10 years
u sure sš fuck don't need a special label with a slur directed at LGBT people in it. in general, if ur too close to call youselves friends comfortably ur in a relationship. if u can't stand the thought of being thought to be in a relationship, ur probably just friends. you can call it a squiblysquoarpsloopslop but it's still identical to "normative monoromantic allosexual romance"
queerplatonic: when the word friendship just doesn’t have enough slurs in it
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tblrdottxt · 10 years
Wait, so Negat0ry isn't the real Negatory anymore? I seriously thought she'd just decided to make her mure widely known handle her GG handle and was making sarcastic comments, but some douchebag is actually posing as her and spreading more bullshit about you and her being vindictive misogynists?
negat0ry deleted her account. The person who took the account to be a really terrible excuse for a human being who I am amazed can even live with herself, is likely one of the people that caused negat0ry to delete her account. 
Dear person who took negat0ry’s account: Think about how much I disgust you — presume I am actually that bad — and then consider what it means if you make even my skin crawl. 
Stop. Don’t be like “I’m glad, because I’d be doing it wrong if you didn’t blah blah blah:”
Actually take a step back and what in the actual fuck are you doing? 
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tblrdottxt · 10 years
Can you explain the difference between thezoepost and the current negat0ry situation? Why do you think the negat0ry situation (using a semi-public space to reblog publicly posted commentary in order to warn people of the harm she caused, in their opinion) is different from thezoepost? Is it more than your bias in both situations (you view Zoe as an abuser and negat0ry as a friend)?
No. The issue w/rt negat0ry is that her former group of internet friends is basically calling her a traitor and denying her physical illnesses for uhh — basically writing a medium post trying to be honest about how everything went down. They’re also saying a bunch of very other fucked up things that read like a highschool mean-girls fanfic or something.
Which like, okay:
What does it mean if you have to call someone a traitor for being honest? 
Why did you take her URL to trash talk her? She hasn’t tried to hide anything. 
How fucked up do you have to be to accuse her of faking her illness? What even motivates someone to say that beyond mindless hostility? 
If you want to draw a parallel between that and TZP, you’d have to explain how negat0ry did anything to put members of her community at risk of any substantial harm. If you don’t like what she did for political reasons, fine. But being honest about what happened in a situation in no way related to a community is not doing anything fucked up to that community. Something is wrong when people get mad at you for being honest about things, doubly so when those things have nothing to do with them.
From what I can tell, they are making a political difference into a personal attack. And in that sense, you’re correct that it’s not much different from some of the things that went down in the very early days of GG. Which I think we can all agree makes it awful. 
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