tcurniquet · 1 year
Whump prompt #52
A Whumpee who is wearing a wire!
They’re caught. And Whumper notices the device. But instead of taking it off and crushing it, he smiles and just leaves it on. While torturing Whumpee to learn more about who’s listening on the other end.
And Caretaker can do nothing but listen :)
Bonus if after a while, (maybe after Whumpee’s been a defiant shit for hours and has taken it all well) Caretaker just hears a broken “No… no, no, please, PLEA–” and with a loud smash and crackle, the transmissions ends and Caretaker is going out of their mind with worry.
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tcurniquet · 1 year
Whumpee who’s been beaten for hours and pushed to the brink of unconsciousness so that they lean in on instinct to the first hand that grazes their cheek. Their vision is too blurry to make out a face and all they know is that they have nothing more to lose.
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tcurniquet · 1 year
Two or more whumpers discuss whumpee as if they're not in the room, and they have to listen to their various ideas of how to hurt them
Bonus points if whumpee doesn't speak the language the whumpers are using very well and can only understand bits of the conversation so their mind can fill in the gaps
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tcurniquet · 1 year
"P-please... please don't hurt me."
"Oh, Whumpee," Whumper faked sympathy, reaching down to run their fingers tenderly through the whumpee's hair, "'hurt' doesn't even begin to describe what I'm going to do to you."
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tcurniquet · 1 year
little whump things: A whumpee who's not used to being taken care of. A whumpee who drags themselves out of every fight, bruised and aching, just to get to their safe place and have to begin the long and arduous process of patching themselves up- rinsing off blood and gingerly patching up cuts just so they can collapse into bed and finally rest.
Enter caretaker.
One day whumpee stumbles in the front door in the dead of night, half asleep and aching, and this time there's someone there; murmuring to them and slipping their shoulder under their arm to take weight off their busted ankle. Whumpee blinks, surprised, and they're suddenly sitting on the edge of the bathtub. Caretaker is wrapping their ankle better than they ever could, salve already applied to bruises and cuts hidden under gauze. Whumpee doesn't say a word, lost in the newness of having another person here, in the quiet space between night and morning when they put themselves back together.
Its the third night when caretaker is applying butterfly stitches to a particularly nasty gash on the outside of their thigh when whumpee whispers why are you doing this?, breaking the fragile silence in the room.
Caretaker finishes smoothing down the edge of the butterfly stitch, fingers lingering, looking up at whumpee from where they're kneeling on their bathroom floor. They break eye contact to gently press the edge of a stitch back down.
You know why, they murmur, and whumpee has to work hard to swallow around the lump in their throat.
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tcurniquet · 1 year
"Well clearly," - Whumper throws Whumpee against the wall and pins them there by the throat - "You only respond to force."
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tcurniquet · 1 year
okay yes self-sacrifice is a top-tier whump trope, but I also really like it when characters are just...not like that.
hear me out:
A character has the opportunity to sacrifice themselves, to save someone else from torment, but they are so so afraid and don’t want to be hurt. They don’t want to leave their friend to suffer, but they just can’t bring themselves to take their place. It’s the only option— it’s them or the other. They freeze up, voice caught in their throat, hands shaking but unmovable. They watch as the other person is dragged away. They scream for it to stop, but they don’t want to be the one having to go through it.
Imagine the guilt that courses through them. If only they were braver, stronger, more noble and honorable, then they would have been able to stand it. They think of themselves as the worst of the worst, a selfish coward they are that wouldn’t save a friend even when they could.
Imagine them having to watch everything happen. The strike of a whip or the breaking of bones, every scream, every tear-filled cry, and all they can think is—
Thank God that’s not me.
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tcurniquet · 1 year
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tcurniquet · 1 year
That “Shh, dont fight it” when whumpee is being drugged is. Perfect.
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tcurniquet · 1 year
The sentence “why you have to push yourself this hard?” While Caretaker gently stroked Whumpee’s sweat dampened hair and watched them sleeping miserably in discomfort.
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tcurniquet · 1 year
vampire whumper littering whumpee's bodies with bite marks not even drinking, just biting and marking their property.
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tcurniquet · 1 year
Love the mental image of Whumpee just walking out of Whumper’s house all bloody and bruised, maybe limping, but it doesn’t matter because they won. 
…but now traumatized, they’ve changed severely, not trusting or relying on anyone, including Caretaker. Why should they? They saved themself. No one else came for them.
It tortures Caretaker each time Whumpee reminds them of that.
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tcurniquet · 1 year
Y'know what I want to see more of? Bootlicking.
Like, literal down on knees, kissing the whumper's feet.
Maybe the whumpee was forced to do it in order to earn food or water. Maybe the whumper commanded it and the whumpee was too afraid to refuse. Maybe the whumper will ease up on punishment if the whumpee can prove that they're already submissive and obedient and not worth crushing any further. Who knows, whatever the reason, it was always humiliating.
And then when the whumper moves the whumpee's chin with their foot. Or when they kick them??? Just imagine, a puppy-eyed whumpee tearfully looking up at their whumper, red faced and humiliated, only to be kicked in the jaw.
And since I think about this every time without fail, what if it's a conditioned response? And then when they're rescued, the caretaker unknowingly triggers the response and is just frozen when the whumpee drops to their knees and crawls over to their feet.
Overall, just, gimme 🤲
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tcurniquet · 1 year
Whumpee sitting alone in their cell, curled up and sobbing quietly
Whumpee sitting alone in their cell, resigned, staring at the wall blankly
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tcurniquet · 1 year
can we get a “hell yeah” for captive whumpees who have outside contact with other people, but can’t ask for help for some reason?
maybe they have online contacts and their screen is monitored remotely?
maybe they are allowed to go outside but only in the company of whumper/with a listening device?
perhaps they talk over the phone, with whumper leaning over their shoulder, holding a knife to their throat.
bonus if the person they talk to is caretaker, who has a feeling something is wrong but has no proof, because whumpee keeps saying everything is fine.
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tcurniquet · 1 year
"Get on your knees pet," Whumper hissed with a dangerous venom, voice raising goosebumps on Whumpee's bare skin. "If you don't want to see Caretaker hurt, show them what you're really good at."
"No! Don't listen to them! Whumpee!" Caretaker exclaimed on dry, stressing vocal chords as they watched Whumper keep Whumpee from looking at them.
A second Whumper kept Caretaker stilled with a knife to their neck and skimmed the blade closer when they had their outburst. Fingers were wrapped tightly in their hair and hands bound behind their back; forced to watch Whumpee get manhandled.
"Show them what a slut you can be and your beloved Caretaker keeps their head."
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tcurniquet · 1 year
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First request done ! I love how unfair this situation is, because B is so so close to A and yet so far
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