tdgjyler · 12 days
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tdgjyler · 12 days
Saltburn just asks the question that everyone is too afraid to ask. What if people were using their autism for evil.
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tdgjyler · 12 days
Anyway while I’m on the topic… Saltburn is not an ‘eat the rich’ movie. Yes Felix and his family’s wealth is integral to the setting and part of the theme but it’s a film about obsession and lust and being the outsider looking in and being willing to do horrible awful fucked up things to be on the inside instead. Oliver does what he does because he wants to be them, and to be powerful and the center of attention. Not because he wants to tear the system down.
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tdgjyler · 12 days
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Oliver Quick - I Love Like Something Not Worth Loving Back
Emily Wilson’s foreword to a translation of Homer’s Odyssey // Saltburn, MGM and Amazon Studios // It Will Come Back, Hozier // @/ojibwa on Tumblr // Bite The Hand, Boygenius // I’m Your Man, Mitski // I Want To Be Your Only Pet, Bombay Bicycle Club // The Carnivorous Lamb, Agustín Gómez-Arcos, tr. William Rodarmor // Frankenstein, Mary Shelley // Japanese Breakfast, Boyish
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tdgjyler · 12 days
oh so when Ollie says he's a vampire, he really means it, huh
- has to be invited in to Saltburn bc otherwise he wouldn't be able to ever enter that world
-the place is called Saltburn-salt is often used as warding against evil forces (but once invited into the protected space it is too late)
-he's there to consume these people, take their lives so he may live on (as the version of himself he sees as his due)
-consuming bodily fluids that are regarded as carrying someone's 'essence'/life (blood, seminal fluid)
-he's visiting people at night to prey on them, using their weak points, in this position behaves more dominantly than his daylight self
- a lot of this 'vampiric' behaviour is also mixed with sexuality, which is very much part of the vampire image
-destroying the mirror that doesn't show him (how he wants to appear...in the ending scene he no longer has a problem with it, relishes his new image as sy with status)
- Venetia, who he originally calls himself a vampire to, dies losing a lot of blood
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tdgjyler · 12 days
Oliver failed. Oliver failed. He failed. Venetia lost interest, Farleigh came back, Felix found out his lie. He is not a brilliant mastermind who plotted the whole theft from day on, he popped a boy's tire so he could get close to him, to bask in the nearness to his warmth, and that was enough until it wasn't.
He isn't a genius, he's attentive and greedy and lucky and he can't help himself. He was pretty enough and Elspeth was broken enough that it worked in his favor after nearly 20 years. He tells himself he orchestrated the whole thing from the start, that it was "just work," and that he didn't gradually want more and more and more, and if you believe him, you failed too.
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tdgjyler · 12 days
saltburn details that make my brain explode bc theyre so beautifully done
felix & venetia having matching star tattoos
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the vampire scene hinting at venetias death
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the catton players display with the stones ontop at the end
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venetia telling the doppelganger story and seeing a felix doppelganger in the window (hints at felix’s death)
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these r some of the details i really love that emerald put into the film & i feel like they add a lot
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tdgjyler · 12 days
Unreliable narrator that pretends that everything turned out the way he planned just to cope with the regret of what he had done.
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tdgjyler · 12 days
the way felix is convinced he's living in a romance movie to the extent that he dresses up like juliet. he considers kissing oliver in the maze. he makes himself off limits but not quite with the open door while he's in the bath; he's the damsel of the film, no doubt. but felix's tragedy is that oliver is convinced it's a horror story and a tale of revenge. so he doesn't play his part as romeo. he vomits up the poison so he can't die from "some poison more" and leaves felix to die alone.
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tdgjyler · 12 days
saltburn is about a gay little freak fumbling a boy bad bitch so hard he decides to kill him and his entire family about it. and then he's like no yea I wasn't IN love with him or anything I just wanted to get their estate. drinking his cum and fucking his grave were necessary to the plan ok.
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tdgjyler · 18 days
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Two Bad Bitches who pulled each by being Autistic
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tdgjyler · 19 days
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peneloise + gazing longingly at each other
BRIDGERTON, season 3 part 1
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tdgjyler · 20 days
i really, really love how they're handling penelope and eloise's relationship in bridgerton - there isn't forgiveness yet, but the space left by the rupture in their friendship is all the more emphasized by how nothing can fill it. penelope gets the same treatment that eloise did by whistledown - she has to suffer a taste of her own medicine. eloise isn't cruel and she still cares for penelope. penelope completely understands eloise's anger. neither is vindictive; both are grieving; both yearn for each other more than anything else; and yet for all that, nothing is or will be the same between them again, and I think that in and of itself is a form of a betrayal, a "you were my person, and then you took yourself away from me."
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tdgjyler · 20 days
Oh but to be Eloise knowing you said something unforgivable to your best friend but unable to take it back because what then of your pain? Who will stay in your corner if not yourself? To see your friend alone without you just as you were alone without her but unable to do anything but watch on and worry. Asking for forgiveness with your eyes but never from your lips because what then would become of the both of you? So you take the road not taken. You try to curb the path where it will hurt the least, knowing full well neither of you will make it out unscathed
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tdgjyler · 20 days
ok im going to ramble for a minute but i think van palmer's turn towards violence is so interesting. like in the beginning, she nearly throws up just thinking about allie's broken leg. she can't watch when shauna sobs over her baby's body. but then she's one of the first to truly believe and accept that they'll end up turning to violence in order to survive - she stops and she watches shauna beat their friend and teammate and she knows. it's brutal and bloody and near deadly, but this time, she doesn’t look away.
despite her weak stomach, she's always been willing to do what she believes is necessary. to her, violence isn't intriguing or sensational or something to be celebrated - but it is something to be resorted to, one of those things she sees as an inevitability, a necessity, no matter how painful or nauseating or depressing. she’ll slap her mother awake, but first she'll call out to her. she'll hunt nat through the woods and she'll let a 14yo drown, but only because she and taissa and lottie and everyone who she cares for, they're all starving, or hurt. she will do what she believes it will take to keep herself and her loved ones alive, at least most of them, at least as many of them as possible - because, of course, she’s always tried so hard to be the protector. that's who she is, shown in a thousand little ways. she plays goalie. she tries to break up the fight between tai and shauna in the pilot and she starts to defend nat when travis is being a dickhead in bear down and she helps hold shauna back until lottie tells them not to in burial. she tries to look after tai when she sleepwalks, like how she possibly had to look after her mother for years. she jokes around and she tells the group stories, trying to keep them connected to the outside world.
i think it's interesting to see a character so solidly rooted in the idea of protection to be the one spearheading violent action. it's ironic and tragic and it makes sense, because as yellowjackets shows, over and over - care is not an inherently gentle or bloodless act!! it's van telling the others to leave her bleeding in the woods after the wolf attack and it's tying herself to tai even though she gets hurt and it's helping carry bodies onto the plane and digging graves. it's telling tai she loves her for the first time by literally writing it in her own blood.
sometimes it’s painful. sometimes it's not healthy or righteous. sometimes it’s the hard choice - putting forth the playing cards and joining the hunt and watching with grim determination as javi struggles and cries out for help, and then separating herself and the others from the choice to let him die by claiming the wilderness made it for them. reaching out and turning his face away from shauna when it’s time for the bloodletting. convincing travis to cannibalize his little brother by telling him that he owes javi this final act of love.
it's giving up retelling movies and tv shows and instead telling a different story, a quiet, cold one, because she believes the only way for them to survive out in the wilderness is to give themselves over to it fully, no matter how horrible - because, after everything, what choice does she feel she has but to persist? even in wiskayok, living was always a fight, another series of necessary actions in order to Get Through It and Get Out. after the alcoholic mother and ambiguously unmentioned father and the trials of being young and gay and butch in the suburbs of 90s new jersey, she wants a future, so badly. and after having to pull herself out of the crash and surviving the wolf attack and the pyre, after spending months watching the others around her suffer and starve and die, she can't pull out of the fight. she wouldn't even know how. like a brutal, desperate instinct, she must survive, and she must protect.
it's agonizing but she won't let herself feel it and it's endless but she can only think about the end result. it's selfish in the way they're almost all selfish and it's loving in the way they all love - but especially van, who is so deeply and fiercely protective, who has always cared so much. in the end, that protective instinct both keeps her painfully human and pushes her out into the deep end. it's the kindest and most wonderful piece of her being and it's an intense force that leads her towards brutality. because sometimes caring is the violent thing!! sometimes love is violence and violence is love!!!!
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tdgjyler · 20 days
stole this from twitter!!!
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tdgjyler · 25 days
i've only completed like one fic from van's pov so far but i have Such. a precise way that i like to characterize Van and Love
it's unhealthy. it's so unhealthy!!
van's the type of person who attaches herself onto any girl that she thinks can provide her with Safety and Love, and she gives back everything she is in return bc she believes it's conditional. she thinks if she doesn't let them feed off her organs they won't love her anymore.
it's tai. it's lottie. (god i hope) it's nat.
and she plays so well off the three of them and their relationships with love.
tai loves van, she needs van, she needs van safe because she hurt van before, but shes also a narcissist. she needs to feel important and van gives her that. what's more important than being the center of this girl's world?
lottie doesn't want to be worshipped, but she will, if it helps van. she'll cut herself into pieces if she thinks it will help someone. it doesn't even really matter that it's van, but also it does, because van is the only one still around who's never thought she's crazy.
natalie didn't ever want to lead, but, god, it is so good to be loved. and van has so much love to give, so nice and docile and sweet like a dog, as long as lottie says, this is who we listen to now. this is who the wilderness speaks through now.
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